Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

Smith: The Law Means Nothing to the Lawless

~ Forward ~
Men of conscience must prepare to do what must be done to save America, by the bullet if necessary, ’cause the Constitution isn’t a suicide pact. And just as our Declaration of Independence was a call to action and a call to fight to the death to preserve our freedom and liberty — to live free or die — in our country’s first days, so too does it serve in spirit and the letter of righteous law as a guide that demands America’s good men and women answer that same call today.

Only the tyrants have changed. – J.O.S.

“… I was cautioned to surrender, this I could not do; I took my gun and vanished. … Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing, through the graves the wind is blowing, freedom soon will come.” ~ The Partisan
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Smith: The Nightmare Will Never Be Forgotten

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There are reams of all manner of information pertaining to Islam and the nature of its ideology that address it from many perspectives, but from my own many long years of research, I have found nothing of any social redeeming value within it. It has never gone through any reformation process and holistically it stands pretty much as it did at the split between Sunni and Shia Islam in the 12th century, still as deadly, backwards and vile and evil as ever.

And it’s especially maddening to hear so many so-called “experts” and scholars attempt to differentiate between “moderate” and “radical” Muslims. Even Islamic theologians laugh at he idea, because they know that the Sura, Hadith and Koran broker no such nonsense and demand complete submission and obedience to the commands of Mohammed and Allah. They understand the abrogation clause in the Hadith that give Mohammed’s last words more authority than his first, and they accept and demand that Islam be held supreme above all other religions, above all the world’s governments. Continue reading

Smith: …a follow up!

NOTE: What I have chosen to publish below was originally left by the writer and author of his most recent column on the Federal Observer. ~ Editor

This isn’t an endorsement of President Donald J. Trump for president in 2024, because I believe he made several egregious mistakes that greatly harmed America in the long run, whether we speak of his own massive spending policies, the USMCA, his bumpstock ban, and most of all his going along with the Lockdowns and placing the reins of government in the hands of Dr Deborah Birx and Dr Anthony Fauci who were acting as agents of the globalists and American communists. Continue reading

Smith: Biden’s Politically Motivated Hit Job at Mar-a-Largo

For someone who said he’d unify the nation, he sure has done the exact opposite through his regime’s continuous attacks against conservative and traditional America. He and his minions simply cannot hide their contempt and disgust for the principles of freedom and liberty and those Americans who hold them so dear. And as he now places both of his regime’s hands on the scales of justice to favor his apparatchiks and political cronies, he now has a great percentage of America viewing the justice system with disdain and a disgust of our own, since nothing or no one in this current government can be trusted to do what’s right for all Americans.

These are troubled days and dangerous time indeed. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: They Stood In The Gap, Fiercely Determined to Live Free

~ Foreword ~
The American society is gong crazy these days and the simplest and most innocent things are being twisted and manipulated to represent something supposedly evil. Only a true fool, a gibbering, blubbering idiot, could ever see the Betsy Ross Flag as something malevolent and to be considered a sign of extremism. This flag as well as the Gadsen Flag was a part of my best childhood years and they were always representative of true freedom and liberty in my young eyes. They still are today.

It all simply returns to the fact that just as a man cannot serve two masters, neither can a nation serve two ideologies, so different each one in its own right and diametrically opposed to the other as they strive for dominance. Only one can survive in the end. Only one must survive in the end, that one being the one followed by those who reject Big Government and love their own independence and truth, life, freedom and individual liberty more than Obama phones and other “Free Stuff” and government handouts.

I hope this is of some interest to many. Ruby Ridge and the Finicum murder have long been a sire spot for me. Perhaps in this context, it will be seen in a new light through new eyes and resonate with many of our fellow Americans. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: Biden Policies Invite a Chinese Communist Attack On Taiwan

Many Americans may not be too concerned with what happens around the globe, because so many people take an overly simplistic view of international relations. What happens in Taiwan will in fact have an effect on all of us here in America and many people elsewhere in the world, in a litany of unexpected developments and consequences.

Instead of showing a strong, united front and a determined resolve in backing Speaker Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and sending a clear message the the U.S. government and the American people will not tolerate any intimidation or assault against any American by the Chinese leaders and the CCP, Biden and his own little band of good feckless commies are choosing to go the Chamberlain path of appeasement, forgetting all the lessons of history that exhibits this never ends well for those being assaulted. His regime’s weakness is enabling Xi and an belligerent Communist China to destroy Taiwan’s sovereignty and replace America has the top super-power in the world. Continue reading

Smith: Fight for Your American Dreams and Freedom

Each of the issues I discuss may already be known to some or many, but my overall point is that these are merely symptoms manifested by a problem that is so much larger than them all, which is the fact our government is in a communist stranglehold that no one has yet seemed to know how to completely break. But if some within Corporate America can find the strength and the spine, they should resist and refuse to comply with any Biden executive order that goes against our Inalienable God-given Rights, especially when our conscience and desired path does no harm.

