Whitehead: Don’t Trust the Government… Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low.

After all, how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t.

When you consider all the ways “we the people” are being bullied, beaten, bamboozled, targeted, tracked, repressed, robbed, impoverished, imprisoned and killed by the government, one can only conclude that you shouldn’t trust the government with your privacy, your property, your life, or your freedoms.

Consider for yourself…

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Dickens: Mo’ Bigger ~ Not Mo’ Better!

And most certainly, Mo’ expensiver…

This piece is about the Medical Industrial Complex, and more. It’s about realizing that you are funding the business from which you deserve returns, but that is designed to make you its perennial benefactor. That means that you began paying for it when you paid your first tax, you pay to access the system you already fund, and will continue to support it until well after you die…

That’s how it’s designed.

It’s called taxation without representation. Continue reading

Smith: The BIG SLEEP ~ To Scream All That Has Been Left Unsaid

Straw Men and Bogey Men!

The truth of living in America today has been shaped, twisted and molded into something resembling an agony that never ends when we look at it straight on in the face. The truth of our society currently rests on the hope of death in all things, as the Democrat Party seems content to rush us all headlong into the arms of Death in all matters, from illegal alien invasion to scheduling regular deadly fentanyl shipments and abortions on demand, while urging their followers to kill white conservatives and Christians – who may also be black, yellow or brown if they hold the same view.

They force us to choose between lying and submitting, dying or resisting and fighting, and I’m not looking to get the dyin’ part down just yet. Continue reading

Overthrowing the Constitution: All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

That “goddamned piece of paper” – again

It is both apt and ironic that the anniversary of 9/11, which paved the way for the government to overthrow the Constitution, occurs the week before the anniversary of the day the U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787.

All sides are still waging war on our constitutional freedoms, and “we the people” remain the biggest losers.

This year’s presidential election is no exception. Continue reading

Chinese Hackers Break Into American Government and Military Accounts

These attacks are ‘unusually aggressive and sophisticated’ and have allowed hackers to gain access to at least two major internet service providers with a combined reach of millions of customers

Chinese hackers believed to be backed by the government have gained access to American government and military accounts, according to a new report.

These attacks are ‘unusually aggressive and sophisticated’ and have allowed hackers to gain access to at least two major internet service providers with a combined reach of millions of customers. Continue reading

‘Et tu – bitch(es)?’

Just as in the days of Caesar, there always has to be a Brutus…

As regular readers of The Federal Observer are aware, our focus has become more directed to, what I believe at the time of this post, was the most important issue of our times. My promise to you – the American people – is that our focus on this issue will continue to expand with writers such as Charles Dickens, Justin O. Smith, Neal Ross, Al Benson Jr., Diane Grassi, Jan Herron, Sandra Miller, Frosty Wooldridge, and many others.

As with any issue, which we have delved into, be they 2nd Amendment issues or the Arm the Pilots Bill, there are always idiots and zealots, who oppose the endeavors of dedicated patriots to make America what she could once again be. It has often been said that, ”When you’re drawing the most fire (criticism) you must be hitting the bulls-eye!” In other words – we’re ”shakin’ it up here boss!” – and egos are getting in the way. Continue reading

Steele: Modern Sense… Without Apologies to Thomas Paine!

“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”Thomas Paine, Common Sense (Feb 1776)

~ Preface ~

There are a remarkable number of parallels between pre-revolutionary America and the America of today. It is downright spooky how, in their writings of that time, our founding fathers might have been speaking directly to this generation of Americans. Then again, I do not believe in coincidence so perhaps, in a sense, they were.

How appropriate that those of us who advocate a return to the ideals of those days are called “patriots,” a word which has taken on as derisive a meaning when mouthed by government agents today as those uttered about our forebears by King George’s men during the first American revolution.

Nor is it coincidence that those of us labeled as “patriots” wear the mark with respect and honor. I count myself proudly among their number and pray only that my work be worthy of inclusion.

It takes a little work to update the founding fathers’ works to modern forms of language and phrasing, but the result is nothing short of amazing, particularly when we replace “England” with “Federal Government” and “King George” with “The President.”

I have presumed to do just that with Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” in this series, a four-part work written and published in early 1776 as part of a broad effort to convince the American settlers to declare independence from England. Continue reading

Dickens: Come to the Circus – the Greatest Show on Earth!

Niccolò Machiavelli, Patron Saint of Justification ~ Especially America’s Government

I frequently refer to Machiavelli’s famous quote as the ultimate justification and excuse for many of the decisions made by our government. I have no tangible proof for my assertion, what I do have is anecdotal and circumstantial at best, yet correlating the evidence with Machiavelli’s statement requires little imagination, and only an elementary understanding, and comprehension of the vicious circle of administrative actions.

To quote Kackling Kamala – “… See it with your own eyes…”

Yes, this is a mantra used by every government on this planet needing to condone or defend their decisions or plans. Continue reading

DeWeese: The Real Way to End Poverty and It’s Not by Government

If one truly wants to help eliminate poverty, perhaps it’s time to rethink the process. To begin, one should ask this question – why are some nations (and individuals) wealthy and others are so poor?

The reason the United States has led the world in wealth, standard of living, and abundance is that every resident of the United States has had the ability and the opportunity to invest and produce their own capital and build personal wealth. Why is that possible? And why has most of the rest of the world failed, and continues to fail, at such an attempt? Continue reading

Illegal Immigration Is Expensive THAT Should be Obvious!

