Holmquist: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Totalitarianism

The political jargon and posturing one hears these days seems to suggest that we are in an era unlike any that has ever occurred before. Hope springs anew, there is light at the end of the tunnel, politicians gush, and for those of our elites who really want to impress with their knowledge of history, a reference to Abraham Lincoln fits the bill nicely: we’re seeing “a new birth of freedom”!

I’d agree that something certainly is in the process of being birthed, but I’d be hard pressed to call that baby “freedom.” Some would even say this baby better bears the opposing name of “totalitarianism.” Continue reading

Bennett: War, What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!

There are times then I find it worthwhile to republish an old column that I wrote – back a long time ago. Why? To show off? NO – to show that little has changed in this nation or around the world. It has only gotten worse.

What you are about to read is quite dated – but it shows that we are living in circles these days. I will assume that I wrote and posted this piece nearly 20 years ago on the first generation Federal Observer. Tell me what has changed! ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

Can you explain this to me? As I rocked my granddaughter to sleep the other night, I wept for this little girl. Second thoughts anyone? No child of any deserves this!

The following email was received by The Federal Observer in response to a picture depicting a dead child, mutilated, with her foot dangling… Continue reading

Not One, Not Some, But All…

I received a message from Brother David this morning on this exact topic. I responded to an assertion that this is something new. On the contrary – what we face happens all the time and throughout history just before the fall of every great nation when people equate irresponsibility and recklessness – licentiousness with freedom.

Allowing free expression is essential to growth, but knowing what to say and when is crucial to the republic’s survival. It’s like yelling fire in a crowded theater – you can, but should you? We forget that freedom implies responsibility and a willingness to agree to disagree. It allows everyone a choice of what and who to believe. The most difficult of all is deciding what’s most important: the Republic or the Individual. Continue reading

Smith: Americans Must Prepare to Kill or Be Killed

“If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion – which a lot of them don’t – if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in.” ~ Donald J. Trump, New Hampshire, October 23rd 2023

I could give a damn less about where a man has his origins, just as long as he exhibits a true fidelity and allegiance to the principles that built America. But a phenomenon we see so apparent throughout our society today is that it has been overrun by a massive host of anti-Americans in a way never before seen in America.

The entire premise underlying the cited reason for the 1965 Immigration Act could never work; it was preposterous and insane from the beginning, and every single thing traitors like Senator Ted Kennedy said wouldn’t happen have happened and come to pass.

America would have been a thousand times better off if we had left well enough alone and left these people who held antithetical ideas to ours right where they were, to make their lives better or not. We sure would have avoided a multitude of problems that have since emerged from this one act alone, and they could have hated us from afar, rather than coming to America and harassing us with charges of being imperialists and white supremacists who still want to oppress them.

Oppress them, My Ass! They arrived by the millions and have been appeased, pampered, coddled and catered to from the first day they hit our shores.

It’s way past time to place a total halt to all immigration and seal every border point of entry tighter than a young virgin’s chastity belt. Stop letting our enemies into our country; leave them where they are and let them hate us while they stew over not having any stew, or any U.S. welfare dollars. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around – they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” ~ Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Enough already.

Enough with the distractions. Enough with the partisan jousting.

Enough with the sniping and name-calling and mud-slinging that do nothing to make this country safer or freer or more just.

We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too long.

We are approaching a reckoning.

This is the point, as the poet W. B. Yeats warned, when things fall apart and anarchy is loosed upon the world.

We have seen this convergence before in Hitler’s Germany, in Stalin’s Russia, in Mussolini’s Italy, and in Mao’s China: the rise of strongmen and demagogues, the ascendency of profit-driven politics over deep-seated principles, the warring nationalism that seeks to divide and conquer, the callous disregard for basic human rights and dignity, and the silence of people who should know better.

Yet no matter how many times the world has been down this road before, we can’t seem to avoid repeating the deadly mistakes of the past. Continue reading

Gun Control Advocates Ignore What the Founding Fathers Really Thought

We don’t have to guess what the founding fathers thought about gun rights. We can read what they wrote.

