Biden’s Coming for Your Cures

As 2024 presidential election cycle kicks into high gear, it is important to note that we all share the goal of making prescription drugs more affordable for hard-working Americans and their families. Policy solutions can achieve both lowering the cost of everyday prescription medications while promoting access to future innovation for vulnerable patients.

Recent data shows net prices for branded drugs, the most expensive therapies, have steadily declined since 2017. This data shows that more targeted solutions are needed to truly lower the costs of everyday medications and continue to promote access to innovative products. Unfortunately, President Biden has resorted to price controls and removing incentives for innovation by taking the intellectual property of innovators. These actions also ignore his own stated goals outlined in his Cancer Moonshot, that I strongly share, as well as bipartisan solutions in Congress that could be signed into law today. Continue reading

Congress Must Put People First, Bring Transparency to Health Care

Opening a medical bill to see the final cost of your care can be agonizing. As a mom with two young children, in the middle of peak flu, RSV, and stomach bug season, I am always anxious about the cost of caring for my family. It’s terrifying not to know what expenses are coming your way for seemingly routine health care services, and the high cost of health care is compounded with a lack of transparency into how much the services we need cost.

I imagine most people feel this way. But I also happen to be a health care advocate, so I know the statistics behind the feelings. Health care costs are continuing to rise, and the main drivers for these increases are pricing distortions and unfair medical billing that large corporate hospitals and health systems level on patients and families. Our hospitals and health systems are a lifeline that our communities rely on, but as we hear in our listening work, people are scared to get the care they need because they aren’t sure what unexpected fees or hidden charges they might be stuck with. Continue reading

Gov. Kristi Noem’s Speech at CPAC 2024

It’s important to acknowledge Kristi Noem’s dedication to her state and her commitment to defending its interests. While some may view her rhetoric as bold or controversial, there’s no denying the sincerity of her beliefs and the passion with which she articulates them. Noem’s emphasis on constitutional principles and personal responsibility serves as a reminder of the values that many Americans hold dear, regardless of political affiliation.

Kristi Noem’s accomplishments as Governor of South Dakota deserve recognition. Under her leadership, the state has experienced significant economic growth and maintained fiscal responsibility, setting an example for others to follow. Noem’s unwavering support for President Trump also reflects the sentiments of many conservatives who believe in his vision for the country.

In a time of political polarization, it’s refreshing to see leaders like Governor Noem who are unafraid to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in. While not everyone may agree with her perspective, her passion and dedication to her constituents are admirable qualities that should be celebrated. So, here’s to Governor Kristi Noem and her unwavering commitment to making a difference in South Dakota and beyond. ~ Chip Von Gunten

Masque of the Red Death

I’m in a battle of wits and realize that my opponent is unarmed – maybe they just don’t care, choosing ignorance and agnosticism over knowing.

I don’t fault them because I see two figures under that robe…

I’ll open with an excerpt I’ve used several times. I introduce it, bridging a chasm between then and now – 1843 and 2024 – and introducing metaphoric rhetoric from two very different authors pertinent to this article. Continue reading

Ross: The Prognosis Is Not Good

By the way – The American Dream – was an advertising slogan…

I was talking to a former classmate of mine the other night and she and I both agree that the future of this country is looking pretty bleak. Our conversation was cut short; as it was supper time for her, but she stated that our system needed to be tossed out and restarted. I have had numerous conversations with others who stated similar sentiments; saying that we need to eliminate the current behemoth we call government, and go back to the ‘limited’ government outlined by the Constitution. While I agree with those who say our system has become a fat bloated pig; filled with corruption, and controlled by special interests, it is with the belief that going back to the original government, as outlined by the Constitution, where we diverge. Continue reading

American Idiots Kill the American Century

After decades of foreign-policy bungling and strategic defeats, the U.S. has never seemed weaker — and dictators around the world know it!

ODESA, Ukraine — The American Century is ending, with external adversaries outmaneuvering the United States in critical strategic contests worldwide, while internal extremists destroy American leadership.

