Category Archives: Dickens – The Amalgamated Heavy

Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

Dickens: Treasonous America? “It Can’t Happen Here…”

It Can’t Happen Here! ~ Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention… (1966)

I chose this piece precisely because of the intentional discord and how it typifies the dissonance in our republic, particularly in Congress, the opposite of progress.

America will never be a Socialist or Communist country.” ~ Donald J Trump… 2016

It can’t happen here…

Well, guess what campers… It did… Continue reading

Dickens: Merka’s New Curse Words… Oh, the Humanity!!!!!

WARNING: this post contains language that you may find offensive – (Especially if you’re liberal!)

I want to introduce some new curse words from the Merkan Left’s lexicon. The CMC and Congress, the opposite of progress, use these words glibly in conversation to agitate their constituent base and inform the Right-Wingnuts of the connotation change from acceptable to repugnant. Continue reading

Dickens: What God Hath Wrought

The title ‘What God Hath Wrought‘ has been a recurring theme in our history. It symbolizes our reverence for technological progress and serves as a poignant reminder of the potential harm that can arise from the misuse of our advancements.

Beware the Djinn.

– AI The word djinn comes from the Arabic jinn, a plural noun that means both “demons or spirits” and also, literally, “hidden from sight.” The word genie shares the same Arabic root.

My title comes from the Biblical Book of Numbers 23:23, which Samuel Morris used in 1844 to demonstrate his telegraph, marking the technological beginning of a new communication age.

In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone, forever altering our communication. Its first successful connection in March of that year marked a pivotal moment in history.

A few years later, in 1897, Guglielmo Marconi introduced his wireless radio, a groundbreaking invention that sent a simple message through the air, without the need for wires. This marked a significant leap in global communication.

The world, especially our world, will never be the same. Continue reading

Dickens: Fat Cats – Bureaucrats and Sewer Rats!

CON-gress – The Opposite of Progress

During his life, from 1879 to 1935, William Penn Adair Rogers, ‘Will Rogers,’ made some insightful observations about our republic, especially regarding branches of our government.

He asked this leading question: “If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of Congress?

The subtitle answers the question, “Congress is the opposite of progress.”
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Dickens: Focus Pocus – Domin Okus!

About the Title…

The late 1960s brought fascinating music from unexpected places to the world. One particular group, Focus, was from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The song was Focus-Pocus, a manic composition that typifies the wild energy of those times and underscores abandonment and its inclination toward anarchy. There were myriad other bands and recordings, but this one fits nicely with this article’s title and direction.

We’re off track as a society, a nation, and a race. A segment of our culture seeks to return to a more rational and constitutionally-based way of life and social organization, while the remainder embraces the chaos they created because it allows them to disregard the ethics and morals that inhibits their ego-centric pursuit of self above all else. This is the Will to Power – the rationale to justify what Machiavelli wrote about in the 16th century. I’ve used this quote several times in other articles, but it plays nicely in this one. Continue reading

Dickens: The Wrath of CON-gress… in Opposition to Progress

Yes, Trekkies, it’s a play on a movie title from 1982, ‘The Wrath of Khan‘. It seems appropriate because the movie, like the 119th congress, deals with revenge and the overwhelming motivation for retribution in the acquisition of power. You know –  Polly-tics.

Admittedly, I rarely watch congressional swamp-meets because they are nothing more than reenactments of playground quarrels over a ball, or a space in the sandbox, or a bucket and shovel; all are childish arguments about control, and an object lesson in one-upmanship. The difference here is that congress – the opposite of progress, is populated by self-professed, professional custodians, elected adults – hired by us, to manage the country. These are the people in whom we have placed our trust, to follow our laws and represent us. Continue reading

Dickens: Belly-Up To The Bullshit Buffet, You “Spoon Fed ‘Merkans

                    Hilda-Mae Thudpucker and Hugo Halfenbarfer

Are you a ‘News Junky‘ waiting for the dirt about the partisan politician on the other side of the aisle, or who’s about to invade Liechtenstein, or if the Chinese Communist Party will order North Korean take-out for their next Party Meeting, or if Hilda-Mae Thudpucker will divorce Hugo Halfenbarfer, the under-secretary for the Poughkeepsie City Librarian Coalition for the Equitable Treatment of Captive Koalas (PCLCETCK)?

