Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

Greene: End the Insanity Immediately!

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. – Revelation, 20: 11-12

The United States of America is on the brink of extinction and the O’Biden regime has pushed the world to the brink of World War III which may go to full-scale global war or even a nuclear exchange before they are finished.

Any American who supports Ukraine today is either completely ignorant of history and reality, or totally insane. And there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that a growing segment of American society is totally insane! In fact, they aren’t just insane, they are suicidal!

In terms of war, the definition of “winning” is limited to who killed and destroyed more than their opponent. The ONLY time war is “necessary” is when freedom, liberty and justice is under direct assault on our own soil, and the only means of preserving freedom, liberty and justice in our country is to eliminate those attacking us, be they foreign, domestic, or both.

Today, the greatest threat to American freedom, liberty and justice is coming from within, namely, the anti-American O’Biden regime in control of all weaponized Federal Agencies, our Military, the news media, the internet, medicine, food and energy supplies, and all social media platforms. Continue reading

Benson: An Empire In Decline?

Is the United States an empire in decline? Awhile back, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana made the comment that “This nation was founded by geniuses but it’s being run by idiots.” Unfortunately, many of those idiots belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, and their main idiotic idea is to make the US just another cog in the wheel of One World Government–under the control of the United Nations.

The Treasury Secretary, another CFR member, claims she will punish China. Yeah, right! Biden says he will support Ukraine in their war with Russia “as long as it takes.” To do what? Bankrupt America? Continue reading

ROSS: Your Invisible Prison

The subject I wish to discuss today is extremely complex and convoluted, yet it is something that people need to try and wrap their heads around; before it is too late. Sitting here thinking about how to go about explaining it all is akin to trying to describe the intricacy of a spider web to a blind person; yet, in a way, a spider web and the subject matter I wish to discuss are both very similar; as they trap those things that land in them.

How many have watched any of the dystopian, futuristic, movies in which, at first glance, society appears to be a Utopia? In these films, the people seem happy, they all are well taken care of, the cities are clean and crime free; but lurking just under the surface there is something wrong; something seriously wrong!!! Continue reading

I want my Son back!

Texas moms rent huge billboards across the state showing pictures of their kids killed by accidentally taking pills laced with fentanyl – as drugs crisis continues to blight America
A group of Texas mothers who have lost their children to accidental fentanyl poisoning have taken to renting large billboards featuring images of their loved ones in the hope of starting conversation between other parents and their kids.

The families aim to raise awareness about the dangers associated with drugs and are urging parents to educate their children on the issue.

In response to the cause, billboard advertiser MediaChoice, got so many calls thanking them for bringing attention to fentanyl, they have now generously provided free space to display the signs… (Continue to full article)

YEAH – I want my son back – and Emily as well!

Shocking video shows how drug addicts in Portland are emptying whole pallets of water bought with food stamps just to recycle the plastic bottles for $2.40 to buy cheap fentanyl
Drug addicts in Oregon have come up with a scheme that sees them using their food stamps to buy cases of water which they then immediately empty out in order to obtain a 0.10 cents bottle deposit to then buy drugs with.

Video footage shot in a parking lot on Portland sees one group of people with shopping carts full of pallets of bottled water, only to have them empty the contents out on the ground.

The alleged addicts will then return to the supermarket from where they acquired the bottled water to obtain a recycling refund… (Continue to full article)

DEA warns that ADHD overprescription could be as bad as OPIOID CRISIS in stinging letter to pharmaceutical giants it accuses of ‘aggressive marketing’ – as users rise 10% in a year to 41 million
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has expressed concern that ‘aggressive marketing practices’ by telehealth companies may be contributing to excessive prescriptions for medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a letter from the agency.

While the letter does not mention specific companies, it is believed to refer to telehealth companies such as Cerebral Inc. and Done Global Inc., whose prescribing practices have reportedly been under investigation by the DEA after blitzing social media with online adverts on platforms including Instagram and Facebook.

This decision follows an increase in Adderall prescriptions of 10.4% in 2021 and 10.9% through October 2022, after a roughly 5% annual increase in the three years prior, according to data from research firm IQVIA… (Continue to full article)

Hayworth: What’s up with the ‘Doc…’ and the Dems?

