An Overwhelmed Border Patrol Is Missing an Epidemic of Runners and ‘Got-aways

Border Patrol agents, equipped with sophisticated technology, attempt to apprehend migrants illegally crossing into the United States. But securing the border has become more difficult as agents are taken off the line to process unprecedented numbers of illegal migrants turning themselves in, instead of preventing smuggling, drug and human trafficking, and identifying national security threats. The end of Title 42 will push the numbers of migrants and got-aways even higher. Continue reading

Invasión: May 11, 2023…The insanity will not end!

‘Chaos’ predicted for Texas border city of El Paso

A “catastrophe of epic proportions” is expected to begin along the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday as Title 42 expires at midnight tonight.

Title 42 is the Trump-era public health policy that allows Border Patrol agents to turn illegal immigrants back to Mexico over public health concerns. But thousands of migrants – even more than usual – are expected to enter the country as the policy expires at midnight tonight.

According to a recent Fox News report, the Border Patrol has been authorized to release migrants to the streets if non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can no longer hold them safely. Coincidentally, many facilities are already over capacity… (Continue to full article)

Biden had two years to prepare for the end of Title 42, and he failed

Kyrsten Sinema tears into White House for having no plan for the ‘crisis’ facing Arizona and border towns when restrictions lift TONIGHT

Sinema tore into the Biden administration for failing to prepare for the end of Title 42 as she said she would press forward with getting colleagues on board with her own proposal to do exactly that.

The free-thinking former Democrat said the federal government had left the border state she represents, Arizona, ‘without adequate resources’ for the pandemic-era restriction’s end.

She said she was on the phone with local authorities ‘on an hourly basis’ trying to figure out how stretched state and local resources can step in to aid the inundation of migrants up to and after the conclusion of Title 42… (Continue to full article)

Cartels are making too much MONEY smuggling migrants to allow a surge after Title 42

Ex-border patrol chief says Mexican gangs will control crossings because chaos is bad for business.

Instead of a tidal wave of immigrants flooding the border, Chris Clem said cartels will control numbers to ensure they can keep the profits flowing in for weeks to come.

Title 42 is due to expire at midnight TONIGHT, relaxing public health restrictions designed to stop COVID-19 entering the country with migrants.

A surge in migrants crossing the border is already being reported in Yuma, Arizona, where Clem retired last year as the sector’s Chief Border Patrol Agent… (Continue to full article)

Benson: The Border Crisis Looms – What About Mexico’s Political Past?

The resolution that has kept our Southern border from being completely inundated with illegal aliens is about to expire. And the illegals will swarm across our border like a swarm of locusts and the Biden regime, for all its big talk about the border not being open, along with all the other lies they have told, will look the other way and do nothing about it, all the while continuing to tell us they have the situation under control. Anyone believing them has to believe in the tooth fairy as well. Continue reading

Invasión: …The insanity will not end! ~ May 10, 2023

NOTE: It is so interesting how we have to draw all of the following posts from a Foreign News Publication. ~ Editor

Biden ‘finalizes screeching migrant policy U-turn to fend off illegal aliens in Trump-style plans he decried in 2020’
Title 42 expires TOMORROW and thousands more stream over the southern border

Migrants walk through a barbed-wire barrier into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Matamoros, Mexico

Joe Biden has finalized Trump-style plans to stop illegal migrants flooding into the U.S less than 48 hours before Title 42 expires – and as thousands more are seen streaming across the border from Mexico.

The policy, as seen by CBS News, is almost identical to a law which had been introduced by the Trump administration – and which was decried by Biden at the time. It required migrants to request refugee status in another country, such as Mexico, during their journey to the southern border – before crossing into the United States.

Those who fail to follow the criteria are liable to be deported… (Continue to full article)

‘This entire operation is a sad joke!’ Border Patrol Union tears into DHS for TELLING migrants and smugglers where and when it’ll ‘conduct targeted enforcement’… two days before Title 42 expires
Late on Monday night the DHS announced that ICE would be conducting a targeted enforcement operation in El Paso, Texas. The operation coincides with surge of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border – but those who crossed illegally will now have time to get make a getaway.

