Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

Dwyer: On the 100TH Anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

Is it Going to Repeat Itself in the U.S.?

The following was written by Mark Andrew Dwyer and published on the Federal Observer on September 10, 2017. ~ Editor

Many political dysfunctionalities, anomalies, and pathologies that have been proliferating across the West for a few decades now are the results of a metastasis of the Soviet Bolshevism that had been carried on with mass emigration of the so-called “intelligentsia” from Russia, former Soviet Union, and its satellites. Some of the emigrants went straight to the U.S. while others settled and procreated elsewhere, with many of their progeny finding their way, legally or otherwise, to America. A brief analysis of the political trends and structure of the Soviet Union reveals certain disturbingly close similarities between them and some of their counterparts in the U.S. and the European Union. These similarities and the presence of the striving “intelligentsia” of the Russian-Soviet extraction in the U.S. move our country closer to a point where the necessary conditions for the neo-Bolshevik revolution are met. The above described process seem to follow directions how to impose socialism that were given to the Soviets by the Frankfurt School’s Institute for Social Research in the 1920s. Continue reading

The Consequences of Stupidity While Thinking of the Coming Day of Reckoning

Whoa – Demz Dark Days Ahead!

Juneteenth is the new holiday that came out of black American culture, that grew out of some black slaves in Galveston, TX who didn’t know the Union had won the Civil War and that they were free until June 19th 1865. It made me think the word “dumbasses“, because even as slow as news traveled in those days, it didn’t travel that slow; telegraphs went out, towns people got the word and you know the house slaves got it too and passed it on to the rest of the slaves, which makes me believe to some large degree, this is just another myth that sounded like a good story and now it’s a part of history and another factor in traditional America’s destruction.

If those dumb bastards didn’t know they were free for two months after the war ended, they deserved to be slaves; they needed to stay slaves, because they were too stupid to function in normal society … just sayin’. Continue reading

Bennett: But it’s all OK – Just Take a Little Pill

ADHD drug Ritalin affects the brain like cocaine – so why is it being prescribed to children?

I was a third week Senior at Glenbrook North High School in 1965 – and I knew that something was wrong…

As I progressed from the 5th grade on – through the 6th grade and then into Middle School at Northbrook Junior High and subsequently into High School, I found myself beginning to lack in numerous areas of my education. In English, I was an astute reader (and still am), and Science classes were interesting to me – chiefly due to the exciting talents of one teacher in Junior High – who smoked a pipe in class! History was always a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed, but as time went on, many of the teachers became boring – hence I became bored – more so in High School. Continue reading

Ayee Me Hearties… Morgan the Pirate gets caught once again!

Morgan the Pirate Dimon

JP Morgan agrees to pay Epstein victims $290million in historic class action lawsuit settlement after it was revealed bank continued to do business with him for years despite labeling him a ‘high risk client’

JP Morgan has agreed to pay Jeffrey Epstein victims up to $290million as part of a class action lawsuit settlement.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of one woman but the settlement rewards anyone who was victimized by Epstein, a known pedophile who killed himself in prison in 2019.

The number of victims who may stand to gain from the settlement could reach 100 though it’s unclear if there is a limit on the number who can come forward, or whether each is limited in how much they can receive.

‘The parties believe this settlement is in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein’s terrible abuse,’ a statement released by JP Morgan on Monday morning said. Continue reading

Why Are Corporate Healthcare Fraudsters Being Handed “Get Out of Jail Free Cards”?

A senior woman is seen lying in a bed in an intensive care unit.

Waivers given by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services allow venture capital, private equity, and health insurance entities the freedom to violate anti-corruption laws without penalty.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees those national health care programs, has the dubious distinction of being light years ahead of other government regulators in excusing fraudulent conduct. CMS doesn’t just allow healthcare companies to repeatedly commit fraud and abuse with fines amounting to a tiny fraction of the profit; CMS goes much further… Continue reading

Anghis: Education Extremism Rising ~ America’s Way of Life Threatened

Even when I was a little kid, I understood that because I was born in this great nation I was extremely blessed. Seeing how people had to live in other nations, pitiful homes, lack of food and water, virtually no education, ancient forms of transportation, dictatorial governments, and so many other things that make life miserable but here in America we had it all. As a child, I could not even imagine a life of that nature. Today I see a much different America. Yes, we still have prosperity, nice houses, and a modern mode of transportation but the regime that is in power now wants to bring all of that to a screeching halt.

We are seeing stupidity reign in our seats of power. Things that you would never even think about fifty years ago are going mainstream now. The absolute perversion in our schools with drag shows, porn in the libraries, and the character of teachers that are allowed to ‘teach’ our kids is appalling. Teachers that we have today would be in jail in my day and they should be today as well. Continue reading

No Border Security Bill Until Citizens Accept More Poor Migrants

Democrats will block a border security bill until American citizens accept more poor migrants into their workplaces and neighborhoods, Texas Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee told a GOP-led hearing on Tuesday.

“You’re not going to get border security coming first,” Lee told a GOP-picked witness, Rodney Scott, the former chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, who urged legislators to first protect the border before opening up more legal routes for migrants.

She continued:

You need to be able to balance it. You will not accept a border security and recognizing pathways to legal entry [bill]? … When the late [Sen. ] John McCain, we had a very strong comprehensive bill — and it had border security and the legal pathway.

Lee’s frank statement exposed the core politics of migration: Democrats — and their bipartisan business and media allies — will block any border security bill unless the GOP votes to let them legally import more poor migrant workers, consumers, renters, and poor people who will turn to government agencies for help. Continue reading

Debt-Limit Terror” Is No Way to Run a Superpower

On the latest round of the Republicans’ dangerous game.

