Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

I love it when a plan comes together!

“Hold my coffee.”

On April 29th, 2019, Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. (Fisher Industries) was contacted by We Build the Wall to construct a half mile of fence in Sunland Park, New Mexico. The location was deemed “Unbuildable” by government agencies due to the harsh construction conditions. In just over one month of being notified of this project, Fisher procured and fabricated the bollard fence panels and finished all construction within two weeks.

US Army Corps of Engineers said, “Building a border wall over that terrain is impossible” Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. said “Hold my coffee.” and they built it. Continue reading

Congress delays fight over border funding; Senate blocks passage of immigration bill

The House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution on Thursday that delays a fight over Pres. Trump’s continued requests for funding of additional border fencing. Federal spending was set to run out on September 30, but the CR passed by the House extends existing funding levels until Nov. 21.

The Senate is expected to pass the House-passed CR next week. Continue reading

Illegal Alien Released Due To California’s Sanctuary Law Shoots Police Officer In The Chest

Guadalupe Lopez Herrera shot a police officer in the chest when he as investigating Herrera for a domestic violence charge. Herrera should not have even been in the country and only California’s sanctuary laws allowed him to remain here.

He had previously been arrested on a domestic violence dispute but they refused to turn him over to ICE and released him back on the street where he committed additional domestic violence and then followed that up by shooting a police officer. Thankfully, the officer who was shot in the chest has no life-threatening injuries. Continue reading

McCutchen: Legislation To Vastly Increase Immigration

September 8, 2019

Arkansas U.S. Representatives: Rick Crawford (R) – French Hill (R) – Steve Womack (R) – Bruce Westerman (R)


It comes to my attention that each of you have once again betrayed middle-class Americans, most particularly white citizens and blacks who have achieved middle-class status without unearned government largesse.

I refer to the passage of HR 1044 and companion yet to be voted on S 386 which will attract overwhelming numbers of Chinese banking & real-estate investors accompanied by huge numbers of Indian Techs, all compliments of the cheap labor lobbyists. Continue reading

Where’s the fire?

A Texas Rancher Describes The Issues…

The urgency to have a wall built at the border may not seem like a crisis for some, but for those living close to the border the crisis is all too real….

One such person is Kari Wade, who, with her family, owns a ranch just 50 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. The border rancher recently responded to a Facebook comment when someone asked, “Where’s the fire” in regard to the urgency of President Trump to build the wall at the U.S.-Mexican border. Continue reading


Dozens of migrants showed how easy it was to cross the border between the US and Mexico in a shocking new video taken where the wall fence ends in Arizona.

In the video, tweeted Wednesday by the US Customs and Border Protection in Arizona, a group of 66 people are seen walking up to where the border fence ends east of Sasabe.

They then just simply cross the border ‘where the fence ends,’ tweeted border patrol officials. (Read MORE)

Illegal Aliens To Be Eligible For ‘Affordable Housing’

Can anyone explain to me WHY DeBLASIO isn’t arrested and charged under USC 8 ?

Section 1324a states: “Any person who knowingly hires/harbors/transports any illegal alien is guilty of a felony punishable by 10 years jail + $2000 fine per illegal alien + forfeiture of the vehicle or property used to commit the crime”.

Section 1324c states, “All officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws shall have authority to make arrests for a violation of any provision of this section” (affirmed US v Perez-Gonzalez 2002 Fed App 0360, 6th Circ.).

Section 1644, same title states, “No local ordinance, rule, or measure shall stop law enforcement officers from enforcement of this section” (affirmed Southern District Court of NY, US v Rudy Guiliani,1996)

How in the world are we going to stop illegal immigration if we continue to give illegal aliens benefits? Continue reading

What The MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About (Undoc Immigrants) Illegal INVADERS

The MSM would have you believe that the migrants crossing into our country are angels. They focus in on how we have to separate illegal families, but they seem to pan the camera away when we reveal that it was a makeshift family and the child was rented for the trip. But it turns out illegals are breaking more laws than we originally thought. As a majority of Federal crimes are being committed by non-citizens. Continue reading

Disgusting and Shameful: Open to Every Stranger Under the Sun

Democrats Flaunt U.S. Immigration Law

Today in America, there isn’t any other issue more dangerous to all Americans and poised to completely ruin America and tear Her asunder than the necessity of stopping the anti-American, communist inspired globalist and Democratic Party initiatives and policies, that advocate and facilitate Open Borders, free healthcare, voting rights and U.S. citizenship for ILLEGAL Aliens. America is either a nation of laws and the rule of law or it isn’t. America and Her people either stop this madness or Americans will watch as we lose our culture and our American heritage, and indeed, America as She has stood for over 200 years. Continue reading

