Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

Benson: If You Want Truth, Government Is the LAST Place to Get It

OH – how RARE – NOT!

Has anyone noticed lately how often someone in a government position has been shown to be lying to us? With the Biden/Obama regime the amount of political BS has proliferated astronomically. Just about anyone from this regime that gets a ten second spot on the news, from Biden’s press secretary to the man “who does more work in an hour than most people do all day” himself has been caught in egregious falsehoods, to the point where they don’t even try to convince you they are telling the truth anymore. They just spin their horrendous political windys and almost dare anyone to contradict them. Continue reading

Benson: Biden’s Replacement Theology

The website noted, back in March of 2023, that: “In President Biden’s first two years, the administration requested and received significant funding to further its open borders agenda. The Biden administration (used) hundreds of billions of federal dollars to shift federal agencies and personnel further away from enforcing the nation’s immigration laws and toward processing and accommodating millions more illegal aliens. This policy agenda defies federal law and abuses American taxpayer dollars and Congress should act to halt it.”

But it won’t!

Continue reading

Whitehead – We Failed the Freedom Test

“The remedy is worse than the disease. ~ Francis Bacon

…das ist Auschwitz!

The government never cedes power willingly.

Neither should we.

If the Covid-19 debacle taught us one thing it is that, as Justice Neil Gorsuch acknowledged, “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”

Unfortunately, we still haven’t learned. Continue reading

Benson: “Jesus Christ is King!”

Today being Maundy Thursday, the day before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, I felt it was a good time for this article. Andrew Torba, the CEO of, seems to have committed the “unpardonable (antisemitic) sin” because he has written “Jesus Christ is King” and he continues to do so. You just can’t have Christians running around stating obvious truths like that that rob the state of Israel of its desired grandeur. So what to do? Label such truths as “antisemitic.” That should shut those Christians up!

I did an article not too long ago noting that not all who have embraced the religion of Judaism are Semitic by birth. In fact, most today are not. Their ancestors came mostly from Western Russia and Eastern Europe and they have no more claim to being Semitic than the man in the moon! In fact, many of those they claim to be antisemitic are really Semites racially, while most Jews today are not.

Christians should have no problem proclaiming that Jesus Christ is King. Unfortunately, whether some Christians realize it or not, they are really busy stating that “the state of Israel is king–and don’t you forget it.” Looking at some Scripture on this Maundy Thursday, the Scripture is quite clear regarding the actions of Israel’s religious leaders during the Lord’s time on earth. Continue reading

Kunstler: Wake-up Call…

“Those who organized the disaster will take advantage of the inevitable discontent arising from efforts to overcome it, for if there is one thing that they are skilled in, it is demagoguery.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple

Can you feel it? The tension rising to the red-line? It runs clear through all of Western Civ. We are ruled by governments of fiends. But now, the sun rides higher in the sky. The sap is rising in the northern forests. The earth heaves. The buds swell and blush. Something is in the air. The animals are waking from their long winter sleep. The natives are restless.

The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane. The insane don’t register much of what reality tries to tell them. They have a body of insane ideas to comfort and protect them from reality’s rigors. To call that body of ideas an “ideology” is way too polite. Continue reading

The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

“Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.” ~ Gene Sharp, political science professor

The U.S. Supreme Court was right to keep President Trump’s name on the ballot.

The high court’s decree that the power to remove a federal candidate from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban” rests with Congress, not the states, underscores the fact that in a representative democracy, the citizenry – not the courts, not the corporations, and not the contrived electoral colleges – should be the ones to elect their representatives.

Unfortunately, what is being staged is not an election. It is a mockery of an election. Continue reading

Leibowitz: ‘We’ doesn’t seem to exist anymore in America

Taste is a funny thing. It changes so incrementally, we barely notice, except looking backward over time. Take my falling out of love with going to the movies. For decades, it used to be a weekly thing, sometimes more. I’d see the big blockbusters, plus whatever indie flicks looked interesting.

Now it’s Academy Awards time. Ten films have been nominated for Best Picture. I’ve seen precisely one. Barbie. Let me save you an hour and 54 minutes: It’s a movie about a doll who wears a lot of pink. She hangs out with a diverse group of fellow dolls. The men are dolts, or oppressive. The patriarchy sucks.

The movie ends – spoiler alert! – with Barbie being dropped off at the gynecologist.

Driving Miss Daisy it ain’t. Continue reading

Hickman: Boots on the Ground from Russia

You may not like to read about the Enemy – but you need to understand the difference between it and Joe Buy Deng’s ‘merica!  There is good and bad in every nation – but at the present time – America is on the loosing side of LIFE! ~ Editor

Today in Russia, there is unmistakable tension in the air.

