November 19, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity MUST End

New York Scraps Pre-Paid Debit Cards for Migrants
New York City Hall has announced the termination of its prepaid debit card program for migrants.

The program, in place since March, provided debit cards to migrants in city-funded hotels to help cover basic needs but was heavily criticized by conservatives and has been scrapped by New York City officials just two days after Republican Donald Trump was confirmed as president-elect.

The initiative was launched as a temporary support mechanism, part of a one-year pilot program, to help migrants by providing them with limited financial assistance for essentials like food and baby clothing.

So far, more than $3 million has been spent on the program, helping almost 3,000 migrant families living in hotels with limited resources to buy essential supplies. The cards provided about $350 for a family of four… (Continue to full article)

“Spent over 66 Billion on Illegal Immigrants in 2023”

‘Operation Wetback’: What Happened Last Time US Conducted Mass Deportations
President-elect Donald Trump has promised to carry out the largest deportation project in American history, using the military and local law enforcement to do it, in a move that could echo the last major effort to remove migrants en masse in the 1950s.

Dubbed “Operation Wetback”, hundreds of thousands of mostly Mexican undocumented immigrants were forcibly removed or self-deported during President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s term.

The program’s name was derogatory even at the time, referring to migrants who crossed illegally into the United States by crossing rivers along the southwest border. Historians say racial profiling and large-scale roundups were common, and some U.S. citizens were caught up in the sweeps… (Continue to full article)

Trump signals use of military for deportations
President-elect Trump recirculated a social media post Monday suggesting his incoming administration will declare an immigration national emergency and use military assets to support his mass deportation pledge, labeling the claim “TRUE!!!”

“President Trump will marshal every federal and state power necessary to institute the largest deportation operation of illegal criminals, drug dealers, and human traffickers in American history while simultaneously lowering costs for families,” said press secretary Karoline Leavitt. “The American people re-elected President Trump by a resounding margin giving him a mandate to implement the promises he made on the campaign trail, like deporting migrant criminals and restoring our economic greatness. He will deliver.”
Immigration advocates are bracing for swift executive action on immigration from the incoming administration… (Continue to full article)

Trump using military will help drive migrant numbers at border ‘down into the dirt’
Former senior Trump administration official Ken Cuccinelli said Monday that President-elect Trump “using the military” will help drive migrant numbers at the border “down into the dirt.”

Cuccinelli told NewsNation’s Blake Burman in an interview on “The Hill” that he believes early next year, “you will see our military used between legal ports of entry, especially on the southern border, to finally gain control of that border” adding that “all immigration, all passage of any kind, will pass through legal ports of entry only.” (Continue to full article)

Tren De Aragua Gang Terrorizes American Cities
Biden’s border policies are disastrous for communities nationwide, including cities that are nowhere near United States borders. There have been at least 10.8 million encounters with illegal aliens nationwide since the start of Fiscal Year 2021 (FY2021), according to Rep. Mark Green’s September “Startling Stats” report on the border crisis. The same report indicates that 2 million more aliens have entered as “known gotaways.” According to former chief of Border Patrol Raul Ortiz, the total number of gotaways “could be underreported by as much as 20 percent.”

The devastating numbers fail to tell the whole story, however. Embedded in those historic numbers are criminal gangs like Tren de Aragua, whose members have taken root in communities nationwide. Tren de Aragua is terrorizing communities, forcing the Biden administration’s U.S. Treasury to label the gang as a U.S.-designated transnational criminal organization (TCO)… (Continue to full article)

Smith: The Republican Congress Must Stop Any Trump Betrayal of America!

Polly-ticians ~ Continued…

President-elect Trump is making ready to enter the White House for his second term, interrupted by madcap, delusional and tyrannical-mined communists for the past four years, and millions of Americans are naturally ecstatic over the prospect of things to come. They should also be concerned, since along with Trump’s flashes of policy genius, the country will also most likely bear several detrimental acts, because of Trump’s idiosyncrasy to vacillate on major issues, depending on who is most favored and in his ear on any given day, as we witnessed during his first term.

It’s true that President Trump moved to help business flourish by removing many EPA regulations and exiting the Paris Accord climate change nonsense and other U.N. Agenda 2030 climate change initiatives. He also enabled a massive explosion of growth in the fossil fuel industry in regard to natural gas and oil produced through fracking, and he has promised to do so this time around as well – which is what makes some of his “new friends” gathering about him appear unseemly and highly questionable, in that they are some of the most radical advocates for the climate change carbon credit criminal schemes one can imagine. Continue reading

The Problem of Education (from “The Art of Memorization”)

“Because education has essentially established a monopoly on moving up the social ladder (which forces everyday citizens to participate in its rat race), it has no incentive to provide quality education to those it trains – particularly since unconditional federal support (e.g., student loans) subsidizes education and is allotted based on how many students attend each institution, not the quality of the education offered.” Continue reading

The Very Definition of Tyranny: A Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ~ James Madison

Power corrupts.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Unadulterated power in any branch of government is a menace to freedom, but concentrated power across all three branches is the very definition of tyranny: a dictatorship disguised as democracy.