Whether one believes — as American officials say they do — that the purpose of U.S. power is to enforce a “rules-based” liberal international order and defend human rights, or whether one believes — as Russian President Vladimir Putin and his friends say they do — that the U.S. uses its espoused ideals as cover for rapacious empire-building, it’s clear Washington is capable of doing neither effectively. Continue reading

Legal Immigration, Illegal Immigration, and Refugee ~ Unveiling the Truth

~ Introduction ~
There are statements being made in this column which may be offensive and upsetting to some of our readers. Do NOT let them offend, for in the end – this is a history lesson – and there is MUCH stated below that is well worth consideration. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

Legal Immigrants, Illegal Immigrant, Refuge there is a difference. ( by Metin Ozer on Unsplash

Mr. Trump and the GOP has made concerns about illegal immigration the issue of the campaign. The focus is on the southern border and the huge number of arrivals. The rhetoric has placed those legal immigrants and those legal refugees as targets to harassment, slander and violence. The glares and stares of being dark skinned and speaking another language as a first language adds to the anxiety each “legal” faces daily along with institutionalized barriers to assimilation.

This article clarifies some facts on legal, illegal immigration and on the status called refugee. Continue reading

Americans Yearn for What Was Once a Normal Life

No one was prepared for our culture’s sharp turn, but the optimist in me still believes in the American people.

…are we reaching Sundown?

Americans nationwide are nostalgic for the “normal days” we once experienced. The days when children went to school and learned how to get along with everyone. The days when it was okay to disagree with others without the fear of losing your friendship. The days when meritocracy was championed and anyone could achieve their American Dream through hard work. Continue reading

Proposed “Courage to Serve Act” Offers Immigrants New Path to US Citizenship, Sparking Debate

George Okoth With a Colleague From the US Army

A bill currently under consideration in the U.S. Congress, the “Courage to Serve Act,” has the potential to significantly impact the lives of Kenyans seeking opportunities in the United States, particularly those aiming for American citizenship. Continue reading

February 24, 2024: The Continued American INVASION

Border has seen a 7,000% spike in Chinese migrants since 2021

Top Republican warns of ‘military-age men’ and spies entering US who would wreak havoc in any war over Taiwan

US Customs and Border Protection says it encountered 24,048 Chinese migrants at the US-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September — a 7,000 percent jump on the 323 who came amid the pandemic-era lockdowns of 2021.

If these thousands of Chinese illegals, many of which we must assume have Communist connections, spent $35,000 each to get here, where did all that money come from? Your average Chinese doesn’t have that kind of cash, so someone has got to be footing a tremendous bill to get them here. Anyone come to mind?

More Chinese nationals are encountered at the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border nowadays than Mexicans… (Continue to full article)

Volunteer from Tucson Samaritans is seen holding open hole in border fence and encouraging migrants to walk through as Republicans demand probe into the NGOs ‘facilitating the crisis’?

Tucson Samaritans volunteers have been caught on camera holding open a hole in a border fence and waving migrants through, according to a congressman now demanding an investigation into NGO’s helping migrants come into the US illegally.

Rep. Tom Tiffany said the organization along with Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans is ‘aiding illegal immigration’ by assisting the droves of foreigners arriving in America daily.

Video shows a volunteer holding open a gap in the fence at the US border with Mexico in Arizona while a steady stream of migrants pass through… (Continue to full article)

Illegal Immigrants Reveal How They Got into America and Why They Are Coming
For the past couple of months, there have been multiple groups of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States. According to a publication released by the House Committee on Homeland Security, there have been more than 7.5 million encounters nationwide and 6.4 million at the Southwest border.

The publication provided more key facts directly from U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) report and states:

169 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. 18 were apprehended in September alone. CBP has arrested 35,433 aliens with criminal convictions or outstanding warrants nationwide, including 598 known gang members, 178 of those being MS-13 members… (Continue to full article)

NYC’s Non-Citizen Voting Law Ruled Unconstitutional on Appeal
A law that would allow green card holders to vote in city elections remains in limbo, more than two years after it passed.

The 2022 law sought to let green card holders and other people living in New York City with federal work authorization to vote in local elections for offices including mayor and City Council.

A state appeals court ruled that a New York City law that would allow non-citizens to vote in local elections is unconstitutional — marking a win for the Republican elected officials who sued to block it.

We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void.”… (Continue to full article)

San Diego Migrant Center to Close After Influx of Asylum-Seekers Drain Funds: ‘Serious problem
A San Diego migrant center announced it will be forced to close its doors Thursday after running out of funds to assist the overwhelming number of asylum-seekers who have illegally crossed into the county.

The mayor of nearby El Cajon, Calif., told Fox News Thursday that he fears the welcome center’s closure will quickly become a “serious problem” for his community.

“Over the past few months, we’ve seen 100,000 migrants come across the San Diego border,” said Mayor Bill Wells.

A lot of those have been absorbed by this county shelter that used taxpayer money. They asked for $3 million and they spent over $6 million and now they say they’re out of money. So we’re going to see migrants congregating in our streets.

