GOP Must Call Out Illegal Immigration as ‘Economic Warfare’ Against Working Americans

Republicans must be “hammering” away at illegal immigration as “economic warfare” against working – and middle-class Americans, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) told Breitbart News.

(Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP) (Photo credit should read ALFREDO ESTRELLA/AFP via Getty Images)

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News, Vance called on Republicans to discuss illegal immigration as a fixture of “the cheap labor lobby” which seeks to inflate the United States labor market to drive down wages and employ an underclass of cheaper foreign workers with little-to-no bargaining power. Continue reading

Hayworth: Durham Report carries no consequences for offenders

You first heard it while watching courtroom dramas on television. Perhaps at some point in your own life, you raised your right hand and affirmed these familiar words yourself.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

Sadly, today’s cultural conviction is that truth is relative, personal rather than universal.

It is as if veracity is a tailor-made vest, form-fitting for you, but not exactly the fashion or fit for your neighbor, who is free to determine his own truth … and pay a tailor to design his own “veracity vest.” Continue reading

Reed: Evil Is Rising, but Despair Is Not an Option

Virtually every manifestation of evil involves a desire to dominate and control.

To many people, the world seems to make less and less sense with each passing day. Values we once cherished and that bound civil society together face daily bombardment. Offensive things are routinely said and done today in ways intended to inflame and divide. Freedoms we took for granted – freedoms of thought, speech, press, religion – are under relentless assault as intrusive government and cancel culture gain ground. Continue reading

Benson: The Family Of Influence Peddlers

An article on the Epoch Times recently noted that “Biden has received $10 million in payments from China, foreign interests… President Biden is being accused of money laundering and influence peddling. This is the latest chapter in the Hunter Biden saga, where the president’s son was suspected of selling his father’s influence to foreign governments and businesses.” Needless to say, what pretends to be our “news” media has zero interest in this. After all, their assigned task is to bury this as deep as possible, not to report it. So they run interference for the Deep State by reporting instead some Republican congressman from New York who has done something wrong – a crime that pales in comparison to what Joe the influence peddler and his son and brother are doing–and have been doing for decades now. Continue reading

No Border Security Bill Until Citizens Accept More Poor Migrants

Democrats will block a border security bill until American citizens accept more poor migrants into their workplaces and neighborhoods, Texas Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee told a GOP-led hearing on Tuesday.

“You’re not going to get border security coming first,” Lee told a GOP-picked witness, Rodney Scott, the former chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, who urged legislators to first protect the border before opening up more legal routes for migrants.

She continued:

You need to be able to balance it. You will not accept a border security and recognizing pathways to legal entry [bill]? … When the late [Sen. ] John McCain, we had a very strong comprehensive bill — and it had border security and the legal pathway.

Lee’s frank statement exposed the core politics of migration: Democrats — and their bipartisan business and media allies — will block any border security bill unless the GOP votes to let them legally import more poor migrant workers, consumers, renters, and poor people who will turn to government agencies for help. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Hiker’s Slaying DEMANDS Killer’s Quick-End

It has become fashionable among the intellectuals and bleeding hearts who work in newsrooms to rail against the death penalty. We must have compassion, they argue. Lethal injection is so barbaric, so cruel, so unusual, the process so rife with in-exactitude and the possibility of human error.

Better to let every murderer live, goes their reasoning, than to execute a single innocent man.

To which I consider the stone-cold murder of 29-year-old Lauren Heike, a Scottsdale woman who went for a hike on April 28 and ended up stabbed 15 times, and shake my head in disgust.

You want to argue against the death penalty? Don’t emote for some poor killer who went into heart palpitations or felt pain in his final moments because the three-drug cocktail took too long to work. Continue reading

Smith: Make America’s Communists Swing in the Wind

There’s no way for any true justice to prevail in any case, with Merrick Garland putting his thumb on the scales to balance everything in the Democrat Commies’ favor, even in the face of blatant, obvious wrongdoing and criminal acts. Much the same situation exists in the FBI that is currently rife with commies, after Obama purged its ranks of conservatives in 2012.

America is being ruled, not governed, by a group of power-hungry Marxist-Maoist communists who care more about their party, gaining raw power and forcing their anti-American ideology on all Americans than they care about freedom, liberty and America Herself. Continue reading


It’s time for your favorite political theater production – ‘The Debt Ceiling Game Show

Dang, another rerun!

