Marcus Tullius Cicero: Keenly Perturbed

Over the past fifty years, I’ve had the nagging feeling that things don’t add up. It all makes sense in context and when viewed from a single perspective, but the picture changes when you shift your position ever so slightly.

As I shifted, the past information coalesced into a feeling of dread. I’m aware we’re being played, and I’m keenly perturbed about it.

I know you’ve seen pictures that change when you shift slightly left or right; they’re called lenticular prints – the image changes depending on your viewing angle. So, it is with politicians and the gibberish they emit.

My effort to see all the sides in these situations put me into a contentious discussion with a close friend during Sunday breakfast. I had inklings that his stance was decidedly liberal, but I missed his intractable position on everything Trump. He hates the man, and the mere mention of his name is like putting a lighted match to gasoline. I don’t dislike him, nor will I castigate him for his opinion. But recognizing his sensitivity would have saved me some embarrassment from his public chiding. I didn’t realize that I had it ALL wrong and ignored the truth about Trump. I’m glad he set me straight.

Considering my awakening at breakfast, my concerns turned toward America as I thought about what I’ve read and heard about our supposed or more correctly reported “problems” and “shortcomings,” as told by various media sources.

Is any of this an accurate or even partially true representation of fact, or are the variety of perspectives just horsefeathers?

My turn from the breakfast redress started me thinking about messaging and the language used. Do our prejudices predispose us toward programmed reactions, or are we just too inundated with gibberish to sort through the horsefeathers?

I was quite selective regarding the use of horsefeathers in that last sentence. I meant to convey that most information we’re exposed to is intentionally and selectively controlled to send a specific message with multiple meanings and intents. They are carefully crafted to leave you wandering and wondering.

I sense your skepticism. Stay with me…

I appreciate that bellicose stories drive people to their favorite information source regardless of the presentation or delivery medium. Remember that each story is carefully crafted to reflect specific sensibilities, likes, dislikes, and political leanings.

You would not expect to find conservative programming on liberal media outlets. Conversely, you’ll rarely find any left-leaning commentary on their conservative counterparts. Everyone is prejudiced toward what they want to hear, so our tastes guide us to the media outlet that caters to our preferences.

I used prejudice intentionally since the inferred meaning has racial intent. That poor word has several alternate meanings; all involve fundamental bias – prejudging or deciding without thinking, but not necessarily racial.

We must look past the preconception and examine the statement for what it says instead of how our biases lead us to interpret it.

Here’s a case in point.

It involves America’s southern border with Mexico.

The Administration maintains that the border is closed and secure. The Administration is syntactically correct – the border is closed and secure in theory. Still, the practical implementation of that opposes that statement. We’re told that some five million illegal immigrants have invaded America. Here’s where it gets tricky.

Did they really cross illegally if no one stopped them? There is no wall.

There are only a few agents at the border. Most guests surrendered to the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents for processing.

I refer to them as guests because the administration tacitly invited them by removing the policies that would make their entry illegal.

So you see, these people have done nothing against this administration’s policy up to this point. The only caveat is those who evade the welcoming CBP agents waiting to check them into the system. So over one million got away, and those are the illegals.

The border is defined as closed and secure, but in practicality, it is wide open. It is up to us to slice, dice, mince, and quince this word salad to find the actual meaning – the truth.

The border crisis is only one of the more straightforward examples to examine. In all fairness, is it an actual crisis or a rudimentary misunderstanding and misinterpretation of facts caused by our preconceptions and prejudices?

What are we led to think?

What are we told to think?

Who’s telling us what – what is the source of this information?

This type of linguistic legerdemain is what we face with every “news” story from the media. It applies regardless of the source or network, especially from the administration. It’s crucial to remember that each media source has a prejudice and inclination toward a political ideology that governs how they portray that message.


Good, that’s the idea. The administration wants to keep you confused. It’ll be too late to change or stop when you figure this out. The damage will be done, and the ideologues will go on to the next bit of the program.

All while we watched with eyes wide shut.

· Eyes wide shut means a person refuses to see something in plain view because of preconceived notions of how something should look or what they’re told to see.

The border is closed and secure.

Here’s another example from the annals of administrational anarchy.

Dumping trillions of dollars into the economy has no impact on inflation.

You can find a quick primer on inflation at Investopedia

Simply stated, inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods.

Arresting inflation requires one of two steps:

1. Reducing the money supply

2. Increasing production

Ponder this: If putting money into the economy caused the inflation rate to rise, it would follow that adding more money would encourage inflation, not discourage it.