In all my years of existence, the Second Amendment of our Constitution has always been considered controversial. Opponents claim it is the cause of gun violence. Proponents assert that it helps guarantee freedom and safety.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

These twenty-seven words have been the subject of much debate during the 20th and 21st centuries. Does it mean that citizens only have a right to own guns if the state has a well-regulated militia in place that they are a part of, or does it mean absolutely that the right to bear arms should not be infringed? Perhaps it means that you can only use guns for hunting purposes, or you’re not allowed to have anything more complicated than an 18th century musket because that’s what the founders had when they wrote this? Continue reading

Official Medicare Premiums 2024 – The Numbers Are In

Healthcare costs are on the rise for Medicare recipients – nationwide.

The information for this article is sourced directly from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services..

On the heels of the Social Security announcement of a 3.2% cost of living adjustment comes the official Medicare rates for 2024. As always a degree in finance would be helpful in understanding them. Continue reading

Address to the Congress of the united States of America

…during the Continued Terrorism AGAINST the American People!

I am a constitutional citizen of this sovereign nation, a voter, and a taxpayer. I served honorably in the armed forces of this nation for 4 1/2 years – in part including 21 months in Viet Nam. I retired an enlisted man on January 7, 1970 and have continued to work in the private sector, running my own business. I generate a good amount of money for the various governments I have empowered through my continued support, those being Federal, State & Local. I am neither an idiot nor a coward. I believe in our blessed savior, Jesus Christ. I have raised two children and three grandchildren during all of this. My point is that I have comported my life as was expected of me by the society we have forged together. There are many who have not, most notably, your selves. Continue reading

New Records Unveil Surprising Scope of Secretive ‘CBP One’ Entry Scheme

Began far earlier and let in many more nationalities in far greater numbers than publicly disclosed

CBP One appointment recipients wait in long lines on the Matamoros, Mexico, side of an international bridge waiting to be called in by CBP officers on the Brownsville, Texas, side. May 2023 photo by Todd Bensman.

In January 2023, the Biden Administration announced what has become the cornerstone of its “new lawful pathways” strategy to manage the historic volumes of foreign nationals illegally crossing the U.S Southwest border.

The White House announcement explained that inadmissible aliens from four of the most numerous nationalities crossing illegally – Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Cubans – would be able to use the “CBP One” mobile phone app to schedule an appointment with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers, in order to be escorted through a port of entry (POE) and quickly granted temporary “humanitarian parole” and released into the country. Continue reading

Benson: China Joe Loves The Middle Class To Death – Its Death!

I noted just this morning how Biden’s excuse for a press secretary talked about how he had turned the economy around so it now benefits the middle class. My first thought was – what a ton of bovine fertilizer that is. And in typical Marxist fashion – that is the exact opposite of what has really happened. But then, Biden’s press secretary wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her on the rump! Continue reading

McCullough: All Is Not Fine

America is broken ~ Badly!

Our enemies are starting wars in multiple regions of the world. Our friends can’t trust us. We are crippling our own capacity to to help ourselves. And our current government doesn’t acknowledge it.

But there is a much bigger indication that we are far from even being merely fine much less flourishing.

It is being exposed now but it has been brewing for a long while…

It showed its ugliest face last night in Brooklyn, NY, one of America’s oldest cities. It has shown itself on hundreds of college campuses for the last fourteen days.

America has entered a new dark period. Continue reading

October 22, 2023: Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will not end!

Medicare Is Getting Worse — and More Expensive

The Medicare plans available to American seniors this year are worse than previous years, according to official ratings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Every fall, the agency responsible for managing government-run healthcare systems in the U.S. rates the available Medicare Part D plans that they are now eligible to enroll in . Part D is insurance related to drug costs, with enrollees paying a monthly premium to cost share for their needed medications.

These scores are highly influential on the choices American seniors make each year, with CMS reporting that 72% of enrollees chose a high quality plan — rated four stars or higher.

Maybe we can ask Biden to give us free healthcare – like the illegals… (Continue to full article)

Key Updates Coming to Medicare in 2024

Did you know there are some changes on the horizon for Medicare? If you’re an older adult who’s on Medicare, then you’ll want to stick around for this article. Grab a pen and paper and get ready to take some notes. Here are the key updates coming to Medicare in 2024.

How to Stay Out of The Donut Hole or Not Get In as Soon!!! (Continue to full article)

$84,500,000,000 Exits JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citigroup in Three Months As Depositors Take Flight
Three of America’s biggest banks just watched $84.5 billion worth of deposits disappear in a single quarter.

JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citi all recorded an outflow of deposits in Q3, according to each bank’s most recent reports.

