Smith: Leave This World With A Clear Conscience

“You and I Have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.” ~ President Ronald Reagan

Americans cannot yet say that they have done “all that could be done”. In a moral, sane and logical country there isn’t any way the Democratic Party lunatics and a multitude of communists should now have control of the United State’s reins of power. However, today we see these red, radical Democrats moving to implement a system through an emerging cooperation between corporations and this rising socialist government, that controls and cancels Conservatives, Christians, “deplorables” and “Trump supporters” en masse, while also seeking to implement a sort of “social credit” system, that intends to make America more closely resemble totalitarian Communist China; and before we fail our children any further, now more than ever, those who love this country must resist and fight harder than ever, to prevent the sun from setting on freedom and liberty.

A soft sort of fascism has always been present within our government and institutions, since the days of President Woodrow Wilson, but now, emboldened by the lack of any counters against the communist backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden and the socialists and communists of the Democratic Party are merging government and corporations in a massive cooperative effort that is also implementing a hardcore style of fascism aimed at destroying any and all who fail to fall completely in line with their dystopian view of America and the “solutions” they believe to be necessary, flawed as they are.

All most Americans have ever really wanted was for the government to leave us alone and let us live our lives. The Americans that are worth a damn, I should say.

The Communists of America are rejoicing, even as a few thousand Antifa continue to riot, burn, loot and destroy in Portland, Seattle, Denver and elsewhere across the country, and every single government agency and bureaucratic institution is currently being further weaponized and politicized by Joe “Not My President” Biden, the Imposter, to exert an extreme control in public education, the media and our workplaces in a manner that will go after Conservative America without one hint of mercy.

John Brennan, CIA killer and liar, tweets about the necessity for re-education camps for conservatives and Trump followers. At the same time, America hears major media outlets crying out for “a cleansing of the [Make America Great Again] movement.

If anything good came from President Trump’s term, he actually served as a useful conduit that laid bare just how corrupt the DC Establishment really is. He revealed the U.S. government’s manipulation by corporations that left the ordinary American without any real representation, along with exposing an utterly corrupt judiciary, where even the President of the United States cannot get a fair hearing. And then of course, if nothing else, his term exposed the fact that the two party paradigm is one huge, monstrous lie.

The curtain was completely slashed away from the illusion of freedom recently with the unconscionable, dastardly squashing and removal of the free speech social media site Parler in recent days, through a coordinated effort from the Big Tech oligarchy of Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook, because Parler was giving them a hard run for their money. Although this was a clear example of anti-trust collusion, these amoral tyrants understood they had the nod to do whatever they wanted, since all had suppressed Hunter Biden’s criminal activities regarding China, and Zuckerberg had handed Democrats $400 million in swing states to ensure a Biden victory.

Millions of conservative and Christian Americans have been banned from the various Big Tech social media sites, during this election season. America even witnessed a sitting U.S. President — President Donald J. Trump — forced to bear a historical first and the censorship of the President. Freedom of speech no longer exists on these fascist websites, and the Democratic Party leadership, arrogant as always and full of themselves in their arrogance, are now also calling for an end to free speech in America, at least an end for “Conservative Free Speech”.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to create a “media literacy initiative” whereby the Democratic controlled Congress, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, determines what Americans are allowed to say — think EU-style “hate speech” laws on the horizon — hear, watch and think. It is Orwellian by nature to hear her propose what amounts to a “Ministry of Truth” that would target anyone who spreads “misinformation”, with the Democratic Party Communists getting to say what is or isn’t true, even if that means calling a bare-faced lie that supports their communist agenda “the Truth”, as they silence everybody else.

Who is going to head this committee to find and identify “the Truth”? Adam Schiff? Eric Swalwell? Both of these Democrats have been exposed as the worse sort of liars and traitors to America, during their Congressional terms. Schiff — one of the most dishonest, militaristic and authoritarian members of Congress — has also had a bill proposal in play for over a year to expand the Patriot Act mechanisms for use against “domestic terrorists” in America.

To exhibit where this is headed, the Democratic Party sponsored violence of Antifa and Black Lives Matter that has raged and destroyed American cities everywhere, from months back to this day, is called their “Free Speech Right” and “Peaceful Protest”, by Democrats, while the mostly peaceful one day January 6th rally for President Trump to fight against a stolen election was called an “Insurrection”, because many Antifa provocateurs and actual insurrectionists initially wreaked havoc inside the Capitol, and a few Trump supporters unfortunately followed, giving the Democrats cannon fodder to use against Republicans.

Shortly after January 6th, speaking on MSNBC, Jeremy Bash, Chief of Staff for the CIA under Obama, demanded that “we reset our entire intelligence approach” including “looking at greater surveillance of them [conservatives, “deplorables”, MAGA], as he added, “the FBI is going to have to run confidential sources.”

Even worse, we are also seeing a hard push to turn the Patriot Act into a one-shoe-fits-all solution to “domestic terrorism” as the designation of a “domestic terrorist” is redefined under Commie Joe to mean only the conservatives, Christians, independents and other “Deplorables” who oppose him and his total restructuring of the government’s structure away from the Founding Principles and under a command control from a massive centralized government. Just days ago, Biden assured his followers that he intended to advocated for harsh laws against “domestic terrorism”. This follows numerous accusations of sedition, treason and terrorism against sitting members of Congress and hundreds of U.S. citizens, driven by a radical expansion of the definition of “incitement to violence”.

