“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~ Leo Tolstoy
Truth or Consequences.

Boz is P.O.’d!
This is Merka, where truth is just a word in the dictionary, and consequences, when combined with truth, is a city in New Mexico; or a very popular, and the longest running game show in North America; running from 1956 through 1975.
I’ve driven through the city several times, and watched the game show, but neither made much of an impression, although the town has a quaint old-world feeling.
The host of this popular show ended each program by admonishing viewers: “Have your pet spayed or neutered, goodbye.”
I support this suggestion, expanding the recommendation to all partisan politicians and their respective, not respectable, parties. We certainly don’t need them to propagate, because there aren’t enough sponsors to adopt them and properly train all of their bastard offspring. We also realize how difficult it is for politicians to learn, ergo the present condition of this republic. QED
Astoundingly, we fail to apply consequences for their treacherous behavior and actions, or their moronic decisions, even though the punishments exist in the more than 300,000 laws on the books. It’s appalling that we apply them subjectively, but that’s the intent of our multi-tiered legal system.
Or. could it be that we expect them to police themselves? Nah. that would be really stupid.
Here are a few compelling examples:

The ‘Presidential Pardon‘ with its incredibly broad and sweeping scope; where did the idea of ‘preemptive pardon’ come from?
Our bumbling clown of a president decided to extend a preemptive pardon to his son for what he’s done, anything he might do, or be indicted for in the future?
True to his nature and 55-year tenure in politics, he did precisely what he said he’d never do. Pardon his son.
Here’s an equally brilliant idea. let’s release 11 of the people responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and send them back to the Middle East to reunite with their coconspirators – as heroes.. Yea. that’s a really great idea.
Or maybe commute the death penalty sentences for a bunch of convicted murderers on death-row. Did you know that it costs upwards of $70,000 per year to keep a prisoner in maximum security.

Or giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom to people that worked diligently to destroy our republic, including the woman, a presidential candidate that destroyed 30,000 classified government emails on an illegal personal server, and who paid a Russian agent to create a false file used to accuse her opponent of
Bungles the Clown ignored the council of his military advisers, withdrew our forces, and then abandoned Bagram Airbase in Iraqistan, leaving behind $85 billion in high-tech military hardware, countless American civilians, and thousands of locals, loyal to the Merkan efforts. His staff warned of the disastrous results of not protecting the civilians during the withdrawal, then leaving the country – but he knew better. there are still civilians stuck in
Iraqistan to this day.
Let’s not forget the 13 soldiers killed because he refused to allow them to protect themselves. IN A WAR ZONE!!!
I think you get my point
These examples are only a tiny sample of his dimwitted decisions. The impact from not appreciating the far-reaching ramifications for every action or decision in life, especially those made as the leaders of this republic, are reprehensible. Didn’t these leaders imagine that their ludicrous decisions would encourage similar actions by others who look to them as their examples?
“You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences.” ~ W. Somerset Maugham
But. what if there are no consequences, where does that lead?
You cannot occupy a public office without realizing that everything you do sets an example, and will impact the people that elected you, and even those that did not. In fact, the implications of your actions are more far reaching than you could ever imagine.
You cannot meander through life, oblivious of the significance of your choices.
They affect everyone.
Several tragic situations come to mind in one particular state: The Peoples’ Republic of California (PRC).
It’s burning because of shortsighted decisions made at the highest levels of the states’ administration, by elected and appointed officials. They, meaning multiple high-ranking partisan politicians, decided to move money from critical budgets to programs or social services for the indigent, drug-addicted, homeless, and illegal invaders. These DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity) executives, have minimal practical experience, but were hired to fill positions mandated by the PRC’s DIE philosophy, social culture, and socialist political ideology.
These funds came from services-budgets like forest cleanup, water retention, infrastructure improvements, city, county, state services, and life-safety programs.
The PRC’s administrators’ chose to save a functionally extinct species of fish, rather than to retain and distribute critical water resources for drinking, farming, and fire protection. Now, several thousand acres of the most beautiful and expensive real estate in the state, are in ashes. Thousands of lives are devastated, and billions of dollars in damages incurred because of these decisions. These lives will never be the same.
Funds intended to clear the under-brush from the wildfire-prone forests and canyons were diverted which led to devastating wildfires of the past decades. This money went to support programs that put homeless people in expensive hotels, providing food, drugs and paraphernalia, allowing them to continue living at taxpayer expense, enticing even more people to join the burgeoning ranks of the indigent population.
