Category Archives: Dickens – The Amalgamated Heavy

Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should…

We’re standing at the Gates of Hell.

            The Mouth of Hell by Gustave Dore

“I have the right to do anything,” you say – but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”- but I will not be mastered by anything.” ~ I Corinthians 6:12

Practical translation: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…” ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon

We live in a time and place where anything and everything is possible; even allowable, but is it right, should we do it?

That’s the question we regularly fail to ask. Is it right?
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Let THAT Sink In!

Here are some interesting points to think about prior to the November election, especially to my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents and the never Trump Republicans and those thinking of “walking away” from the Democratic party.

Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words – they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal. Continue reading

BEWARE – The Power of Suggestion

Mother, mother
Everybody thinks we’re wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us?

On July 13, 2024, there was an attempted assassination of Presidential Candidate Donald J Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. The details are unimportant. The attempted assassination is, as are the events and rhetoric leading to it. The shooter killed one, and injured two others, but failed to assassinate the past president and candidate for the 2025 seat. The would-be assassin was silenced by the Secret Service – ‘Merka‘s SS. Continue reading

‘Merka? Highway to HELL!

On the road trip that’s been my life, I’ve encountered more junctions, turn-offs, and exits than I care to count. I’ve taken a lot of domestic off-ramps, and a few foreign detours, as well. I should also mention there were many stops signs and road closed barricades on this odyssey. But I’m still driving, and for me, the best roads are the ones less traveled… Continue reading

Dickens: Where Do YOU Live?

July 2, 2024 – I’m not interested in your habitat or domicile, whether you own or rent or even free-load – I’m most interested in where your head is… what do you believe?

What you believe is where you live.

So… Where do you live?

How did you learn what you believe?

Where do you get the information that feeds those convictions?

Is the information you consume positive, negative, or hopefully factual – unbiased, not anecdotal, circumstantial or based on rumors, innuendos and lies.

Do you trust your sources to provide unvarnished – true and honest data – or is what you consume interpreted to fit a political narrative; most commonly – disinformation, malinformation, and misinformation.

Are you looking for affirmation and validation for your views, or do you want to learn more? Continue reading

Dickens: Knowledge!

What we know is all based on lies, rumors, and media-fueled hysteria.

My lead-line is an intentional generalization. I want you to think about what it says, then consider why it seems hyperbolic – an exaggerated claim.

Of course, there are things we know to be true – it’s proven 2+2=4, right is the opposite of left, up is the opposite of down, gravity is how we define the attractive force that keeps us from disintegrating and floating away.

We accept that the √ of -1 is unsolvable and calculating Pi results in an infinitely repeating decimal.

Still, there are many things about which I remain skeptical… dubious… I know the answers personally, but I want you to consider your personal perspective. Is it what you truly believe, accept or conclude; or are your concepts and ideas programmed responses from the Corporate Media Complex (CMC) programming?

Why do you believe what you believe – where did that belief originate? Continue reading

Dickens: What Have We Done?

Dickens is ANGRY!

In early 2015, the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) and the Make America Great Again party (MAGA) began stoking the fires of descent for the coming election cycles. This was not the first salvo or engagement; nor will it be their final offensive. This began a very long time ago in this republic.

This is the status quo – nothing new.

Merka has been on this self-destructive track from the very beginning of this commonwealth when we decided to begin the “Great Experiment” as George Washington called it. Our choice, ‘The Constitutional Republic,’ was our administrative management selection. It’s a double-edged sword, cutting both ways. It works well in consideration of moral and ethical goals, but it’s an equally effective tool of destruction when ethics and morals are ignored. Continue reading

Dickens: The Punchbowl & the Turd, Therein…

Here’s an interesting idiomatic argot to begin this commentary, but that’s what I do; isn’t it…

This metaphoric title is powered by a particularly vivid contrast: “the inviting sensory appeal of a festive beverage juxtaposed with the revolting suggestion of feculent contagion.”


Someone or something that spoils, ruins, or needlessly complicates a situation or circumstance; a disagreeable nuisance or source of irritation.” Continue reading

Dickens: Circling the Drain

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” ~ George Orwell

It means “the rapid decline of a state or its downfall, especially leading to its inevitable utter failure or destruction.”

