Dickens: Come to the Circus – the Greatest Show on Earth!

Niccolò Machiavelli, Patron Saint of Justification ~ Especially America’s Government

I frequently refer to Machiavelli’s famous quote as the ultimate justification and excuse for many of the decisions made by our government. I have no tangible proof for my assertion, what I do have is anecdotal and circumstantial at best, yet correlating the evidence with Machiavelli’s statement requires little imagination, and only an elementary understanding, and comprehension of the vicious circle of administrative actions.

To quote Kackling Kamala – “… See it with your own eyes…”

Yes, this is a mantra used by every government on this planet needing to condone or defend their decisions or plans.

My introduction to Machiavelli came from research for an article I wrote several years ago. The more I read, the more I could appreciate his views and distain for the misuse of rationalization. Afterall, he did develop the concept of Hell in nine-levels. Now there’s some titillating reading.

The statement ‘the ends justify the means’ implies that the goal is morally important enough to justify any action or necessary cruelty to accomplish it. This ideology is called consequentialism. It allows that the effectiveness of a policy can be judged by its outcome, not its ethics, morals, or incidental impacts, or collateral damage.

The proper term is rationalization.


1. the act or process of ascribing one’s actions, opinions, etc., to causes that seem reasonable and valid but are actually unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious, and often less complimentary ones:

2. the act or process of making something conformable to reason or to the principle that reason is the highest authority for truth:

a. Think Politics…

I offer these definitions because we frequently use words that have an acquired colloquial meaning instead of the correct definition and meaning.

There is a quote in the Princess Bride that summarizes this quite nicely.

– Vizzini – continually uses the word inconceivable.

Inigo remarks: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

This is so very true of most Merkan’s and how we adapt or redefine words to our purposes. Sometimes, it’s necessary to return to the intended meanings for clarity.

Jeff Bennett recently published my treatise on Lying. [Lies, Lies, Lies and MORE Lies!]

It correlates with this essay nicely.

Sheeple May Safely Graze

Lying’s become a mainstay in Merkan politics, and the unintended consequence, and its repercussions, can be seen throughout the republic. The rationale that if it’s good for the gubmint it’s good for the sheeple is presupposed as true, yet falsification remains the exclusive purview of politics where anything may be justified as politically expedient, but prevarication for personal gain is unethical and immoral – still a sin.

Since most Merkan’s are presumed to be sheeple lacking basic discernment, they understandably assume that lying is advantageous and no longer a transgression because our government does it all the time. We have even gone so far as to constitutionally protect lying. The US Supreme Court decided in October 2022 that there is justification for falsifying, and that it is protected under the First Amendment regarding free speech. [When are Lies Constitutionally protected]

It’s a rather complex explanation suggesting that using this proviso should only be undertaken by professional partisan political proxy’s – lawyers (Lieyers?).

So much for the Ten Commandments, or other ethical and moral codes… Actually, now that I think about it, all of the commandments are null and void in Merka. You see… ‘The Ends do Justify the Means...‘ The only remaining sliver of decency are those we embrace personally, as our morality and our adherence to our beliefs or that our ideologies suggest.

I have a problem with the idea that we can rationalize away the foundational basis of our republic. How can I compromise my ethics and morals to permit something I know to be wrong, because I want it to be permissible for my benefit?

When I lie, I transgress one of God’s laws. In actuality, braking one law breaks them all in the biblical sense. Lying is wrong as the Bible, my ethics and morals tell me, but when I adopt the Machiavellian viewpoint, everything is permissible.

I had a similar issue with killing, while participating in the Vietnam war. I accepted America’s general rationalization because the ends seemed to justify the means. It wasn’t until I learned why America was involved, that I began to realize that I’d bought into the endless stream of lies by my government; a realization I carry to this day.

– I am a firm believer in protecting this country in times of peril, but waging war to fill the coffers of some weapons manufacturer through the Military Industrial Congressional Complex is another thing entirely.

– I am also proud that I volunteered to serve my country – and in keeping with my oath of enlistment, I plan to continue defending this republic from all enemies, foreign and especially domestic.

