Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

DeWeese: President Trump Must Keep a Clear Vision as the Global Left Uses Tactics to Subvert Him

President Trump begins his new administration with promises of significant changes. His supporters are supercharged by his massive election victory that called for decisive action to cut the size and cost of government, eliminate corruption, and reduce the power of federal agencies. Above all, Trump’s supporters believe we are on a course to restore the Republic of our Founders.

However, as the celebration begins, it’s never been more vital for those who support Trump’s plan to stay vigilant to its opposition. The main lesson the forces of freedom must learn is that the Left never accepts defeat, and they never quit. Their movement for big government control has a specific agenda, and they intend to keep it moving forward under any circumstances. Continue reading

Ross: Never Stop Climbing ~ The Conclusion

I imagine that some of my longtime readers have probably noticed that I have not been as prolific of late, and they may have been wondering why. Hopefully this segment will serve as an explanation for that; but first I need to make an apology.

I am sure that some of you recall how I often belittle those whose minds are filled with useless trivia; such as sports statistics, or what is going on in the lives of their favorite celebrities. Well, I’m just as guilty of that as well, and I’ll get to why momentarily. The point is, I have not taken to heart what Christ tells us in Matthew 7:3, “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” I am guilty of criticizing the mote in other people’s eyes, while ignoring the beam that is my own eye; and for that I wish to apologize. Continue reading

UnitedHealth, Found to Have Overcharged Some Cancer Patients for Drugs by OVER 1,000%

UnitedHealth Group is charging patients a markup for key life-saving drugs that could easily exceed their cost by a factor of ten or more, according to findings from the Federal Trade Commission.

OptumRx, the group’s pharmacy benefit manager, along with its two main peers, Express Scripts and CVS Caremark Rx, have pocketed an extra $7.3 billion over cost thanks to price gouging, according to the findings of a report by the Federal Trade Commission. CVS Caremark Rx blasted the findings for cherry picking certain drugs in an effort to push what it called an ‘anti-PBM’ narrative.

The report, which levels the same allegations at CVS and Cigna, is the latest indictment of America’s broken healthcare system and comes on the heels of last month’s shocking murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Continue reading

As Los Angeles Burns, the Left Fiddles

The summer of 64 AD was a hot one in ancient Rome, and the evening of July 18th was especially warm. The air was dry, and harsh winds blew fiercely throughout the city.

So, when a fire broke out that night in the Cirus Maximus district, weather conditions were perfect for a major conflagration to spread rapidly. And that’s exactly what happened.

Flames raged in the city for a week and a half, and ancient sources estimate that over 70% of Rome was destroyed with at least 10,000 homes and other buildings burnt to the ground. Continue reading

Smith: The City of Angels’ Baptism by Fire

Everybody who pays any least bit attention to our nation’s affairs understands that Los Angeles has been plagued by arson-induced wildfires for a decade or better, more likely since even the 1990s, when “progressive” communists became increasingly active and intent on going even further down the rabbit hole of all things “utopian”. And what we have witnessed most recently through the onset of these five wildfires is the Californian people reaping the dire and deadly consequences of what they have sown.

We see images of people of all ages with tears in their eyes and running down their cheeks, especially the more elderly folks who have decades of memories laying in ashes now, and it remains to be seen if this has rocked the City of Angels enough to prompt a revival of the Faith in any flocks left of numerous denominations of Christianity, or any other faith for that matter. But I suspect many prayers are being offered up to Heaven right this minute, because there isn’t anything quite like an atheist or a backsliding Christian being delivered a “come to Jesus” moment that makes one take a new accounting for one’s life. Continue reading

The American HealthCare Insurance System: Does it Suck???

Healthcare Reform – It’s Need – NOW!

Problems with Medicare Advantage Plans Keep Mounting
Citing bureaucratic delays and difficulty collecting payments, dozens of health systems around the country are refusing contracts with particular Medicare Advantage plans or with any MA plans at all.

A survey of health systems by the Health Care Management Association revealed that 19% had stopped accepting one or more Medicare Advantage plans in 2023. And 61% reported that they were either considering or planning to stop accepting all Medicare Advantage patients within the next two years.

