Nostradamus, a 16th-century figure of fascination, is known for his ability to predict the future. Some of his prophecies are believed to have foreseen major events in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the rise of Adolf Hitler. However, skeptics argue that these interpretations could be coincidences, as Nostradamus’ writings are ambiguous and open to various explanations.
The ongoing pandemic has renewed interest in Nostradamus’ predictions. Some believe that his mentions of “great pestilence” and “plagues” predicted the current global health crisis. However, it is important to remember that his visions were often cryptic and symbolic, making direct connections to specific events difficult. Continue reading →
…and Patriotic Americans Must Answer a Call to Duty
The HELL with this damned U.S. government – this pure spectacle of a near totalitarian Leviathan – and God save America, this amazing and beautiful land so many of us love so well.
I love America more than anything in the world, next to my family and my liberty, but only in the sense of Her physical and geographical beauty and what She has been in the past, what I know She can be again. There’s much to love about America of old and the virtues and principles that guided good and decent men and women to declare their independence and bring Her into being, shaping a national character based on freedom and liberty for all, that was in fact exceptional and heads above anything ever before seen across the globe, in the entire history of all mankind. But those good people’s legacy has been soiled and disgraced over the past century by men and women who have embraced evil, death and tyranny over the Inalienable God-given Rights early Americans understood belonged to everyone, no matter the times. Continue reading →
When Communist Karl Marx wrote in praise of Abraham Lincoln’s war of destruction against the South he said of Lincoln that he fought “for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world.” The first half of that statement was political bunk–the second half was true. You could almost say that the “reconstruction” forced upon the South after the War of Northern Aggression was the brainchild of Karl Marx, which it seems that “Honest Abe” zealously followed.
Lochlainn Seabrook writes books for Sea Raven Press in Cody, Wyoming. Sea Raven is one of those few publishers that still produces books that explain what the War of Northern Aggression aka the Civil War was really all about. In July of 2023 Sea Raven published the most recent of Seabrook’s works, a book of around 500 pages entitled “Twelve Years In Hell.” It is about the official time the North spent “reconstructing” the states of the old Confederacy. Of course, most who have studied Southern “reconstruction” realize that it extended, unofficially, way past that 12 year period, and it still exists in our day in various forms – one of the main forms being public school indoctrination. “Reconstruction” has also expanded geographically to now include the entire country. Continue reading →
A QUARTER of Americans now say Covid-19 shots are unsafe and that they know someone who died from one, as 2024 wannabes DeSantis and RFK Jr. take skepticism on the campaign trail.
Americans are growing more skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines — and politicians from left and right are echoing these fears in their campaigns to win the White House.
Growing numbers now distrust health-protecting, life-saving vaccines… (Continue to full article)
‘Nuff said on this subject’
Medicare will negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma for the first time
The Inflation Reduction Act will let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices with manufacturers to combat soaring medication costs, which it’s never been allowed to do. So, the obvious question: If you’re on Medicare, will your drug costs come down?
The not-so-obvious answer: possibly, though not imminently.
The negotiation program, I think, is designed more to save Medicare money on what it spends on these medications so it can invest in other improvements in prescription drug coverage for people with Medicare… (Continue to full article)
Florida school district is transformed after banning students from using phones for ENTIRE DAY
Bullying drops, student engagement in class rises – and kids saying they’re enjoying face-to-face interaction.
Florida school district faculty are praising a new cellphone ban on its nearly 200,000 students – one markedly more severe than what’s required by the state.
The ban went into effect in September, and has prohibited pupils in Orlando’s Orange County public schools system from using their devices since.
The guidance from Orange County Public Schools, however, took that a step further, disallowing students from using their phones during breaks, while requiring them to keep them in their backpacks instead of pockets.
In a series of interviews, teachers, parents, and even students spoke about how the new stipulation has already brought about benefits. Citing drops in bullying and a rise in student engagement, one principal lauded the new law… (Continue to full article)
God Rewards Only Team That Doesn’t Have a Pride Night With World Series Win
The Lord has granted a World Series championship to the Texas Rangers, the one and only Major League Baseball team to not host a Pride Night.
