The Deadly Pandemic Ignored by Democrats

Joe Biden opened the southern border, and what came across was death.

What if a significant tool in the hands of law enforcement and prosecutors was allowed to expire when a legislative fix was possible?

Last week, the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act was blocked from a vote by House Democrats. This HALT Fentanyl Act, sponsored by Representatives Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Kat Cammack (R-FL), would make permanent the ban on fentanyl-related substances first issued in February 2018, set to expire February 2022. This was specifically requested in the Department of Justice written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2019. If Congress failed to act, the joint statement from Amanda Liskaam, director of Opioid Enforcement and Prevention Efforts, and Greg Cherundolo, CEO of the DEA’s Office of Global Enforcement, included the reality that “savvy clandestine manufacturers and traffickers [would] respond to the re-emerging gap in US law by again producing novel fentanyl-like substances.” Continue reading

Truckers to Big Tech: Go Fund Yourself

“Breaker, Breaker 19…”

Despite the Left’s concerted efforts to shut them down, the Canadian truckers dug in all 18 wheels.

What started just over a week ago as a brushfire of Canadian freedom has now gone global — first to the U.S., and now to the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the UK. But the real story is that all this has taken place despite the worst efforts of anti-freedom leftists to crush it beneath an avalanche of misinformation and Big Tech skullduggery. Continue reading

The Sinking Leader-Ship

Albert Einstein’s quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results,” is germane to this discussion because our choice of leaders for the past seventy-five years exposes a pattern.

We elect a leader identical to the previous trainwreck – with few exceptions.

There are a few anomalies like Prez #45 – a great leader but not too personable. Many called him an unsophisticated bully, but he was a great leader who did extraordinary things for this country. Fortunately, he was not a politician, so many hated him. He made his money the old-fashioned way – working and beating the system, unlike many congressional mis-representatives and politicians. Continue reading

America: Reject Your Milksop Politicians and Betrayers

Director Orson Welles 1941 classic “Citizen Kane”

I really didn’t want to delve too deep into the election fraud, although the massive extent of it all is something that will need to be ferreted out to a greater degree in the future, if and when we can ever seat another “honest”, perhaps even conservative, government. But to date, the fact remains that the same state mechanisms that allowed for the 2020 steal are still on place and currently being ramped up again to help do the same in 2022 and 2024; we won’t see an election that doesn’t have a shadow of corruption hanging over it, ’til something is done to eradicate the illegal schemes from “the rules”, as they don’t represent any righteous or legitimately passed law. Continue reading


What luck for rules that men do not think.

“The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes.”

The introductory quotes are from Uncle Adolph, who most people despise, but I admire his ability to bend everyone to his way of thinking. I agree that he was a monster, but brilliant nonetheless. I chose these quotes for a reason I hope will become clear as you read.

I consider Hitler the progenitor of our modern politically partisan press – our lame-stream media. He also pioneered the most powerful mass-marketing process with his Landsmann Heir Goebbels. Together they crafted a diabolically professional and efficient propaganda machine that rationalized the murdered over eleven million Jews and ethnic misfits to further his ‘unification’ programs.

Before us today, we have a few instances that raise my YGBSM meter past Eleven. All of last year’s debacles are trivial in comparison. This all leads us to the inevitable fact that our government is not just morally bankrupt but wiping its feet on the constitution by intentionally disregarding our laws. All because they are inconvenient and impede their progress to further their unification agenda. Continue reading

Ross: STOP Asking Me For Solutions

The Destruction of the Ship of State

So, y’all think that this is the land of the free, and that you enjoy freedom. Hmm, let’s see about that. First of all, let’s provide a working definition for the word freedom: “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.” As human beings, there are certain things that are necessary if we wish to survive. We must eat, we must drink water, and we must sleep; those are the 3 basic requirements for life, and if we do not do them, we will die. Continue reading

Leadership or Lack Thereof…

China vs. America – A not-so social media post quoting Bill Maher made me consider our leadership style in America. I include a transcript of Mr. Maher’s program below – without permission – for context and clarity.