The problem is nationwide, but more acute in some areas… (Continue to full article)

UnitedHealth Units Ordered to Pay $165M for Misleading Consumers
Three UnitedHealth-owned insurance companies must pay more than $165 million for deceptive conduct that misled thousands of consumers into unknowingly buying supplemental health insurance in Massachusetts.

In a December order, Suffolk County Superior Court Judge Helene Kazanjian said penalties stem from marketing practices between 2012 and 2016 by HealthMarkets and its two subsidiaries, The Chesapeake Life Insurance Company and HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, which were found to violate the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act.

The ruling follows a non-jury trial to assess damages after the companies were already deemed liable… (Continue to full article)

Watch Out for the ‘Medigap Trap’
A bit of foresight can save you from the Medigap trap — yet one more rule to learn when navigating Medicare and Medicare Advantage (MA). In short, it’s a mistake to plan to enroll in MA when you’re relatively healthy, thinking you can just switch to traditional Medicare as you get older and sicker, says David A. Lipschutz , co-director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy.

MA can be attractive when first enrolling in Medicare for beneficiaries who aren’t worried about network restrictions on doctors or pre-approval requirements for high-level care.

Technically, people who choose an MA plan can change their minds every year during open enrollment and move to traditional government-run Medicare with its unrestricted access to providers who take Medicare. It may be tempting to think about switching when health declines or there’s a need to see providers not in the MA network. But it’s not that easy. Welcome to the Medigap Trap… (Continue to full article)

Kunstler: Prank-O-Rama

“They found a cure for gluttony. Now do narcissism.” ~ Peachy Keenan

Poor “Joe Biden” can’t help himself as the suns sets on his ignominious career. He ordered the American flag to fly at half-staff into January 20, inauguration day, to signal grief and distress at Donald Trump’s swearing-in — not realizing, apparently, that Mr. Trump’s first act in office will be to order the flags raised back up, signaling symbolically the end to America’s grief and distress under “Joe Biden.” Continue reading

Examining US Health Insurance

Health Insurance, My ASS!

Today I was introduced to the 2025 version of United Health Care, as I went to my Pharmacy to pick-up one of my heart related prescriptions. In January of 2024, a 90 day supply of 180 capsules cost me about $134.00. In April the same prescription cost me about $440.00. Tonight, it cost me $387.00 for a 30 day supply. That is enough to cause me another heart attack.

It has now become HELL INSURANCE! ~ Editor

American health insurance seems to frustrate everyone. Patients complain that it’s expensive and complicated. Providers say it buries them in paperwork and can negatively affect patient care.

Yet identifying a villain in our health payment story is no simple matter.

The American health payment system is a ramshackle structure comprising public and private insurance plans offered by a host of providers across multiple states. Here’s an overview of the symptoms affecting the health care payment industry, some root causes, and cures suggested by industry analysts. Continue reading

Smith: Preserving Our Sacrosanct Rights for Future Generations

I began to think about the future of our children in America, after I considered our economic situation, $36 trillion in debt and counting, and all the forces that are currently arrayed against them and the parents of our country. And after reading an article by Paul Craig Roberts, I expanded on his thoughts and found my way to write the following article.

In part, Roberts writes:

“Men have lost their role. They are no longer the provider. The wife might have, thanks to gender preferences in university admissions, employment, and promotion, the better job bringing in more income. Studies conclude that boys suffer depression from loss of a role. Reportedly, the suicide rate of boys and young men has been rising.

What the feminists have established is a new form of male deference to women. Males must stand aside and give up their role to women.

Feminist were not content to only destroy men. They destroyed women also. The idea of a chaste woman was objectionable because it held women to a higher standard than men.”

Helen Gurley Brown, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, used the magazine to encourage women to be harlots. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Cosmopolitan was a fixture in the waiting rooms of doctors and dentists. I often wondered what my mother and grandmothers would have thought of a woman’s magazine, the cover of which heralded articles titled “How to be unfaithful to your husband without being caught,” “how to find a sex partner when on vacation without your boy friend,” “how to manage multiple sex partners.”

