Dear Young People of America, I’m Sorry

October 12, 2013 ~ I’m sorry. You’re entering a world that has condemned you to slavery before you were even born. No, not the full-blown, work-in-the-fields slavery you learned about in school, but something that has most of the same effects but looks far better: they take half of your life and expect you to thank them for it.

There are actually several parts to your slavery. Today I am speaking of the part you may know best: inescapable student loans. Continue reading

New York Times Admits That Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows The News To Be Censored By Government Officials

June 24, 2012 ~ In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for “quote approval” before they will be published. If the gatekeeper in the Obama campaign does not want a certain quote to get out, the American people will not see it, and the same thing applies to the Romney campaign. Continue reading

The Vietnam Marine Who Became a Judge and Helped Veterans

Putting his philosophy of ‘Leave No Veteran Behind’ into practice…

      A commanding officer presents 1st Lt. Michael Jackson with the Bronze Star Medal in 1969. ~ Courtesy Judge Jackson

Judge Michael Jackson, a combat veteran, had the power to send veterans convicted of crimes to prison. But he had a better idea about how to return them to their status of upstanding citizens.

Working as a Common Pleas Judge in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Judge Jackson, now 80, decided it was better to customize a rehabilitation program for veterans who had offended — and surround them with other veterans. Continue reading

Elite Colleges Where Students Can’t Cope With Strain of Reading an Entire Book: ‘My jaw Dropped

A student struggles to focus on her work. Professors at top universities have noticed that their students have trouble reading and focusing (stock image)

Students at prestigious colleges are finding it increasingly difficult to finish entire books because they do not have the attention span.

Some professors claim they have been forced to reduce reading assignments and lower their expectations to stop students becoming overwhelmed – even though the workload is often less intense than in previous years.

It is not that students are illiterate, they say, but rather that youngsters are not used to ploughing through lengthy texts and struggle to focus for long periods of time – often due to the distraction of social media. Continue reading

Ross: I Have Lost Faith

Editor’s Note: My relationship with the Author goes back for nearly two decades and in fact, Kettle Moraine, Ltd. published two books for Neal. So, “Why” might you ask are we republishing an article that was written back in 2008? Because it fits – TODAY!

Wake up America – it is past time to roll up your sleeves. We have been telling you about these things since before the turn of the century! ~ Editor

September 04, 2008 ~ Imagine someone you know who lost a loved one in a tragic accident. Imagine that this person found out that there loved one had gone into a river and had been washed away by the current to drown. Then imagine that there had been some rafters aimlessly drifting down the river who could have helped, but they were too involved in having a good time to pay any attention.

That is about how I feel right now with the state of affairs in our country. It is rapidly on course to implode and people are too worried about their own little lives to take the time to pay attention to what is really going on. Continue reading

Study Says Millions Of Non-Citizens Likely To Vote In 2024 Election

As many as 27% of non-citizens are illegally registered to vote.

A new study suggests that as many as 2.7 million non-citizens could vote in the 2024 election, leading some to voice concerns about coming election results potentially not reflecting the will of Americans citizens, who are the only ones permitted to vote in federal elections.

Just Facts, a nonprofit research institute found, “that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote,” an overview of the study states. Continue reading

The War on Free Speech Is Here

Kamala Harris and other leftists want to stop what they consider “disinformation” – but what they really want to do is silence your ability to laugh at them and rebut their falsehoods.

Supporting the First Amendment is now a partisan issue.

Last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three bills targeting AI-generated political ads. Among other provisions, one bill bans election-related “deepfakes” months before and after Election Day. Deepfakes are AI-generated videos or other content that can be stunningly realistic. Another bill requires social media sites to remove such content. Continue reading

CA Parents Sue Defiant School District Over Teachers Grooming Their Kids

Two sets of parents are suing their children’s public school in liberal California, where indoctrinating children and ignoring protesting parents continues without any sign of stopping.