“Papa Doc”

History recalls the brutal reign of a father and son in the impoverished island nation of Haiti. Francois Duvalier (“Papa Doc”), a physician educated in the U.S., was initially elected president in 1957, but soon proved to be more despot than doctor. Aided by an undercover death squad, he eliminated opponents and consolidated power, naming himself “president for life” in 1964.

Upon Papa Doc’s death in 1971, son Jean-Claude Duvalier, nicknamed “Baby Doc,” became president and ruled until he was overthrown in 1986.

Current events have prompted some to apply those nicknames to America’s first family. Joe “Papa Doc” and Hunter “Baby Doc” Biden have not earned those monikers for medical training; they have acquired them for their suspected illegal mishandling of classified documents. Continue reading

An Essay for YOUR Consideration…

Something to THINK about…

Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality… as you lose friends and relatives.

Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take…. not bad, but gone!! Continue reading

Whitehead: Evil Walks Among Us: Child Trafficking Has Become Big Business in America

Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.” – John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

It takes a special kind of evil to prostitute and traffick a child for sex, and yet this evil walks among us every minute of every day.

Consider this: every two minutes, a child is bought and sold for sex.

Hundreds of young girls and boys – some as young as 9 years old – are being bought and sold for sex, as many as 20 times per day. Continue reading

Playing ‘gotcha‘ with concerned parents

Liberals can misspeak all day and nothing happens. But if someone takes a conservative stand on a moral issue, a media outlet like the Washington Post will do an aggressive takedown if they sniff an error – any error.

Nobody seems to know who leaked the Supreme Court’s draft in the Dobbs case overturning Roe v. Wade.

Nobody seems to know how many serious adverse effects have occurred shortly after COVID-19 shots.

Nobody seems to know how the FBI was turned into a leftwing political weapon.

“Mainstream” media don’t find these things worth pursuing.

However, thanks to an exhaustive investigative analysis by the Washington Post, we now know how many parents – 38 – around the country have challenged Jonathan Evison’s book “Lawn Boy” in school libraries. Continue reading

Benson: Biden To The Border – What A Farce!

Doo and Fuss on the Border

So Biden is finally going to the border in what will be the ultimate PR stunt. After that he is supposed to go on to Mexico to talk with the Mexican president. More PR drivel! Biden is not and never was his own man. He can only spew the words his bosses put in his mouth–and hope he doesn’t mess them up too much. He has no more power to effect any meaningful change than does the umbrella he carries. Continue reading



Section 1. Adoption of the Rules of the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress.
This section provides that the Rules of the 117th Congress are the Rules of the 118th Congress, except for the amendments contained in section 2 of the resolution and orders contained in the resolution.

Section 2. Changes to the Standing Rules.
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…and you think that you really need a title???

Whistleblower US scientist who worked with Wuhan lab claims COVID WAS genetically engineered and leaked from the site – and says ‘the US government is to blame’ because it funded the research
The pandemic swept across the globe and has so far claimed the lives of 6.64 million people after first being reported as a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China in late 2019.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, a high security lab specializing in coronaviruses, has been cast into the spotlight over the past two years, many questioning whether it could be the source of the highly contagious disease.

Both China and the lab have vehemently denied allegations, but evidence of a lab leak, have been gaining traction as scientists, researchers and governments hunt for answers… (Continue to full article)

Hospitals Are Overflowing With Patients As Multiple Pestilences Sweep Across America
Winter hasn’t even begun yet, but cold weather diseases are already spreading like wildfire all over the United States. The flu has returned in 2022 with a vengeance, new strains of COVID are reportedly starting to emerge, and RSV has hit some areas of the nation extremely hard.

I don’t ever remember seeing anything quite like this, and the weather is only going to get colder in the weeks ahead. Normally, most people would be able to fight off such diseases fairly easily, but at this point so many have weakened immune systems after everything that has transpired over the last few years. As a result, millions of Americans have been getting really sick, and CNN is reporting that U.S. hospitals “are more full than they’ve been throughout the Covid-19 pandemic”… (Continue to full article)

DEA declares war on social media fentanyl dealers
Agency reveals secret emoji ‘drug menu’ used to target young buyers — as figures show more Americans died to fentanyl last year than in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq COMBINED

Fentanyl has single-handedly fueled a new drug epidemic in the US. The synthetic opioid was responsible for 70 percent of the more than 100,000 overdose deaths in 2021 and the number of teens killed by the drug has tripled since the pandemic began… (Continue to full article)

Case cracked! Mexican cops find 700lbs of fentanyl worth $8million stashed inside dozens of COCONUTS bound for the US
The enormous drug haul, discovered by officials in the state of Sonora, northwest Mexico, could be valued up to $8million (£6.5).

