Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

Smith: Americans Have Paramount Decisions to Make!

The road to tyranny is paved with cowards, criminals and commie thugs, propagandists, fat-ass traitorous bureaucrats, and the immoral actions of the depraved, reprobate minds who worship materialism and the new world order brand of soul-sucking globalism and hold a monopoly on the mechanisms for the control of our “intelligence” agencies, information and media and our currency, which basically gives them control of everyone and everything.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: America will not vote its way out of its current mess.
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Smith: Fight Back and Fight to Win

The U.S. government tries to tell us all that there is never any justification for Americans to resort to violence, simply because they don’t want us to get used to the idea, for fear we will actually one day rise up against them. But they don’t hold the lock on violence. This nation was birthed and born through violence, and while it may be something many are reluctant to consider, it must be fully considered, and all who wish to remain free and safe must be resolved to use violence when all other alternatives have been exhausted.

If ever there were new intolerable acts in our country to see and endure, we have experienced them under this regime, and we have no real recourse, since our objections are ignored and discarded, and the regime continues merrily along its lawless destructive anti-American path. Continue reading

Catching Fire: Just Burn It All Down

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.” ~ Lysander Spooner

American traditions, once thought immutable, have sustained one withering assault after the next over the past eighty years or so, while taking even harder hits from the Bush administration to the present Biden regime, traditions supported by America’s core principles found within Natural Law, Christianity and the Declaration of Independence. These traditions exist because they were well-founded in truth and practical ideas that worked for the benefit of all in the best of all possible manners, respecting mankind’s reality and existence within nature as a free born and sovereign, each to their own, and the sanctity of marriage, one man one woman, and life itself, and the right to pursue our own life without any oppressive government intrusions.

Our traditions time have not come to pass but still survive precisely due to their foundations in truth, and they need only to be defended and brought to bear in the hearts of America’s families, Her sons and daughters and Her patriots once more, ever more fiercely and fervently. Continue reading

America: No Country for Old Men

I wish everything I wrote of late wasn’t so damned pessimistic, but given what I’ve witnessed over the past several decades, it really is hard to believe much will change after the 2024 election. If we aren’t in a full blown hot civil war, within the next ten to eleven years, it will be a damned miracle, but even so, it is almost a certainty those years will be marked by the greatest civil upheaval and strife any of us have ever witnessed in our lifetime…  and it’s going to be damned ugly. Continue reading

The Renewed Fight to Disarm America: The Fight to Keep America Free

July 25, 2024 – UPDATED: I just can’t believe that we are seeing so many within the GOP now so willing to betray America by suppressing the Second Amendment in any form or fashion. If they can do this, essentially we have become a nation whereby our rights have been reduced to privileges to be granted or squashed at the arbitrary whim of men and women holding power in seats of government, just as warned by Ronald Reagan so long ago.

With each victory, no matter how small, in their fight to weaken the Second Amendment, the Democratic Party Communists take us one more step into the dark abyss where mass murder and tyranny awaits us all, unless we submit and acquiesce to becoming the serfs of the authoritarian socialist state.

Regardless of what happens on this front, win or lose, all Free Born American men and women still understand that their right to keep and bear arms is more than just some scribbling in the Bill of Rights. It is a right that they hold, no matter how embattled or suppressed it may become under any government on any given day; and in order to stay free, there are times it must be utilized, Watering the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: The Day of the Assassin

“Isn’t it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing absurdity.” ~ Václav Havel, staunch anti-communist and former President of Czechoslovakia

We are truly living in troubling, dangerous times, that none of us would ever have wished for our people or our country, none of us who love America I should say. This is exactly what the Democrat Party Communists have hoped and called to happen time and again, as they now cry out in feigned shock and cry their crocodile tears over the near miss on Donald Trump’s life by an assassin’s bullet.

In public, Joe Biden and his Marxist-Maoist comrades may say this political violence is terrible and “unacceptable” all day long and every day, but in reality, this attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is the manifestation of their wildest hopes and dreams. And in private, they all are sad that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed his mark, as go on to smile, joke and clap one another on the back, assuring one another that “We’ll get him next time.” Continue reading

Smith: I am as Mad as Hell…

…and I’m NOT going to take it anymore!

When my two daughters were born, I wanted only the best for them, just like I want the best for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And like most parents, I also want them all to have a better life than mine, as I recall looking into their shining little eyes, their beautiful angelic faces and seeing their perfect little hands and feet, thanking God for them. I knew that I wanted to leave this world a much better place for them than the one I found, and I worked toward this goal. I imagine that our Founding Fathers, too were motivated by their love of God, family, friends and country.

It’s definitely a challenge that will seem insurmountable to many, but if there’s anything to them, any sense of right and wrong and honor, they won’t mind the fight. Continue reading

We Are NOT All Americans

I get so tired of hearing all the do-gooders in the country trying to tell me and everyone else that “we’re all still Americans” and that we should “be civil” to those rat bastard communists who are never civil and are in the process of driving our republic into the ash heap of history.