Represented by First Liberty Institute, the parents from Encinitas Union School District filed a complaint alleging a teacher at La Costa Heights Elementary hid a gender identity lesson from parents and then refused to allow parents to pull their children.

AFN first reported on the controversy in June. That was when California Family Council, a conservative pro-family group, released a detailed article that described the ongoing fight of one of the parents, Carlos Encinas. Now a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit, the father described how his fifth-grade son was forced to watch a read-along video for “My Shadow is Pink,” a transgender-themed children’s book. Continue reading

15 year old North Carolina teenager was FORCED to read ‘Incest Porn‘ in her English class

Lorena Benson, 15, a sophomore at Athens Drive High School in Raleigh, delivered a speech to the Wake County school board this week that quickly went viral.

The teenager’s speech was posted on X and garnering more than 250,000 views.

The teen claimed her Honors English class recently read a story detailing sexual encounters between two cousins that made her extremely ‘uncomfortable.’ Continue reading

Former NFL coach Chuck Pagano tells Washington to re-adopt ‘racist‘ Redskins name

The team was known as the Redskins from 1937-2019 but dropped its name ahead of the 2020 season (initially going by the Washington Football Team for two seasons) following years of social pressure – with many Native Americans finding the word to be racially insensitive.

However, during a recent appearance on the Pat McAfee Show, former Colts coach Chuck Pagano referred to Washington as the ‘Redskins’ and doubled down when his former punter reminded him that that franchise ‘is not in the league.’

‘They should go back,’ Pagano said. ‘That’s why I said it.’ Continue reading

Congressional Gold Medal Going to ‘Dustoff‘ Medevac Crews Who Saved Thousands in Vietnam

Dustoff inbound” was the message crackling over the radio that troops wounded in Vietnam most wanted to hear.

                …and I was there as well – as a Patient Protector with the 498th Dustoff Unit! – Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

The message using the “Dustoff” call sign meant that an unarmed UH-1 “Huey” helicopter air ambulance with a red cross painted on the nose was coming for them no matter the weather, no matter whether the landing zone was “hot,” no matter whether there even was a landing zone – some 8,000 hoists while the aircraft hovered were conducted during the war.

To honor those who flew more than 496,000 Army medevac missions from May 1962 through March 1973, the House last week passed the Dustoff Crews of the Vietnam War Congressional Gold Medal Act. Continue reading

Dickens: What the “F” Over – (WTFO)

A Reprise


Once more, with feeling…

I’ve used this title a couple of times in the past, that’s the reason for the subtitle ‘reprise.’

It means, I want to revisit this topic again. The sub-subtitle comes from my hours and hours in rehearsals, both musical and theatrical, when the director comments…

That was OK, but this time, with feeling…Continue reading

Smith: To Erase the Image of God

I’ve totally checked out of the “political scene” without really “checking out”, in that I still care about what happens to this fine country of ours and its people but I no longer worry about the final direction it takes, as I will deal with that in my own good time and way. I’ve just had to stop worrying so much, mainly for my health.

Our American brethren had better stop this mad flirtation the country is having with socialism, the red-headed step-child of communism, if they know what’s good for them. It’s like a child – you give an inch, they take a mile, and no nation can implement “just a little bit of socialism” without it eventually metastasizing into a full-blown totalitarian communist state, as has been witnessed across the span of history. For those who deny this fact, I offer Canada, which just a very few short decades ago was one of the freest nations on earth but now is insanely socialistic/communistic and authoritarian as all hell.

We see it branching out and growing all throughout our own system at all levels of government, threatening every last vestige of American freedom and liberty and our founding virtues and principles, especially as it pertains to Christianity.

Anne Frank

How they miss the danger signs from the Marxist-Maoist ideology and all the harm it promises to deliver is one of the great mystifying questions of the ages.

