Category Archives: Dickens – The Amalgamated Heavy

Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

Integrity – or Lack Thereof!

My usual Saturday morning involves a cup of coffee or three. A leisurely scan of the Media Info Feeds (MIFs). And some contemplation on the alleged news as I awaken to the chaos. A noticeable lack of integrity in the morning’s observation haunted me as I read several articles. My disappointment with our lack of moral direction has been with me for some time, but today was especially bitter. We’ve crossed the line from unacceptable to “you’ve got to be shitting me!”

Deceit and dishonesty supplant American virtue, erasing the line dividing principle and ambiguity. I wonder, did we stagger into this quagmire alone, or did someone lead us over this cliff? Who’s holding the reigns?

Our moral deficiency is crucial because it impacts everything America espoused, especially our example as a world leader. We effectively transitioned from a symbol of liberty to a shining example of how to ruin a country.

Funny, here’s another misnomer – world leader.

Who’s leading who? Continue reading


Misrepresentation is the act or state of being represented incorrectly, improperly, falsely, or unsatisfactorily.

In most cases, it is an intentional misstatement of or the avoidance of facts to support or strengthen an agenda or plan.

Do you understand collateral damage? We’ve all heard the phrase in the movies and thrown about flippantly in conversation, but do you know what it is? Are you aware that it defines incidental damage for an activity? And do you ever think that adhering to the principle of the Seven Ps would eliminate this problem? Continue reading

I Wonder as I Wander

Have I learned from my great-great grandfather?

My life of late has been a blur of appointments and disappointments centered on infirmities and my questionable decisions to fix or repair self-inflicted and age-related damages.

If I’d known I would live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself… Not really… I’d do the same stupid shit that caused much of this.

At twenty years old, I was indestructible and lived that delusion. At seventy, I’m paying the price for my cavalier attitude. I can only imagine what the next twenty years will bring.

How interesting that my youth so closely parallels America. At least I’ve learned my lesson, some of them anyway. Continue reading

For What It’s Worth

A jumble of incongruities brought about by media noise and nonsense fragmented last night’s sleep. On the surface, it seems innocuous, but I’m perplexed by an annoying undercurrent that defies naming.

“There’s something happening here.
    What it is ain’t exactly clear…”

I read the news today; oh, boy, about the latest spate of new mandates, revised government positions, and fresh allegations of government malfeasance. WTFO? Continue reading

The Shape I’m In

Another sleepless night in a continuum of sleepless nights awash with absurd dreams – It’s early morning. There’s no stopping the torrent of thoughts careening through my mind, so I don’t even try. It’s all a perplexing tangle of knowledge and fear. The enigmatic reports of my overall health and the myriad things left to chance create a vexing presurgery dilemma.

One incessant, persistent thought – You don’t know The Shape I’m In.

You may quantify my physical well-being.
You may estimate my overall health on some scale.
You might even judge me as physically unfit.
What about the other part of me?
What about my mind?

I keep returning to Hippocrates’ assertion that the person and the illness are inextricably joined. He understood that health is holistic – meaning that where the mind goes, the body follows. Recent research proves that mindset has a powerful impact on our health. So says a 2021 study by Stanford University.

Funny, the shape I’m in is coincident with our society and republic. It’s all part and parcel of my uneasiness; as Hippocrates extols the link between patient and illness, I am linked to America – by choice. Continue reading


Another play on words?

Yes, Virginia, there is miss-education.

There was no contest, no interview, and no talent show. Like all the tiny Gen y and z larvae, Miss Education won the trophy for just showing up.


So are our children.

Let’s begin with disclosure.

You should all know by now that I am a married man and am best defined as an Objectivist-Libertarian; my religious learnings are mine but decidedly conservative. I find unusual sexual proclivities like homosexuality personally objectionable. While I don’t care about what happens between consenting partners, I am vehemently opposed to exposing any non-adult to what I consider deviant tendencies. Continue reading

The Wilderness

Titles are introductory pitches that coax you to discover the writer’s intent buried in their text. The idea for this series occurred to me after reading several articles and opinions in an internet information feed. It’s apparent to me that America has no direction. We appear lost in a world of bigger, better, faster efficiency – The Wilderness. We’re at the mercy of our own devices.

We have more but appreciate it less. Which makes us want even more. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

We need direction. Continue reading

Stoopid is as Stoopid Does!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. … and I’m not sure about the universe.”

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without saying anything.”

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

How long will we make the same mistakes with our government before realizing that our approach is not working? That where we are right now, where we’re going is in the wrong direction.

America, what else do you need to see, to realize that we are being bamboozled? Continue reading

The Fool on the Hill

I’ve been on this rock circling the sun more than 25,880 times.
I’ve been to war.
I’ve been wounded emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I’ve loved and lost.
I’ve seen death, and I’ve witnessed the miracle of birth.
I’ve made mistakes, but I’d like to think I’ve learned from them.
I have very few regrets.
My view is from ground level.
~ Cogito, ergo sum. What?

