There are those who will hate God’s victory and will fight against it in this world. But in the final analysis, they can do nothing about it. I woke up early this morning for some reason and as I lay there, some of the words from Martin Luther’s hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” came to mind which I will note here – “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s own choosing. Dost ask who that might be? Christ Jesus, it is he. Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same. And He must win the battle.” Continue reading
Category Archives: Point BLANK
Ross: The Paradox
The Ultimate Paradox?
In this Oct. 21, 2019, photo, a poster promoting a cartoon version George Orwell’s novel “Animal … [+] ASSOCIATED PRESS
The people of this country will never fix what is wrong with this country as long as they cannot come to any sort of agreement as to what function government is supposed to serve. If you listen to people debate politics, (who should hold office, and what they should be allowed to do once they get there), you will find a wide variety of thoughts as to what things government should do. Some think government should created jobs; others think it should keep the world safe; while there are others who believe it should provide benefits for those in need. Continue reading
GOP-Led House Expels George Santos But Not Terrorist Sympathizer Rashida Tlaib

Quit “Draggin’ your ass around!
Rep. George Santos, or, now-former Rep. George Santos, has denied allegations that he moonlighted as a drag queen named “Kitara Ravache.” But maybe he would have been smart to embrace it — no Democrat could have voted to expel a drag queen from the lower chamber!
On Friday, House Democrats voted nearly unanimously along with 105 Republicans to expel the freshman representative from New York. It’s worth noting that Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, meanwhile, received a mere censure over her antisemitic activism and solidarity with Hamas terrorists. Continue reading
The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws
“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” ~ William O. Douglas, dissenting in Osborn v. United States (1966)
The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong.
Don’t believe it.
It doesn’t matter whether you obey every law. The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale. Continue reading
China’s Growing Espionage and Propaganda Threat in the U.S.
Congress warns America has little grasp at how deep the Communist Party’s influence has infiltrated communities across the nation

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) presence on American soil has already revealed itself in the network of secret police stations in major cities and the ‘Little Red Classrooms’ in kindergartens.
The US has little grasp of how deep China’s network of espionage and influence operations runs through the nation, a dire warning from Congress has revealed.
Now, members of the bipartisan House China Select Committee have released a memo detailing how the U.S. has failed to combat Beijing’s infiltration – and it could get worse. Continue reading
November 28, 2023: Billy Bob, China-Joe Buy Deng, Billy Gates and even a bit of Billy Gold
Chinese Migrants Crosses US Through South Border
A startling number of Chinese migrants are entering the US through the southern border. In the past year, over 24,000 Chinese citizens have been caught crossing into the US from Mexico, despite the distance and difficulty. That exceeds the previous 10 years, according to government data.
They fly through Turkey to Ecuador, which doesn’t require a visa. Like hundreds of thousands of other Central and South American and other migrants, they pay smugglers to guide them through the hazardous jungle between Colombia and Panama to the US. Many surrender to border agents and request asylum. Most succeed, inspiring more tries. Chinese asylum seekers outperform others in immigration court. China rarely accepts them back, so they stay anyhow. A little-discussed issue in the polarizing immigration debate is that US officials cannot force countries to take back their residents. Usually not a problem. However, 12 countries are uncooperative, with China being the worst.
An administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal data said 100,000 of the 1.3 million Americans with final deportation orders are Chinese… (Continue to full article)
Bill Gates Calls Planting Trees to Improve Climate Change “Nonsense”
Despite his vast contributions to tackling climate change in his lifetime, billionaire philanthropist, Bill Gates has come under public scrutiny recently, for his views on planting trees.
In a recent interview with David Gelles, at the New York Times Climate Forward Summit, Gates referred to tree planting as a “less proven” tactic — even going on to call it “complete nonsense”.