The center, which claims to be handling up to 800 migrants a day, has been sending buses to county Border Patrol stations to pick up migrants, bring them back to the site and provide services to prepare them for the journey to their final destination.

If the current pace of illegal immigration does not slow down, fiscal year 2024 will break last year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters — a number that by itself exceeds the population of New Mexico, a border state.

The total number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is 7,298,486, CBP data shows… (Continue to full article)

Seal the border, deport all the illegals”

“Hasta lo Bye-Bye!”

The architect of many of former President Donald Trump’s most effective and controversial policies on Friday laid out what is likely to be Trump’s first-day immigration plan if he beats President Joe Biden in November.

“The simple part is seal the border, deport all the illegals,” Stephen Miller told an audience at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference.

“You get in; you have two policy objectives that you proceed with utter determination on: seal the border, no illegals in, everyone here goes out. That’s very straightforward”

When Biden came to office, the new president ended virtually every Trump immigration policy. The result has been historic and record-breaking illegal immigration. Some expect 10 million illegal immigrants to have crossed the border by the end of Biden’s first term…. (Continue to full article)

February 23, 2024: The Benson Posts for the Week…

An interesting selection of topics from Al Benson Jr. Take a deep breath – and then Face the REALITY of our future! ~ Editor

Biden Regime Helps to Fund the Immigrant Invasion
It’s no secret that China Joe Biden, in his lucid moments, which are getting rarer, thinks more of Chinese Communists than he does of white American citizens. I believe he would gladly replace all of us with Chinese Communists if he could find a way to get away with that. So far it seems that his main plan is to let the illegal immigrants vote this year, barring the possibility of the Democrat machine being able to come up with something even more radical.

The Biden regime, made up largely of Obama appointees, is using your tax dollars to help finance your destruction, as citizens and as a country. … (Continue to full article)

“How you rikee?”

Chinese Marxists in OUR Military?
If these thousands of Chinese illegals, many of which we must assume have Communist connections, spent $35,000 each to get here, where did all that money come from? Your average Chinese doesn’t have that kind of cash, so someone has got to be footing a tremendous bill to get them here. Anyone come to mind?

Of course the Biden administration remains woefully inept when it comes to addressing the rise in illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from multiple countries… The surge in Chinese nationals sneaking over the border presents another dimension to the problem, especially when it comes to national security… (Continue to full article)

Are White Folks Slated For Eventual Extinction?
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this (I think some must have) but when you see commercials on television, it seems of late, that with more and more of them, where a family is portrayed in the commercial, it is almost always a family with a black husband and white wife or vice versa. Any of you all notice this?

It doesn’t make any difference what the product being promoted is–anything from walk in bathtubs to life insurance to various medications – most of the families in the commercials with two parents or just husband and wife portray one as black and one as white. You have to wonder – is there an underlying message in these commercials along with the advertisement of the particular produce being promoted?

Indeed, you have to wonder if the eventual destruction of the white race is one of the main objectives of the Deep State, at least that part of the white race they think will oppose their agenda… (Continue to full articleContinue reading

Whitehead: COVID-19 Tested Our Commitment to Freedom. Three Years Later, We’re Still Failing!

“The remedy is worse than the disease.” ~ Francis Bacon

The government never cedes power willingly.

Neither should we.

If the COVID-19 debacle taught us one thing it is that, as Justice Neil Gorsuch acknowledged, “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”

Unfortunately, we still haven’t learned. . . Continue reading

George Washington Was Right ~ Political Parties Are Worthless

I was in college, like many people voting for the first time.

“What party do you want to register in?” asked a person at a table on campus.

I ain’t in no political party,” I told him. “I’m independent.” (It sounds better when you say it with my New Yawk accent.)

Two weeks later I got a letter welcoming me as a member of the Independent Party, which existed back then.

I called them immediately and told them to take me off their rolls. “I don’t wanna join any club that wants me as a member,” I said, paraphrasing Groucho Marx.

Done. . .  – Well, not quite! Continue reading

Bills Would Block Use of VA Resources for Illegals’ Medical Care

A conservative military watchdog is grateful Sen. Tommy Tuberville has introduced legislation that would prevent the Biden administration from providing health care to illegal aliens at VA facilities.

The Alabama Republican recently went on Fox News Digital and lashed out at President Joe Biden for providing health care administrative services to illegal immigrants utilizing Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) facilities.