Are you so high up on your mountain that you can’t see through the clouds?

So high up that details are indistinguishable, and the landscape looks like a multi-colored cut-pile carpet?

Are we pieces on the chessboard of your soaring aspirations? Continue reading

The Return of the Sone of the Cold War

In 1966 an experimental musician named Frank Zappa recorded Freak Out, the first of many albums. This recording contains a cut called – The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet. It’s here – if you dare sample it. Like I said – experimental.

The recording (below) has nothing to do with this post, except I realized a variation of the title would make an excellent post when I awoke this morning. Only a few old-fart musicians will appreciate the simile.

Another Cold War is just what America needs right now… Continue reading

Has Been ~ Used To Was…

Many, many years ago, I dated a Cajun woman, a fiery green-eyed red-head with an astounding skill to turn a colloquial phrase.

Maybe it was the translation from Creole French to English and the idiomatic nuances involved. It’s a subtlety I’ve noticed when the verb precedes the subject in other languages.

It initially sounded backward, but then, I never misunderstood or lost the intent. I derived today’s title from her comment when referring to the past.

She’d say – “it used to was.”

I appreciate the expressive economy in this style of phrasing. There is no confusion between the insect or the state of existence.

I’ve co-opted this phrase to mean – Has Been, as in, “a used to was.” Continue reading

This Island America

We have met the enemy, and it is us…

We are isolated from the world by a government that controls our information. We don’t know what’s happening at home or globally, we don’t see how this country really works, and we don’t understand how it all interrelates. It’s all filtered and groomed to present the appropriate messages. We don’t know, and we don’t seem to care if it’s real or if it’s Memorex as long as it sounds good.

Even a casual scan of the news will tell you everything they deem necessary, nothing superfluous. Headlines and stories are carefully filtered and craftily worded to send the right message – the message they want us to hear, delivered by their messenger of choice, the politically partisan press. Continue reading


Ideas for my writing projects come from the strangest places. I’ve been considering a multitude of topics for several days. This idea snuck in with my first sip of coffee this morning.

I’d been considering a myriad of titles for this piece, but none of them seemed to convey the inanity. Dystopian authors don’t even stretch the limits of neglect and shortsightedness that we have in America. Continue reading

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

In 1940 Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart wrote “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” for a Broadway play titled Pal Joey, and although the lyric doesn’t track my sentiment for this post, the title of this fantastic song hits the target dead center.

The prose is about unrequited love and resulting melancholy. This post is about my incredulity: I’m bothered and bewildered – America is bewitched! Continue reading

Twelve Months

Since the end of the War of Northern Aggression, American’s have been conflicted. When this nation armed itself to proclaim that ‘might makes right,’ even at home, we entered a perpetual battle for our country. The actors change, but not the stakes. This civil war fractured this country irreparably. Just as then, the ultimate goal is control, and the DemoSocs are about to have it all. Continue reading


What luck for rules that men do not think.

“The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes.”

The introductory quotes are from Uncle Adolph, who most people despise, but I admire his ability to bend everyone to his way of thinking. I agree that he was a monster, but brilliant nonetheless. I chose these quotes for a reason I hope will become clear as you read.

I consider Hitler the progenitor of our modern politically partisan press – our lame-stream media. He also pioneered the most powerful mass-marketing process with his Landsmann Heir Goebbels. Together they crafted a diabolically professional and efficient propaganda machine that rationalized the murdered over eleven million Jews and ethnic misfits to further his ‘unification’ programs.

Before us today, we have a few instances that raise my YGBSM meter past Eleven. All of last year’s debacles are trivial in comparison. This all leads us to the inevitable fact that our government is not just morally bankrupt but wiping its feet on the constitution by intentionally disregarding our laws. All because they are inconvenient and impede their progress to further their unification agenda. Continue reading

Leadership or Lack Thereof…

China vs. America – A not-so social media post quoting Bill Maher made me consider our leadership style in America. I include a transcript of Mr. Maher’s program below – without permission – for context and clarity.

I find Mr. Bill Maher snarky and smarmy, but he makes perfect sense from time to time.

I believe the following transcript is one of his best monologues.

Why are Americans sleeping? We aren’t sleeping; we are spending our time enabling little boys to become little girls!!! We have the Sec of Defense, responding to an order from the ‘commander in chief,’ designing stylish new uniforms for pregnant ‘soldiers’ and developing racial and gender equity programs. Continue reading

Chicken & Waffles

I’m calling this article “Chicken & Waffles,” which seems appropriate since no one has the chutzpah to take control of this situation and because of the flip-flops on a Wuhan course of action. The America I love would not allow this to continue, but alas, that America is gone.

My alternate title is “The Bipolar Boogie” because of the nearly solid rhythmic frequency of the releases and reversals about the Wuhan pandemic. But we’re all groovin’ to the same lie.

America and the world are in flux – constantly changing and still held hostage by this lie. We struggle to break free, to find a way out, but a new variant pops up, and we’re back in the gulag.

Strange how that continues to happen… Boogie On! Continue reading