When one party dominates all three branches of government – the executive, the legislative, and the judicial – there is even more reason to worry. Continue reading

Smith: Polly-ticians ~ They are ALL full of Promises, Promises!

This is the main problem with Trump. He’s all over the place trying to be all things to all people and making a million promises along the way, some he intends to keep and many that he won’t. He’s just as apt to sign a bill that excites Democrat communists as he is to sign a bill that promotes Conservative values, just as he did during his first term when he tried to buy votes via his $2 trillion stimulus bill.

Of course now, Trump doesn’t have to worry about any future election and getting re-elected, which means he really doesn’t have to keep any of his promises if he doesn’t want to do so. I do believe he will try to keep some of the biggest ones, like the border, energy and the economy, but as for anything else, everything seems to be up for grabs where Trump is concerned. Continue reading

Dickens: Fortitude and Stick-To-It-ivness!

“The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it’s difficult or unpleasant.”

Uncle Charles

Another word that comes to mind is tenacity:

* the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.

* the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

I’m going to pose an unpleasant question to consider: Do we, as citizens of this republic, have the determination to do what’s necessary, to right and repair our foundering ship of state, or will we skirt these weighty and formidable tasks essential to overhaul our constitutional republic when they require our involvement or approval, just like we’ve abandoned every difficult task since 1960.

Will we make sacrifices if they are necessary?

Does anyone remember the rationing of scarce items during WWI and WWII? If not, please refer to the omniscient inter-web for more information. Americans were firmly behind these efforts. Will these requisite repairs to America require our sacrifices? I’m sure they will, but having a savvy businessman running the country, I doubt we’ll face rationing, but I think the needs will be more about the personal commitment to the changes. Continue reading

Smith: Don’t Tolerate America’s Enemies From Within

The lesser evil is still evil … Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” ~ C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

          Wa. Wal, wal – I am about fed UP with all of this!

Where we go after last week’s election is anybody’s guess, but I don’t expect it to be as great as many pundits seem to believe it will be. The damage that’s been done is already massive, and it will take decades to repair, with Trump only having less than four years to attempt it via Big Government solutions that are certain to continue to exacerbate the status quo.

Part of the problem is the people keep screaming for Big Government and whoever’s in charge to “Do something” … anything … as if most of the problems we already have aren’t as a direct result of asinine “government solutions“, and as if Big Government has ever really solved any of America’s problems. And those in power and currently running for office keep promising the moon and a pot of gold and Lucky Charms at the end of the rainbow.

If Kamala had pulled out the “win” or “the steal” … well hell … don’t make me cuss – it would have been all over and the drawing and quartering of America will be served up on a platter to Her enemies, both foreign and domestic.

In my humble opinion, had Kamala won the election – even legitimately – it would have been time to throw sand in the gears of government at every level and start engaging in a campaign of guerrilla warfare the likes of which was seen in Ireland during the early 1900s on through the 1970s and The Troubles.

Trump won, and his administration will definitely find unique means to jump start the economy, some by means of manipulations with short term results and one, his assurance to crank up drilling for oil and natural gas and mining coal, will have immediate and long term benefits if they aren’t rescinded by some later commie regime seeking to enact carbon credit taxes and shut fossil fuels down again.

But liberty and our freedoms will not necessarily be in better hands, given what we all saw during his first term, and much remains to be seen, especially when it comes to who will be in his cabinet. ~ J.O.S.
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The Odds Are Never In Your Favor

For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society saying to our citizens, “As long as you obey the law – we will leave you alone.”

~ Forewords ~
How many years ago was the following written and posted? Does it really matter? One can change a few of the embedded names, but the story has remained the same – or has it all worsened? I believe that it has. During the week of April 5th, 2021 – I covered numerous stories from the past – two from October and early November of 2001 – just weeks after 9/11 – which dealt specifically with Anthrax, potential quarantine and the possibility of Masks – in other words – CONTROL of the minds and the bodies of the people. To me – it was the experimental game leading up to much of what we have dealt with in 2020 and continuing into this year – and Fauci was already involved with the games that many years ago.

Since that time, we have survived through the Shrub Bush years and those of the Kenyan, leading into a single term of Trump – and now we are faced with controls which are deep into the darkness of the Biden ‘administration’ – and believe that it will be short-lived. What follows below was republished with permission by the author – on it’s original day of publication and has remained within the pages of Kettle Moraine Publications ever since – and continues to hold such great importance today – maybe more-so that when it was written over five years ago – thus – it became the background for my nightly program today.

~ Jeffrey Bennett, April 9, 2021
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This Is a Good Time to Be Optimistic

It started with the Antonine Plague in the late 160s AD, most likely a really bad smallpox epidemic that killed 8 million people across the Roman Empire.

Then came the barbarian invasions… a tidal wave of migrants pouring across Rome’s northern border and plundering the countryside.

