“Isn’t it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing absurdity.” ~ Václav Havel, staunch anti-communist and former President of Czechoslovakia
We are truly living in troubling, dangerous times, that none of us would ever have wished for our people or our country, none of us who love America I should say. This is exactly what the Democrat Party Communists have hoped and called to happen time and again, as they now cry out in feigned shock and cry their crocodile tears over the near miss on Donald Trump’s life by an assassin’s bullet.
In public, Joe Biden and his Marxist-Maoist comrades may say this political violence is terrible and “unacceptable” all day long and every day, but in reality, this attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is the manifestation of their wildest hopes and dreams. And in private, they all are sad that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed his mark, as go on to smile, joke and clap one another on the back, assuring one another that “We’ll get him next time.” Continue reading →