Smith: The Struggle for America’s Survival

The Steady Erasure of America’s Culture

Contrary to what anyone might think, including the hardcore Democratic Party communists and their Antifa buddies, there is absolutely nothing socially redeeming, insightful or advanced and “forward thinking” in the “progressive” ideas that advocate “kill whitey” and set forth the fallacy that all conservative Christian whites must also be “white supremacists”, who must be punished for slavery and the crimes of their ancestors. Although their identity politics agenda has always been a grift, a con, and cover for their anti-white agitation, in times when they couldn’t simply be in the open with their hatred for “whitey” as they are now, whether the hate comes from self-loathing Leftist whites or from people of color, the hardcore Democrat socialists and communists and Antifa fascists currently inject hatred of whites into every conversation and keep a quiet low-grade riot, a hum of hate, boiling just under the surface waiting to explode and destroy America’s domestic tranquility.

I’m guilty of nothing except loving America, so I won’t be checking my “white privilege” anytime soon, and I suggest any other white people should stop buying into this racist nonsense, that somehow we are guilty for having benefited from our Forefathers’ sins of slavery. I accept none of it.

Far from “white supremacy”, the average white male has consistently been denied equality for decades. They have been discriminated against in university admissions and employment, and especially most recently, free speech is denied to them. Google fires white males for stating facts. The ridiculous overused charge of white supremacy is now being used like a club to beat the white people to the back of the bus, in a dangerous machination to propagandize white people out of existence.

I’ve always been proud of who I am, a strong willed American patriot — who also just happens to be white. But for me, race has never been something I concerned myself with too much, other than times I have addressed some inconsiderate and insulting bigoted and racist remark or action aimed at any person, regardless of their color, white, red, yellow or black. And I always looked more at the content of one’s character, their race being secondary to everything and of little importance to any interaction I might have with them, unless it was an issue for them.

The 1965 Immigration Act was signed on October 3rd, before an entirely white audience on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island in the background, after extensive promises that it wouldn’t alter America’s demographic, political or cultural sectors. However, it proved to be a revolutionary bill that has gutted our immigration quota system, blocking most Europeans’ efforts to immigrate to America, a contrived ploy by “progressive Democrats” such as Senator Ted Kennedy, who claimed our system was “discriminatory”; they understood that most of the Third World would vote Democrat when any of their members reached our shores. And look at America’s diseased multicultural socialist population today, from Black Lives Matter to the New Black Panthers and Antifa to CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, and even LaRaza.

For the past fifty-five years, Americans have watched a steady erasure of their culture occur right in front of them, with even their art being deemed “racist” due to its depiction of Historical FACT, in a blatant and arbitrary manner, as Third World hordes of invaders, often socialists and anarchists, swarm the nation and revise our history in their attempts to obliterate our cultural identity, that was once indisputably European and First World in nature. There was absolutely no moral imperative to pursue such a destructive agenda and this purge, but the anti-American, anti-freedom and anti-liberty forces within our own Congress and federal government decided to weaponize immigration, as a means to circumventing and eventually eradicating our U.S, Constitution and the very Founding of America.

Thomas Jefferson once said: “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

It is not justice when our government abdicates its primary responsibility to defend and protects the people and culture that placed it in power, and it chooses to codify into law the forces that will annihilate us, just as is currently also evidenced in unconstitutional “legislation” by sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. We also see this through the Democratic Party’s refusal to secure the border. It is primarily due to this injustice and such egregious “laws” as the 1965 Immigration Act, among others, and the refusal of the current House to hear our grievances, that all Americans must take a new and more forceful stance, to see this destructive madness end.

I am not so concerned myself, with being “replaced” by people of color, as many whites are obsessed with the issue; however, I am concerned that an overwhelming number of the people of color who are immigrating to America hold to ideologies that are antithetical to Western Principles and the Founding Principles that made America great, i.e communism and Islam, and that they now openly speak of erasing the white race from the face of the earth, through violence and murder, just as one should expect from all good Marxists, especially now that their ranks have grown so large in America among the Millennials, and especially once they attain the majority.

In July of 2016. Micah Johnson, a black nationalist and the murderer of six Dallas police officers, told the hostage negotiator that he was angry on the behalf of Black Lives Matter and he “wanted to kill white people, especially police officers”. His Facebook page encouraged followers to “Kill Everything In Blue Except the Mailman”.

Over the past decade, King Samir Shabazz, leader of Philadelphia’s New Black Panthers, has stated on numerous occasions, that “You want freedom, you gonna have to kill some crackers [white people] … You gonna have to kill some of they [sic] babies.” The rules of behavior seem to be non-existent and these new radicals have zero respect for the rule of law and anyone’s Constitutional rights, not even one’s right to life, the most sacred of all things.

