Bend Over – They’ll Drive: Originally published on the Federal Observer on September 13, 2019. As of this date, the author has done some minor updating. Over FIVE years have gone by, and what the author wrote about back in the day – has only com-POUNDED up the nation’s backside. What this nation has turned into has become absolutely sickening. ~ Editor

Pedo Satan
Author’s Note: In light of the recent oral arguments for the U.S. vs Skrmetti case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought many of You, the readers, and concerned Americans would find this old piece of some interest. It was written in September of 2019 for ‘The Federal Observer, but it’s as true now as it ever was, maybe more so given the unhinged, delusional minds and character of so many within the LGBTQ “community and more specifically the Transsexual / Transhumanist Movement that pushes our society closer to some Frankenstein androgynous “creation” and the end of humanity as we know it and as God intended for us to be.
Every man and woman, regardless of their sexual preferences or deviancies and perversions or pronouns, has the exact same rights as one another under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as other Inalienable God-given Rights that were not enumerated in our Bill of Rights, as seen in Nature and under Natural Law as created by the Lord our God. But this has never been good enough for the LGBTQ folks, who have militantly fought for not any “civil right” or “equal rights”, but rather they have fought for the “right” to have their lifestyle validated, since the 1970s right through their win on same sex homosexual “marriage and to the present fights on Trans Title IX “protections”; and more than this, they have been and currently are demanding privilege above and beyond every single straight, heterosexual man and women who hold tight to traditional American norms and values and the virtues and Christian principles that built America.
Now more than ever, stopping this mad Trans and Queer movement and cult following is one of the most important things we can do for the health and restoration of America and the future of our children and their children’s children and generations beyond.
December 6th 2024