Fentanyl, a type of opioid, is used in anaesthesia, but it is also used as an illegal recreational drug. It has become a serious problem for the US, with fentanyl flooding across the US border.

Under the leadership of the Federal Public Ministry’s (MPF) office in Sonora, the Federal Investigative Police (PFM) moved to highway section 26 in Puerto Libertad, where they completed the procedure and managed to arrest two people who were transporting the aforementioned substance.

‘The seized haul and the detainees were made available to the MPF, which is carrying out the corresponding investigation.’… (Continue to full article)

Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years – fueled by fentanyl epidemic
Drug overdose deaths among US teens doubled from 2019 to 2021 – even as use of illicit substances declined – as fentanyl fueled a nationwide crisis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today that teenage overdoses increased 109 percent over the two years. Deaths caused by fentanyl alone increased 182 percent.

Officials warn that many US teens are dying after ingesting drugs like cocaine, Adderall or Xanax that are contaminated with fentanyl. They also warn that social media platforms have become a new marketplace for illicit drugs… (Continue to full article)

And WHERE are her sisters, Blued and Tattooed?

Everything in the news cycle today seems like so much BullSHIT on the periphery as we see the nation being dismantled just as rapidly as the Biden regime and its apparatchiks can manage.

This is just some thoughts that came to me today after I heard someone speaking about the “need for Social Justice” and I just about puked. There’s nothing “fair” about my piece. It isn’t intended to be, since this is a war we’re in for the very survival of America. Neither did I write it as any attempt at a scholarly-type white paper. This is simply intended as an excoriating condemnation of all the anti-American useful-idiots out there promoting “SOCIAL JUSTICE” with every panting breath they take.

I hope it makes people think and awaken to what’s really taking place in America under these Commies who don’t even bother hiding who they are or what they’re really doing anymore.

SOCIAL JUSTICE Is the Law of the Jungle ~ J.O.S.
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DeWeese: Appointed Boards Are NOT Lawmakers!

This alert is directed specifically to local, county, and state elected representatives. As for local residents and activists, I ask that you share this with your elected representatives and demand that they take action to protect you from the jaws of power hungry corporations that are working through appointed boards, run by hired bureaucrats, to impose an agenda to control and destroy American food, energy supplies, property rights, and liberty. Continue reading

The Convergence Of Prophetic Signs: The Hour Is Later Than You Think

How close is the rapture of the church? I think we can get a good idea based on recent surveys of self-identified Christians in the United States.

Recently, The Christian Post reported, “Over a third of senior pastors believe ‘good people’ can earn their way to heaven.” This was the conclusion of a survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. The survey polled around 1,000 Christian pastors, examining dozens of beliefs they hold, and found only 37% hold a biblical worldview.

The survey found 39% believe “each individual must determine their own truth,” 38% do not believe “human life is sacred,” and 37% believe “having faith, in general, is more important than in what – or more specifically, Whom – one has faith.”

Assuming this is true, it should come as no surprise to learn the people sitting in the pews of these churches hold similar views. In his blog post, “Barna: Most Americans Create a Customized Worldview,” Ken Ham states, “Seven out of 10 U.S. adults call themselves ‘Christians’ and yet only 6 in 100 (6%) actually have a biblical worldview.” He then went on to cite statistics from a recent Ligonier Ministries survey. Among its findings: Continue reading

SEPARATION: Why and How to Partition the United States of America

Given current political and cultural clashes, we should ask whether continued union is the best option. Yet we cannot answer that question without considering other courses of action. Who am I? I am 70. I have a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from Fordham and one published book titled Aristotle’s Best Regime. I am not a member of any political organization. ~ Jeff Chuska


America is divided into two camps, the Reds and the Blues. (The names are based on the maps showing the locations of red and blue states.) The disagreements between them are numerous and profound. They hold conflicting and incompatible views on the following and more: abortion, climate change, the economy, the environment, equality, the family, foreign policy, free speech, globalization, government, gun rights, healthcare, human nature, human sexuality, identity politics, immigration, marriage, the military, race relations, religion, taxes and welfare. As a consequence of the irreconcilable beliefs of the Reds and the Blues, concord between them is impossible. And because concord is impossible, the two groups cannot live together peacefully. Continue reading

