Across the entirety of our history, for some unnatural reason, our people just haven’t been quite able to leave well enough alone. It’s almost as if they got together one night on a late night drunken binge and all of a sudden said, “By damned … don’t Y’all think we have just too damned much of this pesky freedom and not enough free stuff? Let’s trade our freedom and liberty for free stuff and lifelong care from Big Brother and all his jackbooted stormtroopers.”
It simply boggles the mind to find so many so willing to abandon their freedom and liberty and Inalienable God-given rights, the republic too, over to those tyrants who would be kings, ever promising the world to the populace in one breath and delivering jack-shit with the next breath.
Unfortunate as it is for this generation, my two daughters, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, we live in a time in which our civilization has made terrible choices for the country’s future. choices that have created a society sick to the point of its own death from philosophical and religious choices, i.e. moral relativism and heresy against the Word of God, in our modern era. We are currently living in a time of consequences seen from Man’s attempts to create his “reality”, and alternative reality that is nothing less than mass delusion, and the coerced or forced “consent” of all. And those consequences portend to be horrific, along the manner seen in past totalitarian communist states, something a mere four short years of Trumpism can only delay short of a groundswell revival of Christianity by nearly all of American’s people, as the cost for humanity, for liberty and for what’s left of our civilization can only be more piles of dead bodies sacrificed by the nation’s unhinged, lunatic communists during their typical acts of terrorism in pursuit of “liberationist politics” that end in Man organizing against Man and making a pretense of being God’s equal.
Some parents had darned well better start picking up their Bibles again and actually take the time to read them to their children. And whether or not they enter a physical building called a “church” or not, families and their loved ones, friends and neighbors need to gather in fellowship and the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Sabbath, if not for themselves for the instruction and the salvation of the next generation of children coming up in this sorry mess of a world, so that they might navigate it with confidence and without fear.
And, for the slightly less reverent out there, if nothing else, raise your boys to become tough hard men, who might not be able to quote the Bible verbatim but hold true in their heart the idea of “yea tho’ I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil for Thou Art With Me … and I’m the Baddest Son of a Bitch in the Valley. I know … I know … that’s a bit sacrilegious, but I’ve got to believe that God’s got to have a sense of humor, since He made us in His image. ~ J.O.S.
Fight for Freedom and All Will Be Well!
Americans just handed the new Republican Party a mandate to lead and implement an “America First” agenda, but with so much of President-elect Donald Trump’s policy steeped in the materialism, the liberalism and advocacy for big government solutions, it will not come to pass, or at least it will not be what most Americans expect it to be. It will also come at the expense of true freedom and liberty.
Nothing makes this so evident as the recent 1500 page Continuing Resolution “spending bill” that Speaker Mike Johnson sought to ram through at the last minute to avoid a government shutdown, without giving the typical three-day inspection period. Despite the $100 billion for survivors of Hurricane Helene and the Maui Wildfire, too much of the bill was pork-barrel spending for Democrats’ pet projects, and as Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) noted, it had “[turned] into an omnibus [bill]”. It was set to pass with a majority of Democrat representatives voting to push it through, much to the chagrin of the Freedom Caucus and what few truly conservative Republicans still exist.
Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) exclaimed:
“We get this negotiated crap, and we’re forced to eat this crap sandwich. Why? Because freaking Christmas is right around the corner. It’s the same dang thing every year. Legislate by crisis, legislate by calendar, Not legislate because it’s the right thing to do.”
A continual “compromise” with evil, where no real compromise exists, is no compromise whatsoever; it is a surrender, and it prods us a thousand steps further along the path toward an illiberal tyranny eventually in the not-too-distant future. And all Americans must ask, “just why in the hell are we making any compromises with communists at all”.
Placing America and Her people first must come in tandem with a strong unbending protection and defense of our freedoms and liberties first, no matter the desire for a continuous building of momentum towards “progress”, which has a million different meanings dependent on who one speaks to on any given day, and the incessant clamor of those chattering monkeys of the Democrat Party Communists who constantly demand free stuff and more controls over everyone and everything.
America will never come first or be made great again, so long as we have so many within our government that are too willing to steal the wealth of the nation’s producers to use as a bribe to the takers, in order to hold raw power. It is all well and good to desire a better life and to want the finer things in life, but not if one seeks to gain them from the sweat of another’s brow and by theft. And although there is currently a real need to update and modernize our military, in the face of new existential threats from our enemies, e.g. hypersonic missiles, the real struggle for America, and the world, in fact, is a spiritual one, good vs evil; and at its root, it is a test of moral faith.
The crisis of American society exists today in large degree to its rejection of God in too many areas of both home and public life, as our public education has taught the past three generations the fallacies of separation of church and state and the notion individuals can stand alone without God. Since the Wilson era, our people have been inundated with the ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin, and since at least the FDR era, they’ve been routinely subjected to the propaganda of the Marxist-Maoist communists and indoctrinated with the same in public schools and in the homes of our radicals.
