Benson: American Education – A “Leftist Cult

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW

A recent article by Andrea Widburg on the American Thnker should have been quite illuminating for those with children still unfortunate enough to be in public schools. Though I disagreed a little with Widburg’s timeframe, her take on public schools and the National Education Association were right on target. Continue reading

Mexico files complaint over Texas’ floating barriers on the Rio Grande

Migrants who crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico walk past large buoys being deployed as a border barrier on the river in Eagle Pass, Texas, Wednesday, July 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Mexico’s top diplomat said Friday her country has sent a diplomatic note to the U.S. government expressing concern that Texas’ deployment of floating barriers on the Rio Grande may violate 1944 and 1970 treaties on boundaries and water. Continue reading

Rio-Grande Gate

Are Biden officials subject to criminal prosecution for alien smuggling?

In a new report titled “Rio Grande-Gate”, the Center for Immigration Studies analyzes allegations of deliberate alien smuggling by Biden administration officials and raises critical questions about potential criminal liability.

Todd Bensman, a national security fellow at the Center, has reported that Mexican authorities claim to have worked with DHS to direct and facilitate illegal crossings of the Rio Grande in order to further the Biden administration’s immigration agenda. Continue reading

July 18, 2023: School Days, School Days: Dear old, Queer old school days… …The insanity will not end

Math and reading scores for 13-year-olds plummeted in the pandemic, sending many students back to levels not seen since the 1970s
The math and reading test scores for 13-year-olds fell dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic and there are no ‘green shoots’ of recovery yet, the nation’s educational watchdog has warned.

Average math scores for 13-year-olds fell nine points from the 2019-2020 academic year to the 2022-23 year, according to the Nation’s Report Card, from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Average reading scores fell four points over the same period, during which the pandemic wrought havoc on the nation’s education system, shuttering classrooms and forcing children to study online…. (Continue to full article)

Emotion-Based Schooling Is Not the Education Our Children Need
To mark the end of the school year, Gallup enlisted students in grades 5-12 to rank their schools in a June report card.

With an average grade of B-, the overall score isn’t so bad. Looking closer at the individual categories, however, tells a different story.

As the chart below shows, the higher ranking categories were in areas related to emotional support, such as racial and gender respect, safety, and inclusion. The lower ranking, categories, however, were more in line with what school is supposed to emphasize.

Less than a quarter of students ranked the quality of teaching at their schools as excellent. Preparation for the future and introduction to possible careers came in at 20 percent and 17 percent respectively. And excitement about learning? That came in dead last with only 13% giving their schools an A grade… (Continue to full article)

Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Gets a New Challenger
Biden’s plan B to reduce the over $1.6 trillion that borrowers owe in student loans is already facing pushback, and one House Republican said he’s hopeful the Supreme Court will block the president’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.

A spokesperson for Representative Ralph Norman told Newsweek that the South Carolina Republican would support efforts in the House to stop Biden’s new debt forgiveness plan from going through. But he said such legislation is unlikely to get through the Democratic-controlled Senate or to be signed into law by the president

The funds needed to repay those loans must come from somewhere, Biden is trying to take students loan obligations and offload them to other people who did not take out those loans and who did not receive the benefit of the education… (Continue to full article)

Seattle public schools will offer ‘gender affirming care’ to students as young as 11 years old
Schools in Seattle are offering free ‘gender affirming care’ to students as young as 11, a prominent parental rights organization has found.

Documents obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE) this week reveal health centers at Meany Middle School and Nova High School are allowing students to ‘conveniently’ seek the treatment on-site and for free.

Nova Wellness’s website does not specify what is meant by ‘gender-affirming care’. The provider for the two centers, Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) claims to offer hormone therapy and sex-change surgeries for adolescents… (Continue to full article)

DeWeese: Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever

“Farmland lost is farmland lost forever.” That catchy phrase is a popular slogan distributed by the Virginia-based land trust called the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). While it’s an accurate statement, apparently, the PEC and its like-minded Green brethren are only concerned about losing vital farmland to housing developers. Meanwhile, thousands of farmers and ranchers are losing their industries to radical environmental policies supported and promoted by such groups. Obviously, hypocrisy runs deep in the leftist Green movement.

However, farmland is under attack across the nation, mainly under the guise of climate change and environmental protection. Let’s review some of the main threats America’s farmers are facing. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Maricopa County court system gives hardened killer a break

The pre-sentencing report for Anthony Gushee, convicted drug dealer, gunman, cold-blooded killer, runs 14 pages in all. It reads like some crappy Hollywood crime show.

Gushee, 47, has spent life drugging, dealing, offending victimizing. The report from Maricopa County’s Adult Probation Departments cites juvenile arrests and “six known misdemeanor convictions, four of which are violent.”

It also details how Gushee was convicted twice in 2003 on felony drug charges — and that’s before we get to this scumbag’s 2019 violent crime spree in Mesa, which takes up most of the pre-sentence report. Continue reading

The News Media’s Blurring of Migrants May be Hiding More Than Just Faces

If you’ve watched the news lately, you may have noticed that a lot of the images of migrants are blurred, but not all of them. Some news media will blur, and some will not. It can be a contentious issue and an especially confusing one.

There are a number of reasons why the news media may decide to blur the images of the migrants. Let’s explore a few of them… Continue reading

Breakfast at the Hipster Cafe’

I met a friend for a bit of brekky at a Hipster joint on 40th Street and Camelback in Phoenix, AZ.

I always arrive early to scope the place. Since it was early and the joint was empty, I thought I snagged a table and enjoyed a cup of coffee.