I’m sick to death of trying to interact with the idiots of this current Marxist-Maoist movement who will hear absolutely nothing of reason, but instead shout and scream people down whenever they propose conservative common-sense ideas. I never had much patience with this sort of behavior to begin with and I sure as hell will not be tolerant of the intolerant now. Continue reading

Trapped in an Illegal Alien Invasion Time Loop

Illegal immigration has always been a problem in our country, even back during the Eisenhower and Reagan eras, but it’s never been as out-of-control and visible in such massive numbers as it has been over the past sixteen years, since the first year Barack Hussein Obama, anti-American Muslim commie, held the Oval Office in his hands and set forth on his mission to drop America low and see Her ultimately destroyed. Now, with his help, Biden and his treasonous cronies have just about completed his early mission aimed at fundamentally transforming America.

There is a very short window in which our patriots may be able to turn this around and eventually stop it dead in its tracks, but it is an extremely brief opening that we must not waste or allow to slip past us. Continue reading

Smith: Down the Path of Past Banana Republics

   The Country Has Gone Bananas.

As odd as it seems for me to be forced to defend Donald Trump, this is one of those paradoxical times that demands it of me, given the egregious means used by the Democrats to subvert the rule of law and achieve their guilty verdict against Trump.

This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about what we all will face should this lawfare not be met, countered and put to an end, so that everyone will one day receive equal treatment from our legal system, regardless of who they are and what they believe and hold to be true. Continue reading

Smith: America has a bad case of the Dumbass!

…or is that we are just tired of all of the Bullsh*t? ~ Justin O. Smith

There’s so much to say right now, but much of it is beating a dead horse and repeating a lot of what I’ve already discussed in ad nauseam through the years.

I’ve had a few grains formulating here and there, but nothing the greater population will want to hear. So many are eat up with a bad case of the dumbass, and it’s enough to make a man want to vomit up his Cheerios. Continue reading

Smith: Liberty Dies Without Constraints On Government

As I watch Biden and his people in action, moving to break every law they can in pursuit of their illiberal, anti-liberty, anti-American agenda, once more I am stunned by the relative, comparable inaction from the ranks of all who profess to be patriots and defenders of said liberty and the rights of their countrymen. As is so often remarked by many pundits, “Our Founders would already be shooting by now”.

What a disgrace we have in the ranks of today’s Republican Party, as they are a massive part of the problem, too often “going along to get along” and compromising away one more piece of liberty after the next. How any of the statist, globalist Republicans-In-Name-Only still call themselves “American” with a straight face is beyond me. Continue reading

Smith: We Are Hamas Terrorists… Errr… “Protestors”

It’s extremely troubling to witness the current ascendancy of anti-Semitism in America, a nation that is supposedly founded on the First Amendment principles of freedom of religion and free speech. No people should be treated the way the Jews have been treated in the past few months, for decades really, in modern times, not even Muslims. And yet here we are witnessing Arab Muslims and their supporters, self-proclaimed “Hamas”, screaming for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people and America too.

Many will toss my own extreme prejudices against Islam back at me, but that’s just fine. I have no problem with individual Muslims who truly live peaceful lives as nominal Muslims and have fully integrated into our society, although I still must note that per their ideology, they are only peaceful until they’re not – until a fatwa goes out to activate them from some imam or mullah, which is why I have long been opposed to allowing anymore Muslims into the country. I would also note that Islam is less a true religion, with only 14% of the Koran having anything remotely close to resembling spiritual concerns and the rest aimed at how to deal with the infidels, Christians, Jews and other non-believers; it is an ideology driven by its supremacy clause and aimed at subjugating and taking all within its line of sight and reach. Continue reading

Smith: The Blatant Betrayal of America

“I’m an ordinary guy burning down the house. Hold tight. Wait ’til the party’s over. Hold tight. We’re in for nasty weather. There has got to be a way, burning down the house.” ~ Joe Biden [just kiddin’ – lyrics from ‘Burning Down the House‘ by Talking Heads]

After watching the recent deal to fund both wars in Ukraine and Israel and even send aid to Hamas terrorists, without offering a hint at securing America’s borders, no one should be under any illusions that Republicans or a knight in shining armor are coming to save them, their families and America from the current destructive malaise that’s been allowed to overtake our country. We’re in deep shit up to our eyeballs and the fog isn’t lifting anytime soon that has so clouded the minds of so many of – I hate to even call them this – “our countrymen”, although I sure as hell don’t claim the damned sorry exceedingly stupid rat bastards.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans bring their own particular brand of betrayal to the table, as we recently saw Congress refuse to hold Mayorkas accountable for his high treason regarding our border security and the Democrats refuse to call his intentional malfeasance for the felony that it is. But not to be outdone, Speaker Johnson seemed unwilling to actually do the right thing and refuse to move funding for Ukraine and Israel until the federal government was compelled to stop this invasion by illegal aliens. Continue reading

Smith: My Legitimate, Dutiful and RIGHTFUL War

I’m about the same as always – mad at the world and shaking my fist at the sky!