The Biden-Harris administration is handing out more hundreds of millions to bail out localities reeling from the crisis it created

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on August 28 that it will hand out an additional $380 million to localities through its Shelters and Services Program (SSP). This program is intended to offset some of the political ramifications associated with high levels of illegal immigration by providing funding to localities that are “providing critical support such as food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation” to inadmissible aliens recently released from DHS custody — despite federal laws that require most border-crossers’ continued detention pending the completion of their immigration proceedings. Continue reading

Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement

Her Legislative Efforts in Congress Reveal an Extreme Agenda

Washington, D.C. (September 6, 2024) – A new Center for Immigration Studies report examines the immigration legislation championed by Sen. Kamala Harris during her four years in the U.S. Senate. Her legislative record reveals an extreme agenda to cripple U.S. immigration law enforcement that would have gone beyond even the damage inflicted by the Biden-Harris administration. Though her bills did not pass, they may offer insight into what her presidential policies would look like. Continue reading

Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass! Myjerkkass

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Criticizes Texas’s Handling of the Border

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas criticized Texas’s attempts to stop illegal immigration while praising Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in addressing the “root causes” of the border crisis.

This is the first time that in my 20 to 22 years of government service that I have seen a state act in direct contravention of national interests,” Mayorkas said.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office defends the state’s efforts to stop illegal immigration… (Continue to full article)

Why Does The Media Ignore That The Election Of Harris and Walz Will Bring America Under Communist Rule?

When Democrats create their candidates from spun yarn, nightmare candidates are created

Waltzing Kamala, Waltzing Kamala….

Why does the majority of media patently ignore the potential horror that the election of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will bring America under communist rule?

Instead, the media continues to present the deadly Harris-Walz duo as living symbols of “JOY” and “HOPE”.

It should go without saying that “JOY” and “HOPE” never come with soul-killing communism, only death and destruction. Continue reading

Smith: September 11th 2001 and the Battle Between Civilizations – Islam Is Still America’s Enemy

To this day I still burn with rage as I recall the Islamic terrorist attack against America, with jets plowing into the Twin Trade Towers and setting in motion the horrific scene that followed. Many readers may not have even been born when the most heinous act in U.S. history unfolded on that fateful day of September 1st 2001, but for those of us who sat it in real time, whether on our television screens or the streets adjacent to the Towers, it was a scene that everyone who has ever loved America had seared into their mind and heart, as hot tears of grief and anger flowed down our faces.

I’ve never forgotten. Perhaps some of you have and no longer care, failing to understand that America and the West still must be on guard against the renewed and ongoing resurgence of Islamic aggression and the impending acts of terrorism that are certain to follow, especially now that thousands of known Islamic terrorists have entered our country by way of the Biden regime’s Open Borders Policy.

Who can ever forget wondering what had just happened, when they saw the first jet hit swoop low to tear into the North Tower at 8:46 am, as the sun shone bright through the clear blue sky and a marvelous September morning was turned into a living hell and 2,997 known poor souls were made to suffer terrible deaths. When the second airliner drilled into the South Tower seventeen minutes later, we all knew that America was under attack. Not long after, the third jet airliner hit the Pentagon, to be followed by a fourth hijacked jet being forced to crash by the passengers a few minutes past 10 am.

For those of us watching from home or our offices, the surroundings dropped into a tomb-like silence, as stunned viewers couldn’t believe their eyes. Continue reading

Smith: Ruminations on The Horror’s of History

As I see the ragheads ranting, raving and rioting everywhere we look across the country, nothing makes it any clearer to me that we have allowed the Barbarians to bust through the Gates, however they managed it and no matter which traitorous amerikkans were complicit.

But our nation is under the most incredibly dangerous attack in our lifetime, and the hell of it all is the fact that as serious as this is, it represents only one segment and one major component of the attack. Continue reading

Dickens: Stereotypes, Generalizations and Bullshit!

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~ Leo Tolstoy

It’s more than inconvenient… it’s a reprehensible truth.

As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images

Estimates say that there are over 20 million invaders – illegal immigrants in America.

These invaders are the hordes of people that entered our country without proper documentation by circumventing the legal immigration process. The number cited above is an estimate since there was no possible way to catalogue or inventory the huge number of people the Obama-Biden-Harris (OBH) regime allowed – invited to crash our boarders. Continue reading

Smith: Americans Have Paramount Decisions to Make!

The road to tyranny is paved with cowards, criminals and commie thugs, propagandists, fat-ass traitorous bureaucrats, and the immoral actions of the depraved, reprobate minds who worship materialism and the new world order brand of soul-sucking globalism and hold a monopoly on the mechanisms for the control of our “intelligence” agencies, information and media and our currency, which basically gives them control of everyone and everything.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: America will not vote its way out of its current mess.
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DeWeese: The Compassion Cartel Getting Rich on Poverty

Eradicating poverty is the most popular excuse for the expansion of government power. It’s a crisis! Someone must do something! How can a civilized people allow their fellow humans to go hungry?

The statistics on global poverty are staggering. According to the United Nations Millennium Project, there are currently 1.2 billion people living in poverty. Fifty thousand deaths per day occur worldwide as a result of poverty. Every year more than ten million children die of hunger and preventable diseases. More than half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 per day and 800 million people go to bed hungry every night. Continue reading