Invasión: June 27, 2019

Lawsuit Alleges Government Mistreatment of Migrant Children
Immigrant rights attorneys filed suit against the Trump administration, claiming that the federal government is holding children in unhealthy and unsafe conditions along the Southwest border in violation of a settlement dictating the detention of minors… (Continue to full article)

People are Finally Starting to Realize There’s a Crisis at the Border…as I’ve Been Saying
For months Democrats and their allies in the media have claimed there isn’t a crisis at the border and that President Trump’s description of the situation is overblown. In February, he officially declared a national emergency over the issue.

With a security and humanitarian crisis on America’s Southern Border that is growing worse by the day, DHS cannot properly protect America’s territory, enforce its immigration laws, and keep criminals from exploiting our system and taking advantage of American generosity without immediate action from Congress. While we are doing everything we can, the volume and composition of populations arriving at the Southern Border are simply unsustainable… (Continue to full article)

Trump And The GOP Should Tell Democrats To Go Shove It Over Latest Immigration Bill
It’s funny how all of a sudden we now have a border crisis after weeks of news segments suggesting that this was a figment of President Trump’s imagination or better yet—a manufactured crisis. No, it’s been one for months. Actually, one could argue the border situation has been fluid for decades. We’ve gone from it’s not a real crisis to ‘there are concentration camps’ on the southern border. Also, Trump is a monster for detaining illegals in deplorable conditions. Nope. First, no one has a right to come here, no matter how sad your sob story is about wherever the hell you came from… (Continue to full article)

The Endless Third World Invasion Of The United States
Democratic presidential candidate Kirstin Gillibrand wants to expand Social Security to people living in the United States illegally. She is an immigration hawk and wants illegals to have the same rights as citizens. Nancy Pelosi has actually thanked the parents of “Dreamers” for illegally bringing their children to America… (Continue to full article)

Leftists Wake Up To The Reality At The Border That Conservatives Have Been Warning About For Years
Suddenly, all anybody on the left is worried about is the situation at the Southern border. And they should be, but they are a little late to the conversation. In fact in recent years, anytime somebody even tried to discuss the border, the left treated them like a joke.

But it is not just the left that is to blame for the crisis. GOP lawmakers are at fault, too. While conservative voters have been worried about illegal immigration for decades, President George W. Bush failed to secure the border. Then during President Obama’s term, Democrats criticized him as being too tough with his deportations but Republicans lamented that he was too weak. In the first two years of President Trump’s administration, the GOP-controlled Congress could have passed meaningful legislation to fix the crisis… (Continue to full article)

Oh, So That’s Who Trump’s Acting DHS Secretary Has Donated To For Years?
There are many reports floating around about the recent ICE raids. President Trump announced that a large-scale sweep would begin soon, but no details were offered. Then, The Washington Post wrote about the planned raids, the cities where they would be conducted, and some 2,000 families that were targeted. The club that knew these details was very, very small. Someone leaked it to the press, and some are pointing fingers at Acting Department of Homeland Security Director Kevin McAleenan. He reportedly did it to sabotage the operation, one that was not well received by former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. It cost her her job… (Continue to full article)

Operation Wetback: President Eisenhower’s Answer to Illegal Immigrants – Deport Them!
Within America, it is clear that when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, the laws are simply not being enforced, which encourages and breeds crime, and at the end of the day, anarchy and the loss of your country… (Continue to full article)

ISIS fighter affirms terrorists pour into U.S. near El Paso

Evidence found over the years that the United States’ southern border near El Paso, Texas, is used as a springboard by Islamic terrorists to enter the country illegally was recently confirmed by a government watchdog group via a captured ISIS fighter.

After initially discovering evidence that Islamic terrorists were breaking over the U.S.-Mexico border five years ago during its longstanding investigation, Judicial Watch provided more confirmation that ongoing practice is taking place with the testimony of captured ISIS fighter, who revealed details about jihadists illegally entering America to set up future attacks. Continue reading

No steenkin’ Visas!