“We’re so grateful to be champions, and also to not have to be involved in all that weird gay stuff,” said manager Bruce Bochy. “Pride Night cometh before the fall, as they say.”
After over fifty years of championship futility, the Texas Rangers finally captured the World Series title in the same year the team became the final Major League holdout on hosting Pride Night. Despite mounting pressure as the remaining 29 MLB teams honored satanic drag queens, the Texas Rangers held firm. Now, after being counted out as a playoff afterthought, the Rangers are hoisting the championship trophy… (Continue to full article)
ABSOLUTELY Dee-licious – to Look at AND to Listen to!
Newsom signs $25 minimum wage law for all hospital workers, finds out afterward it will cost California $4 billion
Governor Hairspray doesn’t pay attention much to California’s budget numbers when he signs off on a bill. It’s as if putting on a green visor would mess up his costly coif.
So, in no surprise to the rest of us, Gavin Newsom was in for a surprise.
Now, three weeks after Newsom signed SB 525 into law — giving medical employees at least $25 an hour, including support staff such as cleaners and security guards — his administration has an estimated price tag: $4 billion in the 2024-25 fiscal year alone.
Half of that will come directly from the state’s general fund, while the other half will be paid for by federal funds…
Coins found buried in Welsh field turn out to be 2,000-year-old Roman treasure
A cache of old coins found in a Welsh field were determined to be about 2,000 years old, according to the experts who analyzed them and believe the treasure was buried during the Roman Empire.
David Moss and Tom Taylor were using metal detectors in December 2018 when they found two hoards of ancient coins in Caerhun Community, Conwy, north of Wales. Four years later, Kate Robertson, Assistant Coroner for North Wales, declared the two hoards of coins as treasure, according to a news release from Cymru Museum.
The first hoard found consisted of 2,733 coins composed of silver denarii and stamped between 32 BC and AD 235, as well as silver and copper-alloy coins made between AD 215 and 270. The second hoard contained 37 silver coins that date back between 32 BC and AD 221, according to the museum… (Continue to full article)
I sure do miss the days of my youth. America wasn’t perfect then, but She was sure as hell a damned sight more free than She is today, and everybody wasn’t up everyone else’s ass trying to meddle in their affairs and something that didn’t concern them, or crying about how they were victimized. Continue reading →
In public education’s latest blunder, the Oregon Department of Education has just decided that basic reading, writing and math skills are not required for students to graduate with a high school diploma
Prior to the passage of Senate Bill 744 in the Oregon Legislative Assembly’s 2021 session, the state’s “Assessment of Essential Skills” requirement for high school graduation was sensible: “read and comprehend a variety of text, write clearly and accurately,” and “apply mathematics in a variety of settings.” Students were required to demonstrate these skills by “earning at or above a cut score on the Oregon Statewide Summative Assessment test.” Continue reading →
It seems like the public schools in Hillsborough County, Florida have been having problems similar to those experienced in Kanawha County, West Virginia public schools 49 years ago now. Considering the true agenda of the public education system in this country – indoctrination rather than education – should anyone really be surprised?
And it looks as if this has been going on for while. In an article published back in March of this year in the Tampa Bay Times it was noted that “This Book Is Gay” a non-fiction book that offers guidance to LGBTQ youth will no longer be available at any Hillsborough County middle school. Continue reading →
Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality… as you lose friends and relatives.
Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take…. not bad, but gone!!
France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim ummah. Continue reading →
A vital body within the World Health Organization is moving the world closer to a controversial agreement for the next global pandemic that critics call an Orwellian power grab.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on Monday published its latest draft of a proposal for a pandemic agreement. INB was established at the World Health Assembly in 2021 to draft and negotiate an agreement under the constitution of the World Health Organization. The stated goal is to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The United States is not legally bound to the WHO or its parent group, the United Nations, but the U.S. is legally bound by the International Health Regulations. Those were adopted at the World Health Assembly in 2005 and are binding for 196 countries, including all members of the WHO. Continue reading →
During the waning years of the Depression in a small southeastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller’s roadside stand for farm-fresh produce, as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce, and barter was used extensively.