As I opened my car door, I was assaulted by LOUD modern music thumping in the outdoor patio dining area and blasting away in the indoor dining area.

SO LOUD I felt the music. Continue reading

Miles to go Before I Sleep

The following is a column that I wrote over twenty years ago, and although much has changed in those years – much has remained the same. There are times that I find it worthwhile to bring this column back to the front once more.  Can ya’ dig it? ~ Editor

January 24, 2003 ~ I guess that I’ve felt this coming on for several months, continual headaches, accelerated heart rate after eating, multiple naps throughout the day, anger, frustration… you know the routine.

Did I have cancer, heart disease or just oldfartitus disease? I didn’t know, yet as with most men of my age bracket, I guess that I didn’t really want to know. By last Thursday night, I was so ill that I couldn’t sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. My whole body was sore with muscular contractions, aching stomach and lower back pain – diarrhea was now becoming an hourly occurrence. Continue reading

What Charles Ponzi’s Scheme and US Entitlement Programs Have in Common

The structure of Charles Ponzi’s scheme must have impressed the policy makers coming of age in the 1930s, because they would use the same structure for the nation’s new Social Security system.

When Charles Ponzi’s investment opportunity to sell international postage stamps was exposed to be a scam in 1920, its basic premise would forever be associated with the man’s name. A Ponzi Scheme promises investors massive returns on an investment that does not really exist. Instead, unknown to everyone but the person or people running it, old investors are paid with money that comes in from new investors. This set up usually goes undetected until the one day when the well of new investors dries up and the money stops flowing in. Continue reading

Benson: Legitimizing Perversion ~ Sodomy on the Potomac

I tuned in to the 7 p.m. (here) timeslot on Fox News recently, the first time I’ve done so since Fox decided Tucker Carlson was giving us too much truth and let him go. That night, Harris Faulkner was the emcee and while not Tucker, she didn’t do too bad all things considered. Ms. Faulkner seems to be a Christian lady and last night part of her presentation dealt with why this country is headed in the wrong direction spiritually. No sane person could argue with her viewpoint. She noted America’s greatness, but also noted that we are going the wrong way at this point.

Part of our problem, though not all of it, is the current regime in Sodomy on the Potomac. The Biden Regime has legitimized perversion and renamed it “equity and inclusion.” Continue reading

Benson: Don’t Condemn Whites For What You Did Yourselves!

If one were foolish enough to believe sanctimonious leftist loonies he would think the institution of slavery started in the American South in 1619 as a way for nasty white Southerners to oppress blacks and for no other reason. Thankfully, such leftist drivel is far from the truth, though not nearly enough people today realize that, thanks to the balderdash that is passed off as history in most public schools. Continue reading

Adrift? No Longer…

While enjoying my morning routine of coffee and headlines, profound apprehensions plague me, knowing we’re lost and foundering. Not only as a republic but as a society. Is this awareness the new normal? Is it what we endure and where we abide? Or will we alter our course before this sinking ship of state drags us all under?

It may be too late.

I’m looking for similes and corollaries, but all I can find is space – as in the universe, but I imagine the ocean, standing at the shore, wondering what’s on the other side. We know the sea is finite; it’s a massive depression in the earth filled with water. On the other hand, as Einstein postulates, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Continue reading

Smith: White Children ~ Indoctrinated to Hate Their Roots

I would never have been as conscious of racial differences growing up if so much hadn’t always been made of it all. I was taught at home to worry not about the color of anyone’s skin and simply take them according to how they treated me and whether or not they were trustworthy, honorable persons of integrity, in essence, judge them “by the content of their character”.

But it’s a whole new world out there today, with blacks and hispanics and every other race that might have a grudge against White America recently empowered and emboldened by the Biden regime’s own race-baiting stance and it’s own self-loathing and expressed hatred for White People, especially White Christians in America.

I could give two hoots in hell about a man’s color, and I sure as hell can’t help that I was born white as Casper the Ghost, but I’ll be damned and go down taking a body count, before I let myself or any of my white family members be murdered simply for the “crime” of being white. Continue reading

Parents, Plan Your Escape From Public Schools

With math and reading scores lower than they’ve ever been recorded, a researcher says the American education system has received another disappointing report card.

The math scores for the lowest performing students hit levels last seen in the 1970s, while their reading scores were actually lower than the first year the data was collected, in 1971.

According to federal data, average scores for 13-year-olds declined four points in reading and nine points in math. Pandemic lockdowns carry much of the blame, but David Randall of the National Association of Scholars says the Biden administration has not helped. Continue reading

The Tree of Liberty Is DYING

The Tree of Liberty is rotting and dying where She once grew strong and vibrant, from a lack of care and watering with the blood of tyrants and patriots, while the American system has already grown rotten and corrupt to its very core, thanks to America’s enemies from within and a largely apathetic, complacent or complicit American population and a people who have become unimaginably corrupt. And, it surely leaves those of us who still love America wondering what is preventing millions of good and decent freedom-loving, liberty-loving conservative and independent Americans from taking to the streets in a furor of civil unrest, seeking out our country’s traitors with lengths of rope, piano wire and rifles in our hands. Continue reading

Biden’s CBP One ‘Legal’ Entry Scheme: Both Illegal and National Security Danger

(July 4, 2023) – Border security is national security – not just at the long stretches between ports of entry, but at the legal crossing points as well.

Andrew Arthur, a Center for Immigration Studies fellow with long experience at the intersection of immigration law and national security, has written a piece on the security implications of the Biden administration’s CBP One entry scheme for inadmissible aliens. Continue reading