Bennett: But it’s all OK – Just Take a Little Pill

ADHD drug Ritalin affects the brain like cocaine – so why is it being prescribed to children?

I was a third week Senior at Glenbrook North High School in 1965 – and I knew that something was wrong…

As I progressed from the 5th grade on – through the 6th grade and then into Middle School at Northbrook Junior High and subsequently into High School, I found myself beginning to lack in numerous areas of my education. In English, I was an astute reader (and still am), and Science classes were interesting to me – chiefly due to the exciting talents of one teacher in Junior High – who smoked a pipe in class! History was always a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed, but as time went on, many of the teachers became boring – hence I became bored – more so in High School. Continue reading

Does America really need MORE foreign workers?

H-2 visa programs are rife with fraud and abuse

When even migrants’ rights groups are pointing out the horrible abuses of the H-2 visa programs, it seems insane to expand them. Does Congress even care about the abuses? Do your elected officials?

H-2 visas allow foreign workers to come to compete with Americans for American jobs. Supposedly, these are temporary jobs Americans won’t do. But Southern Migrant Legal Services and the Mississippi Center for Justice contacted the U.S. Department of Labor to investigate corporate-owned farms for importing workers as if they were commodities instead of hiring American workers. Turns out that, for decent wages, there were plenty of people seeking those jobs.
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Ayee Me Hearties… Morgan the Pirate gets caught once again!

Morgan the Pirate Dimon

JP Morgan agrees to pay Epstein victims $290million in historic class action lawsuit settlement after it was revealed bank continued to do business with him for years despite labeling him a ‘high risk client’

JP Morgan has agreed to pay Jeffrey Epstein victims up to $290million as part of a class action lawsuit settlement.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of one woman but the settlement rewards anyone who was victimized by Epstein, a known pedophile who killed himself in prison in 2019.

The number of victims who may stand to gain from the settlement could reach 100 though it’s unclear if there is a limit on the number who can come forward, or whether each is limited in how much they can receive.

‘The parties believe this settlement is in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein’s terrible abuse,’ a statement released by JP Morgan on Monday morning said. Continue reading

Shameless Greed‘ ~ Pharma Giant Merck Sues to Kill Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

“This lawsuit is a desperate attempt by the industry to beat back popular legislation that would curtail Big Pharma’s ability to price gouge Medicare.”

Merck on Tuesday became the first pharmaceutical company to sue the Biden administration over a recently enacted law that empowers Medicare to directly negotiate the prices of a small number of high-cost prescription medicines with drug makers – a change that could threaten Merck’s bottom line.

Filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., Merck’s lawsuit characterizes the drug price negotiation policy established by the Inflation Reduction Act as “tantamount to extortion” and claims the “singular purpose of this scheme is for Medicare to obtain prescription drugs without paying fair market value.” Continue reading

Border Hospitals Packed with Pregnant Migrants, Forcing American Women to Delay Deliveries

An estimated 6000 migrants, the majority Haitians, continue to overwhelm the northern Mexican city of Reynosa, a town bordering McAllen, Texas while waiting for an opportunity to cross into the United States. (Photo by Michael Nigro/Getty Images)

Hospitals along the United States-Mexico border are so packed with pregnant migrant women that American women are being forced to delay their scheduled deliveries, Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says.

Kennedy recently visited the southern border to bring awareness to the issue of illegal immigration, which has skyrocketed under President Joe Biden. Continue reading

Why Are Corporate Healthcare Fraudsters Being Handed “Get Out of Jail Free Cards”?

A senior woman is seen lying in a bed in an intensive care unit.

Waivers given by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services allow venture capital, private equity, and health insurance entities the freedom to violate anti-corruption laws without penalty.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees those national health care programs, has the dubious distinction of being light years ahead of other government regulators in excusing fraudulent conduct. CMS doesn’t just allow healthcare companies to repeatedly commit fraud and abuse with fines amounting to a tiny fraction of the profit; CMS goes much further… Continue reading

Rule by Decree: The Emergency State’s Plot to Override the Constitution

“Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.” ~ Justice Neil Gorsuch

That “goddamned piece of paper” – again

We have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency.

Power-hungry and lawless, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security. Continue reading

Progress has NEVER been a bargain…

My wife and I enjoy movies of the past because they represent the promise of America, offering positive moral assessments and messages. Most of the films are adaptations of books or plays extolling conservative messages.

Yes, some are just pure entertainment but of a positive nature. Some warn of impending doom or consequences of poor decisions. Continue reading

Smith: The Transgender Movement Makes a Mockery of Traditional America

Les and Bea – where is Anne?

I hope this really sticks in the LGBTQ Movement’s ass – Good and Hard – and makes them spew their Fruit Loops or Chai Tea when they read it. I’m an eternity past givin’ a good damned about these godless creeps.

Isn’t the Queer phenomena of our country some kind of vile spectacle that makes a normal man want to puke. There’s something to be said for the days when these freaks were forced to stay in the closet, but now the sick, rotten bastards are right out here in broad daylight, prancing about and shoving their perversion in the face of every good and decent American, making the Christians of the nation rail to God to come soon or take these godless Satan worshippers on to Hell … Oh … all Christians except for the new improved Queer friendly churches like the Southern Baptist Convention that now delivers heretical sermons soothing to queer ears, even allowing drag queens to desecrate the church by performing from behind the altar. Continue reading

Loudon: The Domination Principle

The children of today will be growing up in a fascinating world of artificial intelligence, innovations, increased communication, new transportation, and world-changing technology. The use of energy information, research, new transportation, new communication, and evolving new artificial intelligence technology, is an awesome breakthrough and many changes are coming our way as we speak.

