Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

Holmquist: Stamping Out Cynicism in the Trenches of Life

Advice from Teddy Roosevelt on how to better see and approach the world.

I was recently struck by how cynical our society has become. This thought came as I encountered one critical comment after another on various websites I was visiting – it seemed like people found fault with anything and everything and felt the need to publicly express it.

It was discouraging and annoying – and judging from the responses of others, I wasn’t the only one who viewed these cynical people in such a negative light.

But then I began to reflect on my own life. Sure, I wasn’t the one making the negative, cynical comments online … but was I making them in conversations with my family, friends, and co-workers? Unfortunately, I had to admit that such was the case. Continue reading

Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Shocking Stance: ‘Don’t Like Where We Are Headed As A Country’

Robert Kraft has been the owner of the New England Patriots since 1994 and has been the pinnacle of sports ownership in North America.

Olivia Falcigno via Imagn Content Services, LLC, USA Today

Six Super Bowl trophies, 10 appearances , and a thriving business have left Kraft among the wealthiest people in the United States. Despite that wealth, the Massachusetts native isn’t too pleased with where we are as a country. Continue reading

DeWeese: Who Do Elected Representatives Think They’re Representing?

Monkey’s – It is what they have become!

How is it possible that someone is talented and involved enough to run for political office and win the election – but once in office, has no clue of the origins or purpose behind the very policies they are forced to consider? Specifically, policies dealing with comprehensive planning, such as Smart Growth, 30×30 land issues, energy, and transportation, all of which affect day-to- day life in the community. These are the issues that every city council and county commission in the nation is now faced with imposing on the community.

Yet when citizens attend council meetings and seek to speak out in opposition, discussing how such policies are negatively affecting their property rights, small businesses, and their neighborhoods, they are often met by their elected council members staring at them, with arms folded, scowls on their faces, and gavels in hand, ready to stop their testimony. Continue reading

Benson “We will have world government whether we want it or not”

I saw an article on Dr. Joseph Sansone’s website about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin that exposed much of what the Biden/Obama Regime is really all about (the promotion of world government). I can’t quote the whole thing, but there were several relevant parts that are worth noting. Sansone did a good job bringing some of this out. Continue reading

Bleak House ~ Freak House

Title suggested by Jeffrey Bennett

Between 1852 and 1853, Charles Dickens published an episodic novel titled “Bleak House,” about a family waiting in vain to inherit money in a disputed settlement from an extremely long-running lawsuit. It’s about the undeserved suffering the High Court of Chancery in England created, mainly by venal, self-serving lawyers.

Dickens’ ultimate attack is not on the court, as he makes perfectly clear the workings (or misworkings) of the court that constitute the major evil. He savagely condemns that particular institution and the prominent issue involved: The system itself – the whole system of law.

Although the book ends on a happier note, the case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce in ‘Bleak House‘ ends as expected; lawyers consume the ENTIRE estate.

It was true in the 19th century; it reverberates through the 21st. Our justice system is based on centuries of tradition and legal wrangling mired in the self-serving and self-perpetuating practice of law.

Consider that last sentence… It’s the crux of this column. Continue reading

McCann: The Death of Citizenship

From 1860 to 2000, in the largest legal migration in human history, over 61 million immigrantss arrived in the United States. They were not only escaping poverty and oppression, but they were eager to assimilate and attain the most sought-after national status in the world – American citizenship.

Today in the 21st century, American citizenship and its one-of-a-kind written contract with the government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, is teetering on the edge of meaninglessness brought about by the relentless onslaught of the nation’s ruling class and their American Marxist allies.

The first seven words of the U.S. Constitution are: “We the people of the United States.” It is a document by American citizens for American citizens. Yet it has been hijacked by those who are determined to transform the nation into one mirroring and subservient to a socialist global government. Continue reading

The Moral Case…

In addition to the serious national security concerns, there is a moral case for securing our borders.