A series of busts of Russia’s rulers, including Vladimir Lenin, second right, and Josef Stalin, third right, are on display in Moscow, Russia

You definitely don’t want to speak out against the war or the current regime — it’s an almost guaranteed way to lose your job or end up in a prison.

That’s why everyone is so careful about what they say, and to whom they say it. Unless you know someone really, really well, you have to avoid any potentially controversial topics.

The TV blasts propaganda on a daily basis, effectively brainwashing millions of people. It’s surprising how many Russians seems to believe the news… or at least pretend to believe it.

The national elections took place this past weekend. Despite the official numbers reporting 77% voter turnout, most people I spoke to didn’t plan on voting since, “the result will be the same anyway.”

This is all eerily reminiscent of the Soviet Union. Continue reading

Garrison: The Democrat’s LIE Bath

The Democrat Party’s propaganda media once again reported news that was a bald faced lie. They claimed that that Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he said the US auto industry would face a bloodbath if he’s not re-elected. Biden’s Green New Deal would spell the end of the gasoline powered engines of the US auto industry and destroy countless jobs – an economic ‘bloodbath.’ Continue reading

Tom Cotton DEMANDS the Pentagon Explain How a Chinese Tutoring Company Infiltrated the Homes and Classrooms of Military Families and Their Children

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton is demanding the Pentagon disclose information on its contract with a Chinese-owned tutoring company that has access to U.S. military family data., a popular tutoring website, is owned by Primavera Holdings Limited, a firm run by Chinese nationals that also holds stakes in TikTok parent company ByteDance and e-commerce giant Alibaba. The site offers tutoring services to the U.S. military and school districts around the country.

However, a Chinese-owned company should not have access to the sensitive data of U.S. school kids and military families, according to Cotton. Continue reading

Gun Ban for Illegal Immigrants Ruled Unconstitutional

The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right, meaning all free men and women have that right, regardless of where they are on the planet. It’s part of why so many of us find other nations’ gun laws so insulting. It’s a repression of people’s right to have weapons to defend themselves and their nation.

A repression that goes out the window in the face of invasion, it should be noted.

But that brings about the question of illegal immigrants. Do they forfeit their rights when they enter the United States illegally, or do they maintain their rights as they’ve not actually been convicted of a felony or anything else? Continue reading

The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About: Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls

“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest – forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.” ~ Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

‘‘So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death . . .’’

Day by day, tyranny is rising as freedom falls.

The U.S. military is being used to patrol subway stations and police the U.S.-Mexico border, supposedly in the name of national security.

The financial sector is being used to carry out broad surveillance of Americans’ private financial data, while the entertainment sector is being tapped to inform on video game enthusiasts with a penchant for violent, potentially extremist content, all in an alleged effort to uncover individuals subscribing to anti-government sentiments. Continue reading

Thomas Jefferson: ‘A True Patriot Will Defend His Country From Its Government’

In this world, the “ideal” exists, at least in theory – the way things ought to be. But more often, there is “reality” – how things actually are. In the ideal world, a country’s government would be on the side of its people, helping them, guiding them towards virtue, honesty, righteousness, philanthropy, and a godly life. Government would instruct its citizens, by its example and leadership, to be self-controlled, responsible, frugal, and moral; to accept and learn from the consequences of their actions and not to blame others for their evil. Basic truthful realities and societal foundations, such as the nuclear family, that men are men, women are women, and children need fathers and mothers, would be encouraged, instead of letting its people destroy themselves and so many others through lies and perversions.

Such a system would mean that government would be needed for only a few limited duties. That’s the way things should be. That’s the ideal.

But that isn’t the “reality” of government. It never has been, and it never will be… Continue reading

Benson: The Bovine Fertilizer Hour

Well, tonight 3/7 is the night for the much ballyhooed State of the Union message. Frankly, I think I will pass it up and watch the channel in our area that plays old Westerns nightly. Most who know me know that I follow the political situation pretty closely. But there is a limit to just how much one can take.

Frankly, I’m not about to subject myself to the political fertilizer thrown by a pathological liar who tells me how much better off the country is because he managed, somehow to end up in the White House. He will lie to the entire country, provided he can remain lucid enough long enough to do it and he will tell us how much better we all are off because he managed to wrest the presidency from “Dictator Trump” in 2020. He will tell us how much better off the economy is under his beneficent rein, that he has the border situation under control, that, even though it takes half a week’s pay to fill your gas tank or buy a few groceries, you are really better off because of him – even though you are too dumb to see it. Continue reading

March 7, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Biden Uses ‘Secretive Flights’ to Import 320,000 Illegal Aliens to U.S.