The title is a metaphor. Picture water going down the drain in a toilet. It forms an eddy, the water swirling in a circular fashion as the bowl empties, until only a small amount remains, slowly circling the drain until it finally disappears.

Listen closely…

Do you hear that sound?

The one that sounds like a flushing toilet.

It should sound familiar…

It’s the sound of our constitutional republic going down the drain…

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It’s Time to Call it What it Is ~ BULLSHIT!!!

                           Dickens is ANGRY!

I preface this commentary with an expiation for frequently using coarse language and its use in the title. Unfortunately, it’s the one word that encapsulates and concisely captures the essence of my feelings about most governmental, political, social, and economic implications. I don’t want to seem erudite or elite. I am an auto-didactic polymath, committed to the fundamentals of this republic.

I’ve been asked to be more circumspect with my selection of expletives. I will therefore use my acumen with our language and find appropriate expressions going forward and only use imprecation judiciously; as needs must.

If my use of objectionable or offensive words causes you annoyance, I apologize. It is never my intent to aggrieve anyone, I only wish to open closed minds to alternatives and possibilities. Sometimes linguistic shock is the only arrow in the quiver to get the job done. It’s been my experience that when people are shocked by uncomfortable words or deeds, they are often in need of a few disconcerting inferences to awaken them to the harsh realities of a boorish world.

Am I not allowed the same latitude as our government by the first amendment? I don’t misrepresent events or facts intentionally to deceive as they do; my ethics and morals forestall hypocrisy. So, in deference to your sensitivity, I’ll tailor my language to accommodate this request.

I find most of what our government does and says quite repugnant, yet entreaties to stop, go unattended, but I will endeavor to persevere, being more aware of my prose.

Society has become so fake that the truth actually bothers people. ~ C.R. Dickens
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The Partisan Wars – and then There Was One

The United States of America: (1776 – 2021)

‘‘So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death . . .’’

The United States of America, as a republic, was a battleground from its inception, ruptured by partisan politicians, consumed by cultist political dogma, whose myopic goals of apotheosis (elevating a person to the rank of god) and control, became all consuming.

The republic and average citizens are casualties in this war. There are no safe spaces or places, and everyone is affected, effected, impacted, injured, and involved by the actions of the cohort of elected representatives whose deeds have destroyed the republic they swore a sacred oath to protect. Continue reading

Why Bother…

    We are TRULY living in a Bleak House!

I’ve been waffling about continuing my writing. I quit writing several months ago because I saw the futility in opening minds. I realized that indoctrination and programming were too deeply ingrained, moving the improbability marker to 9.8 out of 10, meaning that any chance of success was extremely low. But being an optimist… you know the rest.

My only hope is that somewhere in the 330 million people in America, or nearly eight billion people in the world, there may be a few willing to consider a disparate opinion, or diverse point of view.

Maybe I could reach a few curious minds.

Or am I deluded?

Am I alone, facing this daunting task and dilemma?

I feel like I’m pissing on a forest fire, hoping to put it out, or into the ocean expecting an appreciable rise in the level. Continue reading

Who Are You, to tell me what to do?

Pride Goes Before Destruction…

Dickens is ANGRY!

Proverbs 16: 18 states – “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” It means that people who are overconfident or too arrogant are likely to fail.

This title comes from Proverbs. I use biblical quotes, and proverbs, because they are insightful and intuitive, and because the wisdom and common sense they contain is universally appropriate regardless of the source. I’m not religious, but aware.

Proverbs, a book of the Cristian Bible, is believed to be written between 970 and 697 BCE: or there about, is a book of Jewish wisdom composed in Hebrew to educate Jewish readers. Amazingly, it’s apropos to our modern times 2,860 years later – give or take a few. In case you’re wondering, it 5784 on the Hebrew calendar. Continue reading

The American Apocalypse: The End of the Line…

It’s not enough that you BELIEVE what you see…
You must also understand WHAT you see… ~ Da Vinci

Last year, around this time, I began writing a book I call the ‘American Apocalypse.’ The concept occurred to me while reading The Revelation to John. I realized there was much more in the texts than the end of civilization. It parallels our current times, as do many biblical texts and prophetic writings.