All of this incredible information is the result of education and people learning new skills which is a very important result of learning. It begins before grade school and continues throughout a child’s education into research. As adults, they develop new ideas, innovations, new processes, new thoughts, medical cures, great ideas, and new technology. Much of this information is available now and more will be available in the future for families, and their children. Continue reading

Smith: America Speeds Headlong Into an Unimaginable Fiscal Disaster

~ Foreword ~
I haven’t been worried about this debt ceiling “crisis” shutting the government down. I remember the shutdown that went on for three weeks during the Clinton years, and we survived it just fine.

What everyone should find troubling is the spending that has grown so large it accounts for much more than the receipts the U.S. takes in each year. And if it grows too much larger, it will eventually make it near impossible to even service the interest on the debt.

Defaulting on the debt would be a mixed bag. We’d still have the largest world economy, but the International Monetary Fund would demand some restructuring on how we handle our debt and how much more, if any, we could accrue, not to mention that many nations would grow reluctant to trade with us further. We see this already as many nations are currently moving to align with the BRICs nations, dealing in Chinese yuan for now. Continue reading

Demolition Man ~ Journey to the Future

Stallone’s 1993 film eerily foreshadowed the 2020’s

Sylvester Stallone’s 90s movie Demolition Man featured a star-studded cast and was a huge hit with viewers at the time.

And the 1993 sci-fi film has taken on a new lease of life in recent years as eager fans re-watching the epic are convinced it predicted the future.

Viewers have noticed a whole host of eerie similarities between the futuristic pacifist utopia San Angeles – formerly Los Angeles – and the 2020s. Continue reading

Record-Breaking Border Crossings Include Terrorist Suspects

The number of terrorist suspects apprehended at the southern border is soaring while the number who are getting away remains a dangerous mystery.

Citing risks to national security and public safety, House Republicans have launched a probe over the rising number of terrorism suspects who have been caught attempting to sneaking across the southern border. In the previous seven months, 96 people on the terrorism watchlist have been apprehended at the border so Republican lawmakers are demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security. Continue reading

Anghis: Education Extremism Rising ~ America’s Way of Life Threatened

Even when I was a little kid, I understood that because I was born in this great nation I was extremely blessed. Seeing how people had to live in other nations, pitiful homes, lack of food and water, virtually no education, ancient forms of transportation, dictatorial governments, and so many other things that make life miserable but here in America we had it all. As a child, I could not even imagine a life of that nature. Today I see a much different America. Yes, we still have prosperity, nice houses, and a modern mode of transportation but the regime that is in power now wants to bring all of that to a screeching halt.

We are seeing stupidity reign in our seats of power. Things that you would never even think about fifty years ago are going mainstream now. The absolute perversion in our schools with drag shows, porn in the libraries, and the character of teachers that are allowed to ‘teach’ our kids is appalling. Teachers that we have today would be in jail in my day and they should be today as well. Continue reading

Amerikanós Apokalypsis (The American Apocalypse)

Saint John the Evangelist, Gustave Dore

While researching several ideas for this essay, I started reading from Apocalypse of John, the last book in the Christian bible, called Revelations. Incidentally, the word apocalypse means revelation or that which is uncovered.

The word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apockalypsis, which means to uncover, reveal, lay bare, disclose, unveil, or divulge. The preferred pop culture and secondary meaning is universal or widespread destruction or disaster by the forces of evil.

Apocalypse of John is a compilation of his letters to the seven Roman provinces in Asia Minor, the area we call Turkey. John was concerned that these fledgling churches would stray from the newly formed faith in Christ and succumb to Roman politics. Part 1 of the book contains moral admonitions, and Part 2 is John’s visions and allegories for failing to observe the warnings and the resulting upheaval. Continue reading

What Goes On Today In Public Schools Is Not Stupidity – It Was Planned That Way By The Messiahs Of “Education

Recently I read an article by Pastor Roger Anghis, wherein he commented about much of the educational fertilizer being spread abroad in public schools, and he was correct There was only one place I disagreed with him. He noted that “We are seeing stupidity reign in our seats of power. Things that you would never even think about fifty years ago are gong mainstream now.” I maintain that this is not a result of stupidity. It has been planned that way. It is all on purpose. Those people now promoting what goes on, at least most of them, know full well what they are doing and why.

Pastor Anghis observed, and correctly so, that “The absolute perversion in our schools, with drag shows and porn in the libraries, and the character of the teachers that… are allowed to teach our kids is appalling… Our teacher’s unions have taken the stand that parents have no right to determine what children learn…” Continue reading

Memorial Day or More-War-ial Day?

The Memorial Day holiday gives Americans a chance to honor those in the US Armed Forces who fought and died to protect our freedom.

Unfortunately, the wars created today no longer serve a purpose other than to advance the interest of power-mad globalists and their Deep State Swamp functionaries who control our country. The endless wars also funnel taxpayer money into the pockets of the military industrial complex and the military. The latest budget battle excludes the military. Of course! That’s to be expected. Defense spending goes up no matter what. Continue reading

March 29: National Vietnam War Veterans Day 2023

I put his video up for some local veterans because after watching every major news network on the morning of Vietnam War Veterans Day this year, including our local newspaper, there was not one mention about our special day. Made me so angry, I created the slideshow from photos sent to me over the years or posted on websites I had back then. Our average age is around 73 now and I wonder in about 15 or 20 years when we are all gone if we will be once again forgotten. To my brothers in arms, Welcome Home. Never Forget. ~ American Veteran Continue reading

Is America still worth fighting for?

No doubt America has had many flaws. But the brilliance of this nation is the foundation the founders laid whereby we could correct these flaws.

With another Memorial Day upon us, we may consider the question: Is America still worth fighting for?

On November 21, 1864, President Lincoln wrote to a Mrs. Bixby of Massachusetts, who had lost five sons in the Civil War.

He penned,

“I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.”
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