The Roman government also bizarrely spent a fortune doling out vast sums of money to adversary nations – a sort of bribe (they called it ‘tribute’) to make sure that foreigner powers wouldn’t attack Rome. Continue reading

Smith: Ol’ Guy Wisdom On Toxic Masculinity

I’ve never felt more alive than when racing down a raging river on a raft, driving 140 mph down a winding road, jumping off bridges and cliffs into the waters below, swimming in the ocean, climbing a mountain, breaking my hand on some fool’s head, running down a wooded path with Sweet Mutt, watching a new sunrise or watching the sunset with a beautiful woman sitting by my side… And yes – I’ve done all these things and more. Continue reading

Dickens: The Fractured Nation

February 28, 2017 – We are a fractured country. We live in fragmented communities. We don’t know our neighbors and we don’t even know ourselves. We lap up bullshit served up by a media with an agenda of disunity. They speak and the sheople follow lemming like right over the cliff.

Would you like an example? Read the divisive crap on this social site (Facebook) alone. There are now two sides to everything further dividing us in to camps. Some love Mr. Trump and some actually hate him because of the vitriol spewing from the fountain of lies in the media. Continue reading

The 1866 Civil Rights Revolution

The phrase “equality of opportunity” is expressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a nondiscrimination principle. There has been much debate on whether the nondiscrimination principle is a formal right to equality before the law, reflecting the principle that everyone has a right not to be discriminated against, or whether it is a substantive right vested in specified groups (e.g., blacks or women) to give them special legal protection that members of other groups (e.g., whites or men) do not enjoy. Continue reading

Maryland Public School District Removes 2 Pro-LGBT Books From List Elementary School Students Must Read

A Maryland county public school district board involved in a religious freedom lawsuit that awaits a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court has removed two pro-LGBT books from its list that elementary school students must read.

ABC7 News reported on October 28 that Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has “disapproved” the books “Pride Puppy” and “My Rainbow” from the list but, as The Washington Post reported, the books are still in the school’s library. Continue reading

Juntti: How to UNRIG the Elections!


voteOctober 18, 2016 ~ In the 90’s I was a PCO in a rural area.. I went out and knocked on the doors of every registered voter in my precinct. A friend of mine who lived in a nearby precinct did the same thing. We found that in the most recent list of registered voters that many had moved – several had died, some years ago – but they were all still listed on the registered voters list.

We took this information to the county Auditor who, if memory serves me right, was Cathy Pearsall-Stipek (D). We showed her what we had found out and requested those names who had died or moved be removed from the voters registration roll in our precincts. We were told that we couldn’t do that as the **person involved** had to come in and make the request to be removed. My question was HOW DOES A DEAD PERSON DO THAT???? She had no answer. Continue reading

Juntti: Did I make a difference?

September 2, 2010 ~ I heard this song by the Oak Ridge Boys recently and it just hit me – I am sure I’ve heard it many times in the past but this time the words really rang thru my head. Maybe it is my age (only being 16 ya know), maybe it is all the political things going on and the efforts so many of us have been and are making to *make a difference* – to wake folks up to what is going on and how their napping is supporting the destruction of America.

I do a lot of one on one emailing with readers all over and one of the topics most emailed about is my faith. How I seem to not be as *emotionally* stirred up as some writers on things. I tell them it is my unwavering FAITH in God to carry me thru whatever comes along. I have this small wall plaque that was my mothers that says, “The Will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God cannot keep you.” Continue reading

Bennett: 2024 ~ Back to the Future… for time is running out!

The following column was published on Federal Observer on October 5, 2022. Nothing has changed. I have provided many links below to allow our readers to fully understand the insanity of it all. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

Since June 28, 1995… I have been telling you so…

The phrase “the Fall of America” suggests some cataclysmic event ended the American Empire which had stretched from Maine to California and Florida to Washington. But at the end, there was no straining at the gates, no barbarian horde that dispatched the Empire in one fell swoop. Rather, the Empire fell slowly, as a result of challenges from within and without, and changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form was unrecognizable.

These past four years, and more these past two months and days have put pressure on this nation as has not been seen since both our American Revolution of the 1770’s, and our second Revolution of the 1860’s. For me – it has been the days of this week, more than any before them.

Frankly, the 21 months I spent in Vet Nam between 1968 (beginning months after the Tet Offensive) and ending in early 1970 – not once during that time did I feel the pressure nor fear – that I feel for this nation – and our future – that I feel today. Continue reading

DiLorenzo: The Fraud Has Begun

Will we remain a constitutional republic or become a banana republic? Our long walk down a dark road could be ending soon. Pray to God it does!

Crooked Voting

“Americans will always do the right thing – after exhausting all the alternatives.”  – Commonly credited to Winston Churchill

The voting situation has already become tense. Lawsuits are everywhere. Democrats are posing as election officials. Cheat-by-mail schemes by Democrats, and printing errors are causing thousands of ballots to disappear or remain uncountable. Ballots are being overcounted. Ballot box fires are being reported in several states. And, of course, voting by illegal aliens has affected almost every state. Thank you, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. As of September 2024, only five states are actively purging non-citizens from their voter rolls. Continue reading