What can you say about a week in American politics when the major breakthrough was that the two parties agreed to stop talking about talking, in order to actually start talking? In Washington, where, for months, President Biden and congressional Republicans have been hurtling toward a confrontation over the G.O.P.’s refusal to raise the debt ceiling without major concessions from Democrats on federal spending, the beginning of formal negotiations aimed at averting a disastrous government default counted as big news. For the rest of the world, it was merely a sign of the capital’s extreme dysfunction, and a reminder that America’s messed-up politics constitutes a geopolitical crisis as well as a domestic one.

On Tuesday, Biden reinforced the point by announcing that he would cut short an important overseas trip to the Pacific region in order to return to Washington for the debt talks. With default looming – coming, perhaps, as soon as early June, according to the Treasury Department – this seemed like a politically advisable course, but the optics were nonetheless terrible. The President will still attend the G-7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, but skip his planned stops in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Both visits had been designed to showcase the U.S.’s top foreign-policy priority – shoring up American alliances in the region as part of the growing confrontation with China. Continue reading

Southwest Border Apprehensions, Encounters Surge in April

Policies have consequences

CBP has released its statistics on Border Patrol apprehensions and CBP overall encounters at the Southwest border for the month of April and, not surprisingly, both surged last month even while Title 42 expulsions dropped. That does not bode well for the administration with Title 42 having some ended on May 11 just as “travel season” at the U.S.-Mexico line gears up. Expect some drop-off in apprehensions when the May numbers come out next month as illegal migrants — and more importantly their smugglers — are still trying to figure out all the loopholes in Biden’s latest border regime. Continue reading

Anghis: Democrat Party Equals Totalitarian Dictatorship

Abraham Lincoln stated that the government of the United States is controlled by We the People. Ronald Reagan stated that government is the car and We the People are the drivers and We decide where the car goes and how fast and what route.

Democrats hate our Constitution because it does not allow them to do what they want to do. Most of the time they simply ignore our rights and hope the courts do not throw the law out. It has come to light recently that the corrupt FBI has been trying to use medical centers to strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights. The Washington Examiner reported new information Tuesday from a Gun Owners of America (GOA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing the FBI “coordinated secretly with hospitals and medical centers to strip U.S. citizens of their rights to own, buy, or even use firearms.” Continue reading

An Overwhelmed Border Patrol Is Missing an Epidemic of Runners and ‘Got-aways

Border Patrol agents, equipped with sophisticated technology, attempt to apprehend migrants illegally crossing into the United States. But securing the border has become more difficult as agents are taken off the line to process unprecedented numbers of illegal migrants turning themselves in, instead of preventing smuggling, drug and human trafficking, and identifying national security threats. The end of Title 42 will push the numbers of migrants and got-aways even higher. Continue reading

Hayworth: Does NBA mean ‘Not Basketball Anymore’?

With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien, Phil Jackson rates as a real-life “Lord of the Rings” from his time as both a player and a coach in the NBA.

He earned two championship rings on the roster of the New York Knicks, six more as coach of the Chicago Bulls, and another five coaching the Los Angeles Lakers.

But now, the lone pro basketball luminary has booted NBA games off his television sets. Continue reading

Hayworth: Open border truths emerge in Obamacare

Eleven years after the fact, the 44th president was “talking smack.”


Barack Obama had been delayed from taking a “victory lap” in 2016 for what he was telling voters would be his “third term,” thanks to Donald Trump’s upset of Hillary Clinton.

But Obama finally got his chance four years later. Pandemic-induced political pandemonium helped make it possible.

COVID-19 led to an ominous “opportunity” as politics met public health in 2020. Continue reading

Hayworth ~ Budding controversy: This woke’s for you!

It’s not quite like selling water on the desert, but it comes close.


It is America’s affinity for beer.

Long before the advent of today’s “celebrity spokesman,” no less a celebrated and accomplished figure than Benjamin Franklin described the quest to quench his thirst in theological terms.

The printer, scientist, inventor, statesman and founding father reportedly said, “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

That’s why it is somewhat strange that Franklin’s Philadelphia, the “City of Brotherly Love” and home of a prominent Ivy League institution, played a contributing role in a recent decision that most beer drinkers hate. Continue reading

Who’s Running the Show?


Let’s see, we have committees investigating committees that are investigating committees, and after millions of dollars spent, nothing is found. We have solid proof of political wrongdoings and financial insider “deals” with foreign countries, and time after time, we don’t see prosecutions. We have spent millions of dollars trying to find wrongdoings of a former president and still there is no proof after years and years. They’re still trying to find something; anything. Just another witch hunt, no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Continue reading

Ross: Do You Want The Truth?

I realize that some are awaiting my next installment on the history of banking in America, but sometimes I get these thoughts in my head that just demand that I write them down; if only to clear my mind so I can continue thinking about something else. This is one such occasion…

There is a great deal of debate among people over which party is best suited to run our system of government, and solve all the problems this country currently faces. While our country certainly does have some problems that need addressing, looking at it from the perspective of hoping that government can fix these problems is not going to solve anything. Continue reading

Speak Your Truth: Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ~ George Washington

What the police state wants is a silent, compliant, oblivious citizenry.

What the First Amendment affirms is an engaged citizenry that speaks truth to power using whatever peaceful means are available to us.

Speaking one’s truth doesn’t have to be the same for each person, and that truth doesn’t have to be palatable or pleasant or even factual. Continue reading