A Matter of Perspective?

I genuinely like early morning, so I comfortably slip into my daily routine…

The midterm elections are behind us; as I predicted, not much has changed. The DemoSocs have stolen elections in too many states. Not enough for the sheeple to notice, but the DemoSocs’ surreptitious efforts ensured enough power to carry their agenda forward for the next several years. The mid-term elections effectively gave America another dose of Hopium.

Hopium is a portmanteau of the words “hope” and “opium” used to describe a fictional drug to help one stay hopeful in times when there is none. The fictional drug acts as a ‘protective barrier that shields the love and hopes you have for your region’s teams while suppressing realistic concerns.

The DemoSoc’s theatrical antics continue unacknowledged and unabated.

The Mid-Term elections proved that there are no limits to the DemoSocs’ quest for power, and it demonstrated their hypocrisy. They opted for Uncle Festerman for congress, proving that congress is the opposite of progress.

Uncle Festerman is a newly installed marionette for the DemoSoc cabal. The elevation of Joey DF (I’ll let you decide what the DF represents) Biden to the president was a “proof of concept” maneuver. Uncle Festerman’s election proves that America has little or no choice, and the DemoSoc cabal is only interested in self-preservation.

The ruling elite knows what’s best for us and no longer need to ask us; they just do it. Just look at who the candidates were if you need proof. Each one is a rubber stamp for the DemoSoc agenda.

There is a point where America must decide how much more we’ll endure – a lie is a lie. Using perspective to obscure the truth is astonishing, and divining any shred of legitimacy is a non sequitur. We’ve lost our power to perceive right and wrong by hiding behind this concept. We’ve lost control of our country.

You can rationalize anything by changing the presentation angle. Perspective is the lenticular lens that allows anyone to change the vantage point, hiding lies and what is right and wrong and presenting deliberately deceptive pictures. We only see the view they intend us to see.

I discovered no less than 54 definitions for “right” at dictionary.com. I want to address the first and second definitions:

1. “in accordance with what is good, proper, or just.”

2. “in conformity with fact, reason, truth, of some standard of principle; correct.

Where is the truth?

Is it buried under mountains of verbiage or hidden behind a curtain of illusion?

Is it woven into a tapestry of perspective?

Is there any truth left in American politics or even in America?

Definition #2 could be interpreted in many conflicting ways simply by changing perspective. I believe the DemoSoc standard and principles to be the destruction of America; everything they do is according to their standards and principles. So they are not lying. They are faithful to these precepts. It’s not good for the country but best for them. Twisting the truth serves their purposes, and perspective hides their true intent – Socialism.

Changing the perspective makes truth lies and lies the truth. Are you confused? Good, that’s the DemoSoc design and a foundation of Socialism’s expropriation – Divide and conquer.

The Mainstream Media Mafia has all but erased honest reporting in favor of profit. In fact, profit is the truth’s murderer and the only reason for the existence of most American politicians. But it’s not just the MMM; it’s all of us.

We learned about the “little white lie” as children. We’ve heartily embraced that ploy and carried it forward to adulthood. We discovered that lying twists facts to conform to the situation and our purposes. It’s now second nature and a difficult self-perpetuating habit to break. Initially, it was to spare someone’s feelings or to make a difficult situation more palatable, but it’s become an addiction!

Can you go an entire day without lying – even to yourself? Including “little white lies,” not just the big ones… Is there any real difference between them?

It’s now an integral part of every American life. I can’t think of any aspect that is not directly impacted by lying, especially politics.

Does lying even bother you anymore, or are you so callous that you no longer feel your conscience’s tug?

A Gallup poll in December 2020 showed that 31% of American identify as Democrats, 25% as Republicans, and 41% as Independents. By August 2022, 61% of Americans had an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. The Republican party paid for their reliance on Trump, and the DemoSocs capitalized on the national hatred they fomented. Anti-Trump rhetoric has been the DemoSoc obsession since the 2016’s elections. They’ve worked diligently to refine that angst – I’d say, perfected it when you see the results of the 2022 midterms.

Isn’t this proof that the MMM has enormous sway? The MMM coverage of Joey DF Biden’s propaganda and the masterful job they did twisting facts to support the DemoSoc agenda bear this out. The limited number of appearances of his highness emperor Joey DF illustrates the MMM’s sovereignty over public opinion.

It doesn’t help our country that Joey DF Biden fills the airwaves with lies that divide, segregate, and insult 50% of the country. If you don’t follow him, vote for the DemoSoc ticket, you’re a traitor, a threat to democracy and the American way of life. I’m sure DF Biden’s denigration of Americans greatly lured Independent voters to the dark side.

I believe one of the most troubling lies regards our southern border with Mexico. The number of illegal visitors on American soil varies, but the most realistic count puts the number in the 13 million range. DF Biden’s open border policy added an estimated 6 million to that number with countess “got aways.” Curiously the DF Biden administration insists that the border is closed and secured.