Simplifying our present national lack of morality, ethics, and accountability using Machiavelli’s rationale, explains how we’ve arrived at this particular point on this very slippery slope. You see, there are no limits, or caveats, or guardrails regarding rationalization.

Why stop with lies?

Adultery seems like an interesting activity; I can satisfy my lusts.

What about theft? I want it, why can’t I simply take it.

What about abandoning our concept of a Higher Power – A Supreme Being? Why do I owe that entity anything… I can simply rationalize it away; God no longer fits my needs.

Then there’s lying… bearing false witness. This is the one that brought us to the brink of oblivion and if we’re not very careful will push us over the edge. It’s election season… and everybody’s selling their candidate – the need to win in order to shape this republic to fit their ideology. Ask yourself… What was so wrong with America that it needed a fundamental transformation and an ideological shift of this magnitude?

There’s a very old saying… If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

America wasn’t broken, it only required some minor adjustments. Oh, by the way, our constitution has provisions to do that very thing. So, we don’t need fundamental changes; we need a few tweaks… And that doesn’t demand an ideological shift or intrinsic constitutional changes to any new ‘ism, social, communal, or otherwise.

I can sense your consternation and skepticism.

Let’s examine a few recent Machiavellian rationalizations in our modern republic.

The Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP), the Democrat Party needed Trump out of the way to win the election. So, they create scenarios in which he is accused,prosecuted, and convicted by a weaponized Department of Justice (DoJ) for alleged violations of fabricated and creatively interpreted laws, so the NASP could use the appellation ‘Convicted Fellon’ in their political ads.

This Weaponized-DoJ (W-DoJ) circumvented our constitution to further harass and hector Trump in NASP-friendly states and jurisdictions for all manner of contrived and creative interpretation of laws, none of which are valid, but that create the appearance of illicit activities.

The W-DoJ selectively applies laws disparately, depending on the political affiliation of the individual.

Trump allegedly had classified documents in his Florida residence – the FBI raided his home in riot gear with multiple agents. They discovered the documents secured as recommended by the Department of Defense, moved the documents, unpacked them, added classification cards, and displayed them on the floor, to be photographed. The evidence was ‘tampered with’ and therefore inadmissible.

                Chinee Joe Buy Deng

Yet Biden has multiple cartons of classified documents in his beach house, in a rental storage locker, in the Chinese University in Delaware, in the Penn Center in DC, and stacked in the garage near his car. He was given a pass. The FBI called his attorneys, who promised to clean up the mess, and nothing else was ever said.

The idea of weaponizing the DoJ was to smear one candidate and elevate the other by using a different scale to weigh the infractions, and to pass summary judgement in the media, rather than through the judicial system.

The NASP exacted their desired results in every extra-judicial attempt. Trump was convicted in the court of public opinion on every count. The court system worked as designed as several of the allegations were judged as spurious, and overturned in higher courts, but the desired effect was achieved. Trump was convicted of felony charges, and the NASP had their desired advertising moniker – FELLON!

The extended impact of all of this legal activity was the cost to the Trump Organization of over $52 million in legal fees, and $500k in deposits required to allow the appeals in NY State courts.

Even as a casual observer, this appears to be the weaponization of our legal system to persecute a political opponent. It’s prohibited by our constitutional law, but appropriate in partisan politics because… The Ends Justify the Means.

The election season is upon us, like the plague of locusts in ancient Egypt. Every bit of credibility is consumed by the political candidates as they tout their policies and demean their opponents. It’s all about unfulfillable promises, impossible policies, and conveniently misremembered self-aggrandizing experiences to create a superhuman persona attractive to their constituents and polled voters. The truth is on the convention room floor under the confetti, balloons, and trampled political paraphernalia. It’s a misremembered fabrication, in the partisan political profusion of prevarications and sophistry.

It relies on limited memories and voter inability to think past the glitz and glamor. The voter’s limited recall is key to this political pageantry. What we remember is carefully programmed, it’s not substantive, but implied. There is too much to absorb and process. It’s an overload of sights, sounds, and speeches. It’s a sensory cacophony intended to mix messaging with implied content and bombard the observer with too much of everything.

