Hilda-Mae Thudpucker and Hugo Halfenbarfer
Are you a ‘News Junky‘ waiting for the dirt about the partisan politician on the other side of the aisle, or who’s about to invade Liechtenstein, or if the Chinese Communist Party will order North Korean take-out for their next Party Meeting, or if Hilda-Mae Thudpucker will divorce Hugo Halfenbarfer, the under-secretary for the Poughkeepsie City Librarian Coalition for the Equitable Treatment of Captive Koalas (PCLCETCK)?
Does this sound silly? It’s intended too. Yet no more insipid than the garbage overflowing from the landfill that is the DC Swamp. Most states forbid ‘trash-pickers’, those who rummage through societies refuse, but this seems to be the exclusive source of the Corporate Media Complex (CMC), and if they can’t find any discards, they will invent them to feed the gaslighting, disinformation, malinformation, misinformation, and mendacity machine cranking out their moronic messaging. The CMC thrives on anything unpleasant and unfavorable.
AI tells me: “People tend to gravitate towards bad news because of a psychological phenomenon called ‘negativity bias’, where our brains are naturally wired to pay more attention to negative information than positive information, often stemming from an evolutionary need to be alert to potential threats and dangers; essentially, bad news can signal a need to take action to avoid harm.” Continue reading →