Could it possibly be, nothing really changes through the millennia, and that the problems facing our ancestors are the same, with different names…

They’re warnings.

My book nor this commentary are about biblical interpretations or insights, although I do use biblical references, it’s about my realization, my awakening to America’s situation and direction over the past 48 years.

My book, and this article, are my observations, and opinion based on what I see, test, and comprehend. Continue reading

Dickens: They’re Transplants?

“They come here to live and bring their baggage with them, transforming their new home into the place they just left.”

                      The Amalgamated Heavy

April 4, 2024 ~ I’m genuinely amazed by the source of my inspiration. Sometimes, it is a book or story, and often, it is a simple word that triggers my creative thoughts, so it is with this commentary.

My wife and I began watching the TV series Yellowstone again. We enjoyed it the first time, but I wanted to watch it again from a different perspective. It had been a couple of years since our previous encounter with the series, and I have a deeper understanding of the use of color and music in films, especially in advertising. But art and color are more overt in advertising – they’re more in your face because they only have a short time to hook, coerce, and program you.

Film is a different medium because they have more time to develop the story and the supporting programming elements. They can take you on an expedition of indoctrination using color, location, and music to enhance the message. Continue reading

The Program – Programmed by the Programmers – Programming…

“Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what you think…”

While my wife and I watched a particularly engaging action movie, she remarked…

I wonder how many people see this as reality. Do you think they know this is just entertainment, or do they think this is real?

Her perspective is spot on and the impetus for this opinion piece.

The episode portrayed Russia in a particularly antagonistic light and America as the Knights in shining armor… as one would expect. The program gave rise to an intriguing conversation about what we see and believe. Continue reading

This Is WAR!

It’s that time of year again; the old duffer in the President’s Palace threw down the gauntlet during his State of the (dis)Union Address a few weeks ago…

Did you watch or listen to the antediluvian (ancient) leader of the republic?

Boy, you missed a terrific opportunity to see what the maximum dosage of pharmaceutical-grade stimulants and several Grande Espressos will do to a publicly broadcast Congressional address.

The NASP turned up the juice to max for this show. Biden knew this turn on camera was for all the marbles. He’s been playing this game for fifty years. He knows the rules and what’s at stake. He also knows to follow directions; too bad he doesn’t remember ‘what they are’, for more than thirty seconds.

Biden threw down the gauntlet on the republic by affirming all-out war. Continue reading

Masque of the Red Death

I’m in a battle of wits and realize that my opponent is unarmed – maybe they just don’t care, choosing ignorance and agnosticism over knowing.

I don’t fault them because I see two figures under that robe…

I’ll open with an excerpt I’ve used several times. I introduce it, bridging a chasm between then and now – 1843 and 2024 – and introducing metaphoric rhetoric from two very different authors pertinent to this article. Continue reading

“Never More…”

The refrain from Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven” suggests an alluring title for curious reasons; it encapsulates sentiments I’ve held for a very long time and leads in some fascinating directions.

In Poe’s poem ‘The Raven,’ the Raven symbolizes a mournful, never-ending remembrance and sorrow for his lost, perfect maiden, Lenore, who is the driving force behind his conversation with the Raven.

* If you’re interested, you can find the poem on the interweb; perhaps you have the book.

The maiden Lenore, in my case, is the republic as I learned it, and my sweet remembrances of the lovely maiden it was. Maiden, in this case, refers to a female virgin – someone not sullied, soiled, or tarnished.

Get the picture? Continue reading

What’s Next? – Another Civil War?

I know about too many things that no longer matter, antiquated ideals like honor, and commitment.

I understand what words actually mean; I use them carefully.

I defend the need for police, law, and order; I embrace the intent of our laws and the Constitution.

I know right from wrong; I learned it from my parents, church, and school.

I know that lying is wrong and I cannot rationalize it as free speech or freedom of expression the way our government or mainstream media does. Claiming that a lie is protected by ‘freedom of the press’ does NOT make it true or acceptable. Continue reading