It’s a political three-ring circus –

Pure entertainment to excuse the lies. And the lies exist to convince the observer that this partisan politician is the person to provide everything you could ever want.

It’s advertising on a grand scale. It’s a commercial to entice you to trade your vote for an unfulfillable pledge.

It’s not a lie… because The Ends Justify the Means… They need your vote so they will promise you anything and everything in trade to obtain it… and I do mean everything…

Here’s a short list of rationalization:

– Student Loan Forgiveness

– $25,000 for first time home buyers

– No tax on tips

– No taxes on social security payments for seniors

– Reduced tax base

– Free Healthcare

– Free Education

– Closed and secure borders

– Exportation of Illegals

– Revised Immigration Laws

– Abortion on demand

– Women’s health rights

– Taxes on unrealized capital gains

– Ending personal private health insurance

– Citizenship for all invaders

– Increased taxes for billionaires

I could go on, but I believe that these typify the art of rationalization – where the reality is opposite to the morality and ethics of the topic. It’s crucial to appreciate the finer points on either side of these issues, and that our constitution supports personal opinions, and they must be acknowledged and welcomed.

Every decision of the past 3½ years was made using this Machiavellian justification. I’m sure if I looked deeper, I could go much further back into our history, but I think I’ve made my point.

I want to use my remaining space to deal with political prevarication.

It’s 57 days to the election – at the time I began this post, and I can’t believe what I see in this partisan political contest for the Presidency of the United States of America. If I was to step out of this reality and view this situation – election – as an outsider, I would be hard pressed to believe that this is the greatest country on Earth – or that is ever was.

I will not stoop to bashing America, that would be too easy, there are too many examples the cite and to substantiate my thesis. Our country’s political parties are completely and utterly disconnected from the Republic created and ratified into life in 1788. We no longer represent or espouse the principles in that brilliant and most profound document. It took a little less than 230 years to undo everything that went before. Political partisans work tirelessly to undo its most defining precepts, and labor now to destroy the doctrine that made our constitution, and this republic, the wonder and envy of the world.

This is the year 2024, it’s the final day of August and there are 57 days remaining until the presidential election for 2025. Early voting begins in several states in a couple of weeks, and the general election is on November 5th. This is a typical election in the predictable descending ethical and moral decline of this republic.

The US Constitution has been eviscerated by continual attacks from socialist agents rendering it impotent by the siege of compromises, by those who demand that their way of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) superseding those of the republic and the majority.

Continual pounding from the accusing battering-ram of systemic, endemic racism breached the doors reasonable communications allowing the loud voice of radical intention to win the war of perception and optics. It’s all about the money, never about substance or what’s best for the republic.

There is no equity unless everyone has the same as everyone else.

There is no equality unless everyone is the same.

Everyone must be included if everything is to be equal and equitable.

The end result will be that no one will have anything… just like every other socialist shit-hole on this rock.

“That End Justifies the Means…”

For the past eight years every Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) political cannon has been trained on and fired at candidate, DJ Trump. Every possible lie and judicial trick, and charade has been played to prevent his election – reelection; to disparage and besmirch him. He’s been called everything from a pirate to Hitler by his opponents. He’s been attacked by the administrations weaponized Department of Justice for every manner of crime, legal or imaginary, and the onslaught continues to this day.

This is no end of the allegations or accusations against this man. They will continue until he is utterly defeated!

There are signs that the Obama Reich will continue this persecution well past the election in November, and if Trump wins, it will no doubt continue for the next five years.

The NASP goal – national domination… Why would they worry about their disregard of morality or ethics and exposures by inadvertent leak of whistle-blowers. They have the Corporate Media Complex to cover it up and spin a new innocuous narrative to rationalize it all away – and blame it on the opposition party, and their Weaponized DoJ to prosecute or bury the culprits.

The Price?The Destruction of America!

Their End Justifies the Means – it’s too bad the citizens of this once great nation are in the way…

We’re collateral damage…

How does it feel to be an after-thought?

September 9, 2024

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brought him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

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