Biden is operating a “secretive flights” program to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the United States every year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

The records, obtained by Bensman via a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) imported 320,000 illegal aliens to the United States last year through the little-known flight component of Biden’s “CBP One” mobile app.

The migrant mobile app, Breitbart News has extensively reported, has allowed about 465,000 illegal aliens to schedule appointments at the United States-Mexico border for release into the United States interior from January 2023 through January 2024… (Continue to full article)

Musk says ‘the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11’

Biden administration ADMITTED flying 320K unvetted migrants into the US has national security ‘vulnerabilities’

The Tesla’s creators comments comment after a secret Biden program was exposed where the administration admitted to flying 320,000 migrants into the US – but officials refuse to say who was flown and to where.

Lawyers for the administration’s immigration agencies have claimed that revealing the locations of where these undocumented aliens are could create national security ‘vulnerabilities.’… (Continue to full article)

Ghastly 7,300% Surge in Illegal Immigrants from Same Nation as College Student’s Murderer

While most mainstream media coverage flagrantly omits that the man charged in the murder of a Georgia nursing student is an illegal immigrant who entered the United States through the famously porous southern border, other important nuggets are also being left out of most reports.

The 26-year-old suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, comes from a country – Venezuela – run by a dictator with close ties to terrorists who refuses to accept deportees. This is especially disturbing because the U.S. has seen a shocking 7,300% spike in migrants from Venezuela under the Biden administration’s disastrous open border policies and now we are stuck with all of them.

There is no telling how many other violent criminals or terrorists are among the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who have been released inside the country by our government in the last few years…. (Continue to full article)

Biden and the Sanitized Border – He’ll See What He Wants to See!

Blind-ass – The Embarrasment

Biden is in office only to fulfill Obama’s intent of “fundamentally transforming the United States” into a third world nonentity, and that all he’s there for–that and the graft he can get by with. He’d probably select Xi Jinping as his next vice-president if he thought he could get away with it!

I’ve been at the border three times over the years (not recently) and you never had the horrible numbers showing up that you have since Biden opened up the border to the world. There are always going to be some that get across.

It’s been that way for 100 years now. Years ago, when I was much younger, you had lots of Mexicans that crossed the border so they could find work and a better life here. They came to work–and they worked hard and their descendants born here became citizens and contributed to this country… (Continue to full article)

Majority of Americans Now Favor the Construction of a Border Wall for First Time Ever in Major Poll

A majority of Americans threw their support behind construction of a southern border wall for the first time ever since Monmouth University started asking the question in 2015.

According to the survey released on Tuesday, 53 percent said they favor finishing construction on a border wall amid a spike in crossings, while 46 percent said they are opposed.

Over 60 percent also identified illegal immigration as a “very serious” problem for the United States. Another 23 percent called it a “somewhat serious” problem, and another 10 percent called it not so serious. Only 5 percent described it as “not at all serious.” Monmouth noted that concern about illegal immigration has gone up across partisan lines after comparing the latest data to similar surveys taken during the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump… (Continue to full article)

Cost of caring for illegals: A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon it’s REAL MONEY

The murder of a Georgia college student, allegedly at the hands of an illegal alien, is generating debate over the cost in lives, and money, to help people who don’t belong here.

Immigration experts put the total number of illegals inside the U.S. at 16-17 million, according to the Family Research Council.

It’s a figure that’s beginning to drain taxpayer-funded resources even in the large urban sanctuaries, such as New York City, where sheltering illegal is costing $20 million a month, according to Fox News.

A 2023 study by Mehlman’s FAIR group placed the cost of caring for illegals at $182 billion. Subtract taxes paid by some illegals – much of it in the form of sales tax – and the negative impact on U.S. taxpayers is estimated at almost $151 billion.

Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer almost $1,000 annually, the report found…. (Continue to full article)

New California Bill Would Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for First Time Homebuyer Loans

                                             HERE are your Homes. Pack ’em up – and Go Home to where you came from!

Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers.

Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

Border patrol agents are upset that we cannot get the proper policy that is necessary to protect human life, to protect American citizens, to protect the people that are crossing the border illegally. We can’t do that because President Biden’s policies continue to invite people to cross here… (Continue to full article)

…and the Beat goes on…

Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass!

