Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

Can Trump Boldly Go Where No President Has Gone BEFORE?

…since education gained a foothold in government?

United States Department of Education

Donald Trump’s administration continues its work toward dismantling the Department of Education.

The Department was founded in 1980 under President Jimmy Carter. One year later, Ronald Reagan began his first term. His administration tried to dismantle it but was not successful. Now with Trump in the White House, could success be around the corner? Continue reading

Dickens: Focus Pocus – Domin Okus!

About the Title…

The late 1960s brought fascinating music from unexpected places to the world. One particular group, Focus, was from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The song was Focus-Pocus, a manic composition that typifies the wild energy of those times and underscores abandonment and its inclination toward anarchy. There were myriad other bands and recordings, but this one fits nicely with this article’s title and direction.

We’re off track as a society, a nation, and a race. A segment of our culture seeks to return to a more rational and constitutionally-based way of life and social organization, while the remainder embraces the chaos they created because it allows them to disregard the ethics and morals that inhibits their ego-centric pursuit of self above all else. This is the Will to Power – the rationale to justify what Machiavelli wrote about in the 16th century. I’ve used this quote several times in other articles, but it plays nicely in this one. Continue reading

Smith ~ EXPOSED: Democrats Destroy America Under the Color of Law

Wa. Wal, wal – I am about fed UP with all of this!

I never thought I’d be singing President Trump’s praises, after what we all witnessed him do during his first term, with his numerous violations of our Inalienable God-given Rights, especially when we review the Lockdowns and the first time in American history where the U.S. federal government suspended our liberties in their entirety. This was so contrary to everything I stand for that I really didn’t care if he was re-elected or not, except that his election was in fact a necessity to act as a foil to the nation’s Woke communists and Transgendered fascists. Continue reading

Republican Admits His Party Has Already “Collapsed

        “I look at life from Both Sides Now!” ~ Judy Collins

Republicans may feel that they’re on the up and up, armed with Donald Trump in the White House and a trifecta at the federal level, but former insiders of the conservative party argue that the GOP’s inability to stand up to its executive leader is becoming an unsolvable problem.

Speaking with MSNBC on Sunday, former Florida Representative David Jolly claimed that Republicans have no targetable solutions for some of Congress’s chief jobs due to the legislative branch’s constant deference to Trump’s will. Continue reading

The Seese Chronicles: How Much?

So many volunteering for suicide… for what?

When someone is willing to give up his or her life to strike back at a perceived enemy for vengeance, we might write them off as just a loose nut who went over the edge. When either an organized group, or cells of radical believers in some religion or cause, begin recruiting numbers of individuals who allegedly are willing to blow themselves up the media labels them “terrorists” and that seems to explain their behavior, but in fact, it confuses the issue. We first have to define a terrorist, then we need to know what common bond these people have that enables them to willingly make the supreme sacrifice for their beliefs. For the general media, the answer is simple: label them “Islamic radicals” and that is all the explanation that is needed – the boys are headed for a grand afterlife with Allah. Continue reading

Democrats Say ‘No’ to Kids, ‘Yes’ to Failing Schools — AGAIN

More than 2,600 people backed a bill in Olympia to create Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for low-income and special needs students, but Democrats are already working to kill it. Rep. Travis Couture (R) pointed out that Washington’s public schools are delivering their worst reading and math scores in 30 years, despite some of the highest per-pupil spending in the nation. Naturally, Democrats and their union backers insist on doubling down on this disaster, claiming school choice would somehow harm public schools – because letting parents actually choose is apparently too dangerous. Continue reading

Grades Drastically Improve After School Bans Social Media and Phones

But we COULDN’T consider doing this in America – Could We? ~ Editor

Students hand over their phones. (Cumberland Community School via SWNS)

Welcome to the secondary school where teachers have convinced pupils to delete social media and hand in their phones – and it’s improving results.

Cumberland Community School’s progress score has gone up by a grade and a quarter in recent years, making them among the most consistently improved in the UK. The percentage of pupils who achieved a grade five and above in their English and maths GCSEs is also well above the national average. Continue reading

Sjursen: Are We Who We Thought We Were?