The PRC’s leadership decided to allow the theft of merchandise up to $999, and not prosecute this criminal act – shoplifting. This caused countless small companies to quit these poor neighborhoods, leaving the residents without places to shop for necessities, and inciting near riot conditions in most remaining retail environments. Insurance providers refused to cover the losses, leaving the owners to absorb them or close their doors. In addition, these remaining retail locations forbade their employees from challenging the shoplifters or face termination.
PRC’s liberal leadership insists that these owners are racist, have no community spirit or sense of propriety, and are insensitive to needs of these poor unfortunate people in these neighborhoods; remarking that these heartless capitalists turned their backs on these impoverished areas. These accusations dovetail into the PRC’s progressive-liberal ideology, where nothing is corrected, and capitalism is always at fault.
The final wrinkle in the PRC’s fiscal debacle is a reported budget surplus of $363 million.
Twisting or editing a statement to fit a narrative, or to suit your ends, sets things in motion that you never consider. Look at the recent news stories from the CMC and try to comprehend the chain of events caused by the self-serving decisions they made, and how their lies and distortions exacerbated the problems. The disasters we face this very minute were born months and even years ago from a cavalier choice.
Regardless of your opinion of Trump, the lawfare campaign foist upon him is insane, unconstitutional, illegal, and was sponsored by the Biden-Harris administration for purely partisan political purposes. Many contend this is one of the hair-brained schemes that propelled him into the presidency for a second term. Yes, there were other reasons, but I see this as one of many consequences.
There is this old biblical story about this fellow named Moses and his trip up Mount Sinai to commune with God. According to AI, the Israelites left Egypt in 1310 BCE, and about 50 days later, during Moses’ discussions with God, he was given a list of Ten Commandments to guide the Jews.
This part of the story, this exodus, infers that the Jews were uncomfortable with the complex litany of old laws in the Torah, so they asked God to simplify the process. That’s how we got the Ten Commandments.
This list of ten rules is purported to be the basis for our legal system, and in our inimitable fashion, we turned this simple list of 10 rules into more than 300,000 laws, up to the interpretation of a human judge and their court. Of course, there are few exceptions for people above the law, or those foolish enough to dare to open Pandora’s box.
The Jews thought their 613 commandments were burdensome, how about 300,000 in good ole America. It’s obvious that the Rabbi’s took license with some of these laws, ensuring their control and rights to interpretive power; a license conferred by the faithful on every divine-mortal or politician; even to this day.
In either instance, biblical or secular, there are consequences for breaking the law. Secular laws have varying degrees of punishment, attesting to the way humankind can find ways to rationalize things, primarily at the discretion and political proclivity of the presiding judge. Biblically it’s much simpler: live a righteous life, or break the law to spend eternity in a lake of fire.
Justice is blind, or so they say, but there’s no accounting for fully-sighted justices’ with partisan political penchants.
The aphorism is the ‘carrot and the stick’, where you are rewarded, enticed toward the correct action, and punished for incorrect choices; every ideology uses this basic precept.
In dogmatic terms this is simple; you know where you stand, but in secular terms it’s all a matter of money, power, and position; and up to the discretion of someone in power over you.
“What good is money if it doesn’t keep you out of jail?” ~ O.J. Simpson (allegedly)
Merkan’s have rationalized away the clout in the law by complicating it to the point of near total impotence, and fortunately for the government, there are sufficient latitudes to allow biased and prejudiced applications used at the expedience and inclination of the courts and its appointed judges. This is where the Merkan population become befuddled by the interpretive nature of truth, as it applies to the law.
The founders of America envisioned a structure and hierarchy in our republic to simplify the administration and management, centered on a single document called the Constitution. They even created a process to update and maintain its relevance, admitting that all things change. I don’t think that what we have today ever entered their minds.
This complication of the law underlines how things change over 3,335 years. For secular knaves, truth is a matter of perspective measured in degrees. God is purported to be much less lenient depending on the book of the bible. Old or New Testament. Those laws changed with the introduction of the Christ, the anointed or chosen one. To defend this adjustment in the law, Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it. I wonder if George Soros or the cadre of uber-liberal legal practitioners can make the same claim. They certainly claim to be our salvation.
The responsibility to ‘Mete out’, to administer justice rests with the top-tier of the judiciary. They decide which punishment fits the crime, or as Lavrentiy Beria says what crime fits the man.: Lenin’s Chief of the Secret Police.
This is a lesson the Merkan DoJ has learned well from history. They apply it with all the agility of every secret police organization throughout history.
Bungles the Clown, and Kackling Kamala employed this from the very beginning of their reign. It began with the January 6th ‘riots’, and continues through today, a few short days to the inauguration. You can rest assured that this extra-legal persecution will continue in earnest throughout #47’s presidency, and beyond.
