OK, So Now What?

Joe Biden bowing out of the race may be the one honest thing he’s ever done in 50 years of politics. These people have absolutely no soul, so get ready for a tsunami of deceit and propaganda from the media as they thrust Kamala Harris down our throats.

fraud (noun) /frôd/ :DECEIT, TRICKERY, specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another [person] to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. An act of deceiving or misrepresenting.”

This is the actual definition of fraud from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.

Of course, anyone who has talked about fraud over the past few years has been canceled as a baseless conspiracy theorist. But at this point there are certain things that need to be said. It’s time. Continue reading

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should…

We’re standing at the Gates of Hell.

            The Mouth of Hell by Gustave Dore

“I have the right to do anything,” you say – but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”- but I will not be mastered by anything.” ~ I Corinthians 6:12

Practical translation: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…” ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon

We live in a time and place where anything and everything is possible; even allowable, but is it right, should we do it?

That’s the question we regularly fail to ask. Is it right?
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Let THAT Sink In!

Here are some interesting points to think about prior to the November election, especially to my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents and the never Trump Republicans and those thinking of “walking away” from the Democratic party.

Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words – they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal. Continue reading

BEWARE – The Power of Suggestion

Mother, mother
Everybody thinks we’re wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us?

On July 13, 2024, there was an attempted assassination of Presidential Candidate Donald J Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. The details are unimportant. The attempted assassination is, as are the events and rhetoric leading to it. The shooter killed one, and injured two others, but failed to assassinate the past president and candidate for the 2025 seat. The would-be assassin was silenced by the Secret Service – ‘Merka‘s SS. Continue reading

Smith: The Day of the Assassin

“Isn’t it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing absurdity.” ~ Václav Havel, staunch anti-communist and former President of Czechoslovakia

We are truly living in troubling, dangerous times, that none of us would ever have wished for our people or our country, none of us who love America I should say. This is exactly what the Democrat Party Communists have hoped and called to happen time and again, as they now cry out in feigned shock and cry their crocodile tears over the near miss on Donald Trump’s life by an assassin’s bullet.

In public, Joe Biden and his Marxist-Maoist comrades may say this political violence is terrible and “unacceptable” all day long and every day, but in reality, this attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is the manifestation of their wildest hopes and dreams. And in private, they all are sad that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed his mark, as go on to smile, joke and clap one another on the back, assuring one another that “We’ll get him next time.” Continue reading

The Potential Collapse of American Society: There Are More And More People Saying That We Are Headed Towards Another Civil War!

If there’s anything that certain, it’s that nothing is permanent. When we look back through history, we find that many great societies succumbed to societal collapse. Some have been conquered by outside forces, while others have decayed from within. In either case, the society or civilization has ceased to exist as it was once known. To think that the same can’t or won’t happen to us, is to deny one of the most important lessons of history. Continue reading

Migrants With Ties to Terrorism Continue Attacks on U.S. Military Bases

The country’s open borders are allowing for illegal migrants with ties to terrorism to attack various military bases across the country including in Texas.

For instance, there have been multiple breaches at Laughlin Air Force Base since early this year. On January 21, a vehicle crashed into a light post before four people inside the vehicle got out and then breached the facility. According to Laughlin AFB, three others were arrested before escaping. Continue reading

Preparing Concentration Camps for Conservative “Dissidents

Dial it back to 2016, when every Democrat in America thought Hillary “Hitlery” Clinton had the election in the bag. The fake news media complex was already beginning to cast Donald J. Trump as a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, all-immigrant-hating rich white casino guy who would destroy democracy and ruin the economy. Bernie “Commie” Sanders even got cheated out of the Democratic nomination process, in the rigged primaries, scammed by the Associated Press and the DNC (Demoncrats of Nefarious Criminals). They even admitted it afterward. Continue reading

Education as We Knew It Is Gone!

Reversing course may no longer be an option, and the solution might require drastic changes to the entire system.

The American public education system is abysmal, and more Americans are aware of that painful fact than ever before.

The increase in dissatisfaction was highlighted in a recent survey by the Pew Research Center. The survey indicated that “about half of U.S. adults (51%) say that the country’s public k-12 education system is generally going in the wrong direction.”

A very small group of those surveyed believe it’s going in the right direction, while the rest are unsure. Continue reading

DeWeese: Is Home Ownership the American Dream or an Opportunity for Government Control?

