Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

When There is No Vision, the People Perish… and Worse

Fairly straightforward right? When there is no vision the people perish. We usually see and hear this in the context of leadership development, team building, and plan-making. Perfectly fine. Perfectly true. But there are worse things than having a bad idea that succeeds or a poor plan that fails.

In the absence of vision – forward-thinking, future factoring, righteous and good guidance – nations can crumble, the people enslaved, and generations lost. In the absence of vision, things can deteriorate to the point that “to perish” would be a welcomed reprieve. Continue reading

Smith: If Only January 6th Had Been a Real Insurrection ~ Maybe Next Time

Are we still living in America?

The anniversary of the January 6th 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building has come and gone, but the memory of that infamous day that culminated in the murder of Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force Veteran, remains indelibly burned in my mind as it continues to weigh on my heart and made me look anew at the country of my birth. This is the day one might say that America truly died, even as the repercussions and shockwaves from that day continue to echo across America, a nation still under assault from the country’s Democratic Party Communists and the Biden regime. Continue reading

Homeless People Do Not Have a ‘Right’ to Camp in Squalor and Invade Our Neighborhoods

Across the nation, municipalities have been increasing shelter accommodations, but many homeless people flatly refuse to get off the streets.

Tired of stepping over needles and human waste, and navigating around half-conscious addicts and homeless encampments? You’re not alone. Most decent, hardworking people want clean sidewalks for getting to work and walking their kids to school.

But cities are legally barred from cleaning up homeless encampments. Advocates went to court and won rulings, guaranteeing homeless people almost unfettered freedom to set up tents and live in the rough, your health and safety be damned. Continue reading

U.S. Supreme Court Surrenders to Radical Transgender Agenda

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to intervene in a case involving an Indiana public school district which was attempting to keep, for instance, biological males out of girl’s bathrooms.

Federal appeals courts are divided over whether school policies enforcing restrictions on which bathrooms so-called transgender students can use violate federal law or the Constitution. Continue reading

Secret Documents Reveal Biden’s Border Crisis Was An Intentional Policy

As Biden’s immigration crisis overwhelms the United States and wreaks havoc on the state’s resources, confidential documents suggest the president’s open border policies were intentional.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit against Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), claiming the agency halted the 287(g) program, which assists in the deportation of illegal migrant child rapists, attempted murderers, assailants, carjackers, and other known criminals. Continue reading

This 1st Amendment Win Is a 1st Step ‘In the Right Direction

Two, one-two-three-four!
Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout
Faggits, Maggits, Homos, Dykes, Genders, Benders
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m

Thanks to a federal judge, two California teachers who oppose their district’s deceptive policy against parents are returning to work.

During school-wide training a couple of years ago, Rincon Middle School teachers Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West, a devout Catholic and Christian, respectively, were shocked to learn they would be required to keep their students’ gender identities a secret from the kids’ own parents, unless such a student gave them permission otherwise. Continue reading

This is the Week That the S#*t Hits the Fan!

July, 8, 2002: Phoenix, AZ – The 226th anniversary of the birth of our Republic has passed with minimal incident (unless you want to count some rag-head who was p.o.’d in Los Angeles for as yet unknown reasons – although livin’ in LA is enough to piss anyone off). This ‘holiday’ has become a shadow of its former self – only beer, bar-b-que, a few scattered parades and media networks broadcasting from Boston and DC, with little understanding of the meaning of independence – other than the freedom to make a buck. Do we put aside this 4th of July nonsense for another year only to be reawakened with a false sense of patriotic pride when another four-day weekend comes upon us? Or do we remember and LIVE the words of the Founding Fathers each day? For if we don’t take heed and become more aware of the devestation being plied upon this land by those who are supposed to be our representative voices across the nation – then the next Independence Day may never arrive – unless we Wake the F*%# up!
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Benson: The Art Of The Steal

It has been reported that China Joe Biden is in the process of penning a new book on the history of stolen elections – a subject he may be eminently qualified to address given his background in that area. Of course if such a book is ever written, it will have to be done by a ghost writer who signs China Joe’s name to it as he has yet to find his way off the stage from the last two-minute speech he gave. Besides, he is so busy deep-sixing any hopes that American citizens have for a decent future, which is his main project, that he will probably have to let any literary efforts slide for now–at least until he and his cohorts have managed to abscond with the 2024 election. After that it probably won’t make any difference. Continue reading

January 15, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

‘That border fight is coming, and we’re going to die on that hill’

From the Saturday Globe with color cartoons on the immigration issue, Utica, NY, 18 April 1908.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) pledged Monday to block foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel unless measures including “remain in Mexico” are reinstated in U.S. border policy.

In an appearance on conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt’s radio show , Johnson lamented that aid to Israel and Ukraine amid their respective wars were packaged together in a supplemental budget request by the Biden administration, but the Speaker made clear his priority is border policy.