Take a look around you, and appreciate the disaster the liberal interpretation of our laws did to Merka. We just elected our next president, but the present administration is working overtime creating problems, setting boobytraps and tripwires in an effort to further destroy this country, and complicate the next 4 years for the Trump administration.
I see two main reasons for this treachery.
First, they are convinced that Socialism is the best governing ideology for the republic.
Second, this is not about the republic, it is all about partisan political power.
Our shortsighted focus is about immediate results, and rarely, if ever, about the consequences of the decisions they make. This is why America became Merka, and why we live in this shitshow of a country. The people we elected, hired to manage our republic, blame an invented scapegoat called climate change, for their errors in judgement, insisting that the problem they created drove them to make these decisions. They refuse to admit their mistakes and face their consequences.
The Delicate Balance
Choices involve a myriad of factors, one should always follow the ‘what if’ line, the other should be ‘what are the consequences’ of this decision. AI tells me that the average person makes around 35,000 choices each day, in varying degrees of significance. Most of them are automatic unless there are limitations like health, safety, or financial.
Most of us keep these limits in the front of our minds; the significant choices require much more consideration than having a donut verses a power bar, or buying another round of drinks, then driving impaired, or frittering away state life-safety funds, then fiddling around while the state burns.
Maybe Gavin Newsom’s the PRC’s Nero.
This is part of the delicate balance we face, but there are other considerations based on our position, or job, that require additional thought and examination, which is why we hire people with more experience to help us through the more difficult choices. We call them ‘Leaders’ for that reason, but we expect them to be honest with us, and themselves. There should be consequences for mis-leading. other than not being reelected.
The punishment should fit the crime, up to and including removal from the gene-pool.
I pose this rhetorical question:
How long did you deliberate on your choice of candidate in the last election, what was the basis for your decision? Please be honest with yourself, because no one else will ever know.
Did it take several minutes, hours, days, months?
Was it a logical or passionate choice?
Did you stand for your convictions, or did you follow a popular direction based on partisan political rhetoric and advertising?
Here’s another question to ponder. Have your ever said to yourself…
‘I wish I’d thought this through, and considered all of the options?’
I know I have.
I have two ex-wives, and the consequences from some decisions that took me several years to sort out. This includes credit cards and loans. One of the ones that I do not regret are health related, although one took several years to repay – a bankruptcy from my heart attack in 2003. I made my final court ordered payment in 2007; my mistake cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I’d followed the procedure and taken an ambulance instead of driving myself, I could have avoided the indignation and stigma of this episode, not to mention a shitload of money.
I own that mistake, I paid the price, and I’ve learned the lesson that this costly error taught me.
How about you?
“Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.” ~ Norman Cousins
We’ve all made mistakes and hopefully learned the lessons they offer; but maybe not.
Maybe you have a learning disability, failing to capitalize on life’s lessons; like most Merkans.
I can only imagine the people in the PRC and their choices to vote for the liberal/socialist politicians, but then maybe not. Politicians are engaging and persuasive people. They can talk you out of your last dollar with promises of enormous returns in the future, and they can make the plight of your neighbors, a problem they created, seem like it’s yours to remedy.
Our leadership in the DC Swamp opened our borders to the world, allowing over 25 million people, many of them criminals, to come here with the promise of freedom, citizenship, jobs, and safety.
Who’s paying for this?
It’s the people in the cities where the people are dumped to cover the costs. A few sanctuary communities are open to this injection of people, but many other cities, those that do not adhere to sanctuary ideologies, hand this responsibility to the residents in those locations.
There are 11 Sanctuary States, and 170 Sanctuary cities in Merka. The estimated cost exceeds $600 billion 2021 through 2024; most of that money comes from the local economy, placing an unimaginable burden on the communities forced to support the Biden-Harris administrations invited guests. Imagine having a party, and handing your next-door-neighbor the bill. This is precisely what our leadership did. AND. now that the guests are here, they refuse to leave. but that’s not the administrations problem. It’s Yours.
Look at the national debt clock to see the impacts on this republic from partisan political policies. [LINK ]
We need to carefully consider the repercussions of our choices, being cognizant that there is an aftermath for every choice. Further, we must insist that our administrators stop ignoring the consequences of their choices, and factor them into these decisions, including the costs of their profligate fiscal preferences.
Truth or Consequences?
I prefer both, but that requires delicate balance.
PS… and Stick around – deyze be mo’ to Come!
January 19, 2025
~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!