~ Introduction ~
Quite often Americans hear that the U.S. has a “melting-pot” environment that encourages the assimilation of Muslims. However, more often the facts show an entirely different situation. New immigrants and second generation Muslims are becoming more isolated, largely due to the multi-culturalist policies and agendas put in place by the Marxist-Maoists of the Obama administration that continued through Trump’s term and into the Biden regime. An increasing number of young Muslims are attending Islamic schools and lectures sponsored by mosques with a “radical” fundamental Islamic agenda, or U.S. universities with radical professors who actually encourage Islamic anti-American activities and terrorism against America.

There exists an entire group of people in all echelons of our government, from the local and state to the federal, some citizens and some not, who have been educated and lived much of their lives abroad. From the “president” on down, many of these people have little connection and even less love for the traditional American culture and principles upon which the U.S. was founded. These collaborators and traitors continue to tolerate the abuses and acts of terrorism those sons of Mohammed commit. And due to their own cowardice or complicity, they still to this day cannot seem to name the enemy. The enemy is Islam and the Sharia doctrine that accompanies it. Continue reading

Handle Hard Better: A Good Life Doesn’t Come Easy

I never thought I’d see the day when police officers would be forced to do nothing, while “youths”, [young?] black thugs from 15 to 55, and older, rip through stores taking whatever they want without laying the first nickel on the counter in payment. So much for “the rule of law” in America. So much for “work ethic” these days too, since it has been condemned as a mythological beast that may have once existed in a far away land that seems to have died a slow death at the hands of the Takers, the Marxist-Maoist Commies who tout the wonders of “Free Stuff“, courtesy of Uncle Sam.

Sure. Life in the real world often isn’t fun for any of us. Many live a plain, no-frills life, in basic, cramped, meager conditions. But at least it’s real and it’s ours, complain as we will, not some delusional, fantastical utopian wonderland where death and destruction are the rule, once the curtains fall away.

And for whatever effort they put forth, the Takers greatest efforts seen in their nihilistic destruction of all around them, simply because they don’t have the same quality of goods, a large bank account and nice things that more driven, capable people have acquired for themselves. They tread water working menial jobs; they listen to songs created by others, while they create nothing, and they indulge in drugs and alcohol to alter their minds and make their meaningless lives more tolerable. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: Make the Bastards Pay

The more things change the more they stay the same, and so, here we are some 40 years after Reagan’s amnesty for illegals, which he granted against his better judgement, and facing an illegal alien invasion a hundredfold worse than anything ever seen before in U.S. history. Who could have ever imagined that a nation so powerful as America would have any qualms over securing their border or that Her people would so willingly follow corrupt leaders towards national suicide.

This flood of invaders benefits no one more than the drug cartels, who are raking in a billion dollars a month, through drug profits their mules send back from the states and the payments they receive guiding the peasants and proles across. Continue reading

Smith: Bullets or Ballots!

“The line between good and evil runs across every human heart.” ~ Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, ‘The Gulag Archipelago

The corrupt and evil, immoral Americans within our society have greatly soiled and damaged our society, by regularly being successful in re-electing, honestly or otherwise, their own ilk to high offices across the land, who regularly lie, cheat and violate the law and the Constitution in order to protect one another and grow their power, thus their own oft ill-gotten gain.

Just look at Biden as he continues to brazenly forgive billions of dollars in student loans, thus favoring one group of citizens over another. People who went into debt are being rewarded for bad behavior, and their debt is being passed on to good, decent hardworking people, many who couldn’t afford to go to college, thus penalizing them.

The problem lies within the hearts and minds of too large a percentage of the American people, those who have rejected God and a righteous way of life. And just wait to see the shit show that follows, once the dregs of the world who are currently invading our country set up shop and gain a “legal path to citizenship and the right to vote”.

Oh yes, my friends. America’s troubles are just starting… Continue reading

Smith: Standing in the Ruins

I know a strong economy is important to people, but it has been placed in such a primary position for so many decades, that it seems the American people are willing to forgive almost any violation of our rights, just as long as any particular administration is delivering a “good economy”. But when they prop up corporations with government subsidies and throw trillions of stimulus dollars into the economy, ultimately it isn’t a good economy, despite short term appearances, and it results in a debilitating effect on all individuals’ finances, which also ultimately has a marked effect on their individual liberty. Continue reading

Smith: Racism From a Child’s Perspective

I remember drinking from a water fountain in 1964 in a bus station in Columbia, South Carolina with a sign above it that read “Colored Water”. We had just arrived and were waiting to be met by my father who had gone ahead of us to prepare a place to live, as he had been sent to Ft. Jackson to train troops.

When I first read it, I thought, “I wonder what color it is?” Continue reading