‘Nothing like publicly announcing that dangerous people will be arrested, while warning them ahead of time exactly where to run and hide to avoid arrest. This entire operation is a sad joke – another pandering PR stunt. Serious law enforcement leaders don’t behave this way,’ the Border Patrol Union – NBPC tweeted on Monday night.

Strategically speaking, the announcing of such information makes little sense with those seeking to evade capture by the authorities now given advance warning. It comes just as Border Patrol revealed how its agents caught 26,000 migrants in just three days.. (Continue to full article)

26,382 migrant encounters and 7,399 gotaways in just three days
US-Mexico Border ALREADY sees surge in crossers – with up to 13,000 expected each day when Title 42 ends on Thursday

Border crossings are already spiking in the days leading up to the end of Title 42 with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehending more than 26,000 migrants in just 72 hours. The last three days saw an average of 8,794 migrant apprehensions per day, according to figures released by CBP Chief Raul Ortiz. This is a staggering unprecedented figure that is only expected to grow in coming days with Title 42 set to expire on Thursday

Currently, the average number of migrants crossing the southern border each day is 7,700. But the Biden administration estimates that the number could increase to 13,000 every day once Title 42 is no longer in use. Other external estimates have put that number even higher.

Smugglers are encouraging migrants to head for the border…. (Continue to full article)

Title 42 is ending on Thursday – so what will the border look like in a post-pandemic world as internal estimates warn there are at least 10,000 migrants waiting to cross the second the measure expires
Title 42 is finally coming to an end on Thursday, May 11 and there are at least 10,000 migrants waiting in Mexico to immediately cross the U.S. southern border once the policy is no longer in use.

The public health measure was employed in March 2020 by then-President Donald Trump to quell migration during the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking those caught at those at the border from seeking asylum.

Migrants could be rapidly expelled back to Mexico, and since it began Title 42 has been used more than 2.7 million times. In March more than 191,00 migrants were encountered at the border, and many expect crossings to rise from 7,500 to 13,000 a day when Title 42 ends… (Continue to full article)

Drone video shows huge line of hundreds of migrants who illegally crossed the border into Brownsville, Texas, days before the end of Title 42
A huge line of consisting of hundreds of migrants who crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico into Brownsville, Texas was caught on camera on Sunday evening.

A line could best be seen from the air as footage from Fox News’ drone tea, attempted to capture the enormity of the as it snaked off into the distance.

The great majority of the migrants looked to be single adults. Many of those waiting in line did not appear to have baggage of any kind with most simply holding a plastic bag containing important documents.

Although it is not clear exactly where the migrants had arrived from, over the last two weeks there has been a surge of Venezuelan migrants through South Texas, particularly in and around Brownsville. The reasons for the surge are unclear.

On Friday U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas noted that Mexico has agreed week to continue taking back Venezuelans who enter the U.S. illegally even after asylum restrictions end Thursday, along with Cubans, Haitians and Nicaraguans… (Continue to full article)

Border crisis laid bare: Patrol chief reveals force seized 54lbs of fentanyl, 19lbs of heroin and 246lbs of meth and arrested 50,000 illegal aliens last week
US Border Patrol agents made more than 50,000 arrests in one week – with over 1400lbs of drugs being recovered.

Chief Raul Ortiz shared images of the latest busts on to his Twitter page and laid bare the ongoing crisis at the borders.

On Friday he said: ‘Week in review. 1 agent assaulted, 51,560 apprehensions, 16,985 approx gotaways, $31,000 seized, 614lbs cocaine, 540lbs marijuana, 246lbs meth, 54lbs fentanyl, 19lbs heroin, 10 firearms, 17 sex offenders, 5 gang members. Impressive work!’

Images attached by the Chief shows large quantities of drugs that have been bundled together as well a piles of dollar bills.

According to the Chief, these statistics are for the entire border patrol, including the southern, northern and coastal borders… (Continue to full article)

ALERT: Biden vows to veto House GOP bill aimed at securing border
Biden would veto a House GOP bill that aims to secure our southern border by restricting asylum and finish building Trump’s border wall, the White House said Monday.

Republicans are looking to capitalize as immigration trouble surges into a national spotlight this week with the ending of COVID-19 restrictions that allowed border authorities to quickly return many migrants who crossed the border illegally.