Snyder: Violent Crime Has Become A Hot Political Issue This Election Season

…Perhaps That Is Because There Is Blood All Over Our Streets

Millions upon millions of Americans are starting to realize that we simply cannot continue down the path that we are currently on. Communities all over the nation are degenerating into crime-infested hellholes, and a lot of us have decided that enough is enough. We don’t want to raise our families in cities that resemble war zones. We don’t want to walk on city streets that are soaked in blood. Unfortunately, just electing new politicians won’t stop the rising tide of violence. The truth is that social decay is systematically eating away at the foundations of our culture, and that is not such an easy thing to fix. Continue reading

The Alex Jones Verdict Exposed an Important Legal Truth

They STILL Call Him MISTER Jones!

NOTE: I have made no bones about it that I have never liked nor trusted Jones – going all the way back to the late 1990’s when he got his start. I have shared the story before, so I will not waste your time sharing it again, but then I remember the morning of 9/11 when he was on the air opposite my broadcast, claiming that he had the PROOF of the cause of the attacks on that fateful day – while the planes were crashing into the Twin Towers. As his listeners – as well as mine and many others were sitting home in total fear watching it all unfold – I felt that he was out of line and I attacked him live that morning – and I have never looked back since that day. …and yet what you are about to read certainly opens up some interesting concerns and questions about Jones and many others who are still out here fighting the fights – but then I STILL believe that for MISTER Jones – it’s all about the shekels – NOT the truth!

BUT BE AWARE of what follows – for in many respects – it is about the “Right” – you and I and those who the LEFT is continuing to attack!~ Editor

The fabrication-industrial complex is skating on thin legal ice.

Continue reading

In case this should be our last…

Jeffrey Bennett

~ Introduction ~
On November 7, 1965, I swore this oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…. On June 4, 1968 I landed in the Jungles and have been embroiled in the Battles to save this nation ever since that day – 54 plus years – and have not once violated that Oath of Office since that day of enlistment. Yet it was on that fateful day upon landing in Viet Nam – that the battles really began – oh no – not that which I spent 21 months flying over the jungles of – but other battles…

My friend and contributing author, Justin O. Smith has been fighting these same battles “against all enemies, foreign and domestic” for some 40 years – never stopping to reach out to our Brothers and Sisters throughout this land to educate them to see what the war to save this nation was really all about. Where are they all? Watching TV? Supporitng Professional Sports? Listening to the idiotic news-barons, who have bought into the Leftist, Socialist Bullshit?

Justin O. Smith

What you are about to read – could possibly be – in one form or another – our LAST message to America. Why? For one, I am preparing to enter the hospital on September 21st for – what is expected to be some minor relatively surgery – but then – one never knows the outcome – until it’s over. If something should go wrong – then this would be the Final Post on the Federal Observer, but then hopefully Justin would continue on with his efforts – but – other on-line publications which he has been contibuting to for many years, have chosen to close up shop – partially due to age and health related issues – and others because the publisher’s have given up the battles..

Pray for us both – for our health and our continued messages – and gird up your loins for the FINAL battles – but then – many of us have been in it for many years… and at this point – the end is not looking so good. AWAKEN – and Join US! ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor
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The United Nations Loves You And Has A “Wonderful” Plan For Your Life

A few years ago writer Henry Lamb wrote something called “Agenda 21What Is It? How Did It get Here?” In that he said: “Agenda 21 is a set of policy recommendations designed to reorganize global society around the principles of environmental protection, social equity, and what is called ‘sustainable’ economic development. At the heart of the concept of sustainable development, is the assumption that government must manage society to ensure that human activity conforms to these principles…” We might ask the question – do the people that set up and ordain these plans then plan to live under the same standards they set up for us proles? Dumb question isn’t it? And you already know the answer.

An article in The Blaze which I often have not agreed with (but this time they got it right), noted that support for Agenda 21 didn’t come only from the United Nations. It also came from “wealthy donors like billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society gave ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) a $2.1 million grant in 1997 to support its local Agenda 21 Project. The financing was used to promote the project in the United States.” Continue reading