In 1950, Diana Trilling, a socialist feminist far left author, wrote the following words in ‘A Memorandum on the Hiss Case:
“I think we can also say that in our century the source of all political idealism has been socialism, and, since the Russian Revolution, specifically the socialism of the Soviet Union, I do not mean that whoever has worked for political progress has necessarily been a socialist. I mean only that it has been from socialist theory that political progress has chiefly taken its inspiration, and from the socialist example its practice.”
It’s worth noting at this point, that Alger Hiss was a top advisor to both presidents FDR and Truman and was later proven to have indeed been a raging red communist after the fall of the Soviet Union and the release of the Venona Files in 1996. He also designed the mechanisms and organizational infrastructure, policies and procedures for the United Nations in such a manner as to heavily favor the Soviet Union in the UN’s earliest years, until appropriate changes were pushed and implemented years later.
Millions of Americans were enthralled by Roosevelt’s New Deal during America’s Great Depression Era, primarily because many didn’t really understand that at its core it represented the first steps into a communist state and also primarily because many did, in fact, know it was communist to the core. Most of FDR’s Cabinet were communists or near-communists, and even Vice-President Henry Wallace was a full-blown communist, who would later go on to run for president as the Progressive Party candidate [read “communist candidate]. None of them took the New Deal seriously as an end in itself, but rather they saw it as the mechanism for their own revolutionary ends and the acquisition of raw power for years upon years.
Around this time frame, the impeccable, honorable and patriotic author and freedom activist, Ayn Rand, was presenting her own philosophy, Objectivism, and concept of freedom through a selection of fiction and non-fiction books. ‘Fountainhead’ and ‘Atlas Shrugged’ were considered by a large segment of conservative thinkers as compelling arguments against liberalism and its step-brother Marxism, and her views became known as “libertarianism”. But Rand herself was an atheist, and her concept of freedom did not include God. Like every other consistent materialistic doctrine, Rand’s rejected God, religion, and Man’s original sin, and her ideal Man, much like the paragon for Marxian Man, was detailed at the center of a godless world.
And just as Satan’s message to Adam and Eve in the Garden was basically, “Ye shall be as gods”, so too is this the ever-present underpinning of the Marxist-Maoist ideology that would seeming be the world’s second most popular faith – rapidly growing across all Europe today and still advancing alarmingly in America, despite Trump’s win. America can only answer this challenge, if only Her people will renew and strengthen their faith in Her founding Christian virtues and principles and their faith in God and the freedom He enjoins is as great as the leaders’ and supporters’ faith in Man and the Marxist-Maoist ideology.
It’s beyond me how so many men and women seem blind as they grope around in the darkness of a spiritual wilderness in search of God, when from my earliest memories I sensed Him all around me in all things, the trees, the mountains, lakes and oceans and the gazillion stars that appeared before me across the universe with each passing night. How could they deny the existence of God and all He offers when the miracle of live births and their own children prove His existence each day?
I remember well the day my eyes came to rest on the delicate outline of my first-born daughter’s precious little face, her intricate perfect little hands, feet, ears and eyes. No, her perfect tiny body wasn’t created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature [the Communist perspective]. She could have been created only by immense design, and at that moment, the hand of God was once more laid upon my forehead giving me to reaffirm my faith and belief in Him.
The real crisis Americans face today is a spiritual one, that demands we find our way back to our founding virtues and principles and embracing the teachings and commandments of God. At its core, it is a test of our moral will and faith as a people, who by and large once professed to be faithful Christians.
But yes, even some atheists have been able to sort out a moral code of one kind or another without the Christ of Christianity. However, more times than not, left to their own devices and unmoored from the teachings of Jesus and the New Covenant between God and Man, or some other similar moral religious based belief, men and women across the ages have been seen to ignore their better angels and answer the siren call of the most demonic beasts of hell, in their unhinged belief that they can be gods, in their own right, here on earth and in pursuit of their fantasy utopian world, a world that has proven to be a bloody, murderous hell on earth every single time any country’s population attempted to implement an authoritarian socialist or totalitarian communist state.
Somewhere along the way, Mankind, especially in Europe and America, forgot that Western civilization’s ideas regarding liberty did not advocate for the absolute right to do anything at all, unrestrained from God’s will and a righteous perspective on liberty which acted as a guarantor and defender of rights for all under a righteously divined and purposed law. Man took to believing that his individual sovereignty was something that stood even above the will of God, and our own free will and the desire to rise above our own humanity led us, on the whole, into rebellion against the Word of God. Paradoxically, the harder man tried to recreate Eden on earth, or in this context, a Marxist-Maoist “utopia” [an oxymoron], the further man became removed from making any real, practical and achievable modest gains in this world that he could actually obtain.