Dimon says we’re now living through what could be the most dangerous era the world has seen in decades…. (Continue to full article)

A Massive Wells Fargo Glitch Now Erases Money From Accounts
A massive Wells Fargo glitch has erased money from several customer accounts plunging some users into negative.

“Customers at one of America’s biggest banks are reportedly seeing erroneous withdrawals hit their accounts”, says TDH.

Concerns have risen over a rather mysterious glitch at Wells Fargo that resulted in unexplained withdrawals and a “debit card pending correction” tag.

Thousands of people were affected according to CBS-affiliated news station WNCT… (Continue to full article)

And then there is Joe Buy Deng!

Something Wicked This Way Comes…

I took a two-week break from the world, or at least tried to. It was no use. Regardless of where we were, man’s horrific intent and bad news encroached on our attempted serenity.

I keep thinking about the analogy of a chimpanzee with a loaded machine gun sitting on a fallen jungle tree with an empty bottle of vodka at its feet.

What could possibly go wrong? Continue reading

Marquardt: Where Have All the Good Men and Women Gone?

“Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

Where are all the airline owners and stockholders when we are told that we peons may make only one short-haul flight every 3 years?

Do they really think the global elite will be supporting them? Think again, many of them have their own planes. The number of those who don’t can’t possibly begin to support more than a very few small carriers.

Where are the oil and gas company owners as they watch the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles being banned, and gas and wood stoves being outlawed?

Oh, right, they are members, and supporters, of the WEF, Rockefeller and Carnegie Funds and the other global elite.

Where are the automobile manufacturers who are losing up to $60,000 on every Electric Vehicle (EV) they produce?

Where are the hotel owners in the once-tony cities of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago? They are now housing illegal immigrants by the thousands. Yes, I realize the federal government is paying them big bucks, but big enough to cover the damages because we know that many who are given free housing have no respect for the furnishing – in fact, in the past many have sold those, right down to the sinks and toilets. Continue reading

Biden sold off nearly half the U.S. oil reserve…

Is it ready for a crisis?

An energy crisis spawned by a Middle East war 50 years ago spurred the U.S. to create a huge crude oil stockpile to shield the country from threats by unfriendly nations.

Now the oil lying in half-filled salt caverns along the Gulf Coast is posing a political quandary for President Joe Biden.

Biden’s administration sold off more than 40 percent of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve last year to help limit rising fuel prices after Russia invaded Ukraine, leaving the stockpile at its lowest levels since the early 1980s. That’s fueling Republican accusations that Biden has left the U.S. vulnerable to a disruption of global oil supplies — at a time when Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel are stoking fears of a wider regional war disrupting fuel shipments from the Middle East.

“That’s Joe Biden’s fault for trying to lower the price of gas before the election,” House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) told POLITICO. Continue reading

The Artful Codger

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. ~ Charles Bukowski

This commentary continues a theme I started in July, where I spin the titles and stories of Charles Dickens toward more contemporary circumstances. The second episode in the series was “Oliver’s Twist,” or “The Parish Boy’s Progress,” set in London’s seedy underworld; it is a story of poverty, corruption, and Oliver’s eventual reclamation. My observations correlate current political actors to the characters therein.

In his novel “Oliver Twist,” Dickens introduced several memorable actors and personalities that remind us of people we know and recognize in contemporary events. Among the significant supporting characters in this story is The Artful Dodger. This title exercises my literary license with that title, adapting it to fit my intentions.

I’m calling this piece “The Artful Codger.” Continue reading

Ross: Who Hath Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear

I sometimes wonder what it is about me that causes me to give a great deal of thought to some of the obscure ideas that simply pop into my head out of nowhere. Am I abnormal because my mind never seems to stop thinking; it latches onto something and won’t let it go until it has dissected it and examined it from every possible angle? While I understand the importance of being able to think critically, I just wish I could sometimes shut it all off so it does not keep me awake late into the early morning thinking about things it has latched onto.

My minds latest preoccupation has been beliefs; not what people believe, but beliefs themselves; with a lot of emphasis on how people go about forming their beliefs. While I find the subject to be interesting, it is also quite maddening to lay awake late into the night thinking about how other people form their beliefs. In some ways, the study of beliefs is similar to Epistemology; which is the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge; with emphasis on its limits and how valid it is. Continue reading