The querulous and quasi-demented Joe Biden continues to play an obtuse game with House Leader Kevin McCarthy. Biden can’t seem to understand that spending cuts are necessary to parry the ever-growing national debt, or at least keep it from worsening. The Democrat Party’s reckless spending under Biden has led to runaway inflation. More spending will lead to more inflation. Biden can’t or won’t accept that. Continue reading

200k+ border encounters – Is it the new norm?

DHS released its monthly border encounters report for April this week, the last full month before the termination of Title 42 on May 11. Encounters of illegal aliens along the border and at ports of entry were back above 200,000 for the first time since December.

While border encounters have dipped slightly over the first few months of 2023, encounters exceeding 200,000 have become commonplace under the Biden Administration. April was the 13th month since Pres. Biden’s inauguration that total encounters exceeded 200,000. Continue reading

Debt-Limit Terror” Is No Way to Run a Superpower

On the latest round of the Republicans’ dangerous game.

What can you say about a week in American politics when the major breakthrough was that the two parties agreed to stop talking about talking, in order to actually start talking? In Washington, where, for months, President Biden and congressional Republicans have been hurtling toward a confrontation over the G.O.P.’s refusal to raise the debt ceiling without major concessions from Democrats on federal spending, the beginning of formal negotiations aimed at averting a disastrous government default counted as big news. For the rest of the world, it was merely a sign of the capital’s extreme dysfunction, and a reminder that America’s messed-up politics constitutes a geopolitical crisis as well as a domestic one.

On Tuesday, Biden reinforced the point by announcing that he would cut short an important overseas trip to the Pacific region in order to return to Washington for the debt talks. With default looming – coming, perhaps, as soon as early June, according to the Treasury Department – this seemed like a politically advisable course, but the optics were nonetheless terrible. The President will still attend the G-7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, but skip his planned stops in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Both visits had been designed to showcase the U.S.’s top foreign-policy priority – shoring up American alliances in the region as part of the growing confrontation with China. Continue reading

Southwest Border Apprehensions, Encounters Surge in April

Policies have consequences

CBP has released its statistics on Border Patrol apprehensions and CBP overall encounters at the Southwest border for the month of April and, not surprisingly, both surged last month even while Title 42 expulsions dropped. That does not bode well for the administration with Title 42 having some ended on May 11 just as “travel season” at the U.S.-Mexico line gears up. Expect some drop-off in apprehensions when the May numbers come out next month as illegal migrants — and more importantly their smugglers — are still trying to figure out all the loopholes in Biden’s latest border regime. Continue reading

Impeaching Mayorkas Gains Momentum Among Key House Republicans

Calls among House Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have grown after a week of chaotic and record-breaking illegal migration activity at the southern border.

Several members of the House Judiciary Committee, the committee responsible for conducting impeachments, say they support moving forward with the process.

“He should be impeached as soon as humanly possible,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) told reporters on Tuesday.

Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) told Breitbart News, “I support beginning impeachment hearings. I’ve said that to chairman [Jim] Jordan. My constituents think it’s long overdue, and I feel as though once we lay out the facts for the American people and for my colleagues in the House, it’ll be inevitable.” Continue reading

Anghis: Democrat Party Equals Totalitarian Dictatorship

Abraham Lincoln stated that the government of the United States is controlled by We the People. Ronald Reagan stated that government is the car and We the People are the drivers and We decide where the car goes and how fast and what route.

Democrats hate our Constitution because it does not allow them to do what they want to do. Most of the time they simply ignore our rights and hope the courts do not throw the law out. It has come to light recently that the corrupt FBI has been trying to use medical centers to strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights. The Washington Examiner reported new information Tuesday from a Gun Owners of America (GOA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing the FBI “coordinated secretly with hospitals and medical centers to strip U.S. citizens of their rights to own, buy, or even use firearms.” Continue reading

Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” ~ James Madison

How far would you really go to secure the nation’s borders in the so-called name of national security?

Would you give the government limitless amounts of money? Surround the entire country with concrete walls and barbed wire? Erect a high-tech, virtual wall of AI-powered surveillance cameras and drones that does a better job of imprisoning those within its boundaries than keeping intruders out? Empower border police to trample on the rights of anyone who crosses their path, including legal citizens? Continue reading