It most likely had its start after the Continental Enlightenment and America’s Age of Reason during the 18th and 19th centuries. Over the centuries reason actually slowly undermined our liberty and led to this current quasi-communist state we battle today, which makes the American Communist Party the most revolutionary party in history. It still poses in practical form the most revolutionary question of our time – will we follow God or the arbitrary whims of Man?
The Democratic Party Communists, suffering their rejection for now, still reside and live in America proper and the heart of our homeland, still plotting and scheming the end of the republic. But they have taken the next logical step which three hundred years of rationalism hesitated to take and posed that which many dare not ask:
If man’s mind is the decisive force in the world, what need is there for God?
When considered against the backdrop of America’s current economic crisis and the misconception it has been caused by a failure of capitalism, promulgated by the Democrat Party Communists, rather than over-regulation by overreaching Big Government, creeping centralization, and the insertion of Marxist tenets into the capitalist system, subverting it and setting it on a path towards failure, one understands all at once why communism’s so-called “moral authority” has yet to wane or disappear altogether.
With that said, one should also note that there is a marked shortcoming in our civilization on the whole and the capitalist system in particular, in that it is so intensely animated and driven by extreme commercialism and materialism, while it remains incapable or unwilling to generate the moral capital that was initially posited as the precondition to limited government and free markets. One cannot hide the deeper immoral quality that hides behind envy across our society and seeks a firmer grasp upon the unsettling tendencies found within the current economic fascist system of America’s modern world, where corporations are deemed “too big to fail” and bailed out, the family farms are being abandoned in favor of government subsidized corporate farms and lobbyists regularly secure protection for various market niches of special interest groups and select “elite” businesses and the oligarchs who own them.
And yet, when implemented in its purest form as it was in the beginning days of America, capitalism has done more for America and the entire world, in fact, to grow and enable the greatest level of economic prosperity, and thereby individual liberty, than any system on earth over the entire history of mankind.
We aren’t winning, not quite yet. But much remains to be seen, as Trump takes office on January 20th 2025 and just how far he will be able to push his stated desire to deregulate much of the nation, cut our government back down to size and cut taxes all the way around for all Americans. His cabinet picks are a mixed-bag of Americans, both conservative and what I would call “commies” – but commies with a heart [?] like RFK, Jr, and Tulsi Gabbard, who have promised to hold true to Trump’s “America First” agenda, whatever that finally proves to be.
Americans from all walks of life, who truly seek freedom and liberty as well as real prosperity, I would urge, that if you desire these things, fight for true freedom and liberty and prosperity will follow. Reject a life of human waste witnessed along the goat paths and the killing fields of the 20th century egregious, heinous and evil errors – sins against God and mankind – committed under Marx, Hitler [yes, National Socialism is cut from the same cloth], Mao, Stalin, Min, Pol Pot and a litany of other bloody, murderous communist tyrants. Gather the strength to stand on the side of liberation and believe that you can gather the strength to oppose these Marxist-Maoist tyrants through the power of God, in order to find your way back to the life of a true free born American man and woman, living the way one was meant to live and able to find one’s own happiness as one sees fit.
Finally, we are beginning to see some real fight in the ranks of conservative, Christian and independent Americans against those humanist forces within the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, Open Society [George Soros] and the New World Order globalists and their enticing culture that proclaims we mortal men and women can be as gods, if only we fall in line as good little commies behind their satanic plans for all humanity. We have seen it most recently in their anti-liberty, anti-God transhuman and transgender movements, and we have borne witness to it through their weaponization of every single law enforcement agency within the federal government, all of which most Americans are currently seeing fit to reject straightforwardly out of hand, along with every vile, evil thing associated with them, such as sex-changes for toddlers and full grown men exposing their penises in the women’s locker rooms in high schools and universities across America.
As conservatives or simply liberty-leaning anarchist, we must fiercely defend the divine nature of freedom, as we come to understand freedom is a need of the soul and an innate part of being human, nothing less. It is in the striving toward God that the soul of men and women strives continually to achieve real freedom and individual liberty. God alone is our true inspiration and guarantor of freedom, as His wisdom of the ages, through His Word, guides us to our destination, our destiny. Our rights are inalienable and God-given, and our political freedom, as the Western world has known it, is merely an extension of this fact and comes by way of an accurate reading of the Bible.
Faith in God and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies, and so too do men and women wither, crumble and die like grapes in a blazing sun gone too long without water. Without freedom our soul dies. Anything that suppresses our freedom in a hard, harsh manner places an anchor on our soul and left unchallenged long enough, it moves our soul towards its death, extinguishing the spark and the very life within our mortal bodies.
