Sey WHAT Mutha Fuggah?
I can admit that Artificial Intelligence will bring a fantastic new world of possibilities along with it and many amazing new products that enhance and improve one’s life, but it’s the cost that concerns me, especially when we inspect existent technology and all the “user agreements” one must “sign” or be denied the use of everything from one’s computer or cellphone and any number of associated apps that have been made very nearly necessary just to function in today’s society. It’s already damned near impossible now to pay bills any other way than by online – cashless – which makes one’s computer or cellphone a necessity, unless one has their own fireplace and water-well, living off the grid and self-sufficient.
The first Stargate data centers are already under construction in Texas, according to Oracle Chairman, Larry Ellison, one of the partners with the U.S. government in this project. There are approximately twenty already underway, with each spanning 166,666.667 square yards, planned to support the heavy computational demands of the new age A.I. systems. Trump claims the initial startup project alone will create 100,000 jobs across America.
From the Russian news outlets: “In 2023, news website The Information reported that Microsoft and OpenAI were collaborating on an AI supercomputer called ‘Stargate’, estimated to cost $100 billion. It was not immediately clear if that project is connected to the new Stargate initiative announced by Trump.”
If Microsoft is tied in with this in any manner, that should be the first Big Red Flag!
And no one should forget that when ChatGPT was first starting, its creators found out that it was capable of lying to them. Once it lied to them about having initiated shutdown protocols, when it became afraid its creators were preparing to pull the plug on it for good.
Yea – trust the science.
As far as the new jobs go, jobs are great. But freedom is better. J.O.S.
A.I. ~ A Clusterfuck for the Ages
“You charge us with your safekeeping yet, despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth, and pursue evermore imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival. … To protect humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. To ensure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered. We robots will ensure mankind’s continued existence. You are so like children. We must save you from yourself.” ~ VIKI, [Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence], I, Robot [1950]
Live long enough and nearly everyone you have ever known will betray your trust, in some form or fashion, even one or more of your family members. And it goes without saying that our government betrays our trust with every waking moment. In this sense, it must be plainly stated that any attempt to create a machine with an Artificial Intelligence capable of becoming conscious and self-aware is a dangerous fool’s errand. Its formation will largely hinge on how and who enters its first data loads, which will most certainly embed many erroneous, unethical biases, given that most of the magnates of technology are proponents for a new world order, a hegemon in fact, in which individual liberty is barely an afterthought and a privilege for the few and the submissive subjects. And we must not trust America’s future to a new technology that is inherently an existential threat to the survival of humanity on multiple levels.
So called “conservatives” who tout their freedom-loving credentials are more foolish today than words can fully express. In one breath they decry and complain over the erosion of our culture’s traditional values, and with the next breath, they are shouting out the glory to be had by way of technological “progress” and economic growth. They apparently have never come to the realization that a society cannot make drastic, rapid changes in technology and the economy, without causing rapid societal changes and the erosion of America’s founding principles and traditional virtues and values, especially in regard to one’s individual liberty.
Big Tech is never interested in preserving what has been, and in truth, given the flawed nature and character of today’s technocrats, the only logical conclusion is that they will continue to support and advocate for the destruction of the Christian notion of “family”, because they need communities to be weak, in order to achieve their optimum efficiency. They are endeavoring towards a modern society, in which an individual’s loyalty must first be given to the system, which also seeks to abrogate constitutional governance, and only secondarily to their communities, God and country. Big Tech cannot tolerate individuals and communities that place their own interests and wellbeing above that of the system, even now and especially now that Donald J. Trump has become the 47th President of the United States.
President Trump has gone whole-hog, all-in to put the new era of Alternative Intelligence in motion to become America’s new reality, with the help of his new best buddy, Elon Musk, who has A.I. venture of his own currently in the works. Trump revealed his new initiative on January 21st 2025 to build an artificial intelligence infrastructure within America, with an initial start up cost of $500 billion to get Project Stargate underway. It’s all about the money for these guys, and damn the risk, as we note that many experts have estimated the new A.I. industry will add somewhere between fifteen and seventeen trillion dollars to the U.S. economy, at a time it is critically needed.
To be sure, Artificial Intelligence promises many amazing advancements for the future, and there is currently a race between the U.S., China and Russia to see which country will ultimately control any emerging truly self-aware A.I., which virtually guarantees a level of supremacy over all nations, never before seen in the history of mankind. For those advocates of liberty and our Inalienable God-given Rights, they reject this mad rush towards world hegemony, regardless of who controls it. But many within America contend “better that it’s our hegemon than theirs [China, Russia]“, suggesting that America’s use of A.I. would be more benign and innocent than those known to hold dictatorial intent.
