Dickens: Fortitude and Stick-To-It-ivness!

“The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it’s difficult or unpleasant.”

Uncle Charles

Another word that comes to mind is tenacity:

* the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.

* the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

I’m going to pose an unpleasant question to consider: Do we, as citizens of this republic, have the determination to do what’s necessary, to right and repair our foundering ship of state, or will we skirt these weighty and formidable tasks essential to overhaul our constitutional republic when they require our involvement or approval, just like we’ve abandoned every difficult task since 1960.

Will we make sacrifices if they are necessary?

Does anyone remember the rationing of scarce items during WWI and WWII? If not, please refer to the omniscient inter-web for more information. Americans were firmly behind these efforts. Will these requisite repairs to America require our sacrifices? I’m sure they will, but having a savvy businessman running the country, I doubt we’ll face rationing, but I think the needs will be more about the personal commitment to the changes.

Things like:

– Concentrating our thoughts and actions on resolutions and not blame.

– Putting an end to divisive partisan political accusations

– Stop lying to garner power

– Unifying the republic; we are one republic with a variety of components and constituent parts. Are we not stronger when unified, rather than fractured by petty differences?

We are one country: one republic. The reason for political parties only applies to elections, to select our leadership and representation, not for the management of our republic. We’ve chosen our leaders, why are we trying to undo everything we accomplished, tearing it down with the intent of rebuilding it in a new image under different leadership.

The election is OVER! The citizens have chosen, spoken. Get over it and save the republic, because this partisan political feud only encourages and emboldens the sectarian animosity that has fractured our republic. We have the Corporate Media Complex to thank for propagating the hateful rhetoric, and engraining the disinformation, malinformation, and misinformation in the American psyche. I do not indict the CMC alone; the partisan political parties have done yeoman work all on their own to foster this division, in order to grab partisan political power.

Over these past few days, post-election, the Left, the NASP, have been replete with accusations and blame. They are hunting for the one person, or single tactic that cost them the election. Why can’t they see that the American populace chose the other candidate, but they need to reconcile the reasons or facts, or find the culprit that caused the loss. Why can’t they admit that they simply lost because their candidates didn’t offer the voters what they wanted.

Maybe, instead of TELLING us what we want, they should listen…

“We have two ears, one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.” ~ Epictetus

I’m not saying that sacrifice will be needed, but if we need to make significant changes, will we make them? Do we have the appetite, the passion, sticktoitiveness?

Most of our systems are broken. The United States Constitution is the doormat at our borders, and every invader that enters this country wipes their feet on it as they cross illegally. One of the major partisan political parties used every nefarious device and tactic ever devised to fracture this republic. They support the rejection of our constitution because ignoring it, suits their purposes. The United States Constitution stands between their aspiration of imperious power and dictatorial rule.

Their Ends Justify the Means…


The best way to wrest power and conquer a country, is to first divide it by attacking its fundamentals of ethics, laws, and morality; and then move against its citizens. A quick review of every socialist coup, parallels these steps in our republic. Genghis Kahn perfected this process in the 12th century as he conquered most of Asia, and nearly the known world. Hitler and Marx adopted this approach; in fact, they used it to perfection in their conquests of Europe.

“Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.”

But you see, these despots and megalomaniacs didn’t ignore history; they learned from it. Therein lies there power. We on the other hand, ignore these events, and choose to ‘turn a blind eye’ or ‘pretend not to notice’ as they replay these historic events, ignoring their cataclysmic cautions.

Are you aware of Genghis Kahns’ most famous quote?

“I am the punishment of God… if you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” ~ Genghis Kahn

Perhaps you’re familiar with the paraphrased versions. It’s been used in various forms to frighten believers and foment the idea of retribution for the past nine-centuries. It’s a favorite of atheists and skeptics insisting that God is vengeful… and that He will seek retribution for transgressions.

Will we endeavor to persevere and fix the problems we’ve allowed, or will we lose interest, or admit that we’re no longer willing to commit?

Can we be honest with ourselves and each other; admit that we created these problems, and that only we can fix them?

There is no doubt that this republic has multiple broken systems and that we’ve conquered monumental tasks in the past, but there are a couple of major differences. In the past:

1. America united to accomplish them…

2. America united to approve them because they were in our best interest…

3. Americans’ agreed that these changes were necessary for our collective survival and for us to prosper.

Who broke them, and why, is not the point of this commentary. I want you to consider if this republic has the fortitude to follow through to fix the broken processes, departments, and functions, because if we’re unsure or reticent, we should stop now and not waste the time, effort, or money. We should return control to the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP).