Since WWII, it seemed that everyone has been so focused on the Holocaust, they fail to understand that Joseph Stalin murdered so many millions more people than Hitler could ever imagine murdering. Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night‘ and ‘The Diary of Anne Frank‘ brought the Holocaust into America’s living rooms, making it a part of their education, where its victims were no longer mere numbers or names on a memorial, but real people with faces, families, dreams, hearts and souls, who were sorely abused and murdered. And Hitler and the Nazis were basically turned into every American’s personal enemy.

How the horrors of communism and 160 million dead in prisons or on some gulag plantation field can be so easily forgotten is terrifying to any sane person in and of itself. The communists not only sought to break the bodies of their targets – their “enemy” – or simply shatter their minds, but they strived to smash their opposition’s – those dissidents – souls, to erase them and absolutely everything about them in regards to their faith, family, nation, will, self-respect, identity. They worked to destroy everything that made a once free individual person a human being. They sought and still seek today, to destroy Western civilization and erase the idea that man is created in the image of God.

I must warn You that I have included some Extremely Graphic and Descriptive “adult only” bits within this piece, but they serve a purpose in the end. However, there’s enough substance to this piece to allow for it to be edited as seen necessary. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

School Officials Tell Chicago Teachers to Pass All Migrant Students No Matter Their Scores

            “No habla, No wanna!”

Several Chicago Public School teachers are alleging that school administrators ordered them to pass all migrants to the next grade whether they had passing scores or not, and even when the kids did not speak English.

The shocking revelations come after more than a year of migrants flooding Chicago by the tens of thousands and the subsequent enrollment of thousands of migrant kids, many of whom do not speak English, and some who had very little or even no schooling prior to arriving in the Windy City. Continue reading

Dickens: The Real Threat ~ Existential Threat?

Words Are The Real Threat!

“Words are seeds that do more than blow around.
They land in our hearts and not the ground.
Be careful what you plant and careful what you say.
You might have to eat what you planted one day.” ~ Anon

There is an existential threat in Merka. It’s not a person, it’s more insidious and dangerous. It’s a simple four-letter descriptor called ‘word’ – a unit of language used to express ideas and information.

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.” ~ George Orwell

It’s curious that I’m in sync with the political Right. The Corporate Media Complex (CMC) – the Left – is feeding their viewers some disquieting propaganda. Continue reading

This Is Not the America We Were Promised

The events of the last few years have confirmed that we are no longer a democracy in the sense that we once thought we were – and I know we’re a republic, but follow along with me.

The premise of a democracy is that individual citizens can participate in the political process by making their positions known and voting for representatives who they understand will support their views. But those components are under attack here and throughout the West. They are under attack because our garbage elite considers our participation in our own governance to be both morally illegitimate and a practical nuisance. As a result, the elite is doing everything it can to prevent us from participating in our own governance. It’s intent to make us into serfs, disarmed, disenfranchised serfs who obey in silence. Continue reading

Smith: Come Get What You Deserve… or take it in your ass!

For once, I find myself in full agreement with Mike.

Some have said “you need to grow thicker skin” and “stop being so over-sensitive” or “quit whining”, and to them I say, no, “you and others need to find some manners and learn how to have a decent and respectful discussion on the merit of fact”.

This may hold no interest to anyone, who may see it as an internal squabble on one website, but this is what I find on every damned website I enter these days – if not directed at me, directed at someone else who only spoke the truth, most usually a truth that some budding young tyrant didn’t want to hear. Continue reading

Been down this road before…

July 12, 2002 ~ After many years of deep thought and consideration, I believe that I have discovered the root problem of America’s youth – and their boomer parents.

With the advent of television in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, the Old Hollywood movie studios began to realize that they were going to be forced to embrace the ‘little box’. One of the ways, which this could be done, was to sell the television the broadcasting rights to the film industry’s motion picture library. After all, you could only watch Uncle Miltie, Lucy and the Honeymooners so many times. The news programs lasted about 5 minutes at first (later 15, then 30, an hour – voila’ – all day) – so there was a lot of time to fill in those eight hour broadcast days. I don’t even think that Jack Paar had been born yet, or Brittany Spears mother. Continue reading