Hell represents many things to different people and religions, everything from perpetual torment to a lake of fire, or to the total absence of good or light. One thing is for sure, it is a place of our own making and design. We build it with every deed and thought and action. Hell is not a bad place, it is the absence of anything good; our every action and thought makes it a very special and personal place, created by and tailored foreach of us. Many religious texts, including the Bible tell us that we are responsible for our thoughts and actions. Each has a consequence, and those that go unrepented create what we call Hell.
“It was Hell on earth.”
“War is Hell…”
“I’m going through Hell…”
This commentary is titled “A Season in Hell.” Season in this case is a period of time, much like spring, summer, fall, and winter; often used as metaphors for our changing ecological, political, social, and economic climates. The similes extend to our republic as well. Continue reading