Category Archives: End of Days

As we continue to witness what is taking place in this nation – I am convinced that we are facing the End of Days.

The Waltons Go To War On Ozarkia

My hometown, Bentonville, Arkansas, was a wonderful place to grow up. A community for families, it was a wholesome slice of small-town Americana that rootless corporations are attempting to ruthlessly annihilate from sea to shining sea. Bentonville, you see, is home to Walmart’s global headquarters, along with the Walton family and their Family Foundation. Worth $238 billion, the Waltons are the wealthiest family on earth. But instead of devoting their fortune to alleviating the brutal poverty that sweeps across their native Ozarks and Arkansas, the Waltons have committed their wealth to wrecking my hometown, and if they get their way, the rest of the state and country. The damage this family and its foundation has done to Bentonville, much of it through donations to openly subversive groups, is incalculable. Continue reading

A Reflection on Sr. Senator John Boozman’s (R) 20+ Years in the u.s. House and Senate

The Senator became very wealthy from two sources while residing in the House of Representatives. First, by establishing a very successful physician’s clinic, due to his position, while he is personally an optometrist. Secondly, the millions he has received in the way of government pensions and the many perks available to members of the House & Senate, e.g. inside stock trading, travel, donations, etc.

Boozman’s long tenure in D.C. began in 2001. Circa 2003 came a blazing headline in the Fort Smith Times Record stating “Boozman declares war on illegals.” Never another word or action on this alleged declaration of war until recently in another nebulous political campaign poster, “Demanded the The Department of Homeland Security provide a comprehensive review and report on the U.S. Border Crisis.” A completely nonsensical and insulting statement. He never discusses deporting illegals or securing the border. Continue reading

Hayworth: Fed program would foster drug abuse, addiction

One century, one decade and one year separate us from the birth of Ronald Reagan. With each passing day, especially in these troubling times, we are reminded of Reagan’s basic goodness and, yes, greatness.

Derided by the Manhattan elites and the Georgetown Cocktail Set as a “simpleton,” Reagan’s genius was his ability to simplify the seemingly complex. Continue reading

Duigon: Replacing God

     …facing Left – of course!

Trust the New York Times – once Josef Stalin’s cheerleader -to mark a major religious holiday by dumping on it. Something about Easter causes them to gnash their teeth.

So on Easter weekend they published an op ed, “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God.” Not that God does not exist; He does. But He’s such a meanie!

So we shouldn’t worship God because this guy doesn’t like Him. But we immediately run into a problem. If not God, then whom or what should we worship? I mean, we’re giving up God’s promise of eternal life, hope, forgiveness of sins, and rejecting truth.

Say it ain’t so! Okay – it ain’t so. We don’t have to give up those good things. We can still have them. Continue reading

The Cafeteria

Please read the paragraphs so marked ** with a broken Russian accent in mind – it’ll make more sense.

** Silly Capitalist Pigs… You know nothing about world or how it really works. You do not get to pick and choose the parts of ideology that you like or dislike. You can not choose only what you think is benefits and discard harsh reality of the bad.

Is package deal.

Oh, so you know, is no benefits.

Unless, of course, you like standing in line.

This idea emerged from a conversation with a long-time friend in the PRC – Peoples Republic of California. He’s a cafeteria socialist, like most American Socialists. The same way many Americans are cafeteria Christians, or Republicans, or god forbid, Democrats, they assert selective belief. I refer to this as the impetus of programming. Continue reading

Facebook: Expose of the Devil

My husband has said from day one that Facebook should be fun and that the moment that it stops being fun, that’s the time to stop. For me, the time to stop has arrived; it’s been a long time coming, and the train has finally arrived at the station.

The times are such that there is censorship by social media and by governments throughout the world. They impose fines and even jail for people who don’t comply with their versions in all matters. If you post something as a joke and they don’t like it, you are in danger. If you post something with pictures of people you don’t know, you are breaking their rules. By now, you know where I stand on issues, and I’ve posted many thousands of images that you can enjoy. Continue reading


When I heard that President Trump was suing Hillary Clinton over her Russia conspiracy lies, I didn’t think he had much of a chance to win his case. After all, the Deep State Swamp has Hillary’s back. Trump was unable to completely drain the swamp during his term, but at least he proved that it existed. Most of our government institutions and security agencies have become politicized. They do the bidding of the Democrat party, which in turn is controlled by the central bankers. You know, the New World Order Joe Biden likes to promote. Continue reading

Too many lies…

Unfortunately, what history we can actually know with any accuracy, has revealed to us humanity has suffered throughout, no matter when the period is. There is never a lack of suffering humanity due to the actions of twisted minds.

People follow religions that place the blame solely upon humans…giving their gods an excuse from any liability, citing nonsense such as “free will”, etc. Humanity has always been subject to frailty, literal futility, and hence had no “free will”. They were simply blamed and accused based upon the actions of a few, which is like accusing ALL airline pilots of being murderers because of one plane crash caused by faulty judgement. Continue reading

McCutchen: A warmongering American Government and a censoring Media…

…(all) carry the lies about the Ukraine

Let it be said that I have written over the years that Russia could be and should be our ally for several self-serving reasons, but always thwarted by the U.S. recently (but not the most recent) by Hillary Clinton and her mob of Democrats, Oligarchs, and others keeping ex-president Trump defending against she and their lies and litigation blaming Russia for her falsehoods. Some of the elected players in these war-starting lies are Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, etc. laying a veil of corruption over Trump’s presidency that only recently has been proven that they are the liars re: Russia! Continue reading

Finney: Honorable???

I sent the following to every Senator, every Representative, in Washington State:

Honorable [Senators, Representatives],

Among the documents that Pfizer Pharma was forced to disclose is the attached. Do you call 1,291 adverse effects a sign of a viable and safe jab? Do you believe, given this report, that you should have a right, or Governor Inslee should have the right, to force this poison on anyone?

SB 5909 is a joke, and the victim of that joke, is the people of Washington State who have suffered under the tyranny of Jay Inslee because the Washington State Legislature turned their power over to someone who is drunk on power.

None of what has transpired, regarding COVID, has followed the science. None.

Those who supported the lockdowns, the masking, and the vaccines, should resign immediately. We need responsible people who are not drunk on power doing the people’s business. Continue reading

Are we The Hollow Men?

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! ~ T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men

Drew Angerer / Getty; The Atlantic

Neville Chamberlain enabled Hitler and set WWII in motion. Biden has enabled Putin ….. AND Xi ….. and things are about to get real ugly, real quick whether America wants it or not.

Putin and Xi have engaged in joint military exercises for many years now that are focused on America as the enemy. Both men have their own designs for the world and are at odds in some regards.

But what we see in the here & now is the old adage at work that says “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

WWIII may not come this year, or next, but as for the next decade, the world will be more unsettled & dangerous than ever before, and the future doesn’t look good at all, not for America, not for the world.

This is what comes with weakness & appeasement. ~ Justin O Smith Continue reading