On one particular day, as Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me, I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged, but clean, hungrily appraising a basket of freshly picked green peas. I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes. Pondering the peas, I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller and the ragged boy next to me. Continue reading →
It’s difficult to make sense of so much that is happening today in our country – values, morals, civility, personal responsibility. We are living in a world where right is wrong and wrong is right; morals are immoral and immoral is moral; good is evil and evil is good.
While Americans have been busy scooting their children off to school, hustling to work, enjoying dinner with family and friends, and getting their children tucked in for the night – the masterminds of a subtly building mindset have been taking over our culture using a convincing belief system that is incompatible with what it means to be a free citizen of a Republic. Continue reading →
What we are witnessing is truly frightening. In my entire lifetime, I have never seen as much hate as I have over the past few weeks. It is almost as if a very large chunk of the global population has suddenly gone mad. But of course all of this hate did not come out of a vacuum. It has been simmering for many years, and now the war in the Middle East has brought it to the surface. Humans were created to love and to be loved, and so if you find yourself consumed with hatred you are part of the problem. Of course we knew that this global explosion of hate would be coming. The Bible warns us repeatedly about what the condition of humanity will be like in the end times. One example of this can be found in Matthew chapter 24… Continue reading →
US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr Anthony Fauci’s leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a ‘SARS-like’ virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018, just 15 minutes away from the Maryland presidential retreat Camp David.
The WIV1-coronavirus was shipped from the Wuhan lab the FBI believes caused the Covid pandemic and was tested on bats acquired from a ‘roadside’ Maryland zoo. Continue reading →
Our previous Halloween cartoon featured the ghost of Vince Foster telling Hillary that she was the “scary one.”
She truly is a scary person – a very corrupt and power-hunger criminal who still longs to be in the political limelight. She’s been on several stages recently and it’s encouraging to see people standing up and calling her out on her criminal behavior. It’s a good sign to see average citizens ready to mock her smug sanctimony. She deserves to be locked up even more, but that didn’t happen.
The result? She continued her criminal ways by purchasing the manufacture of lies against Trump – and we the taxpayers had to spend millions of dollars to sort it all out. She’s still not in jail and neither are any of the other criminals protected by the Deep State. They include Biden, Fauci, and many others from the FBI and CIA.
Halloween is the perfect time to make fun of ghosts, goblins, and Hillary Clinton.
The Biden/Obama Regime recently sent 800 troops to the border. Why? So They can speed up the paperwork in letting illegal immigrants into the country, that’s why. They won’t be allowed to do anything that will hinder those illegals from getting in. We’ve already lost the border to the illegals and the cartels so all these troops will be allowed to do is facilitate the paperwork that will allow them to stay here. They will be allowed to do nothing to keep the illegals out because the Biden/Obama Regime wants as many as possible here for next year for the 2024 election. The regime plans to turn Texas into a blue state if they can give the illegals the ability to vote next year. Continue reading →
A trusted FBI agent revealed that Joe Biden, using his son as a middle man, accepted millions of dollars in bribes from Ukraine. When a reporter asked Joe about this, Biden laughed arrogantly and replied, “Where’s the money?”
The House Oversight Committee recently released evidence of that money, and it’s probably the tip of the iceberg. Continue reading →
For almost as long as there has been money there have been bankers; those whose chosen profession is to profit off the use of other people’s money. One aspect of banking that people do not pay much attention to is money changing; the exchanging of the currency of one country for that of another. Much has been written and said about these predatory vipers, but there are two specific instances that I feel are worthy of discussion.
The first is found in the Bible, when Christ overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple; declaring, “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” I have heard many different explanations for why Christ did that; with two being the most prominent. Some say that it was simply due to the fact that the money changers had set up shop on holy ground. The other explanation is that the money changers were robbing the people by exchanging the Roman currency for Sheckels at a rate far less than they were worth; pocketing the profit. In either case, Christ called them a den a thieves; a term that applies just as much today as it did back then. Continue reading →