Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

History Burned to Ash: Muslims Rejoice as Notre Dame Burns

“Should that subduing talisman, the cross, be shattered the frenzied madness of the ancient warriors, that insane Berserk rage of which Nordic bards have spoken and sung so often, will once more burst into flame.” ~ Heinrich Heine 1834

Flames danced and leaped across the rooftop of Notre Dame Cathedral on April 15th 2019, and the world stood aghast and watched helplessly and somber from along the banks of the Seine River, singing hymns, weeping, embracing each other and praying. Onlookers gasped in horror, as they watched the fire ravage the 859 year old historic cathedral in catastrophic fashion, and they cried out as the 295 foot tall spire of this iconic symbol of Western Christendom plummeted and slid into the flames and centuries of history were burned to ash. Continue reading

Truth’s Dark Death: Big Brother and the New Communists

~ Forewords ~
Life sure isn’t going to get any easier for any of Us, not if the red, radical Democratic Party Communist rat bastards have their way about it, as they continue with their politically correct pushes, their internet controls, their postmodern relativism and their multiculturalism that attacks the truth of any issue on any given day, and all of this is done in the name of equality, freedom and social justice; in truth, it is a propagandists’ movement focused on ending freedom and liberty in Our Beloved America … the exact opposite of the things they purport to support. ~ JOS

America cannot allow lies to push truth to a dark death. Disturbing postmodern relativistic, postcolonial and social justice theories, tripe and nonsense that looks for victims under every rock has been advocated over the past four decades; and we must unequivocally reject this nonsense, in favor of the honest to God truth, since we already see destabilizing hyperreality, fallacy, propaganda, political correctness and outright Gestapo tactics used to erase our American heritage, our traditions, and our culture, in nothing less than a despicable attack on our freedom and liberty. Too many are too willing to use every deception and even any flagitious means to usher in the Democratic Party vision of an authoritarian Marxist Socialist state for America and eradicate our republic. Continue reading

Rejecting America ~ Dual Loyalty and Unassimilated Muslemas

A Twisted Reality in the House

The Enemy inside the gates…

Dual loyalty and anti-Semitism against Jews and supporters of Israel came to national attention recently over remarks made by freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a refugee from Somalia, who suggested that Jews were more loyal to Israel than they are loyal to the United States, and it is enough to make one laugh to keep from crying, if it were not so serious. Not only is Judaism not the problem in America, not the religion of terrorists seeking to destroy America and subjugate Her, but if anyone’s loyalty to America should be questioned, let’s look at these Muslemas, such as Omar, Representative Rashida Tlaib and Islamic supremacist and activist Linda Sarsour, whose own loyalties regularly appear to lie with Somalia, Iran, al Shabaab, Hamas, Hezbollah, Gaza and the mythical country of “Palestine”; and perhaps not so ironically, all Americans will see that Muslims born here and living here a majority of their lives are not assimilating as well as the “experts” would have us believe. Continue reading

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy…

The world, it seems, is falling to pieces. Each day brings ever worsening reports of war, violence, and devastation. Protests, riots, bombings, beheadings, rapes, kidnappings, persecutions—the list goes on and on. Yet in the Western world, and we feel with foreboding that it likely will not be the last such miserable acts of terror and the further erosion of civil and moral society.

The weight of such tragedies weighs heavily on us. It is hard not to be downcast when we see evil engulfing all we hold dear like a great and ominous storm cloud, its lightnings and blackness overwhelming all. Neither is it a wonder that a growing number of Americans are on anti-depressants and anxiety medication. Continue reading

America’s Wild-Eyed Communists

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical “New Green Deal” legislation proposal, presented to America on February 7th, is an outright Marxist socialist and a virtual communist attempt to supplant our Republic system and our capitalist economy, in a manner that can only result in the destruction of both. Offering an extraordinary, unprecedented level of government intrusion, a “massive government intervention” in her words, AOC’s plan isn’t simply going to transform our lives, rather it will smash our way of life, through a mass de-population scheme, that Americans ignore at our own peril.

Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal sensationalizes and magnifies the imagined impending doom from climate change, and yet, the plan actually addresses very few solutions for anything climate related. Instead, the plan has latched on to climate change, in utopian fashion, and a ruse that offers everything under the sun as a new right, from ice-cream for everyone to a right to get a government purchased pony, or so it does seem. She and her ilk have opportunistically seized upon the issue to justify seizing the United States economy and implementing full-blown socialism and the most Left-wing agenda in American history. Continue reading

He LIVES ~The Resurrection of Josef Mengele

I have set before you Life and Death and Cursing; therefore Choose Life, that both thou and thy seed may live. ~ Deuteronomy 30:19

Dr. Josef Mengele, Angel of Death

It is beyond a sad day in America, when we witness illegitimate “laws” and infanticide, that allow a full term baby capable of living outside the womb to be murdered on its way through the birth canal, if a woman so chooses for any reason. We’re witnessing a deliberative body of several state legislatures, swayed by radical, demonic abortionists in the Democratic Party, from New York to Virginia and Rhode Island to Vermont, among many others, make conscious, premeditated decisions to legalize murder, and, as a rule, they prefer to sign a baby’s death warrant rather than seek alternatives that protect both the unborn child and the woman, the mother to be.

