Uriah Heep
Friend Bennett and I share an uncommon appreciation for literature, notably Charles Dickens.
Our love of music brought us together many years ago in a blues club where I played. The club’s name escapes me, yet this encounter kindled a splendid friendship, and many discussions about music, art, and literature; especially the works of the author whose name I share along with some ancestry.
Jeff and I frequently gab about books, especially Dickens’ writings. One such chinwag launched this collection of commentaries based on Mr. Dickens’ novels and characters.
I quipped in the first of the series that I fully expected the Newspeak-police to revoke my literary license for taking liberties with Dickens’ work. A black van has been parked in the neighborhood lately, replacing the helicopters that stopped circling a week ago. ;)
This commentary is an interpretive parallel based on a character in the novel David Copperfield (1849). Dickens connected character traits to a name so masterfully that they remain analogous to this day. His fascinating and enduring descriptions give us an image to link to the message. Continue reading →