A year old and still more important than the nightly News

“How long will the covid virus last?” asked the reporter at a press conference to the Doctor. Replied the Doctor: “I don’t know! I’m a Doctor, not a politician”. ~ Indra Biseswar

Everyone should be viewing this – it should be going viral (no joke intended)! People need to hear real facts, not irrational hysteria. —- I just finished watching through the end of this talk….this should be required viewing before watching the next presidential debate. Plenty of Trump haters are smart people but there is no excuse for being ignorant. ~ 78tag

Honestly the lockdown is the most devastating and deconstructive part to the economy, the society and ppl’s lives as a whole. Just look at what damages the lockdown have caused? Business are closed or eventually bankrupted due to lack of cash flow or customers flow. Ppl are not allowed to do anything they usually do or need to do, you have change your habits and ways of life drastically.

Schools closed, kids are force to stay home for too long ultimately lead to learning crisis. For those who need to visit hospitals for medical care may not be able to get their treatments in timely basis. What’s more worst, politicians make everything associated the virus to accuse their opponents for anything including not allow ppl to vote in person but it’s ok to get together for a large crowd to protest for looting, robbery and destruction. This is ridiculous! ~ Isabella Liu

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