GOP lawmkers aim to vote on their Secure the Border Act on Thursday — the same day the emergency expulsion powers expire. Officials have already seen an increase of illegals at the U.S.-Mexico border and are bracing for more.

The legislation represents the GOP’s first major immigration policy proposal since the Trump era, when those who wanted to abide by the nation’s immigration laws controlled the White House. The 213-page bill resurrects a slew of former President Donald Trump’s policies, such as building barriers along hundreds of miles of border country…. (Continue to full article)

Smith: A Tidal Wave of Humanity On America’s Borders

We are watching the ongoing madness on the southern border with some great anger and consternation, as I wonder once more just what will it take, to make Americans decide it is finally up to us, and us alone, to handle our border security in the absence of any real and sincere attempts by the Biden regime. This is a purposeful, manufactured crisis, that taken in conjunction with our economic crisis, is accelerating the ultimate collapse of American society.

In many ways, it almost seems as tho’ the American people’s will has already been broken and they have lost their soul, so beaten down by the ravages of one Democratic Party Communist assault after another.

If the American people do not soon regain an incredibly powerful will and the strength of mind and heart to do whatever it takes to save the country, I full well expect the country will drift along in a static status quo fashion that sees the nation overrun and overwhelmed, as we experience the consequences of a defacto capitulation of our own duties to ourselves, our families and America. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Hayworth: Does NBA mean ‘Not Basketball Anymore’?

With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien, Phil Jackson rates as a real-life “Lord of the Rings” from his time as both a player and a coach in the NBA.

He earned two championship rings on the roster of the New York Knicks, six more as coach of the Chicago Bulls, and another five coaching the Los Angeles Lakers.

But now, the lone pro basketball luminary has booted NBA games off his television sets. Continue reading

Crime and Punishment

“Don’t go to bed with no price on your head – No, no, don’t do it.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time – Yeah, don’t do it.”
Baretta’s Theme song ~ Sammy Davis Jr.

In 1975, when this TV show was first aired, America had a much different character.

In November of that year, I was coming home from my third tour of Vietnam. Part of our country was pissed off about our involvement in a conflict we didn’t want to win. The rest was concerned about Watergate, 9% unemployment, Hoffa was missing, the Cold War flourishing, the space race was exclusionary, and the ever-looming nuclear holocaust terrified everyone. Continue reading

Leibowitz: AI – Artificial, yes. Intelligent? We’ll get back to you!

Lately, every other news story is about artificial intelligence and how AI is going to take over the world.

No less an eminence than Elon Musk has warned: “One of the biggest risks to the future of civilization is AI. But AI is both positive or negative — it has great promise, great capability, but also with that comes great danger.”

Me, I call BS on such predictions — for now, at least. Why? Because I enlisted ChatGPT, the easiest way to interface with AI, as my co-author for this week’s column. Continue reading

Hayworth: Open border truths emerge in Obamacare

Eleven years after the fact, the 44th president was “talking smack.”


Barack Obama had been delayed from taking a “victory lap” in 2016 for what he was telling voters would be his “third term,” thanks to Donald Trump’s upset of Hillary Clinton.

But Obama finally got his chance four years later. Pandemic-induced political pandemonium helped make it possible.

COVID-19 led to an ominous “opportunity” as politics met public health in 2020. Continue reading

The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

“Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.” ~ Justice William O. Douglas

Absolutely, there is a war on free speech.

To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the government.

Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

Indeed, those who run the government don’t take kindly to individuals who speak truth to power. Continue reading

Benson: Back to Business as Usual in Sodomy on the Potomac

In an article on it was noted that it seems to be back to business as usual in good old Sodomy on the Potomac. It seems as if (are you really surprised?) that now some of the “conservative” Republicans are suddenly not all that hot to investigate Biden family corruption as they were when running for election. Can anyone really be surprised that we are now getting back to business as usual in the great swamp?