Does this sound silly? It’s intended too. Yet no more insipid than the garbage overflowing from the landfill that is the DC Swamp. Most states forbid ‘trash-pickers’, those who rummage through societies refuse, but  this seems to be the exclusive source of the Corporate Media Complex (CMC), and if they can’t find any discards, they will invent them to feed the gaslighting, disinformation, malinformation, misinformation, and mendacity machine cranking out their moronic messaging. The CMC thrives on anything unpleasant and unfavorable.

AI tells me: “People tend to gravitate towards bad news because of a psychological phenomenon called ‘negativity bias’, where our brains are naturally wired to pay more attention to negative information than positive information, often stemming from an evolutionary need to be alert to potential threats and dangers; essentially, bad news can signal a need to take action to avoid harm.” Continue reading

Dickens: A Delicate Balance ~ My Ass!

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~ Leo Tolstoy

Truth or Consequences.

Boz is P.O.’d!

This is Merka, where truth is just a word in the dictionary, and consequences, when combined with truth, is a city in New Mexico; or a very popular, and the longest running game show in North America; running from 1956 through 1975.

I’ve driven through the city several times, and watched the game show, but neither made much of an impression, although the town has a quaint old-world feeling.

The host of this popular show ended each program by admonishing viewers: “Have your pet spayed or neutered, goodbye.”
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Dickens: “Clean-up on Aisle Eleven

Sanctuary Communities

“To be, or not to be? That is the question – Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them?” ~ William ShakespeareHamlet

This quotation may not apply directly to what Shakespeare intended, but it works well for this article. Shakespeare means that ‘to live or die’ is the decision Hamlet faces.

We face the same choice as a republic: don’t we?

We are no longer the place we’re perceived to be by the world and by the citizenry; we are living a lie, and we seem to be OK with it; especially when viewed from a political perspective.

Our ends justify our means… so it seems.!

Stop for a moment and try to look at America through the eyes of those who hate this country.

What do they see? Continue reading

Dickens: And In Conclusion… Is this the End?

This is my final post for 2024. This year has been a real ballbuster in every respect. The only positive takeaway is, I’m still on this side of the grass. Any positive aspects of the presidential election remain to be seen. I can’t imagine the pressure on Mr. Trump to perform, especially considering that a percentage of Merka want him to fail. I don’t understand this level of hatred or the depths of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) in the Democrat party. I suppose it makes sense in light of their historic hatred, divisiveness, and racism, but to destroy the republic in retribution is unconscionable. Continue reading

Dickens: “Vengeance is Mine” sayeth the Lord!

“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” ~ Romans 12:17-19

“Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.”
~ Deuteronomy 32:35

I don’t usually open articles with biblical quotes. I’ve interspersed them in my writings to make points or to highlight a bit of ancient wisdom, but the idea of retribution struck me as I read the news this morning. This collection of wisdom, we call the Bible, is thousands of years old, but it still speaks volumes to anyone that reads, or even remembers its teachings. When you overlook the misnomer that it’s only about religion, you’ll appreciate the truth of the wisdom. If you believe the myth and the lies attempting to distract you, you miss the sound judgement it’s trying to teach. Continue reading

Dickens: Same As It Ever Was… It’s Still War!

“That which we call a rose by any other word would still smell as sweet.” ~ William ShakespeareRomeo and Juliet

‘It means that the name of something doesn’t matter, what matters is that it is, what it is…’

We are still at war… which is: ‘active hostility or contention; conflict; contest.’

We all know the word ‘war’.

Many of us are, or were, active participants in these contests either as conscripts or volunteers.

Oh, and by the way, we still are… ALL OF US – willing or not! Continue reading

Dickens: Consequences

The year is 1842, and children learn from a moral story called “The Remarkable Story of Chicken Little”: It’s a story about Chicken Little who believes that the world is coming to an end because an Acorn fell on his head; the sky is falling. This moral lesson teaches children the imprudence of jumping hastily to conclusions based on incomplete information.

There is another moral story that predates Chicken Little by a few years, being written by Aesop who lived between 650 and 620 BCE. ‘The boy who cried wolf,’ teaches a story about the consequences of being untruthful, even in jest. The moral here is: “Once a liar, always a liar.” The moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf story intends that no one believes a repeated liar, even when he is finally telling the truth.