Today young women support themselves with their porn sites. Women brag on social media about having had 150 sexual partners, sparking rivals to vow attaining higher levels of wantonness. Female school teachers get themselves pregnant by their under age students. Mothers have 12-year old daughters on birth control pills. School children are sexualized at an early age to get them ready for the legalization of pedophiles, now euphemized as ‘minor attracted persons’.” ~ J.O.S.
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Marquardt: Either You Own Property, or You Are Property

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated, and ownership I rendered a barren right.” ~ Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders

Without the right to property, we only have the right to our thoughts; all else will be controlled by others.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”

That is not an exaggeration. Without the right to property, we are slaves. Our founding fathers realized that and were careful to correct the original Constitution by adding the Bill of Rights, among other things. Continue reading

Dickens: “Clean-up on Aisle Eleven

Sanctuary Communities

“To be, or not to be? That is the question – Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them?” ~ William ShakespeareHamlet

This quotation may not apply directly to what Shakespeare intended, but it works well for this article. Shakespeare means that ‘to live or die’ is the decision Hamlet faces.

We face the same choice as a republic: don’t we?

We are no longer the place we’re perceived to be by the world and by the citizenry; we are living a lie, and we seem to be OK with it; especially when viewed from a political perspective.

Our ends justify our means… so it seems.!

Stop for a moment and try to look at America through the eyes of those who hate this country.

What do they see? Continue reading

Smith: New Year’s Day 2025 and Terrorism in America

What a way for the New Year to begin in America. It certainly does seem to be a foreshadow of things to come, as the Islamic jihadists have recently been thrown into chaos with actions in Gaza and Syria and every one of them wishing to leave a bloody, murderous mark against America.

The two incidents, today, look more and more like they are connected.

The Tesla contained a bomb and/or fireworks. “Explosives” were found in the Ford F-150 Lightening.

Both vehicles were rented from the same agency – Turo.

Isn’t it interesting to discover that Shamsud Din Jabbar was a U.S. Army Veteran? This story is certain to become even more convoluted and disturbing, as the full court press is ongoing to find his accomplices, who are currently still running free and loose to commit more acts of terror at their leisure.

America shouldn’t be required to extinguish, eradicate, its own culture and traditions by Her communists and the current hordes of Islamofascists, all a conglomeration of secularists, atheists and Sons of Allah who hate America, the Constitution, freedom and Christianity. We used to refuse communists and other subversives and radicals entry to America, and our cessation of that practice has enabled those enemies of America to subvert Her society to some large degree. Islam is simply just one more segment associated with such subversive and destructive efforts aimed at ending this republic.

America has been besieged by Islamization problems in every major city in our country, from Minneapolis to New York, Dearborn to Boston and Nashville and Dallas and even smaller cities like Murfreesboro, TN and Fairfax, Virginia, including the undermining of its culture. “Inclusion” of any group of people should never mean the sacrifice and elimination of one’s own tradition’s, culture and America’s heritage.

Each person who values freedom must demand that our leaders halt all Muslim immigration now, or pass legislation that forbids Muslims U.S. citizenship and any voice in regard to America’s future, since the Islamic path isn’t a path any American of sound mind would choose or prefer. ~ J.O.S.
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Whitehead: The Deep State’s Triumph: 2024 and the Erosion of Liberty the Constitution Becoming Optional?

“Everyday the future looks a little bit darker.”Alan Moore, Watchmen

We have become a nation adrift in a sea of government overreach, abuse and corruption.

The following is a sobering account of the challenges we faced in 2024, which were marked by the government’s never-ending power grabs and relentless assaults on our civil liberties. Continue reading

What Would Really Happen If We End the US Department of Education?

After the recent presidential election victory by Donald Trump, perennial calls to end the US Department of Education grew louder. With Republicans gaining control of the US Senate, and retaining control of the US House of Representatives as well, the prospect of eliminating the department became more plausible.