I find Mr. Bill Maher snarky and smarmy, but he makes perfect sense from time to time.

I believe the following transcript is one of his best monologues.

Why are Americans sleeping? We aren’t sleeping; we are spending our time enabling little boys to become little girls!!! We have the Sec of Defense, responding to an order from the ‘commander in chief,’ designing stylish new uniforms for pregnant ‘soldiers’ and developing racial and gender equity programs. Continue reading

Smith: America Cannot Survive Her Fools and Traitors – Unless…

It’s pretty hard to be positive about America’s chances, when we see so many anti-American people in all walks of life in every major region of the country, doing their dead level best to usher in full blown socialism, if not a totalitarian form of communism, regardless of what it will cost our freedom and liberty.

We’re in a whole heap of trouble, yessirree we are.

You and others may see a ray of hope, but I see the nation descending into a great civil upheaval, more than likely a full blown hot civil war, at any point between now and 2028, possibly 2035 when I suspect the economic situation will rapidly facilitate such a war. All that’s missing is the right spark, but America is sitting on the edge of the abyss peering into the darkness.

Can America pull back from certain disaster. I’m thinking we may already be past the point of no return, but perhaps a major event and some Dark Horse will emerge to change the tide. It’s anyone’s guess at this point. Continue reading

Chicken & Waffles

I’m calling this article “Chicken & Waffles,” which seems appropriate since no one has the chutzpah to take control of this situation and because of the flip-flops on a Wuhan course of action. The America I love would not allow this to continue, but alas, that America is gone.

My alternate title is “The Bipolar Boogie” because of the nearly solid rhythmic frequency of the releases and reversals about the Wuhan pandemic. But we’re all groovin’ to the same lie.

America and the world are in flux – constantly changing and still held hostage by this lie. We struggle to break free, to find a way out, but a new variant pops up, and we’re back in the gulag.

Strange how that continues to happen… Boogie On! Continue reading

Godspeed, Medal of Honor Recipient Gary Beikirch

A man of God and American Patriot.

A quiet man and humble man, Gary Beikirch, departed this life for the next on 26 December, becoming the third Medal of Honor recipient we said farewell to in 2021, after the deaths of T/Sgt. Charlie Coolidge and Lt. Col. Chuck Hagemeister.

Gary, a Vietnam veteran whose Medal of Honor citation you can read here, was instrumental in shaping and supporting the character education curriculum of our National Medal of Honor Heritage Center. Continue reading

The Wuhan Crystal Ball

Once upon a time, in the 16th Century, a French apothecary called Nostradamus used a strange process to predict the future. He’d enter a trance-like state and transcribe his visions – prophecies – into a bazaar four-line prose. Most folks found it unintelligible, but what they could decipher was usually wrong.

His record – 11 hits for 942 predictions.

Forecasting the future is a brutal way to make a living because the fulfillment of your prophecies isn’t revealed for years, decades, and sometimes centuries. Fortunately, like another seer in this commentary, Nostradamus was a very wealthy man. Continue reading

Our Downfall Will Come As The Result Of Own Stupidity

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ~ George Carlin

LOOK Closely

It is claimed that Ben Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential freedom for the promise of comfort and security will deserve neither and lose both.” The country we live in today, and the people who inhabit it, are living proof that Franklin was correct in his assessment. Here we sit after decade after decade of ignorance, apathy, and indoctrination, willingly submitting to violation after violation of our freedom, and we denounce those who have the courage to stand up to tyrants as dangers to society. We should be mighty proud of ourselves. [Said with a heavy dose of sarcasm] Continue reading

Circling Wagons

People circled wagons in the days of the Wild West,
Either hit the ground or take an arrow in the chest,
Today we’re Circling Wagons as we did in yesteryears,
We’re fending off the cybor saints of the apocosphere,
You don’t need to hit the ground or feel the pounding hooves
To know that sheer intolerance is splitting us in two.
To “bring ppl together?” It’s precisely the reverse,
So we are Circling Wagons and things likely will get worse. Continue reading