Tom Curry, a black man and an associate professor of philosophy at Texas A & M, in a 2014 interview entitled ‘White People Are the Problem’, essentially denied that people can reason logically despite their race. He even criticized Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. and other black theologians and theorists for suggesting that white people can be reasonable, and revealing his own racism and intolerance, he stated, “[for blacks] to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people might have to die.”

We can also thank useful idiots like Frank Zappa and songs similar to ‘Trouble Every Day‘, for the racial environment we have inherited, that enshrines the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in August of 1965. In part and in self-loathing style, it serenades one with the disturbed words “… I’m not black, but there’s a whole lot of times I wish I could say I’m not white”.

Noel Ignatiev, an academic and a son of Jewish Russian immigrants, has campaigned for whiteness to be abolished, once stating: “The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.” Ignatiev has stated that white people are a cancer and should kill themselves; and I say to him, “You First.”

Heavy Democrat controlled areas of the United States, such as Baltimore,Oakland, Los Angeles and Portland, are now permanent riot zones. There may not be a riot today in any of these Leftist communities and their ghettos, but tomorrow may not say the same, given the Democratic Commies’ tireless efforts to rile blacks and anti-white poor whites to mobilize to action outside of their designated riot zones. It can only be a matter of time, before all hell breaks loose in America, if we stay this course.

Americans will not have a nation without a sovereign identity and there can be no sovereign identity without a nation. This is the key insight of multiculturalist Marxists, and their agenda that has always been focused on America’s destruction. To have a multicultural society is to have no culture whatsoever, and once a people’s historical identity — their heritage — is destroyed, the nation is not far behind. And this is precisely what is currently unfolding in America, as the various ideologies struggle against one another — socialism and tyranny vs capitalism and freedom — and as the bureaucrats attempt to perform basic duties as the turmoil envelopes them.

I could give a good damn less if I am replaced at some point, since I expect to die sometime within the next forty years or so, maybe even tomorrow, but I am concerned that those who follow may not — probably won’t from all indications — have the same respect and love for America that I hold for Her deep within my breast. I am concerned that those who follow seek to tear the Founding asunder “by any means necessary”, including violence, and although I have defended all races in my lifetime, at one point or another, whenever a group of any people come to murder me and mine, simply due to the fact that I happen to be white, I will spill their blood ’til I grow tired or am killed myself.

Any man of any color who stands for those principles of truth and honor, our nation’s Judeo-Christian and Western principles and the U.S. Constitution is one of my kin, one of my tribe, if tribalism is to be the rule of the day. And anyone seeking to destroy our culture and heritage and usher in something foreign is my enemy. Color never enters the equation, since I subscribe to the belief that all who are here legally are simply Americans, and my primary goal is to leave a nation behind me whose people and leaders ensure freedom and liberty for all, not just for people of color, not just for whites.

But just as we witnessed today, August 17th 2019, in Portland, Oregon where Mayor Ted Wheeler and the police seemed to once again give preferential treatment to Antifa over conservatives and Christians, the hardcore socialists and their multicultural race-baiters have largely attempted to de-platform, silence and marginalize conservative speech and any counter to their anti-American agenda, pushing us to resist however we can and however we must. We have a moral right, a duty and an obligation to future generations to resist what we are currently witnessing and experiencing, a moral right firmly based on the duty to preserve and safeguard the world created by our ancestors and the Founding Fathers, coupled with the sense that we must pass this legacy of freedom and liberty forward to our children and their children’s children and beyond. And however repugnant we might find violence as the solution, past honorable men, moral men, once found it necessary to use violence to secure our freedom and liberty.

I hope and pray that civil war really isn’t quite as possible as I know it is. And more than any “race war”, this will be a war between the forces of tyranny and freedom, as old as time itself.

The Left doesn’t share this view, and it seems to welcome such a coming death dealing conflagration and the unleashing of the dogs of war, especially since the instigators think they will be unscathed by it, when the violence and killing starts in earnest. But, their names are on lists, and those with their names on lists, when such firestorms ignite usually end up in a garbage dump or hung from a pole, regardless of who wins.

This path will not end well, for the nation as a whole, and it especially will not end well for the socialists and racists; but it will end, one way or another, with the good and decent patriotic Americans actively confronting and impeding the machinery of our destruction.

Americans must engage this conflict with everything within their being, and with all the love they hold for our country, because this truly is a struggle for the very survival of America, our nation-state and our culture. There is nothing more important this very moment, than this domestic existential threat to country, since this represents the struggle of our century. Nothing will ever be more honorable than fighting for the survival of our people, and the very laws of nature demand it, since only a perverse fool could believe that “being on the right side of history” means capitulating to one’s own extinction.

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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