But don’t hold your breath. Continue reading

Smith: America’s Spiritual Battle and the Fight for Liberty

Across the entirety of our history, for some unnatural reason, our people just haven’t been quite able to leave well enough alone. It’s almost as if they got together one night on a late night drunken binge and all of a sudden said, “By damned … don’t Y’all think we have just too damned much of this pesky freedom and not enough free stuff? Let’s trade our freedom and liberty for free stuff and lifelong care from Big Brother and all his jackbooted stormtroopers.”

It simply boggles the mind to find so many so willing to abandon their freedom and liberty and Inalienable God-given rights, the republic too, over to those tyrants who would be kings, ever promising the world to the populace in one breath and delivering jack-shit with the next breath. Continue reading

It’s Time to Break Up Big Medicine

UPDATED – January 1, 2025: UnitedHealth Group is not an insurer, it’s a platform. And it’s in the crosshairs as Elizabeth Warren and Josh Hawley propose breaking it apart, severing its pharmacy arm from the rest of the business.

Unfortunately, my wife and I both have United Health Care and have used them for a number of years. Moments ago, I phoned UHC to activate my annual card, but shortly before doing so – I came across the following letter enclosed with the card. Read it – and then what follows in this posting will make even more sense. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

The saga of the UnitedHealth Care CEO assassination has, as could be expected, now turned into a discussion of our health care system. Elizabeth Warren, for instance, is making the obvious point that people hate the health care system.

Then, productively, she proposed, along with Republican Senator Josh Hawley, legislation to split apart some of these monster companies from their pharmacy subsidiaries, thus reducing conflicts of interest in health care. While this legislation was in the works long before the killing, it didn’t stop Wall Street investors from saying that any discussion of health care reform was a de facto endorsement of murder. Continue reading

Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Is Much More than Good Deeds Done in His Later Years

The passing of former President Jimmy Carter has brought out the accolades for his post-presidential years, but not as much for his actual performance as president. As the New York Times editorialized:

“There’s no predicting history’s verdict. Up to now, Jimmy Carter, who died on Sunday at age 100 in Plains, Ga., has been judged to be a middle-of-the-pack president, his one term in office remembered for circumstances and events that simply overwhelmed him: the seizure in Iran of 52 American hostages, the bungled attempt to rescue them, the gasoline lines, inflation, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Yet he is also considered one of America’s greatest ex-presidents, for using the residual star power of his office to help his successors and his country as a peacemaker, backstage diplomat, human rights champion, monitor of free elections and advocate for the homeless while finding time to write poetry and, by his own example, providing the best possible case for traditional religious values.”

Yes, the NYT later mentioned briefly that Carter began the process to deregulate gasoline and oil prices, but for the most part, the accolades from the progressive side of American politics have concentrated on his activities after he left Washington. Others praise his progressive measures and support for solar energy, but fail to understand how important his economic legacy really was. Continue reading

21 Quotes About Central Banking That Show Why The Federal Reserve Must Be Shut Down

…and it grows by the nano-second!

We have come to accept that we are permanently trapped in an endless cycle of debt and money creation. But the only reason why debt and money grow at an exponential rate is because that is what our system was designed to do. The Federal Reserve and other central banks around the globe were created with a purpose. The goal was to get humanity into as much debt as possible, and those holding that debt just keep getting wealthier and wealthier. Unfortunately, we have been trained to not even question this deeply insidious arrangement. Continue reading

Teacher Reveals the ‘Really Obvious’ Reason Teens No Longer Read. It’s Not Just the Phones

Studies show that kids are spending a lot less time reading these days. In 2020, 42% of 9-year-old students said they read for fun almost daily, down from 52% in 2012. Seventeen percent of 13-year-olds read for fun daily, down from 27% in 2012. Among 17-year-olds, 19% say they read for fun, down from 31% in 1984.

It’s safe to say that modern technology is a big reason why kids aren’t reading as much. A recent report found that teenagers spend an average of 8 hours 39 minutes per day on screens, compared to 5-and-a-half hours for pre-teen children. So, it’s no wonder they don’t have any time left to crack open a book. Continue reading