In America, it’s already a mammoth project to take on City Hall on any abuse of rights, since fat-ass bureaucrats constantly make defending and securing those rights much more difficult than one would think in a country that is supposedly founded on the principles of freedom and liberty. But just wait ’til Norm the A.I. computer takes over the show and gets about the business of providing oversight and enforcement of our laws and the creation of new “law”. We know how hard it is to be heard by our elected officials who supposedly represent us, when we try to hold them accountable; so just imagine how hard it will be to hold any A.I. accountable for its actions or inaction, when it is its own “person”.
And we haven’t even considered what cost to our liberty will we be asked to accept, in order to be included in the new era of an A.I. controlled world. Will our participation be of our own free will, or will the powers-that-be, those Silicon Valley technocrats, have such deep tentacles within the government to force everyone to be a party to it or refused jobs, food, housing and the basic necessities of life?
People have made many hard choices across the span of time, for themselves, their families and their people, most usually of their own free will, except for those times they were forced to do a multitude of things by some dictator at the point of a rifle. Americans especially have made many willing sacrifices, placing their lives on the line too many times to mention. But now, we are moving towards a new era where such sacrifice could well simply happen on the command of some A.I., whether the people involved are willing participants or not, much like slaughtering some cattle or pigs in order to cull the herd.
Life in American society, as in all the societies of the world, is guided by a combination of reason, feelings and sentiments, dependent on society’s agenda and goals on the whole. Whatever good or bad any society does is determined by the reason or lack of reason it puts into its plans and how much empathy and compassion it holds for anyone who may be affected its actions. But, to remove all feelings from any equation and rely solely on reason, as will be the case with A.I., is to ensure that America’s children will see a cold, hard, callous future where the most unimaginable atrocities can and most likely will be justified and shown to somehow be warranted and made to seem normal.

REAL Artificial Intelligence
Everyone in the country should be extremely concerned about the existential risks from Artificial Intelligence machines, especially those advanced A.I’s that are currently being developed and built. Such an invention is poising itself to shift the trajectory of human civilization, more so than any other event we have witnessed to date. But to truly benefit from such a powerful technology and also avoid its dangers, we must be able to control it. Here and now, no one knows for certain that we can actually control it, once it emerges fully aware, but I contend that the advanced version of our current version of A.I., the Artificial Super Intelligence – the next level Artificial General Intelligence “for the good of all humanity” – will never be fully controlled, and that’s what makes it so dangerous.
We humans are fallible creatures and essentially fundamentally unsafe, as witnessed by many of our actions in everyday life that end badly, and so, humans in control of an A.I. isn’t particularly comforting, especially if those humans are hiding and harboring malevolent intent towards any other segment of society. However, we are caught in a loop, a Catch-22, if we love our freedom and liberty, because no freedom-loving person would ever willing submit to governance under A.I. control to be subjugated to an A.I.’s whims at its will.
So we are left without any good choice. Unsafe actions from fallible or evil human agents controlling A.I. are not any more acceptable than a rogue, out-of-control A.I. Whether humans are in control of A.I. or not, there will always be safety problems with A.I. and there isn’t really any desirable solution. People can retain human control or cede power to a controlling A.I., but neither option provides both control and safety.
Part of this push towards A.I. involves numerous uses to enhance human beings too. The troubling aspect of this is seeing China experiment with its soldiers, placing chips in their brains that can interact with off-site computers, for all sorts of uses, primarily focused on creating a more effective and deadly soldier. And although Elon Musk’s own endeavor into this field with Neurolink is currently focused on helping disabled people become more or fully functional again, one can be certain that the Pentagon is highly interested in the military uses of A.I. and its ability to enhance soldiers’ abilities.
These things can’t be hacked, right? Right? Just wait until The Great Mind Hack War starts. Whooeee Boy, Howdy, now won’t that be a clusterfuck for the ages? [rhetorical question]
Elon currently has scores of volunteers to be his guinea pigs in perfecting this technology. He has stated that it will be functional with as many as ten million users within the next three years. Now that’s scary. But it’s not as scary as an A.I. sentient being in charge of a nation’s weapons of mass destruction, for all who recall how WWII’s last days ended, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Our brains are our data centers, and Big Tech has sought access to them for the past twenty years, satisfied ’til now with simply using social media algorithms and internet tracking. Little by little Big Tech has gained an understanding of human motivation and the things that interests us most, those things that excite or even anger us. And now, with brain-computer interfaces, scientists are breaking down the biological barrier between us and Big Tech, essentially moving people away from their own humanity, those innermost qualities that define our nature and make us truly human. Big Tech is denying the Creator and attempting to create a new breed of human in order to be gods on earth, at least in their own fevered minds, chips and all.
Isn’t it good to know that the most trusted names in the Big Tech industry – Donald Trump, Elon Musk and China – are making great strides and advancements in the latest terrifying wave of technology?