And… for the bible readers in the audience, that entire book is full of tales, fables, allegories, legends, lessons, and teachings. The best way to teach someone is to provide the information in a way they can understand, and that appeals to them in a relatable way – a story. Perhaps you’re familiar with Hans Cristian Andersen (1805 – 1875), and his 156-fairy tales… Continue reading

Dickens: Fortitude and Stick-To-It-ivness!

“The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it’s difficult or unpleasant.”

Uncle Charles

Another word that comes to mind is tenacity:

* the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.

* the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

I’m going to pose an unpleasant question to consider: Do we, as citizens of this republic, have the determination to do what’s necessary, to right and repair our foundering ship of state, or will we skirt these weighty and formidable tasks essential to overhaul our constitutional republic when they require our involvement or approval, just like we’ve abandoned every difficult task since 1960.

Will we make sacrifices if they are necessary?

Does anyone remember the rationing of scarce items during WWI and WWII? If not, please refer to the omniscient inter-web for more information. Americans were firmly behind these efforts. Will these requisite repairs to America require our sacrifices? I’m sure they will, but having a savvy businessman running the country, I doubt we’ll face rationing, but I think the needs will be more about the personal commitment to the changes. Continue reading

Dickens: The Fractured Nation

February 28, 2017 – We are a fractured country. We live in fragmented communities. We don’t know our neighbors and we don’t even know ourselves. We lap up bullshit served up by a media with an agenda of disunity. They speak and the sheople follow lemming like right over the cliff.

Would you like an example? Read the divisive crap on this social site (Facebook) alone. There are now two sides to everything further dividing us in to camps. Some love Mr. Trump and some actually hate him because of the vitriol spewing from the fountain of lies in the media. Continue reading

Dickens: Mis-Information and The Political Triplets

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” ~ William Shenstone

No. it’s not another beauty-pageant for the “Information Princess” or the White House Communication Director, or the heir for Cringe Jean-Pierre’s job.

This articles’ title gives the impression that there is a contest like Miss America.

It’s an intentional misdirection; a play on words. It’s called a homophone, which is not the same as homophobe, and is not a gay telephone. Welcome to the world of Mis, Dis, and Mal information, where the message depends on how words are used, and how you are coached to interpret them.

We’re in the 47th contest for the leadership of our republic, where words and their interpretation are crucial. The goal of the speaker, the seller, is to sway your opinion toward their partisan political party’s candidate. Continue reading

Dickens: What the “F” Over – (WTFO)

A Reprise


Once more, with feeling…

I’ve used this title a couple of times in the past, that’s the reason for the subtitle ‘reprise.’

It means, I want to revisit this topic again. The sub-subtitle comes from my hours and hours in rehearsals, both musical and theatrical, when the director comments…

That was OK, but this time, with feeling…Continue reading

Dickens: The Real Threat ~ Existential Threat?

Words Are The Real Threat!

“Words are seeds that do more than blow around.
They land in our hearts and not the ground.
Be careful what you plant and careful what you say.
You might have to eat what you planted one day.” ~ Anon

There is an existential threat in Merka. It’s not a person, it’s more insidious and dangerous. It’s a simple four-letter descriptor called ‘word’ – a unit of language used to express ideas and information.

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.” ~ George Orwell

It’s curious that I’m in sync with the political Right. The Corporate Media Complex (CMC) – the Left – is feeding their viewers some disquieting propaganda. Continue reading

Dickens: Mo’ Bigger ~ Not Mo’ Better!

And most certainly, Mo’ expensiver…

This piece is about the Medical Industrial Complex, and more. It’s about realizing that you are funding the business from which you deserve returns, but that is designed to make you its perennial benefactor. That means that you began paying for it when you paid your first tax, you pay to access the system you already fund, and will continue to support it until well after you die…

That’s how it’s designed.

It’s called taxation without representation. Continue reading

Dickens: Come to the Circus – the Greatest Show on Earth!

Niccolò Machiavelli, Patron Saint of Justification ~ Especially America’s Government

I frequently refer to Machiavelli’s famous quote as the ultimate justification and excuse for many of the decisions made by our government. I have no tangible proof for my assertion, what I do have is anecdotal and circumstantial at best, yet correlating the evidence with Machiavelli’s statement requires little imagination, and only an elementary understanding, and comprehension of the vicious circle of administrative actions.

To quote Kackling Kamala – “… See it with your own eyes…”

Yes, this is a mantra used by every government on this planet needing to condone or defend their decisions or plans. Continue reading