“Israel and Ukraine are separate and distinct. We have to support Israel. It’s a top priority. Ukraine’s important as well. But we cannot be involved in securing the border of Ukraine or other nations until we secure our own. And so that border fight is coming, and we’re going to die on that hill… (Continue to full article)

House Judiciary Hearing Highlights the Cost of Illegal Immigration to American Taxpayers

In a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement hearing on Thursday, a panel of witnesses and Republican lawmakers revealed how Biden’s open border policies have strained American taxpayers and put national security at risk.

In the hearing, Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt (TX) said that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has an “entirely different standard” for illegal immigrants boarding flights in the U.S.

“This is a line in the Tucson airport specially made for non-citizens,” Hunt said in his remarks while showing a graphic of the airport.

“The sign says: ‘Non-U.S. citizens without passports enter here.’ Without passports. That is the tip of the iceberg… (Continue to full article)

Maine Builds Rent-Free Apartments for Illegal Migrants Paid for by American Taxpayers
Hardworking Maine taxpayers are footing the bill for the construction of several apartment buildings where illegal migrants will live rent-free.

… Maine officials celebrated the renovation of a former naval air station base where 60 new apartment units in five buildings will go up. Border crossers and illegal migrants will be able to live rent-free – paid for by hardworking taxpayers – for at least two years while they await work permits.

News Center Maine reported that the goal is to move migrants out of hotels and shelters and into stable housing – despite being in the U.S. illegally and mooching off of American benefits… (Continue to full article)

Estate – Cover by Arpi Alto

Leonardo Da Vinci is probably full of envy in heaven, for not having been able to paint Arpi in this beautiful scene!

16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border – Detained
Border Patrol agents apprehended tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants headed for the U.S. border as Biden’s immigration crisis continues to threaten the nation’s national security risk.

Since October 1, 2023, Border Patrol agents have detained nearly 16,000 Chinese nationals who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports, 9,844 migrants were apprehended in October and November, leaving roughly 6,800 to be arrested since December 1, 2023.

In addition, Mexican authorities detained 40 Chinese illegal migrants who were traveling by bus in southern Mexico on their way to the United States. That same day, Mexican authorities apprehended 180 migrants in the state of Oaxaca coming from Central and South America – also heading for the U.S…. (Continue to full article)

MORE CHINEE: CCP member and Chairman Mao admirer Chen Tianqiao’s $85 MILLION purchase of Oregon timberland is missing from government records, alarming lawmakers: Is now second-largest foreign owner of US land

The purchase of $85 million worth of US agricultural land by a Chinese billionaire and alleged Communist Party member has sparked outcry among lawmakers after it went largely unreported for eight years.

It emerged earlier this week that California-based online gaming pioneer Chen Tianqiao owns 198,000 acres of Oregon timberland, making him the second largest foreign owner of American land.

The sale went through in 2015, but only became widespread knowledge on Monday after Oregon tax records unveiled one of Chen’s companies as the beneficial owner… (Continue to full article)

Migrants are LEAVING Chicago

Chicago, Chicago, that Toddlin’ Town…

The situation in Chicago is dire, with hundreds of migrants living in buses and resorting to desperate measures like searching through trash bins for food. Over the past 16 months, an estimated 34,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago, overwhelming the city’s shelter system. Initially, police precincts were enlisted to house the migrants, but this temporary solution was discontinued in December. With the city’s 27 designated shelter buildings already at full capacity, authorities have been scrambling to find alternative housing options.

A recent addition of eight “warming buses” in the West Loop aimed to alleviate some of the burden. However, conditions on these buses are far from comfortable, with basic necessities like food and on-site shower facilities being scarce. Volunteers have been providing limited provisions like packets of oatmeal and Nutri-Grain bars, but the situation remains dire. One Venezuelan migrant, Robinson Mendez, shared his experience, stating that without proper food, people are forced to resort to extreme measures.

Mendez recently witnessed a distressing scene involving hungry migrants in Chicago… (Continue to full article)

Border residents to Congress: ‘Stop holding press conferences, shut down the border
As another Republican congressional delegation arrived in Eagle Pass, Texas, Wednesday to hold another news conference and meet local residents, many Texans living at the border say they are fed up and want Congress to shut down the border.

If Congress continues to use taxpayer dollars to fund policies that facilitate the border crisis, they argue, Congress is complicit in creating it and a national security threat.

Congress hasn’t yet agreed to a $13.6 billion request from the president to fund “border enforcement and migration management.” This includes hiring more judges and asylum staffers “to expedite the screening process” to release more people into the U.S., White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt recently explained. House Republicans have “refused to take up the President’s supplemental funding request. Actions speak louder than words. It’s time for House Republicans to act… (Continue to full article)

The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

Aldous Huxley’s inspired 1956 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe described by every mystic and space captain in recorded history.

Whether by hallucination or epiphany, Huxley sought to remove all controls, all filters, all cultural conditioning from his perceptions and to confront Nature or the World or Reality first-hand – in its unpasteurized, unedited, unretouched, infinite rawness.

Those bonds are much harder to break today, half a century later. We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely regulated. Who cares, right?
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Why 2024 Will Be the Year of the Illegal Alien

The Biden administration’s self-inflicted crisis at the border has devastated America over the past three years, but the worst is still yet to come.

