Dear Mr. Smith…

In nearly twenty years of publishing this site – NEVER have I had the opportunity to do what I am about to do – share the back-and-forth conversation of two extremely talented writers – both frequent contributors to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications. And so, we begin. ~ Ed. Thank you for a great […]

Police Reform or Blacks’ Reform?

Many blacks often exhibit asocial behavior that is immensely incompatible with the ethical and legal standards on which our Republic has been built. We have seen many examples of such behavior since proliferation of digital technology made taking and distributing of live videos readily available to average people. They include: rioting, looting, vandalism, destruction, and […]

SJW – Soviet Justice Warriors

Soviet justice is a directional justice. It is a politicized justice. It works in one direction, only, from the so-called “oppressed” to the so-called “oppressors”, in order to accomplish its predefined goals. If the Soviet regime declares a group A as the “oppressed” and a group B as the “oppressors” then all law enforcement, prosecutorial, […]

New Standard of Proof: Guilty Unless Exonerated By The Prosecutor

The Congressional Democrats and their administrative collaborators provided yet another hint that they are committed to continuation of evil that they have been caught on doing. For over two years, now, they have been breaking the rules and laws, that most of normal Americans abide by, in their self-serving attempts to prevent the American voters […]

“Diversity” and the Sack of America

Just like the ancient Rome fell to barbaric invasions that begun some 1,600 years ago, the most advanced product of Western civilization, the United States of America, is falling into the hands of less civilized peoples whose main collective accomplishments have been the overpopulation of their half-developed countries and civil disorder that usually accompanies it. […]