Don’t we already have enough aggressive criminal “laws” that cover any and all criminal acts? Just what else needs to be criminalized under an expansion of the Patriot Act and a new set of “domestic terrorism” laws that are not already considered a criminal act? More than an act to stop any real crime, their actual intent is to criminalize those principles that heretofore have been protected under our Bill of Rights, in order to more effectively suppress speech, association and freedom of assembly, dissent and opposition to their emerging authoritarian Marxist / Maoist regime.

And as the Leftstream Media zoomed their cameras in to focus on the Mummy reading a teleprompter — “president” Joe Biden, America hears his angry ominous words, shortly after January 6th: “Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists.”

And now, Americans find themselves deep into a hardcore class warfare, largely directed at wiping out America’s Middle Class, with the Big Tech and Democratic Party radicals in full control. The path ahead is filled with danger and more chaos, as the remains of the Republic are disposed of by people who are preparing to engage in a ruthless purge, and an extended crackdown, blanket surveillance and the smashing of our civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, as the employ the mechanisms found in their cancel culture doctrine.

With an ideology set in stone, guised as “fundamental progressivism”, the communists have the Big Tech oligarchy establishing the Marx/Mao ideology as a new religion, with all its orthodoxies, rituals and harsh penalties for all who oppose the faith’s strictures and its psychopathic narratives, and the Commie Mobs are now interfering in every aspect of our daily lives, silencing, battering and ruining the heretics and blasphemers. Now corporations and companies emboldened by the Democratic Party’s political victories are ruining people’s lives, by refusing to give them jobs, firing them from career positions, withholding credit and any assorted method one may imagine to prevent conservatives from stopping their agenda. And, all who stand against this communist agenda, this new anti-American anti-God religion, conservative and independent and all others alike, must stand firm and strong together on all fronts and all public arenas or we will be the new members of an American gulag.

First they come for the President of the United States and then they come for the rest of us, not aligned with The Party. Anyone in the country refusing to follow Big Tech’s feudalistic diktat will face re-education camps and cancellation, of one sort or another, perhaps even to eventually become the ultimate cancellation as witnessed in the old Soviet Union when men and women were disappeared, never to be heard from again.

Too many so-called conservatives, such as the duplicitous Senator Mitch McConnell and Representative Liz Cheney, still act as if they are dealing with Democrat Representatives and Senators who actually still uphold the Constitution and that they are honorable men and women, even though they know better. This makes them complicit for whatever the reason, whether it’s ploy of appeasement or a knowing complicity in the subversion of the Constitution, the Republic and the American people’s Inalienable Rights. Their choices of appeasement and compromise leave us no real choice between peace and war, and rather, pushes us to decide between fight or surrender.

Too many other Americans are nothing but complacent, apathetic, do-nothing cowards, who go along to get along with whoever is in power on any given day. They hold to a belief beyond foreign and ugly to me and so many patriots, that makes them plead for peace at any price, as though they admit they’d rather be Red than dead. These are the cowards that they would rather live on their knees than die on their feet, as free men and women, and therein lies the road to the next civil war, because those voices don’t speak for me and mine and so many other good and decent Americans.

So many of my Brethren, My Fellow Countrymen, reject such cowardice, for we do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet that is must come at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life moves us to recognize something bigger than ourselves worth dying for, at what juncture in history did this begin? Just recently in the face of these Democratic Party enemies from within? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the Pharaohs?

If you believe there is a compromise to be found with this new Communist run Democratic Party, that demands a fundamental transformation of our very Founding, and in essence its ultimate destruction, you are blind to the reality of our situation. Our situation has become even more dire over the decades, in that so many within the Republican Party are Republicans In Name Only and just as likely to go along with the Marxists as they are to stick with their Party’s block.

Short of an all out civil war, if one opposes what the Democrats are doing, at the very least, stop doing business with any corporation that advocates and supports their agenda. Withhold taxes. Form a parallel economy that caters to conservatives, with only dependable conservative wholesalers and supply chains and manufacturing bases to ensure a predictable stable economy within this failing one, for all participants. Essentially, if one isn’t keen on resorting to a violent defense of one’s liberty, simply pull a John Galt and hurt the Democrats’ purse; stop feeding the Takers with the hard-earned products of the Producers, and let these red, radical Commies either produce something themselves or starve to death.

Americans, who want to leave this world with a clear conscience and the knowledge that they truly did do all that could be done to preserve freedom and liberty for America’s Children and Their Children’s Children, must fight these red, radical communists in the legislative and judicial halls at the local and state levels — in Congress itself — whenever possible; we must face them as occupiers, since that is how they present themselves — as conquerors rather than government servants in service to all America, who are rolling out their pacification plans as we speak. And, we must meet them in the streets wherever and whenever they come to burn and destroy, as we also refuse to submit to any illegal diktat, refuse to comply with any illegitimate, unconstitutional order, nullify and reject their ant-American, anti-God agenda, and yes, even pick up a rifle should that final act be forced upon us, in order that we may finish our lives here on earth as Free men and women.

Don’t allow these Communist Democrats to dispossess Us and our descendants of their birthright to an America founded on Judeo-Christian and Western principles. Don’t let them suppress our Inalienable God-Given Rights in any manner they deem “necessary”. Don’t let them destroy the Founding, just because they have stolen the keys to the Kingdom and sing a death chant for its passing, as they believe they are already dancing on the ghost of America. Instead, exact a price from them and send them on a fast path to hell.


January 22, 2021

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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