The Democratic Party and its followers seem to have taken a page from the writings of Thomas Malthus, Karl Marx, Josef Mengele, Margaret Sanger and the March 1st 2012 Journal of Medical Ethics, that I noted on March 12th 2012 in ‘Choose Freedom … Choose Life’. Abortion has long been used to destroy family units to ensure government power and control, and today we are seeing Malthusian eugenics make a resurgence, along with the monstrous suggestion that a child, any child, does not have a moral right to life AFTER its birth. Continue reading

Culture of Death: The Murder of Unborn Children

New York Mandates Infanticide

Abortion is nothing less than the murder of Unborn Children, Babies, and on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, January 22nd 1973, the Empire State of New York passed its abominable Baby Murder Act, the “Reproductive Health Act”, that attempts to give legitimacy to this abominable, heinous and horrific practice, by calling abortion a “fundamental right”. This act stands in direct contravention of the virtues and principles, that built America, often referenced as a “shining City on the Hill”, and there are consequences for these actions, which are unacceptable under any set of circumstances. We must protect the lives of the Unborn Children. Continue reading

Called By God: Precious In His Sight

Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in Heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven. ~ Matthew 18:10

Christmas Day is rapidly approaching for people all over the world, but life and its joy and tragedies doesn’t hold still for Americans, or anyone, on that fact alone. In America, the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth, there is enough misery to go around for all. Although many are suffering the physical ailments brought on by debilitating disease and old age, and seeing their deterioration and decline to a mere shadow of their former selves hurts their loved ones deeply, and there are many thousands of Americans suffering in poverty, or from homelessness, it is the plight of our children that concerns me most this season. Continue reading

Kersey: Death Wish 2018

It’s like 1859 all over again…

America will be unable to continue for much longer through the “give and take” of Congressional politics, when one views the reality of the Democratic Party as thinly veiled Communists of today, who simply take and never give in any so-called “compromise”. Look at the violence that followed President Trump’s election and the tacit support given violent Antifa rioters and Black Lives Matter, and look at the election of Democrat Rashid Tlaib to Michigan’s 13th Congressional District this month, whereupon she wildly waved the Palestinian flag – the flag of Hamas and Muslim terrorists; and one will understand that the far and wide disparity between the ideology of the Democrats and the Republicans will only lead to greater civil strife, setting the stage for a civil war that may not come real soon but soon enough. One cannot reach across the political divide or build bridges with those who will use those bridges to destroy one’s homes. Continue reading

All Out Political War: A Democratic Party Hit Job

President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, despite Kavanaugh’s wishy-washy fence-sitting on the ACA’s constitutionality and his 65 page dissent (Seven-Sky v Holder) that paved the way for Chief Justice Roberts to declare Obamacare a “tax” and “constitutional”, as Trump passed over Amy Comey Barrett, who most conservatives recognized as the best choice. Although Kavanaugh is a highly qualified candidate, who was passed through to the federal court with flying colors, by Democrats and Republicans alike, today the Democrats are fighting his placement to the Supreme Court, tooth and nail, due to the fact that the Court is now viewed as though it were a second legislative body, by politicians on both sides of the political aisle. The nomination process has been politicized and weaponized, which was noted during the hearing, on September 27th, by an outraged and apoplectic Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Continue reading

Where Is the Outrage por la Reconquista

Illegal immigration is immoral, and President Trump, like any good, decent and patriotic American, has rightfully stated that anyone attempting to cross the border illegally should be marched straight back across the border, once it is determined they have crossed illegally, bypassing port of entry stations where they could have registered for either asylum or legal immigration status. He should have also added that these people are not conservatives or just like regular Americans, and as such, before we see one more American dead by the hands of an illegal alien, we must do all within our power to ensure that the border is secured and all illegal aliens deported, along with any children verified to be their own, in order to save our Republic from an ultimate destruction. Continue reading

Smith: Defending the Cross

mr_smithWar has not just come to America with the beheading of the U.S. “journalist” James Foley and the Islamic State’s declaration of war on the United States. Our nation has been under attack by the agents of Islam and Sharia law long before Sheik Mohammed al-Hanooti conspired to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993; and, with the rise of the Islamic State and its messianic vision, regarding Christians, Jews and infidels deserving of death, a new wave of terror is soon to be launched on America’s home-front, unless the United States and the free world exterminates the Islamofascists of the Islamic State. Continue reading