The lines now in the VA’s are getting longer. Our funds that are supposed to go to the veterans are going to these illegal immigrants coming across. It’s a disaster. It’s just one of the many, many things that’s causing this country to really go to its knees because of all these illegals coming into our country.” Continue reading

Sex, Drugs, Guns and Rock and Roll

May 13, 2002 – A leftover saying from the ‘60’s – got your attention, didn’t I?

The Federal Observer Editor wastes 28+ years of his life on the air.

Unfortunately, they’re not the only things left-over from the decade of peace & love. During that decade we saw the birth of ”free love”, forgetting that with everything – there is a price to pay. The nation has become steeped in moral decay – as the epidemic of AIDS has spread world-wide. Some say that it was a virus developed in the U.S., others say that it was caused by monkeys and still others who believe that it was caused by the rampant spread of deviant sexual behavior. Does it really matter at this point what the cause?

As a nation, We the People of the United States of America never seem to heed the lessons of history. Sodom and Gomorra set the stage so long ago – and yet today – anything seems to go in America – and we, as a society have turned to stone. Our schools have become proving grounds for alternative sex-education classes. Our children are being taught to accept anything, which is considered outside the norm. Homosexuality is now openly being taught in the government run ‘fool’ system – sanctioned and promoted by administrations who got their education during that same tumultuous decade – all the while parents sit at home and do nothing. I guess that their parents had taken too many drugs, thereby transferring the dead brain-cells to their children. Continue reading

February 20, 2024: Headlines of the Day ~ It’s All Going to HELL

Congress Is Broken

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

So said Ronald Reagan on January 20, 1981, in his first inaugural address. We were reminded of these words last Wednesday when Tennessee Republican Congressman Mark Green said, “I have come to realize our fight is not here within Washington, our fight is with Washington

At the conclusion of that first inaugural address, Ronald Reagan spoke of the challenge that confronted us. “It does require … our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds; to believe that together, with God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.”

Today’s challenges are even greater, and with good men like Green and Gallagher leaving behind a broken Congress, it’s hard to share The Gipper’s optimism for fixing things… (Continue to full article)

Mass Deportation — It CAN Be Done!

It’s going to be difficult to get tens of millions of illegals out of the country. If there were some fear of that happening, the Democratic Party would rise up and steal as much of the American taxpayers’ money as necessary to protect this future constituency of theirs.

Corporations that want cheap labor would press politicians with threats of reduced campaign money, and everybody knows politicians love other people’s money more than they love anything else. The illegals themselves would disappear under rocks, into holes in the ground, and into every cavity and crevice they could find to escape deportation. All they would then need to do is occasionally find their way to the nearest Democratic Party-run welfare office, get their money, and then disappear again.

Removing these people from America will be a Herculean task. The Democrats know that and are chuckling all the way to the mail-in ballot box.

But the Democrats and Uniparty Deep State clique don’t care a thing in the world about the American people (except on election day—or, now, election weeks); they only care about power. And money… (Continue to full article)

A Recent Immigrant and Non-Citizen Is the Newest Member of San Francisco’s Elections Commission ~ Something is ‘WONG’ here!
Showing its complete disdain for citizenship and the rights that go with citizenship, San Francisco has appointed a non-citizen who hasn’t even lived in America for five years to its Election Commission. Kelly Wong, who can’t vote, is now one of the people charged with overseeing and creating policy for San Francisco’s Department of Elections.

Back in 2020, San Francisco voters approved a measure holding that people no longer needed to be citizens to serve on San Francisco’s advisory bodies, boards, and commissions, all of which are appointed positions. That opened the door for Wong to start having a say in how San Franciscans vote.

What just happened in San Francisco is another step in the left’s overall goal of erasing citizenship entirely. Leftists think Americans are spoiled, entitled white people who refuse to get with the program and vote in full socialism. Therefore, they’re chipping away at American votes through unlimited illegal immigration, non-citizen voting, election fraud and, as in Wong’s case, handing the keys to the kingdom to people who have no ties to America and no legal right to have a say in it… (Continue to full article)

Boston’s Migrant Shelter Luxury: State Pays $16 for Breakfast, $17 for Lunch and $31 for Dinner as They Live in Hotels for Free After Entering the US ILLEGALLY

New documents show the rising public cost of sheltering migrants in Massachusetts, as the state grapples with a strain on its emergency shelter system.

The state has 17 contracts totaling $116 million to house migrant families through June, including a no-bid $10 million contract for a company providing meals, CBS News Boston reported, citing documents obtained by the outlet.

Last August, Massachusetts Governor Maura T. Healey declared a state of emergency, saying the state had more than 20,000 migrants in its shelter system.