OH – do you find the title of today’s post offensive? Then it is past time to WAKE UP! It’s not the title that one should be offended by – it should be the subject matter.

“Pal” Joey and Company are at the bottom of this crap for one reason or another and many of his cohorts are more than likely on the receiving end of some heavy ‘moolah‘!

Hey folks – it’s the ‘Green New Deal’. Let’s save the Planet by forcing EV autos down people’s throats. Let’s outlaw the sales of BBQ’s and gas stoves.

But tonight, I drove by numerous gas stations that had tried to “Pump me UP!” for a .40-cent hike in less than 24 hours. Who in the hell iz zooming who? I will not waste my time trying to share other reasons for all of this crap. It is time that America WAKE UP and smell the coffee being heated up on your GAS stoves. Follow the headlines below – and then READ ‘EM and WEEP! How about, “Getcher head out of your ASS!” ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

US to Sell Off Entire Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve

The sale of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is among the provisions intended to raise funds in one of six bills setting out appropriations for some federal departments this year after Congress narrowly avoided another shutdown last week.

Under a bill providing funding for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the fiscal year, a million barrels of the government’s strategic reserve of petroleum would be sold off—the same amount as in the NGSR, which is located in New York Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts and South Portland, Maine.

“Upon the complete of such sale, the Secretary [of Energy] shall carry out the closure of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve,” the bill states, and “may not establish any new regional petroleum product reserve unless funding of the proposed regional petroleum product reserve is explicitly requested in advance in an annual budget.”

The proceeds of the sale are to be deposited into the Treasury’s general fund, and the proposed appropriations act provides stipulations for the sale of the oil and the use of the money generated by it.

Congress is expected to pass the package, which is the result of cross-party negotiations, with votes set to take place this week. Negotiations on a further six spending bills continue…. (Continue to full article)

Oil Supply Is Looking Tighter and Prices Could Climb as US Production Outlook Gets Cut in Half This Year

The global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets pointed to signs that supply-demand imbalance in oil markets could soon tip in the other direction, as the world’s crude production is poised to slow. That could cause Brent crude, the international benchmark, to hit $85 in the second half of 2024, Croft predicted.

The US, which saw a “blockbuster” year for oil production in 2023, isn’t likely to churn out crude at the same speed it did last year. US production growth could crater in half from 1 million to just 500,000 barrels a day this year, Croft predicted, citing her conversations with other oil market watchers at the recent International Energy Week conference.

“It’s not that we’re saying … US production is not going to grow,” Croft said in an interview with CNBC on Monday. “It’s just a question about, were the gains that we saw last year due to particular unique circumstances that are not going to be replicated this year… (Continue to full article)

Gas Prices Are on the Rise Again

Drivers have enjoyed lower gas prices this winter between $3 and $3.30 nationally, but costs are rising and experts say the trend will likely continue in the spring.

A regular gallon of gas costs an average of $3.34, which is 10 cents more than a week ago and 22 cents more than last month, according to gas-price tracking site GasBuddy.

Unfortunately for drivers, there are several reasons why the outlook calls for gas prices to keep climbing — and why it’s wise to keep looking for ways to save on gas… (Continue to full article)

U.S. Northeast Gasoline Reserve Could Be Sold Off

WTFU – READ the first post above…

Under the draft text of the bill, “the Secretary of Energy shall draw down and sell one million barrels of refined petroleum product from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve during fiscal year 2024.”

The House is yet to vote on the bill, which allocates funding for half of the federal segments that Congress is in charge of organizing funding for, Reuters reported, but with anti-Chinese sentiments pretty popular among both Democrats and Republicans, its chances appear pretty good… (Continue to full article)

Gas Prices: ‘Stark Increases’ Expected Amid ‘Stunted’ Refineries, Higher Oil

The national average at the pump sat at $3.35 per gallon on Monday, up $0.09 from a week ago, but still $0.05 lower from exactly one year ago, according to AAA data.

“US refining has been stunted by severe weather and some power losses at key plants. We may in the next few days see US retail gas prices at a higher number than year-ago,” Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at OPIS, told Yahoo Finance.

In December, 24 states across the Midwest and Gulf Coast had their averages sitting below the $3 level. On Monday averages in just nine states were sitting below that threshold… (Continue to full article)

Chevron Indefinitely Closes Two U.S. Midwest Biodiesel Plants as Profits Slip

Chevron has indefinitely idled two biodiesel production facilities in the U.S. Midwest, the company confirmed on Friday, citing poor market conditions.