The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act will spend another $740B on renewable energy to combat climate change and reduce healthcare costs, partially funded by increased corporate taxes, IRS funding for 80,000 new collectors, and a few minor pork-barrel projects. According to accepted economic theories, inflation will continue to grow as money is dumped into the economy.

This Socialist-Democrat administration has already spent $5.35T in the last twenty-two months, with more spending on the way.

The inflation rate where I live is over 13%, the highest in the country. The national average is 8.3%. This new bill will exacerbate if left unchecked.

The government is a champion at spending money they don’t have. We affectionately call it deficit spending when the administration borrows money to pay for pet projects.

We’ve reached saturation – our income will not support this wanton spending.

We can’t continue to print money for frivolous projects. We must balance our budget, or we face financial collapse.

Imagine owing $162 Trillion for unfunded debt or $1,122,661.13 per American taxpayer.

Welcome to America!

Now you know what those 80,000 new IRS agents will be doing!

The name is inconsequential! What’s critical is the effect on our country. Information from indicates that over 4 million Americans – including 2.1 million Federal and civilian employees work for the Federal Government.

Regardless of the name, the inflation reduction act does NOT reduce anything! Not inflation, the deficit, or the size of our government. It will have the same effect on our financial status as it has on the size of the government by adding 80,000 new IRS agents.

This is what this administration calls reduction but does nothing to impact the size. Remember that the border is closed and secure.

More linguistic legerdemain.

We’re reducing inflation by spending more money on larger government.


What’s and where’s the truth?

I’m no neophyte. This encounter with conflicting information is not new to me; it’s not my first rodeo. I eventually settle with what makes the most sense. My opinion, acceptance of the story is usually a blend of both sides. I’m often pretty close, and then sometimes I must accept that I’ll never know.

Although not knowing is disconcerting, it’s unavoidable.

Who would believe the United Nations is behind the US – Mexico border crisis? The allegations and documentation show that America is funding Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) through the UN to funnel illegal aliens into the United States to bolster the Democrat-Socialist voter base.

Recently discovered documents discarded along the migrant’s route point to several NGOs that publish handbooks and route map information to support the migrant’s journey. The NGOs supply documents to ensure “safe” passage through the various steps and cartel checkpoints to ease the migrants’ travel. Our tax dollars and charitable contributions to the UN and NGOs fund this migration.

Who would believe that one political party would intentionally try to destroy any man, let alone an entire country? The undeniable mission of the Socialist-Democrat party is the destruction of everything Donald J Trump and, along with him, anyone that supported him or what he wanted for America.

Their use of the January 6th proceedings is reprehensible and unconstitutional. But who cares if there is hate and dissension to feed this kangaroo court show trial? This sham-wow trial is clear and definitive public masturbation by the Socialist-Democrat party.

The J6 hearings are non sequitur. Incontrovertible documented and recorded video evidence shows what happened on that fateful day.

It speaks of murder and complicit behavior by the capital police.

It shows proof of FBI involvement with the Oath Keepers and several undercover agents inciting the riot and break-ins at the Capital building.

It shows the mob-like brutality of the capital police and their thuggish behavior of beating a downed and disabled woman.

It clearly shows the murder of Ashley Babbitt by an armed government agent.

The CIA warned the FBI and capital police of a demonstration. The Trump administration offered assistance but was ignored. It was the incoming administration’s opportunity to hang this all on the outgoing president to endure he would never be president again.

The J6 committee is holding dozens of prisoners for trial twenty-plus months after the incident. Roughly 600 we charged, 73 accepted pleas, and dozens are still jailed.

The Democrat-Socialists call this justice.

I call it retribution and vendetta.

It is their coup de gras for Trump.

If you need further proof of the corruption within the walls of our government, you are well beyond education. Your eyes are wide shut. You cannot see past what you want to see or what you’re programmed to see.

The evidence is before you; all you need to do is look.

Stop letting the media and your government tell you what and how to think.

Open your eyes to the available material and make up your mind. The illusion of a fair election is just another circus act in the center ring of this Socialist-Democrat spectacle. The big top is up; the three rings are in place, ready for the cavalcade to begin. The first act enters the tent on November 8th with the midterm elections. Where we go as a country is up to you.

I don’t expect a fair or impartial election.

The Socialist-Democrat machine has proven its tactics for election fraud and theft. The 2020 presidential election was a proof-of-concept run for what will inevitably follow.

That’s the truth, as I see it.

Please, God, let me be wrong…

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

One thought on “Marcus Tullius Cicero: Keenly Perturbed

  1. veteran

    this is what happens when God abandons a nation that has abandoned him. history proves that.
    great article. thank you.

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