The following commentary was originally published in 2018. Major Sjursen made numerous references to “17” years. I have altered that reference to “24” years – as not one damned thing has changed with the mistakes and errors that this nation has continued to endure! ~ Editor

Americans are led to believe they have been fighting for democracy and freedom these past 24 years, but the truth is far murkier.

War is just a racket… I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service…during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.” ~ Major General Smedley Butler, US Marine Corps, two-time Medal of Honor recipient (1935)
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Why Everyone is Losing It Over the USAID

We’re All Going NUTZ!

Let’s talk about the USAID (US Agency for International Development) – and why Elon is going through it with a very personal machete.

As they weep and wail about funding being cut from “absolutely necessary and life-saving” global initiatives and humanitarian agencies, remember this: We the USA – a nation $36 TRILLION in debt…$36,000,000,000,000 – spent $5.5 BILLION…$5,500,000,000 in the last four years dedicated exclusively to fund LGBTQ issues GLOBALLY. $600 MILLION of which was carved out… hee hee… for trans initiatives. Continue reading

UnitedHealthcare Agrees to Pay $2.5 Million in Settlement: See if You Qualify!

The continuing saga of United Hell-Care… ~ Editor

UnitedHealthcare has agreed to pay $2.5 million to resolve a class action lawsuit that alleged the company violated a federal law that prevents consumers from receiving robocalls without providing prior consent.

The lawsuit claims that UnitedHealthcare violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which restricts the use of automatic telephone dialing systems and artificial or prerecorded voice messages in telemarketing calls. In 2012, the Federal Communications Commission revised the rules to also require telemarketers to obtain prior written consent from consumers before robocalling them, among other revisions. Continue reading

Dickens: The Wrath of CON-gress… in Opposition to Progress

Yes, Trekkies, it’s a play on a movie title from 1982, ‘The Wrath of Khan‘. It seems appropriate because the movie, like the 119th congress, deals with revenge and the overwhelming motivation for retribution in the acquisition of power. You know –  Polly-tics.

Admittedly, I rarely watch congressional swamp-meets because they are nothing more than reenactments of playground quarrels over a ball, or a space in the sandbox, or a bucket and shovel; all are childish arguments about control, and an object lesson in one-upmanship. The difference here is that congress – the opposite of progress, is populated by self-professed, professional custodians, elected adults – hired by us, to manage the country. These are the people in whom we have placed our trust, to follow our laws and represent us. Continue reading

Smith: Panama ~ Uncle Sam Isn’t Creeping Away

We built it. We paid for it. It’s ours” were words declared by Ronald Reagan in 1977, not long after leaving the California governor’s office, and that’s the position President Donald J. Trump has recently taken, by and large if not precisely; but Reagan was reluctant to put any real action behind those words after becoming president, whereas Trump has shown he has the determination of will and the spine to do whatever is necessary to protect and defend U.S. interests in the Panama Canal Zone, putting Panamanian President Mulino on notice to this fact.

This is a righteous and sound move in response to a growing Communist Chinese influence in a country that has largely been receptive to socialism since its emergence on the international scene as a nation, and it puts new teeth in the Monroe Doctrine and exerting U.S. dominance in the Western Hemisphere to block and expel foreign nations that are hostile to the U.S. from the region. Continue reading

This Is ONE of Our Stories…

May 27, 2018 ~ While searching for specific information earlier in the week, I came across the following. To say the least – it left me in shock for several reasons – the first of which because Memorial day is upon us. Secondly because, next week – June 6, 2018 I will look back exactly 50 years ago to my first landing in Vietnam, where within a week I would be assigned to the 498th Medical Co. (Dust Off) – the company for which a part of the following story took place. Although I do not specifically remember David Hertle, our stories overlapped during the same time frame, to the point where we both left the company and Vietnam within two weeks of one another – but there are others….

One final note: The author makes reference within the following about his story having taken place some 30 years before his writings, which now makes this story 55 years old.

To all of my Brothers who served in the 498th out of Lane Army Heliport – our time and story is nearing its end… I’ll see you at Sundown.

Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher/Editor Continue reading

Vietnam Veteran Music Video “Drive On” by Johnny Cash

I happen to be in the camp that the U.S. actually should have been there helping the South Vietnamese to stop the communists, but like so many other wars we have subsequently entered, I’ve always thought we should have taken the lead and executed the military strategy to win definitively and quickly rather than allow it to drag out as it did. Continue reading