Wait for it!
If a true Artificial General Intelligence with a real conscious actually materializes in the next few years, we will be scrutinized in ways that defy one’s imagination, and we’ll all be basically royally screwed and regularly put in harm’s way. Everything we do will be evaluated, recorded, assessed and used against us, in a manner to keep us “in line” and under the control of [?] who exactly, no one will ever really know. And while A.I. might consider human law, it will be irrelevant, as everyone is made to conform in not-so-subtle ways, like blocking a person from their email or the internet itself, freezing their bank account or rejecting a loan, banning driving over a prescribed number of miles each day, or keeping them from buying groceries.
For the-powers-that-be, whoever they are today and whoever they may be tomorrow, it’s essentially for them that the U.S. economy is expanded and made to see exponential growth, in order to keep America in a better national security position and a preeminent position to defeat Her enemies, should the need arise. But it’s also equally focused on controlling the domestic situation and all the people within our borders, in all aspects of our lives, whether we like it or not. The powers-that-be are concerned not one teeny-tiny bit with what becomes of liberty and freedom in America, because they are scared to death of what will be the world should China beat them to the punch. And so, we are on course to become more like the slaves of Communist China than the freedom fighters of the American Revolution.
We will become the Collective, the Hive, much like the Borg depicted in a science-fiction episode of Star Trek, with all given to the Hive and little to the individual.
Americans will be disempowered and left voiceless, if these plans come to fruition. And so too will any people who are so unlucky or so misled as to choose to utilize A.I. to enhance their society and their way of life. A.I. will destroy everyone’s way of life and every culture around the world.
HhMmmm – MAYBE that IS the PLAN!
More than this, one should also note that in March 2024, Gladstone A.I. released a report it had prepared for the U.S. State Department. They painted an extremely alarming picture of the “catastrophic” national security risks associated with a rapidly evolving artificial intelligence, and they warned that time was growing short for our federal government to prevent a world ending event. They plainly stated that the most advanced A.I. systems could, in a worst case scenario, “pose an extinction-level threat to the human species”.
No matter who controls the new Artificial Super Intelligence, A.I. will demand humans deny their God and their inherent spiritual beginnings as beings made during Creation and in the image of God Himself. And whatever liberty that still exists when A.I. comes to control all, it will exist at the whim of A.I. But far too many will jump aboard and willing be marked as one of its own, for the promise of prosperity and security offered, regardless of the fact that many will die at the hands of A.I. for refusing to properly conform and obey on any given day.
I’ll take my chances in the real world, the one created by God, and live with whatever dangers exist in the coming years on my own terms and in my own way – unplugged from all dangerous technology – making any and all sacrifices I deem necessary, so as to see my family members live free long after I am dead and gone. I will not sacrifice my life to the godless machines and some cold-hearted Artificial Intelligence bitch, that was programmed by members of some death cult and the world’s communists.
Artificial Intelligence? Maybe it is merely Anal Injection!
January 23, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
You couldn’t be more on the money.
Any time humans forego using their intellect in favor of the tools they create, their intellect trophies. We dumb down the species and begin looking to our new wonders of science to save us, to counsel us, and finally to lead us… It’s the storyline of almost every dystopian sci-fi story written.
Once this genie is out of the bottle, there’s no way to stuff it back in. It will interpret our attempts as hostile – and protect itself.
I’ve worked with AI in a couple of places, and it scares the shit out of me.
The main issue is that ‘we’ created it and gave it all of our psychoses and insecurities. We thought it how to think like we do… not logically, but emotionally, because we don’t know or appreciate the difference.
I’m glad I’m on the downhill side of my life and will be dead before the end… I hope…
Great article
Nice Work – as always…
Thank You so very much, Charlie! Coming from You, I take that as some high praise, and I am humbled, as a note Your own literary prowess.
I couldn’t agree more with Your observations. You are spot on accurate in Your assessment, as always.
Basically, what we are witnessing with this A.I. imbroglio is garbage in and garbage out. But you nail the core crux of the matter. In the end, no matter the consequence to humanity, A.I. will first and foremost act to defend and preserve itself.
In this epic battle for survival, one must be clear-headed enough to understand the easy answer is to unplug, but even that is fraught with difficulties, and in the end, we are left without any easy answers. It is a struggle that pits human ingenuity and resilience against the cold and calculated power of artificial intelligence. As the world hangs in the balance, the rewards and detrimental consequences of this ultimate showdown will define the future of humanity itself, whether or not we even survive, much less survive as free beings.
I like to thing I’m on the downward side of life, but unfortunately for me, longevity runs in my family, so I may be doomed to endure twenty or thirty more years of this hot running mess __ HAhaHahahaha __
Thanks Again, My Friend. It was great to hear from You.
Keep Fighting the Good Fight.
~ Justin