The second-largest U.S. oil producer bought biodiesel maker Renewable Energy Group for $3.15 billion in 2022 to expand its renewable fuels production to 100,000 barrels per day by 2030. The deal brought it 10 biodiesel plants and one renewable diesel facility.

Chevron idled plants in Ralston, Iowa, and Madison, Wisconsin, that combined can process 50 million gallon per year of biodiesel. Biodiesel production capacity was 2.07 billion gallons in December, according to U.S. government estimates.

Biodiesel is made from agricultural oils and animal fats, is more costly to make than petroleum-based diesel but is a cleaner burning fuel. Production also generates credits that can offset the cost of production.

Prices have slumped in recently months as supplies have grown and the value of renewable credits recently fell to a three-year low

Biden’s administration last year increased the amount of biofuels that oil refiners must blend into the nation’s fuel mix over the next three years, but the plan includes lower mandates for corn-based ethanol than it had initially proposed and sent credit prices lower… (Continue to full article)

These 10 States Have the Highest Gas Prices in 2023

Americans have been feeling the pain at the pump for quite some time. While prices are starting to dip slightly, whether you will feel a difference depends on which state you live in, according to new research by Now Patient, which has revealed the top 10 states where gas prices are the highest.

According to research, over 200 million people hold a valid driving license in the U.S., which means for the majority of these citizens, gas prices are a regular expenditure,” said Rajive Patel, medical writer at Now Patient . “As gas prices continue to fluctuate due to the rising cost of oil, our study which looks at the most costly states to live in the U.S. has revealed that some Americans are paying a considerable amount more for gas due to the location they live in.”

According to the Now Patient study, here are the top 10 states with the highest average gas prices… (Continue to full article)

Oil Prices Slump After OPEC+ Extension Disappoints Investors

Crude oil futures slumped to kick off the first full trading week of March despite global energy markets potentially facing tighter supply conditions in the coming months. Oil prices have been on a tear this year, rising double digits. Can oil sustain the upward trend?

April West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures tumbled $1.27, or 1.59%, to $78.68 per barrel at 17:26 GMT on Monday on the New York Mercantile Exchange. US crude is coming off a monthly gain of about 8%. Year-to-date, the WTI contract has rallied 10.3%.

But it’s better if we just jack up the prices at the pump…… (Continue to full article)

The U.S. Might Bar Sales to China From Its Strategic Oil Reserve

A measure in a funding bill introduced to avert a government shutdown includes the prohibition.

The provision was included in legislation unveiled by congressional leaders Sunday as lawmakers work to avert a government shutdown.

Meanwhile, two Democratic senators last week introduced legislation that would indefinitely ban exports of U.S. oil and liquified natural gas to China. Whether or not that bill gains traction, energy — both renewable and fossil fuel-based — will be a highly contested domain in U.S.-China relations…. (Continue to full article)

Lower Gasoline Prices in 2024: A Positive Outlook with Impressive Reductions

As the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) unveils its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), a promising forecast emerges with lower gasoline prices in 2024 taking the spotlight. This anticipated decrease is attributed to a surge in refinery capacity and strategic adjustments in gasoline consumption, setting the stage for a more economically friendly fuel market.

The expected closure of LyondellBasell’s Houston refinery and the conversion of Phillips 66’s Rodeo refinery to renewable diesel production are indicative of the evolving landscape of the U.S. refining sector. These changes reflect a broader industry trend towards diversification and sustainability, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources.

The EIA’s forecast for lower gasoline prices in 2024 offers a glimpse into the future of the U.S. fuel market… HAHAHAHAHA – who in the Hell iz Zoomin’ WHO? (Continue to full article)

OOPS!!! Electric Cars Release MORE Toxic Emissions Than Gas-Powered Vehicles and Are Worse for the Environment

Electric vehicles may release more pollution than gas-powered vehicles, according to a report that has recently resurfaced.

The study, which was published in 2022 but has begun circulating again after being cited in a WSJ op-ed, found that brakes and tires release 1,850 times more particulate matter compared to modern tailpipes which have filters that reduce emissions.

It found that EVs are 30 percent heavier on average than gas-powered vehicles, which causes the brakes and tire treads to wear out faster than standard cars and releases tiny, often toxic particles into the atmosphere.ele

EV batteries weigh about 1,000 pounds, and can result in tire emissions that are nearly 400 times more than tailpipe emissions.

Particle pollution can increase health problems including heart disease, asthma, lung disease and in extreme cases, can lead to hospitalization, cancer, and premature death… (Continue to full article)

OH – but if you just want to buy a NEW Car – here is a selection that uses NO Gas!