When Gelles posed the statement, “Some people would even say that if you just plant enough trees, it could take care of the climate issue altogether”, Gates responded:
“That’s complete nonsense [chuckling to himself]… I mean, are we the science people or are we the idiots?“
Since then, the internet has erupted with backlash, citing Bill’s intent to be somehow tied to 2,100 acres of potato farmland he purchased in North Dakota… (Continue to full article)
Biden Allocates Billions Abroad as American Families Struggle and Domestic Aid Shortfalls
A recent analysis of U.S. foreign aid and federal spending trends has sparked debate over the Biden administration’s prioritization of foreign assistance over domestic economic challenges from all parties. The data reveals a stark contrast between substantial foreign aid and the growing economic struggles faced by many Americans.
Historically, the U.S. has been a leading provider of foreign aid. Notably, aid to Israel, adjusted for inflation from 1951 to 2022, totaled $317.9 billion, making Israel the largest recipient of American foreign aid since World War II. Meanwhile, in fiscal year 2023, the U.S. government expenditure reached $6.13 trillion, resulting in a significant budget deficit.
Amidst these figures, the Biden administration’s newly proposed additional security assistance package, allocating over $60 billion to Ukraine, has come under scrutiny. This proposal emerges at a time when Americans are grappling with rising living costs, including escalating gas prices and food costs, amid stagnant wages.
The financial strain is compounded by the estimated $150.7 billion annual cost of illegal immigration, as reported by FAIR, a burden that indirectly falls on U.S. taxpayers… (Continue to full article)
Bill Gates’s Relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved Around a Global Health Investment Fund
Over time, Gates and JPMorgan established an investment fund that sought to profit from the development of vaccines and other health technologies. Epstein wanted a piece of the action, and Staley brought Epstein into the Gates partnership.
The Gates-JPMorgan partnership was called the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF) and was created circa 2011. At the time, Staley managed the Epstein relationship for the bank, and Epstein was a valuable client who brought JPMorgan a lot of business. Epstein was an adviser to billionaires like Victoria’s Secret mogul Leslie Wexner and Wall Street legend Leon Black and the “family offices” which manage their fortunes. Wexner and Black deny any involvement in Epstein’s criminal activities.
The GHIF partnership brought in a host of other powerful investors, including The Pfizer Foundation, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, as well as entities funded by the governments of Sweden, Canada, and Germany. There would also be private support from “qualified individuals and family offices.”
The GHIF’s purpose was to give “individual and institutional investors the opportunity to finance late-stage global health technologies that have the potential to save millions of lives in low-income countries.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency committed to help offset any potential GHIF losses… (Continue to full article)
Luther Vandross – Every Year, Every Christmas
Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where ‘machines can make all the food and stuff’ isn’t a bad idea
Technology may not replace humans, but it could make a 3-day work week possible — at least, that’s what Bill Gates thinks.
The billionaire joined Trevor Noah on his “What Now?” podcast in an episode that premiered on Tuesday. When Noah asked about the threat of artificial intelligence to jobs, Gates said there could one day be a time when humans “don’t have to work so hard.”
“If you eventually get a society where you only have to work three days a week, that’s probably OK,” Gates said.
There could exist a world where “machines can make all the food and the stuff,” and people don’t have to work a five day-plus work week to earn a living wage… (Continue to full article)
Gold prices are headed for all-time highs and could eventually hit $2,500
This Thanksgiving may call for a feast on gold as prices push towards all-time highs, according to Fundstrat’s Mark Newton.
In the past couple of weeks, gold futures have surged 3% and briefly breached a key psychological threshold of $2,000 per ounce on Tuesday.
In fact, Tuesday’s action marked the highest daily close of November, and any movement above $2,006.37 per ounce this week would make it the highest weekly close since the spring, the technical analyst said in a note Wednesday.
“This is quite positive technically, and I expect that gold has begun its push back to new all-time highs,” Newton wrote, adding that a move above $2,009.41 should lead to the $2,060-$2,080 range.