Good Americans are reluctant to resort to the same level of forceful, or violent, protest as the Far Left of the country, but they damned sure better start speaking up a damned sight more forcefully than they have to date, if they ever want to fully repel the ever more advancing and encroaching tyranny that has blackened America’s landscape and domestic halls from D.C to the flyover country from South Carolina to Tennessee and on to South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas and Idaho and many other fine parts of the nation where our individual Liberty is cherished and loved. Continue reading

Smith: Find the Courage to Save America…

I have great memories of this majestic country of ours, and I’ve traveled most of it, meeting the best and the worst people one could ever imagine. With all its beauty and all its ugliness, it’s still the best country on the planet in my humble opinion. And it so sorely hurts my heart to see Her put upon and attacked by people who only desire to destroy Her and remake Her into something unrecognizable, evil and vile in their quest for global power.
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Smith ~ America: Death By Biden

This is the worse I have seen things in America in my 65 years, and unless the American people soon take things in their own hands and put an end to this administration’s folly, they’ll see America as they have known it all their life come to an end. I’m not suggesting all out rebellion, at least not yet; but some good ol’ fashioned civil disobedience is in order.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if some oil executive and a group of shareholders moved to extract oil offshore against Biden’s current ban and in violation of “federal law”? What if they told Biden, we’re going to do this because we need to make a living and this is our area of expertise? Just exactly what would Biden do, what could he do? Send out the Navy to stop them? Continue reading

J.O.S.: Big Sister and New and Dark Days for America

~ Foreword ~
The more I think I’ve seen it all the more I’m proved wrong by this tyrannical Biden regime. They know without a doubt that this isn’t constitutional in any way shape or form, but they don’t care. They’re so intent on the fundamental transformation of America that the law means absolutely nothing to them, only that which they can get away with through back door lawless methods and double-dealing trickery.

Biden really is reminiscent of Wilson, who was a deep admirer of the German philosopher, Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Like Wilson, Biden seems to believe all ideas and institutions can be remade at will and each age has its own morality that manifests itself according to its times; that the Constitution must embody that zeitgeist. Biden isn’t that smart, but knowingly or otherwise, perhaps led by his handlers, he is adopting a position that creates a state into which individual will is absorbed and the state and the people become one, for better or worse.

More often than not, it also appears this regime is continuously looking towards China for more tips on how best to control so large a population as ours, and it goes without saying how dangerous this is for all of us.

The Democratic Party and the Biden regime truly are a very real and existential threat to all of America in the here and now. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: America Stands On A Precipice Defending Her Children

~ Foreword ~
Our country is facing so many crises today that those of us with some few years behind us can hardly believe we are still living in America. And everywhere one looks, it’s more than apparent and readily found in available evidence that virtually every damned crisis has formed as a direct result of recent policies and actions taken by this red, radical, Democratic Party Commie rat bastard regime.

It’s certainly not conservatives promoting the Drag Queen Story Hour in public libraries across the nation.

These Commies are using the very same methods and activism that they used to clear a path for homo “marriage”, and they are charging down this new immoral path that is nothing less than the grooming of America’s children, to make them mentally and spiritually weak and susceptible and prone to the advances of America’s perverts, deviants and sexual predators that seem to be standing on every street corner and in every playground, ballpark or any other place children congregate these days. Continue reading

Smith to Heino: Tit for Tat

Editor’s Note: The following was posted in the Reply section of a recent column written by William Heino Sr. in response a previous column by Justin O. Smith for the Federal Observer. We warrant that the author’s comments were well worth a direct posting of his entire reply. (However, it has also been rumored that William Heino Sr. may in-fact be deceased.) ~ Ed.

Mr William Heino, SR;

The operative phrase in the Second Amendment is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The prefatory phrase about militias is an ablative absolute clause giving context for the main clause, and it is illuminating in that function. The Second Amendment does not say it protects the right of state militias to bear arms.

No one thinks that when the First Amendment speaks about the right of the people to petition the government that it means only to protect the rights of lobbyists for state governments. It means individuals. What the Second Amendment is saying is you can’t disarm the people under the pretext of regulating the militia. Continue reading

Smith: I’ll Carry My Firearm, “Law” or Not

Image from some years ago – it still fits!

In a country that was supposedly founded upon several inalienable God-given rights, one would think that America’s leaders would never seek to diminish, erode or abrogate them, but that’s just what they do and have done my entire adult life, because those rights stand in the way of their power and control over the people. Our rights are under constant attack by Democrats, who now more closely resemble Marxist tyrants and Republicans-in-Name-Only, who are statist globalists and equally repugnant to freedom-loving Americans, and recently these enemies of freedom and liberty saw fit to infringe upon our Second Amendment and our lawful right to self-defense, by inserting anti-firearm legislation into the recent $1.5 trillion spending bill through the Violence Against Women Act.