America recently took the first steps toward mending the damage our complacency has condoned over the past 30 years. We elected the person with the skills and chutzpah to make it happen. We sorely needed business-like leadership in this republic. We didn’t need another decade or two of the NASP or partisan political pandering and propaganda.

Are Americans’ courageous enough, or tough enough to tackle this project; and yes, this will be a project because there are too many broken pieces of this republic requiring overhaul. It’s a massive undertaking; but if we are to emerge from this effort as the show-piece this republic once was, we will endure this monumental enterprise.

We will need a consummate business-like approach, not the petty bickering so prevalent in Partisan Politics. We need united leadership, and to accomplish this metamorphosis, we’ll need everyone to cooperate for the good of the republic. There is no room for NASP narcissists, because their aims are attaining self-serving power through divisive tactics, not requisite unity. The Lefts’, progressive-big-government socialism, has been chipping away at our foundation, The US Constitution, for the past 75 years, using the divide and conquer process.

A report by Statista from October 2024, shows that there are 19.6 million people in government. Most of these bureaucratic-employees make binding policies and create regulations, but are not elected, but appointed. These congressionally-unapproved restrictions and mandates, have seriously damaged and hobbled progress in favor of bureaucratic power and control.

Are you willing to commit to taking the steps necessary to rehabilitate this republic?

In 2022, I was told that I would need to have both knees replaced. I knew the process would be difficult, would require total commitment to rehabilitation, and the surgeon urged physical therapy to succeed. My choices were to commit totally, partially, or not at all.

America’s choices are similar for our reclamation. Fixing these problems correctly is critical to the survival and prosperity of this republic. If our collective goal is to recapture constitutional restraint and oversight, we need to take congressionally approved actions and stay the course. Any deviation will nullify incremental progress, returning us to the beginning, and possibly sabotage any hope for recovery.

My point of view argues that this is probably our last chance. We have a business-minded leader with the acumen to see this through to completion. My best hope is that the team he builds will have the strength to develop, design the steps, and chart the course for those who will follow.

I fully expect the other party, the NASP, to block progress at every possible turn. They will use every nefarious trick and tactic to derail the process whenever possible. The real issue facing America, this republic, is the concept of power for its own sake.

Lord Acton said: ”Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

I see the adjunct to this, the driving force, the impetus for this pursuit of power to be absolutism; the other word for this is ‘Autocracy’.

We’ve already chosen, embraced, all of the admonitions and predictions of past leaders:

– We’ve traded our liberty for security, against the warning of Ben Franklin; now we have the Patriot Act, the TSA, and the Weaponized DoJ.

– Alexander Hamilton warned: “Give all power to the many, they will oppress the few, Give all power to the few, and they will oppress the many.” We have a nearly totalitarian government that will do everything possible to maintain absolute control.

– Marcus Tullius Cicero told us about the six mistakes we make century after century:

o Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others.
o Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
o Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
o Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
o Neglecting development and refinement of the mind.
o Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.”

– Proverbs 21: 10 -11 tells us: “The wicked crave evil; their neighbors get no mercy from them. When a mocker is punished, the simple gain wisdom; by paying attention to the wise they get knowledge.”

– “When a true genius (leader) appears in the world, you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” ~ Jonathan Swift

– “The Republic is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

– Marxists view education: “as a tool for the ruling class to maintain capitalist domination of society. By producing passive workers and ensuring cultural reproduction, education is a powerful mechanism for ruling class control. Class inequalities are legitimated thus the capitalist system is never challenged.”

I hope these quotes above stimulate you to think about the decisions, and the many choices facing this republic. They come from our past, from people we honor, and fear, because of the wisdom they’ve offered based, on their observations, insights, and experiences. This history is available to everyone curious enough to discover it, contemplate it, and apply it.

I’ll close with a note posted at the gates of a South African University:

Destroying any nature does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles… It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students.

Patients die at the hands of such doctors…

Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers…

Money is lost at the hands of such economists and accountants…

Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars…

Justice is lost at the hands of such judges…

The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation…”

So, we’ve been warned by our founders, and we’ve been warned throughout history, and we have before us a golden opportunity to put all of this wisdom and knowledge to use. The burning question is: What will we do with it… I have my own thoughts and ideas. I’ll save them for another time, but let’s just say that I hope we’ll take the right steps to fix the things we’ve broken, allowed to be corrupted, or just plain “F’d” up.

What we do remains to be seen…

Do we have the fortitude?

“Maybe if we tell people that the brain is an app… they’ll start using it… ~ Daffy Duck

November 11, 2024

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

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