Dear Mr. Smith…

In nearly twenty years of publishing this site – NEVER have I had the opportunity to do what I am about to do – share the back-and-forth conversation of two extremely talented writers – both frequent contributors to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications. And so, we begin. ~ Ed.

Thank you for a great article.

From the standpoint of modern science, it is all but certain (with the probability of almost 1) that the elections results were falsified, for the benefit of the now ruling party. So we ended up with false president who imposes on us laws and orders that lack validity due to a lack of validity of the said elections results.

But that is only a detail in a larger scheme of things.

Many analysts notice attacks on our country and it Constitutional order, but virtually no one who can carry on valid and sound argument or do disinterested inquiry into America’s malady is able to see the root cause of all this “craziness”.

Hardly any rational observer acknowledges the fact that white race is the main target of virtually all things anti-American, today. And virtually all powerful means of enforcement of obedience (be it by sword, by purse, or by persuasion), including the military, have been or are being weaponized against the said target.

White Americans had been identified long time ago as the main obstacle for new world orders that were conceived by those aspiring for global power. So it was just a matter of time when the ruling cabal decided that it’s time to drive whites to extinction, except, perhaps, for those few who can become productive surfs for the cabal. That time was sometime after WWII.

Once one realizes that, all the nonsense makes sense.

Imposing diversity decreases whites’ ability to defend themselves in their own country. It also decreases white fertility, wherever white flight is impractical or too costly. Anti-racism makes whites defenceless and unwilling to fight back victims of aggresively ethnocentric and tribalistic groups and races. Multiculturalism breaks sense of nationality and commonness, thus making whites even more vulnerable to dispossession and expulsion. Amorality and anti-Christianity accomplish the same. Mass immigration of non-whites of exorbitant fertility puts whites on a fast track towards becoming racial minority. Increased push towards majority rule (as opposed to Constitutional republic based on individual rights) makes sure that whites will become powerless as soon as they are an electoral minority. And once the above are accomplished, rounding whites up and sending them to labor or concentration camps becomes a practical and “ultimate solution of the whiteness problem”.

As a result, whites are the only racial group in America that is decreasing its size, both in terms of absolute numbers and as a percentage of total population.

Anyway, the thesis that the end goal of the said manoeuvres is to drive whites to (however gradual) extinction explains well what we have seen in America since 1960s. Unfortunately, there are many white race traitors who cheer or even facilitate whites’ decline, and false president appears to be one of them.

~ The Author ~
dwyer_thumbMr. Dwyer has been a continuing contributor to the Federal Observer. Mark Andrew Dwyer’s recent columns are posted at:
Links to his other commentaries can be found here:

One thought on “Dear Mr. Smith…

  1. veteran

    the vaccine will do a good job of eliminating the middle class and people of non color. ever notice that there is alot of complaining that people of color are being discriminated from not receiving the vaccine.
    well, many dont want it anyway.
    the shadow govt and deep state are using many tools to cause havoc and division that will lead to the destruction of our country. it obvious to see.
    never forget agenda 21 and 2030 goal # 12
    the big question is, are we going to let them get away with it ?

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