The border crisis has escalated even further in recent months as more than 300,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border in December, shattering a new record for monthly border crossings. After setting records for illegal crossings in 2021 and 2022, the Biden Administration’s anti-border policies once again likely facilitated a record number of illegal crossings at the southern border in 2023, although the official numbers for last year have still not been released. Don’t expect the records set in 2023 to last very long either, because 2024 is likely to be an even worse year for border security.

The deteriorating situation at the southern border is primarily due to the lack of deterrent facing foreign nationals who cross the border illegally in order to file bogus asylum claims. The current administration is the first in U.S. history to announce publicly that there will be no consequences for those who cross the border illegally. Continue reading

The Perpetual War On Free Speech

Does anyone believe it?

The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a Bill of Rights. Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution is just what its early critics, including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, said it was; a dangerous consolidation of power far less representative of liberty than the Articles of Confederation.

The First Amendment was always a huge concern with statists of every era. Those who thirst for power, and will compromise themselves in order to attain it, have never looked favorably upon those critical of them. Continue reading

January 9, 2024: The INSANITY will NOT end

Fauci admits he approved risky Wuhan COVID research proposal WITHOUT reading it – as he ducks more than 100 questions during shocking Congress grilling
House Republicans heading up the two seven-hour closed-door hearings revealed late Monday that Dr Anthony Fauci’s public health response to the unprecedented pandemic was full of ‘drastic and systemic failures.’

According to the GOP, he denied remembering key details of the response ‘more than 100 times’, revealed that he signed off on millions of dollars worth of grants without reading the experiments’ fine print, and backtracked on his earlier insistence that the US did not fund experiments that could make viruses more transmissible or dangerous, known as ‘gain of function’ research at labs such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology

New emails dated February 1, 2020 show Fauci acknowledged that ‘scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine that molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan’… (Continue to full article)

Free Health Insurance for Migrants Is Lunacy
In blue state after blue state, Democrats are pushing to give migrants taxpayer-funded health coverage.

Across the globe, millions of people are on the move, defying borders and violating laws to escape poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and break into rich countries. The United States is their No. 1 destination.

The U.S. needs a strategy to limit the burden on Americans and protect our quality of life. Instead, the Democratic Party merely virtue signals, saying, “Welcome, take whatever we have.”

As of Jan. 1, California is offering Medi-Cal to approximately 760,000 undocumented migrants of all ages.

“Nothing is free, the California taxpayers have to pay for it. It’s treason. No other way to say it.” ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)… (Continue to full article)

Black Chicagoans Move to Turn Liberal City Red
Chicago residents are fed up with Democrats ruining their once-beautiful city as the burgeoning migrant crisis sucks resources away from native Chicagoans who are suffering under President Joe Biden’s policies.

As the Windy City continues to face unprecedented amounts of border crossers wreaking havoc on neighborhoods, Black Chicagoans are ready for Republicans to flip Chicago red.

More than 26,000 illegal aliens have arrived in Chicago since last year, with nearly 1,200 migrants camping out at the city’s O’Hare Airport as well as several police stations.

Chicago has earmarked nearly $24 million to winterize tents to shelter thousands of illegal migrants who have arrived in the city during the cold months… (Continue to full article)

Mexican President Wants the U.S. to Grant 10 Million Visas for Hispanic Workers

Andrés Manuel López Obrador also wants the U.S. Congress to approve a 20-billion-dollar plan to promote development in Latin America

Mexico’s President López Obrador attends a press conference, in Mexico City. ~ REUTERS

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has revealed that he asked the U.S. government to grant visas to at least 10 million Hispanic migrants who have worked in the country for more than 10 years, along with an investment plan to promote “development” in Latin America and the Caribbean. Continue reading

Smelling Weakness, America’s Enemies Appear Unafraid of ‘Team Biden

A recently formed multinational security operation in the Middle East appears to be a manifestation of the weakness that a retired Marine officer contends has plagued the Biden administration since its inception.

Formed just before Christmas last month, Operation Prosperity Guardian was developed as a multinational maritime task force led by the United States to respond to Houthi-led attacks against ships in the Red Sea. A Pentagon spokesman described the goal of the partnership as a step towards “furthering our shared goals of security and stability throughout the Middle East.”

Col. Grant Newsham (USMC-Ret.), who once served as the first Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, tells American Family News the fact a protective military operation is even necessary reveals the United States has problems that go far beyond the Red Sea.”
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Mexican Cartels Make Bank

Biden’s open border is allowing the cartels to not only worsen the humanitarian crisis but also to rake in the dough.

Immigrants who are choosing to enter the U.S. illegally have to go through the cartels. The Mexican cartels have a monopoly on the various methods of getting into the U.S. through gaps in the border wall. But though the migrants have the freedom to choose to enter the U.S. this way, the cartels are happy to inflict as much misery and extortion as they can and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis created by President Joe Biden’s open border.

Smuggling illegal immigrants is big business. The House Judiciary Committee published a claim by Border Patrol that the Mexican cartels rake in $32 million a week from illegal immigrants desperate to cross the southern border. Continue reading