In follow-up comments to Business Insider via email, he said a breach of resistance at $2,080 would signal a “definite technical breakout,” which he expects to happen and quickly drive gold even higher… (Continue to full article)
“Shekels With Shackles”: The United Nations Plan To Control Your Children’s Education
Most of you didn’t notice that the United Nations has plans for how your children are educated, did you? Well, you are not supposed to realize this and if your kids are still in public school you will probably never discover this. Even if your kids are in a private school or being homeschooled, the United Nations, the world’s foremost busybody organization, has a consuming interest in how you educate your children. The fact that it’s none of their darn business is beside the point. They plan on making it their business. Continue reading
We the Exploited: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power
Americans have become easy prey for hackers, scammers, snitches, spies, and con artists.
But don’t be fooled into thinking the government is protecting you.
To the contrary, the U.S. government is selling us (or rather, our data) to the highest bidders.
By the way, those highest bidders also include America’s political class and the politicians aspiring to get elected or re-elected. As the Los Angeles Times reports, “If you have been to a political rally, a town hall, or just fit a demographic a campaign is after, chances are good your movements are being tracked with unnerving accuracy by data vendors on the payroll of campaigns.”
Your phones, televisions and digital devices are selling you out to politicians who want your vote. Continue reading
Apologies to Alfred Hitchcock
To his country’s detriment as well as his own, Volodymyr Zelensky is digging in his heels. He refuses to admit his war is hopeless. His spring counteroffensive was a failure. Boys and old men are being tossed into the meat grinder. Ukraine cannot sustain its huge casualty rate and expect to survive. Russia is clearly going to win the war, but Zelensky refuses to start peace negotiations. Zelensky will be removed one way or another – either by Russia or its own rebelling populace. Continue reading
Controlling the People Is What They’re After
A public policy analyst says the Biden administration is looking to pull off its most brazen power grab to date.
Under the banner of “preventing digital discrimination,” the Biden administration wants the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to take over the internet, or at least the American service providers that bring it to the public. Continue reading
Wooldridge: What About the Corruption-Incompetence in Washington DC?
The sheer magnitude of incompetence and corruption in Washington DC makes this journalist sick to my stomach weekly. It’s almost beyond comprehension of what’s going on with those 535 Congressional Critters. What are they doing and why are they screwing up/destroying our country to this degree in 2023?
Not to mention, we endure our president of the United States who shakes hands with the air, must be led off stage by his wife, who doesn’t know where he is or what day of the week it is, let alone the location of Israel on a map. He doesn’t write his speeches. He can’t remember what he’s talking about as he mumbles along with the aid of a teleprompter. Whomever writes his speeches is the one running our country. Continue reading
Benson: Andrew McCarthy Nailed Biden
Recently, Andrew McCarthy, on his podcast, really nailed what China Joe Biden actually is. There was an article about this on “National Review,” a publication I don’t always agree with because there are many things they could report but don’t mostly. This time, however, they got something right.
The National Review staff wrote: “On the latest of his podcase, ‘The McCarthy Report’ National Review Institute fellow Andy McCarthy reacted to the revelation that Joe Biden’s brother, James, wrote him a $40,000 check when a $400,000 payment from a Chinese concern came in. ‘It’s 10 percent for the big guy,’ he said.” Continue reading
Benson: The Reconstruction Of A Social World

Karl Marx
When Communist Karl Marx wrote in praise of Abraham Lincoln’s war of destruction against the South he said of Lincoln that he fought “for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world.” The first half of that statement was political bunk–the second half was true. You could almost say that the “reconstruction” forced upon the South after the War of Northern Aggression was the brainchild of Karl Marx, which it seems that “Honest Abe” zealously followed.
Lochlainn Seabrook writes books for Sea Raven Press in Cody, Wyoming. Sea Raven is one of those few publishers that still produces books that explain what the War of Northern Aggression aka the Civil War was really all about. In July of 2023 Sea Raven published the most recent of Seabrook’s works, a book of around 500 pages entitled “Twelve Years In Hell.” It is about the official time the North spent “reconstructing” the states of the old Confederacy. Of course, most who have studied Southern “reconstruction” realize that it extended, unofficially, way past that 12 year period, and it still exists in our day in various forms – one of the main forms being public school indoctrination. “Reconstruction” has also expanded geographically to now include the entire country. Continue reading
Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty to WHO Now a Matter of When
A vital body within the World Health Organization is moving the world closer to a controversial agreement for the next global pandemic that critics call an Orwellian power grab.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on Monday published its latest draft of a proposal for a pandemic agreement. INB was established at the World Health Assembly in 2021 to draft and negotiate an agreement under the constitution of the World Health Organization. The stated goal is to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The United States is not legally bound to the WHO or its parent group, the United Nations, but the U.S. is legally bound by the International Health Regulations. Those were adopted at the World Health Assembly in 2005 and are binding for 196 countries, including all members of the WHO. Continue reading
Our previous Halloween cartoon featured the ghost of Vince Foster telling Hillary that she was the “scary one.”