One should note that Joe Biden has long led the charge to eradicate our Second Amendment right, throughout his senate career, and as Vice-President in January of 2013, Biden led a gun control commission for the purpose of offering proposals to the White House and Congress for gun control laws and regulations. Continue reading

Smith: Government Policy Shouldn’t Make American Life Worse

In years past, they have branded their Marxist-Maoist anti-American schemes as some sort of Green Energy “Marshall Plan”, as they now keep pushing their con and try to hand out “free” government run healthcare, free education, high-speed rails to replace air travel, a federal jobs guarantee — unless of course one refuses their toxic Covid “vaccine”, more codified family care and leave time [Trump got the ball rollin’ on this one], a national union, a universal base income paid to those unwilling to work and rebuilding every structure in the nation according to U.N. Agenda 21 “sustainable development” guidelines and new environmental regulations. Their plan closely follows the failed ‘Leap Manifesto’ advocated by Canada’s Commies, anti-capitalists and eco-socialists, such as Naomi Klein, who once wrote “shredding the free-market ideology that has dominated the global economy for more than three decades” is the only way to combat climate change. Continue reading

Smith: I Am Ukrainian – Prepared to Fight, Prepared to Stay

Ukraine office workers heed call to arms

I am watching the epic saga of Ukraine unfolding with my own anxieties heightened by recent developments and a sense of hope for a peaceful end mixed with a foreboding that it will not, and the end results will prove horrific for the Ukrainian people and an ongoing miserable, unacceptable future problem for America and the world. The entire world surely must be thinking much the same thing: “Don’t let this be WWIII“. Continue reading

Smith: A Moment of Racial Reckoning In America

There’s so much to address these days, and I started to write a comprehensive piece covering the bits and pieces from Climate Change and Biden’s failing energy policies to crime, out-of-control spending and the national debt and Biden’s handling of Ukraine. But then I noted our own invasion, not so peaceful once one gives it deeper scrutiny, is still ongoing at a mad dash and totally unabated other than the limited measures the affected states have taken.

We must keep the heat on this topic. I just hope some poor, lone author isn’t still having to write about unrestrained Illegal Immigration two decades down the road, as America becomes an unimaginable hellhole. Continue reading

Smith: On the Path of Dissolution and Civil War

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” ~ Revelation 20:9 KJV

I hate to be gloom and doom, even though the Biden administration is currently being checked to some degree and his plans to spend outrageous sums is on hold, but I’m just not as optimistic as most, simply because there are at least two generations of hyper-indoctrinated folks out there ready to follow whatever asinine order this clown delivers. On top of that, we find that too many in Corporate America are willing and already working to implement his agenda without any legislation to back it up.

They’ve had a 100 years of indoctrination and planning, and that will not easily be countered in this decade or the next, and we all may be forced to ride this to the end and a final catastrophic economic collapse that includes our creditors refusing to lend any more money. Think Venezuela and the people scrambling for goods without any real currency of any value at hand and the stand offs and fighting that followed between opposing groups in the population and against the soldiers and the government. Continue reading

Smith: America Cannot Survive Her Fools and Traitors – Unless…

It’s pretty hard to be positive about America’s chances, when we see so many anti-American people in all walks of life in every major region of the country, doing their dead level best to usher in full blown socialism, if not a totalitarian form of communism, regardless of what it will cost our freedom and liberty.

We’re in a whole heap of trouble, yessirree we are.

You and others may see a ray of hope, but I see the nation descending into a great civil upheaval, more than likely a full blown hot civil war, at any point between now and 2028, possibly 2035 when I suspect the economic situation will rapidly facilitate such a war. All that’s missing is the right spark, but America is sitting on the edge of the abyss peering into the darkness.

Can America pull back from certain disaster. I’m thinking we may already be past the point of no return, but perhaps a major event and some Dark Horse will emerge to change the tide. It’s anyone’s guess at this point. Continue reading

Smith: Stand Against the Rulers of Darkness

Occasionally, I delve into religion and politics, because unlike far too many who suggest the two don’t mix, I’m of the mind that Jesus wouldn’t have told them the same. Our faith is and integral part of who we are as a people and a nation, and although Christianity is currently waning in America, our nation was in fact built upon the Christian faith, despite anything historical revisionists care to argue.

It’s beyond troubling to see so many Church leaders urging their congregations to abide by the Covid Vaccine Mandates and Passports, as if any real safety concerns over the Vaccine’s chemical and biological make-up are somehow irrelevant and to be dismissed as hysteria or unfounded, when the opposite is true. And of late, at too many opportunities, we see Church leaders submitting to tyranny when Freedom and Liberty are hanging in the balance.

Submitting to evil and tyranny isn’t God’s plan for mankind, not if one knows and believes their Bible, the Word of God. Even though most of us Faithful understand that Satan and the minions of Hell don’t prevail against the Bride of Christ in the end — witnessed by way of Matthew 16:17-19, that doesn’t mean we are to do nothing and simply wring our hands as the world is thrown into chaos and the size of real and tangible casualties grows to mammoth proportions from our inaction. Continue reading

Smith: One Step Closer to Rule by Decree

We know who Biden and his people are, and he’s pushing the country towards authoritarian socialism. He’s essentially abandoned whatever “moderate” views he ever held and opted for the communist worldview to the dismay of many.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Biden may not be a communist, but he’s sure quackin; like one these days. Continue reading