Border Patrol Catches Previously Deported Child Molester Traveling With Family Unit In Arizona
41-year-old Juan Rojas-Rodriguez was apprehended after Yuma Station border patrol authorities found a group of six illegal aliens while patrolling along the Colorado River. After running initial background checks, agents discovered that Rojas-Rodriguez was a previously deported Mexican national who was convicted of sex with a minor under 14 years of age in California in 1996… (Continue to full article)

Border Patrol Chief: If Illegal Aliens Don’t Have To Face Consequences, Then Why Am I Here?
Carla L. Provost, chief of the United States Border Patrol, testified before Congress on Thursday to discuss the ongoing illegal immigration crisis and humanitarian efforts conducted by US Border Patrol agents. While on the Hill, Provost told Congress that the Border Patrol is short on manpower, sacrificing time with their families, and is being stretched thin which leads to narcotics trafficking and other national security risks due to unchecked illegal aliens crossing over the Southern border into the country. As for what to do about this, the Border Patrol chief urged the government to enforce the law and have consequences for those who break it… (Continue to full article)

Nancy Pelosi Asks ‘What’s the Point’ of Enforcing Immigration Law
“When I saw the president was going to have these raids, it’s so appalling, it’s outside the realm of civilized human behavior, just kicking down doors and splitting up families in addition to the injustices that are happening at the border,” she remarked. “We have legislation to go forward to address those needs. But in terms of interior enforcement, what’s the point?”… (Continue to full article)

Illegal Immigrants in Leftist Cities
What if someone you hated offered to pay off your mortgage or put your kids through college? You’d be suspicious at first, of course. Why is an enemy giving you the gift of a lifetime? But in the end, if you were smart, you’d take it. It would be too good to pass up.

Something very much like that happened in Washington, D.C., recently. The Trump administration debated moving some of the thousands of migrants now massing through our southern border into various self-proclaimed sanctuary cities across the United States.

Talk about great news for blue America. The left tells us that all immigration is good. More immigration is better… (Continue to full article)

House looks set to pass emergency funding bill for illegals
Democratic leaders in the House proposed somewhat tighter requirements for the care of unaccompanied refugee children as they sought to pass a $4.5 billion emergency funding bill to address the humanitarian crisis involving the thousands of illegal immigrant families detained after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border… (Continue to full article)

DHS Acting Director “Judas” McAleenan Belongs In Prison
This is why Trump cannot get control of his administration- This is why so much is not getting done. The acting director of DHS just committed sedition and possibly even treason. Here is the story…

15,000 Mexican Troops Deployed To US Border

Mexico revealed on Monday it had deployed some 15,000 troops to its northern border with the U.S. to stop the flow of migrants crossing into America.

Mexican soldiers stop migrants from trying to cross into the United States near Ciudad Juarez

The army chief said that soldiers and National Guardsmen are detaining migrants who attempt to illegally enter the U.S. Continue reading

Acting DHS Chief ‘Sabotaged’ ICE Raids By Leaking Plan To Washington Post

Since the Washington Post spoiled the surprise and published a report about the Trump Administration’s plan to arrest thousands of migrant families who have been denied asylum – prompting the administration to cancel the raids – many have probably been wondering why somebody inside would break President Trump’s longstanding policy of not telegraphing your moves in advance.

Well, now that question appears to have been answered by the Washington Examiner: The acting head of DHS, Kevin McAleenan, reportedly leaked the details of the operation (he traveled alongside the WaPo reporter who broke the story earlier this week) in what sources described as a deliberate attempt to sabotage the raids. Continue reading

ICE Releases List Of Murderers And Rapists Protected Under Sanctuary City Policies

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released a list of criminal illegal aliens who were released from jail due to sanctuary city policies, many of whom went on to commit other crimes.

Washington and Oregon, two states under Democratic Party control, have enacted some of the strongest sanctuary laws in the country that protect illegal immigrants from federal apprehension. Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation in May that prohibits local jails and state prisons from honoring ICE detainers, and bars them notifying ICE when a suspected illegal immigrant is about to be released from their custody. Continue reading

Florida governor signs bill banning sanctuary policies

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — All law enforcement agencies in Florida will have to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under a bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday during a ceremony that often felt like a campaign rally for him and President Donald Trump.

The bill prohibits local governments from enacting “sanctuary” polices that protect undocumented immigrants from deportation. It will require law enforcement to honor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers for undocumented immigrants who are arrested or convicted of a crime. It exempts crime victims and witnesses. Continue reading