Here’s their perspective…

The DF Biden administration asserts unequivocally that the southern border is closed and secure. All evidence is to the contrary, but it is because they insist it is closed and secure from their perspective. So, is it closed and secure, or is it wide open? Remember that their view says it’s closed and secure.

Now adding insult to that injury, the DemoSocs propose granting citizenship to these illegal interlopers – all 13 million. What about the 3.2 million legal visa holders? Don’t they deserve something for following the rules, or does the DemoSoc perspective reward only those who violate our laws?

What about the mostly peaceful George Floyd demonstrations in 2020 that caused over $2 Billion in damages? The MMM made Floyd a hero even though he was a felon and died of drug-induced heart failure. Yes, the police used excessive force that may have exacerbated his death. Yet, the MMM turned this felon into a national hero and excused the damages caused in his name as mostly peaceful protests.

Is this distortion of the truth or another instance of perspective?

The Supreme Court Dobbs decision (Roe v Wade) returned abortion decisions to the states citing that abortion is not a fundamental right guaranteed by the US Constitution. This decision did not strip or infringe on anyone’s constitutional rights. Yet, according to the MMM, American rights were in jeopardy, especially a woman’s right to choose what was in her best interest physically.

Again, the MMM perspective caused thousands of disenfranchised women-rights activists to burn clinics and attack anyone associated with the right-to-life movement. Even the DoJ got involved. It became a rallying point for the mid-term elections for the DemoSocs.

Here’s another distortion of perspective.

Another such distortion is the Super Duper-Uber-Anti-Ultra-Maga Movement – or Anti-Trumpism on steroids. DF Biden will do anything in his power to upstage and stop Donald Trump. Here’s another sterling example of power run amok.

Since the Russians began flexing their takeover muscles, America has given Ukraine over $16.2 billion. I understand that an additional $11 billion appropriation is before congress. There is no accounting demand or requirement to review their spending. Where is all that money going? For all we know, it’s going into Joey DF Biden’s pockets via the back-channel banking deals Hunter set up. Maybe it’s going into the DemoSoc Cartel’s coffers?

Does anyone know?

Does anyone care?

Is this yet another matter of perspective?

Where’s the truth in all of this?

Joey DF’s rapid exodus from Iraquistan is yet another tissue of lies. The military advisors warned POTUS that ISIS and the Taliban were poised and ready to retake the region – he insisted that no one told him. It took 11 days for the transfer of power to complete, and in the bargain, America gave our sworn enemies $75 Billion in high-tech hardware to sweeten the pot.

Does Joey DF Biden’s memory qualify as a perspective problem, or is this entire administration an adept legion of liars?

I believe you get the picture. Since the election of 2008, the presidential office has weaponized various departments to punish political adversaries. It began with the IRS and continued through the DoJ. Now fully weaponized, they are the enforcers and accomplices of the executive branch.

Do we really need 87,000 newly hired and armed IRS agents to investigate middle-class America’s tax returns?

The 2016 elections prove this point with Trump’s continual persecution. This harassment continues with the raid on his home and demands for personal documents. New York states AG has a personal vendetta against Trump, swearing that she will bring him down at all costs. Regardless of your opinion of Mr. Trump, no one deserves to be persecuted by the government; investigated maybe, persecuted, never!

Is this another instance of lies and perspective deflection?

Hypocrisy is at the bottom of these instances and too many others to list. The facts are skewed to provide the rationale for the actions and to justify the vitriol the MMM spews to support them. With a willing paid accomplice like the MMM, who could lose? Unnamed but reliable sources leak enough information for the MMM to develop a story; since there is no culpability and no legal restrictions, it all goes challenged and unpenalized.

Since the DemoSocs maintain control of the Senate, there will be no repercussions. Even with the Republicans controlling the House of Representatives, the DemoSoc senate will keep things neatly protracted for the foreseeable future.

It’s all a matter of perspective, keeping it all festering in the DC swamp. America hears what the DemoSocs want us to hear through their paid lackeys, the MMM. It’s all a well-oiled political machine designed to take America from the citizens one constitutional fragment at a time, right from under our noses. Since congress controls the information, there is no proof, and with no evidence, there is no cause for investigation; and investigations without authority, there is no punishment, and without penalty, there is no law.

Now there are the problems with perspective.

“I lifted up my hands and called upon eternal truth, not with words but with tears.” ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

November 29, 2022

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

2 thoughts on “A Matter of Perspective?

  1. Pingback: Broken! - The Amalgamated Heavy PostsThe Amalgamated Heavy Posts

  2. veteran

    there will be no repercussions until the sheep wake up, organize, lock and load, and take our country back by force.
    the criminal left has gotten far to big and controlling to change things legally.
    will the sheep take action. i doubt it.

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