Every year of Joe Biden’s administration, more than 100,000 Americans have died from drug overdoses. That’s nearly 300 Americans dying every day. Much of this tragedy can be traced back to the deadly Chinese fentanyl that is coming across the southern border. Continue reading

If I were the Devil…

If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’ Continue reading

When There is No Vision, the People Perish… and Worse

Fairly straightforward right? When there is no vision the people perish. We usually see and hear this in the context of leadership development, team building, and plan-making. Perfectly fine. Perfectly true. But there are worse things than having a bad idea that succeeds or a poor plan that fails.

In the absence of vision – forward-thinking, future factoring, righteous and good guidance – nations can crumble, the people enslaved, and generations lost. In the absence of vision, things can deteriorate to the point that “to perish” would be a welcomed reprieve. Continue reading

Homeless People Do Not Have a ‘Right’ to Camp in Squalor and Invade Our Neighborhoods

Across the nation, municipalities have been increasing shelter accommodations, but many homeless people flatly refuse to get off the streets.

Tired of stepping over needles and human waste, and navigating around half-conscious addicts and homeless encampments? You’re not alone. Most decent, hardworking people want clean sidewalks for getting to work and walking their kids to school.

But cities are legally barred from cleaning up homeless encampments. Advocates went to court and won rulings, guaranteeing homeless people almost unfettered freedom to set up tents and live in the rough, your health and safety be damned. Continue reading

Benson: The Art Of The Steal

It has been reported that China Joe Biden is in the process of penning a new book on the history of stolen elections – a subject he may be eminently qualified to address given his background in that area. Of course if such a book is ever written, it will have to be done by a ghost writer who signs China Joe’s name to it as he has yet to find his way off the stage from the last two-minute speech he gave. Besides, he is so busy deep-sixing any hopes that American citizens have for a decent future, which is his main project, that he will probably have to let any literary efforts slide for now–at least until he and his cohorts have managed to abscond with the 2024 election. After that it probably won’t make any difference. Continue reading

The Perpetual War On Free Speech

Does anyone believe it?

The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a Bill of Rights. Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution is just what its early critics, including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, said it was; a dangerous consolidation of power far less representative of liberty than the Articles of Confederation.

The First Amendment was always a huge concern with statists of every era. Those who thirst for power, and will compromise themselves in order to attain it, have never looked favorably upon those critical of them. Continue reading

Smelling Weakness, America’s Enemies Appear Unafraid of ‘Team Biden

A recently formed multinational security operation in the Middle East appears to be a manifestation of the weakness that a retired Marine officer contends has plagued the Biden administration since its inception.

Formed just before Christmas last month, Operation Prosperity Guardian was developed as a multinational maritime task force led by the United States to respond to Houthi-led attacks against ships in the Red Sea. A Pentagon spokesman described the goal of the partnership as a step towards “furthering our shared goals of security and stability throughout the Middle East.”

Col. Grant Newsham (USMC-Ret.), who once served as the first Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, tells American Family News the fact a protective military operation is even necessary reveals the United States has problems that go far beyond the Red Sea.”
Continue reading

Ross: The Problem In This Country Is…

What do you think is the biggest problem this country faces now; the one thing those seeking your vote in the upcoming Presidential Election should focus their attention upon? Is it the conflict in Israel? Is it the threat of another pandemic? Is it the high cost of groceries? Is it safety in our public schools? What do you believe the next President should make his top priority?

Many voters allow the news media to determine the key issues political debate should center around; aided by polling agencies that take a sampling of what issues are of the most importance to the general public. The problem with that is that there may be an issue of great importance, but if it does not get a high enough percentage rating in the poll, it gets left off the list of issues the media focuses its attention upon. Continue reading

Benson: Preserving “our democracy

Death of Democracy by gibraltarium

How many times in the past couple years have you heard from some socialist Democrat about the crying need to preserve “our democracy” from all those Americans who have the temerity to disagree with their vision for the future? More times than you can count, I’m willing to bet. It’s like, for them, “democracy” is some sort of secular deity that no one would dare to disagree with. It seems to ruin their whole day when some of us do.

Most who have had the misfortune to have had to attend a public school were never taught the difference between a republic and a democracy. I can’t recall ever hearing the two differentiated, though maybe I did and have just forgotten. School was long, long ago for me. Continue reading