Does your family live in a home located in a single-family neighborhood of your choosing? A place where your kids are safe to play in the yard, you can enjoy the sun in your own lounge chair, the grill is ready to be fired up for dinner, and your neighbors wave hello? Best of all, are you counting on the equity value growing with each mortgage payment, preparing for your financial future?

This is your home, your investment, your quality of life!

Well, get ready to lose it all, because a growing movement believes your happiness and success is divisive, racist, and ignores the plight of others who just don’t have the same opportunities and privileges as you. Continue reading

Joe “Get Off My Lawn” Biden

I had a vision of Joe Biden being Mr. Magoo – so blinded by his cognitive decline that he doesn’t even realize he’s incapable of fulfilling such a demanding office. Here is that cartoon.

Jill claims he still has the vigor, and I also thought of a cartoon showing him stiff as a board and having rigor – as in rigor mortis. I can’t draw that now, because the quick-witted comedian Greg Gutfeld used the idea yesterday on his show. Continue reading

‘Merka? Highway to HELL!

On the road trip that’s been my life, I’ve encountered more junctions, turn-offs, and exits than I care to count. I’ve taken a lot of domestic off-ramps, and a few foreign detours, as well. I should also mention there were many stops signs and road closed barricades on this odyssey. But I’m still driving, and for me, the best roads are the ones less traveled… Continue reading

Ross: People Just Don’t Get It

(A Literary Bitch Slap Across People’s Faces)

One of the most laughable things I’ve ever heard is when people say that this election is the most important of their lifetime; and you hear it from someone every election cycle. The reason people say that is due to the fact that their minds are trapped in the prison of the two-party paradigm; they look at elections as a battle between the Democrats and the Republicans; while I look at it as a battle between government, and freedom and liberty. From my perspective, no matter which candidate gets the most votes (actual votes or fraudulent ones) government wins, and we lose. Continue reading

Whitehead: Project Total Control ~ Everything Is a Weapon When Totalitarianism Is Normalized

“The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far. One Big Thing that police or lawmakers or the president/leaders will do that will cross the line. It’ll never come because they won’t cross it. They’ll move the line. That line you think you stand behind is shifting everyday with little actions, bills, legislations… That line will stop moving one day, & it’ll be too late… Every day, your sensitivity is being eroded by these willful atrocities. The envelope for what you’ll accept is being pushed. One day, all of these things will be your new normal.” ~ Nigerian writer Suyi Davies Okungbowa

The U.S. government is working to re-shape the country in the image of a totalitarian state.

This has remained true over the past 50-plus years no matter which political party held office.

This will remain true no matter who wins the 2024 presidential election. Continue reading

Letting Illegal Aliens Vote


I’ve been saying for a long time now, probably a couple years at least, that the main reason China Joe wanted the illegal aliens by the millions in here was so his regime (with Obama’s blessing) could give them the ability to vote in our national elections and influence our elections.

There’s enough of them here now that if they got the vote, they sure could do that. I truly believe that was one of the main reasons China Joe opened the floodgates at our Southern border to invite the illegals in. That, and it was the direct opposite of what Trump did, and China Joe has made a career move to try to undo everything possible that Trump did. Continue reading

Kennedy: China and the Vulnerability of the U.S. Election System

It is not the purpose of this essay to discourage anyone from participating in the 2024 election. Quite the opposite. Its purpose is to encourage unprecedented numbers of citizens and their elected representatives to work together to ensure that the election will be fair and free from, among other things, interference by foreign governments and their intelligence agencies. ~ Editor

At no time during the Cold War with the Soviet Union was it imagined that the Russians could manipulate a United States presidential election in favor of their preferred candidate. Hollywood’s portrayal of a “Manchurian Candidate” aside, American elections were held in person, using paper ballots, counted by human beings, with other human beings watching them. And, however vicious and corrupt the normal partisan interplay of American politics may have been, this practice insured that a fair enough election could be held.

Today that is no longer the case.

Continue reading

Rockwell: What If Public Schools Were Abolished?

In American culture, public schools are praised in public and criticized in private, which is roughly the opposite of how we tend to treat large-scale enterprises like Walmart. In public, everyone says that Walmart is awful, filled with shoddy foreign products and exploiting workers. But in private, we buy the well-priced, quality goods, and long lines of people hope to be hired. Continue reading