It seems that the current agenda has now swung from investigating Biden family corruption to preventing a banking crisis as they promised us they would Many Republican voters are less than enthusiastic about this. They are getting upset that the Biden family corruption they were promised would be investigated is now on the way to being ignored! It would seem that except for talking a good fight, many conservatives are not really backing up the talk with meaningful action. Continue reading

Bennett: Rebuttal From a Pissed Off American

The following was written and published by me on January 1, 2002 in the Original Federal Observer, which was just over five months old. ~ Editor

For many of us broadcasting on the alternative media – we have remained hard hitting on issues, which we believe are highly pertinent in our day and time. These issues include education, property rights, tyranny by government, government out of the control of the people, moral decay and rot, tax and sovereignty issues, a deeper drift into Socialism, the breakup of the family, protection of children and families, treason in high places of our government, cover-ups and conspiracies within the government itself, in addition to a sundry of other choice subjects.

Predictably, many of us have been accused of being anti-government. In response to those accusations, I must say: To the best of our ability, we are reporting the truth. Are the people making these claims against us listening to us, and to our programs on a regular basis? Do they take a serious look at what we are reporting and is the information confirmable from other sources? Continue reading

Smith: Lay Bare Their Bones in the Blazing Sun

Our country left the era of do no wrong and mean no harm a long time ago. Our system has separated from its moral Christian principles and traditional moorings, and it has morphed into a corrosive beast where it’s everyone for themselves in a gross, reprehensible style focused largely on self-interest first, party second and God and country last.

I possess a virulent anti-authoritarian strain dating back to my childhood, and I have always found the concept of respecting authority for authority’s sake as nonsensical, even asinine, probably due to my father’s warning to always question authority — this coming from an old, decorated combat veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Respect is something earned, not automatically deserved for any reason. And this has placed within me a natural affinity for anarchism, not the commie-leaning anarchism that evolved in 19th century Europe, but the sort of anarchism that reaches for the largest expansion of individual liberty and seeks nothing less than free associations, free market capitalism on the domestic front and a barebones “government”.  – J.O.S.
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House Leaders look to hold Border/E-Verify floor vote as Title 42 ends

The House of Representatives plans to vote on historic legislation that would end the ongoing border crisis and deter future border surges and illegal immigration in mid-May. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) made the announcement on Thursday and were confident they have the support for it to pass.

The final legislation would combine H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act, passed by the House Judiciary Committee last week and H.R. 2794, the Border Reinforcement Act, passed by the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. Continue reading

Parents Urged to Flee Public Schools, Rescue Kids From ‘Poison’

It’s not a question of if – not even a question of when. Michele Bachmann says parents should withdraw their children from public schools immediately!

Trust between schools and parents has been irreversibly damaged, the former U.S. congresswoman and 2012 presidential candidate said last week during an interview on the “Understanding the Times” radio program – adding: “Our school system is completely gone now.” Continue reading

Benson: These Government Indoctrination Centers We Refer To As ‘Schools

One government indoctrination center in Vermont has decided to eliminate the words male and female from the 5th grade curriculum. Students can’t use the words boy and girl in school because, after all, this school is in the process of becoming woke, and using such antiquated terms as boy and girl omits the other 126 sexes some flaky scientists and politicians have only recently informed us are now in existence. How many other public schools are like this one nationwide? More than you’d like to think about. But you’d better start thinking about it because the Theology of Woke will be coming to a public school near you if it’s not already there. Continue reading

Hayworth ~ Budding controversy: This woke’s for you!

It’s not quite like selling water on the desert, but it comes close.


It is America’s affinity for beer.

Long before the advent of today’s “celebrity spokesman,” no less a celebrated and accomplished figure than Benjamin Franklin described the quest to quench his thirst in theological terms.

The printer, scientist, inventor, statesman and founding father reportedly said, “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

That’s why it is somewhat strange that Franklin’s Philadelphia, the “City of Brotherly Love” and home of a prominent Ivy League institution, played a contributing role in a recent decision that most beer drinkers hate. Continue reading

Who’s Running the Show?


Let’s see, we have committees investigating committees that are investigating committees, and after millions of dollars spent, nothing is found. We have solid proof of political wrongdoings and financial insider “deals” with foreign countries, and time after time, we don’t see prosecutions. We have spent millions of dollars trying to find wrongdoings of a former president and still there is no proof after years and years. They’re still trying to find something; anything. Just another witch hunt, no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Continue reading