City officials are keeping their eyes peeled for the next building they can seize and transform into a shelter for migrants…. (Continue to full article)

Incompetence or Intentional Fundamental Transformation of America
So often I get asked if the left is that incompetent. No, they are not incompetent; they know exactly what they are doing, and why. This begs the question of why anyone would want to be in a position of power in a country that they obviously despise. I think we all recall the assertion by Barack Obama back in 2008: “We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States.”

It was quite telling that no one said “Stop! What is this transformation? What are we transforming to, or from what? The crowd of mindless lemmings just went into a deranged euphoria, and those who did ask questions were dismissed. Or worse, called a racist for daring to challenge an assertion of the chosen one.

According to Marc Morano from The Climate Depot, the bill was merely a disguised ‘green The leftists are not dumb. They are crafty, cunning, and diabolical in their quest to end the life cycle of the longest-running Constitutional Republic that the world has ever known. They are completely cognizant of the consequences and ramifications of their ideological agenda but refuse to reverse course, even in the face of abject failure.

To them, what we constitutional conservatives see as failure, they see as successful implementation of their agenda. What many see as insane, they see as perfectly fine. After all, for the left, their mantra is “the ends justify the means,” and will be achieved “by any means necessary.”… (Continue to full article)

How the US Regime Subsidizes Immigration — Both Legal and Illegal
In recent months, stories from both the legacy media and the independent media have continued to pile up on how undocumented foreign nationals – also known as “migrants” and “illegal aliens” – are able to take advantage of a vast network of taxpayer funded benefits in daycare, medical care, housing, and more.

Both the New York Post and Denver Post report that these foreign nationals have “overwhelmed” the Denver Health hospital system in Denver, and that the situation is “unsustainable.” Meanwhile, public schools report classrooms are filling up quickly with the children of these foreign nationals. Denver is hardly alone. The New York Post notes that both the City of New York and the state government have expanded local welfare programs, including pre-paid credit cards, to further ensure that migrants continue to receive cash and resources from American taxpayers. This is in addition to the approximately 66,000 foreign nationals who are housed in hotels and shelters, care of both New York and federal taxpayers.

USA Today reports that colleges “across the country” are receiving millions in taxpayer money to offer housing to migrants at no charge. Chicago’s mayor is bragging he’s giving away $17 million in taxpayer-funded giveaways to “asylum seekers” who are presently living off the sweat of the taxpayers in government shelters.

This, of course, is just a downpayment on many more planned giveaways… (Continue to full article)

Calls for Secession Surge in Alaska, More Than a Third Want to Separate from the US
The sentiment for secession is gaining traction in Alaska, with a recent poll revealing that over a third of the state’s residents are in favor of breaking away from the United States and establishing Alaska as an independent nation.

Alaskans emerge as the most supportive of secession, with 36 percent expressing a desire for the state to leave the Union, significantly surpassing the national average of 23 percent.

This sentiment reflects broader debates on the integrity of the U.S., particularly amidst heightened political polarization.

Amidst a backdrop of deep political divisions, the idea of a “national divorce” gained attention in 2023, proposed by House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene…. (Continue to full article)

Joe Biden Cognitive Test Results ~ try not to laugh

Cheney says it’s ‘worth’ Johnson losing Speakership to pass Ukraine aid bill

Cheney called on Johnson to bring a bill for Ukraine aid to the House floor during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. The Senate passed a bill approving funding for Ukraine in a vote last week — a bill Johnson had already rejected last week.

The bipartisan Senate bill passed last week includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion in security assistance to Israel. It also includes $9 billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine, and $4.8 billion to deter Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific.

Cheney reiterated that Johnson should take action “to help the Ukrainian people.”

And again, he’s gonna have to explain to future generations, to his kids, to his grandkids, whether or not he did what was right, whether or not he was a force for good and aided the cause of freedom, or whether he continued down this path of cowardice and doing what Donald Trump and [Russian President Vladimir Putin] want him to do… (Continue to full article)

Texas to Build Military Base on Mexico Border… in New Swipe at Biden

The facility built on the site will be able to accommodate some 300 soldiers by April — and will have the ability to expand to house up to 2,300

Texas plans to construct a military base along the border with Mexico, the state’s Republican governor announced Friday, as his election-year tug-of-war with the White House over migration continues to broil.

A wave of illegal border crossings in recent months has made migration a key talking point in the US presidential election campaign once again, with Republicans seeking to pin blame for the record-high numbers entirely on Democratic President Joe Biden. Continue reading