For those who might contend that America wasn’t founded as a Christian nation, you would be more wrong than you know. The historical record shows the proof of this lie and the fact that America was indeed founded for Christians and by Christians, even if a few of the founders were simply deists who believed in a Higher Power, God if you will, minus the Christian doctrine. At the time of our nation’s founding, in 1776, ninety-nine percent of all Americans were Christians, and our Constitution was set forth with this in mind and to be tolerant of all other religions; but as late as 1878, every state in the Union had one denomination of Christianity or another set in its state constitution as its official state religion.
The true nature and character of every man and woman is easily revealed once the choice is placed before them, to choose between irreconcilable opposites – Freedom or Communism, a Righteous Soul or a Reprobate Mind, Freedom and Communism, or God and the Depths of Darkness.
The Marxist-Maoists have spun a luminous shroud around communism and the whole materialistic mind and the spirit pf mankind, as they seek to paralyze and inhibit Man’s rational instinct and need of his own soul to seek and reach out for God. They deny the reality of our soul and the fact that we were made as men and women in the image of God and our birthright in God’s mystery upon which mere knowledge falters and shatters at every step. In rejecting communism and today’s Marxist-Maoist ideology I have only rejected one abominable, heinous political expression of the modern mind, which is both reasonable and logical in that this ideology has been one of the most brutal, next to the Islamic Sharia Law doctrine, in enforcing the myth of man’s material perfectibility.
In 1943, in his study entitled ‘The Drama of Atheistic Humanism’, one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century, Henri de Lubac, a Jesuit priest [made Cardinal in 1983], wrote:
“It is not true, as is sometimes said, that man cannot organize the world without God. What is true is that, without God, he can ultimately only organize it against man.”
Certainly, the gas ovens at Auschwitz and Buchenwald and the communist execution cellars of the Soviet Union, Romania and East Berlin and the killing fields of Vietnam and Cambodia existed first within the minds of the madmen among the population of the sane.
Quite telling, per Fox News, forty-one percent of young voters stated that the recent murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare Corporation, was justified, when his murderer didn’t even know him or have an insurance policy through UHC, much less anything other than a general grievance against Corporate America and the Big Healthcare Industry. This only illustrates the deep disconnect of America’s youth from reason and reality and the fact that they haven’t been taught ethics and morals through the years, or the difference between right and wrong. They’ve only been taught activism in its most base and evil form as practiced by nihilists and hardcore destructive communists intent on destroying our history, our culture and our republic.
This makes our fight here in America to turn away from this Marxist-Maoist path all the more fraught with difficulty and future hardships, since the ideas of this devilish, evil ideology has been so deeply ingrained and embedded in the hearts and minds of our youth, to the point that a significant portion of Millennials find communist to be an acceptable alternative to communism. This does not bode well for the future of America, post-Trump … depending upon several factors and variables that could come into play. Let’s also not forget how deeply embedded the communist are within our own Congress, many of whom have committed outright treason with impunity during the last three administrations.
How to convert so deeply an indoctrinated population back to that which is tried and time proven to work in line with the conservative Christian ideas and principles of freedom and liberty seems almost an unsurmountable endeavor. So great an effort, quite apart from its physical and practical dangers, cannot occur without a profound upheaval of spirit and one’s heart and mind. No man or woman, given over to the evils of following the tenets of Marx and Mao, lightly reverses the faith of an adult lifetime, held implacably to the point of criminality and treason – think Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and thousands more in a long line of traitors to America.
And yet, there remains in the heart of America a population that still holds dear and true the American and Christian virtues and principles that made our country the most exceptional country on earth from its earliest days and far into the 20th century, only to succumb to self-doubts and a national identity crisis in the aftermath of the 1960s civil upheaval and an unrelenting communist movement that continued to gain steam over the ensuing decades. We still hold plenty of reserves of will and strength of heart and mind to uphold the principles of freedom and liberty, and we full well understand the superiority of free markets over central planning or putting the means of production in the hands of any Big Centralized Commie Government. We feel our love for individual liberty deep within our bones, and even when our patriots might have become a bit confused on a direction for America, our connection to our Founding and its promises remained the fire and the undying light for America, because losing all we hold dear, up to and including our livelihoods and our very lives, to the ravages of the country’s Marxist-Maoist Democrat Party Communists and their RINO globalist and statist allies simply was a bridge too far and an intolerable thing in the minds of all Free Born Americans.
For those of us who love America so well, we will never surrender on any terms set by our enemies from within, as we dance across the razor’s edge of history, refusing to surrender to untenable compromises made by traitorous “representatives” who know not the meaning of the word, in order to ensure our own survival and the survival of our loved ones, without giving up our most basic principles. We are the noble souls who will succeed in making America great again or die in the trying, if not for ourselves for our children and their children’s children and future generations to come long after we’ve departed this world for a better one.
If you fight for freedom and individual liberty, in the end, all will be well with you, come hell or highwater.
Fight for Freedom and All Will Be Well!
January 1, 2025
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.