She truly is a scary person – a very corrupt and power-hunger criminal who still longs to be in the political limelight. She’s been on several stages recently and it’s encouraging to see people standing up and calling her out on her criminal behavior. It’s a good sign to see average citizens ready to mock her smug sanctimony. She deserves to be locked up even more, but that didn’t happen.
The result? She continued her criminal ways by purchasing the manufacture of lies against Trump – and we the taxpayers had to spend millions of dollars to sort it all out. She’s still not in jail and neither are any of the other criminals protected by the Deep State. They include Biden, Fauci, and many others from the FBI and CIA.
Halloween is the perfect time to make fun of ghosts, goblins, and Hillary Clinton.
The GrrrTeam
October 31, 2023 – Halloween
Benson: Our Sieve Of A Southern Border And Middle Eastern Terrorists
The Biden/Obama Regime recently sent 800 troops to the border. Why? So They can speed up the paperwork in letting illegal immigrants into the country, that’s why. They won’t be allowed to do anything that will hinder those illegals from getting in. We’ve already lost the border to the illegals and the cartels so all these troops will be allowed to do is facilitate the paperwork that will allow them to stay here. They will be allowed to do nothing to keep the illegals out because the Biden/Obama Regime wants as many as possible here for next year for the 2024 election. The regime plans to turn Texas into a blue state if they can give the illegals the ability to vote next year. Continue reading
A trusted FBI agent revealed that Joe Biden, using his son as a middle man, accepted millions of dollars in bribes from Ukraine. When a reporter asked Joe about this, Biden laughed arrogantly and replied, “Where’s the money?”
The House Oversight Committee recently released evidence of that money, and it’s probably the tip of the iceberg.
Continue reading
Ross: Part 1 ~ The Origin of a Dynasty
For almost as long as there has been money there have been bankers; those whose chosen profession is to profit off the use of other people’s money. One aspect of banking that people do not pay much attention to is money changing; the exchanging of the currency of one country for that of another. Much has been written and said about these predatory vipers, but there are two specific instances that I feel are worthy of discussion.
The first is found in the Bible, when Christ overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple; declaring, “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” I have heard many different explanations for why Christ did that; with two being the most prominent. Some say that it was simply due to the fact that the money changers had set up shop on holy ground. The other explanation is that the money changers were robbing the people by exchanging the Roman currency for Sheckels at a rate far less than they were worth; pocketing the profit. In either case, Christ called them a den a thieves; a term that applies just as much today as it did back then. Continue reading
The Incandescent Ban and the LIE of LED Efficiency
Not all of us have time to get a degree in electrical engineering to make sure our home doesn’t look like the inside of an alien spaceship.
It happened as I went to grab a new package of baby wipes from under the sink. I flipped on my bathroom light, and I noticed something strange – one of my three mirror light bulbs began flickering and ultimately settled at a barely luminous dim setting.
My LED light went out… Continue reading
Holmquist: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Totalitarianism
The political jargon and posturing one hears these days seems to suggest that we are in an era unlike any that has ever occurred before. Hope springs anew, there is light at the end of the tunnel, politicians gush, and for those of our elites who really want to impress with their knowledge of history, a reference to Abraham Lincoln fits the bill nicely: we’re seeing “a new birth of freedom”!
I’d agree that something certainly is in the process of being birthed, but I’d be hard pressed to call that baby “freedom.” Some would even say this baby better bears the opposing name of “totalitarianism.” Continue reading