“Every country has the government it deserves.” ~ Joseph de Maistre
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” ~ George Orwell
In the beginning of the film Gladiator, after the defeat of Germania, there is a scene when Marcus Aurelius calls Maximus into his tent and tells him of his plans for Rome after he dies. During that conversation Caesar tells Maximus, “There was once a dream that was Rome.” Caesar was telling Maximus that Rome was more than just a spot on a map, it was an idea; and, while they had strayed from that idea it was Caesars hope that by placing Maximus in charge he could steer Rome back towards its founding idea as a republic. That idea, that concept, has been on my mind a lot lately as I watch the country I love circle the toilet.
There are two reasons why men take up arms against their fellow human beings; conquest or the defense of what they hold dear. After over a century and a half of peaceful existence as British subjects the Colonists took up arms against their government. They sought not to conquer Great Britain; rather they sought to defend their rights and liberty; which they felt were under attack by the British Government. Let the Declaration of Independence stand as a testament to that claim, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.“
Therefore, it can be claimed that the dream that America was founded upon was one in which the people could live in a country where tyranny did not exist; that the people were free to enjoy the full extent of their rights and liberty. While our system of government may have been established to secure our rights and liberty, ultimately that responsibility falls upon us; the people. To do so effectively requires a couple of things. First, it requires that we know what our rights are and what true liberty is, and secondly it requires a certain amount of courage to stand up to wannabe tyrants. Could it be that is why Francis Scott Key included the following in the Star Spangled Banner, “…the land of the free and the home of the brave”? Maybe it’s fitting that protesters recently tore down the statue of Francis Scott Key in San Francisco, as his words no longer apply to this country, or the people living in it.
Do you honestly think George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John and Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry would have worn a face mask because King George told them to, or stayed in their homes because the King decreed they must so as to prevent the spread of some disease? It’s obvious you don’t know your history, for if you did you would know that the American Revolution was fought during an outbreak of Smallpox; which is far deadlier than Covid.
Did the patriots of 1776 let a disease stop them from rising up against a tyrant to regain their liberty? Of course they didn’t; because to them liberty was more important than life itself. I bet you’ve already forgotten the words of Patrick Henry; “Give me liberty or give me death.” To those men who had that dream that was America, life was not worth living if it did not include liberty; and look at the people now who willingly surrender theirs for a few paltry promises of comfort and security. You make me sick to my stomach!
To understand the dream that was America requires a solid understanding of the history that saw America gain its independence from Great Britain. If you don’t know that history how are you to know what they were fighting for? In his immortal “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, Patrick Henry also said, “I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.” As America was to become the ‘new kid on the block’ in regards to countries, it only had the history of the rest of the world to serve as a guide for what types of government best secured the rights and liberty of the people, and which were the most destructive of those things. Yet, almost to a one, our Founders were well versed in the history of the world; often quoting examples regarding past systems of government in their writings and speeches.
Take one look around you and then ask yourself why we are in such a sad state of affairs. Hell, if you want to be brutally honest, take a look in the mirror if you want to know why things are so mucked up here in the so-called land of the free. If I were to ask you, prior to Donald Trump, who the last 5 presidents of the United States were, could you answer without using Google? Yet I’d be willing to bet that I’d get more correct answers if I were to ask who won the last five Superbowls. Why is that?
Not only are people ignorant of the past, they are proud of their ignorance. People will tell you they are making informed decisions when they go to the polls and cast their ballots, but then ask them to name a few of the specific powers delegated to government by the Constitution and their eyes will glaze over as they try to come up with an answer that doesn’t expose their own ignorance. Ask anyone what a Writ of Habeas Corpus is, or what a Letter of Marque and Reprisal is, and if you’re lucky, maybe 1 out of 1,000 could answer correctly. Informed decisions my ass!
I do not blame the American people for their ignorance; that is due to the fact that the institutions that are supposed to be educating them have withheld, or distorted history so as to deprive them of the knowledge needed to make good decisions at the polls. Yet in 1822 the Father of our Constitution, James Madison, wrote, “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” So if the schools don’t teach you the truth, it is up to you to seek it out for yourself.
I said I do not blame people for their ignorance; which is true, I don’t. I do, however, blame them for continuing on in ignorance when the truth is readily available; for rejecting it because it conflicts with what they have been taught. Although I do not particularly care for Aleister Crowley and his beliefs, he did say something that I believe is 100% accurate; that being, “The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.” Yet that quote describes upwards of 95% of the people living in this country today; particularly those who are responsible for all this mayhem currently going on.
Ask most people what our system of government is and the majority will tell you we have a democracy. That is because that is what they were taught in school, and then had reinforced time and time again by the news media. Yet go back and read the writings of those who actually founded this country and you’ll find that they all despised democracies; even that asshole Alexander Hamilton hated them. Democracy is simply majority, or mob, rule; without any safeguards for the rights and liberty of the minority, or the individual. In a letter to Dupont De Nemours, Thomas Jefferson explained, “The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society.” Well there you have it, since people believe that we are a democracy, they also believe that the majority can impose its will upon the minority, or the individual; which in turn, BREAKS THE FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIETY.
I hear all this talk about equality from people when they don’t understand what equality really means. To them, equality is equal status in life, when to those who signed the Declaration of Independence it was equality in rights and liberty, and in opportunity to achieve either success or happiness. If we are all equal, according to the definition used by Social Justice Warriors, why can’t I play football at the same level as a professional football player; why can’t I play the guitar at the same level as some virtuoso guitarist? What equality means is that I am equal in my opportunity to play the guitar, but my success at it depends solely upon my skill, and the amount of work I put towards achieving success in that endeavor.
In 1793 the Supreme Court heard the case of Chisholm v Georgia. In their decision they declared, “…at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects…with none to govern but themselves.” Can you grasp the significance of that statement, or is it beyond your ability to do so? What that basically means is, after the American Revolution, each of use became a king; with only ourselves to rule over. Each of us was equal in our authority to determine for ourselves how we would live our lives; and that sovereignty was without limits so long as we respected the rights and liberty of those around us.
As sovereigns, the people came together and established forms of government which, at the time, the people felt would best secure and defend their rights and liberty; while giving government simple managerial powers to handle the general affairs of either the State or the country. As long as government, be it local, state, or central, stuck to its intended purposes, then peace would abide and equality will exist in its purest state; with all men being equal to pursue happiness – just like the Declaration of Independence said. It is when government usurps powers it was never intended it have that things begin to go wrong.

John Locke
In his Second Treatise on Civil Governments, John Locke writes, “AS usurpation is the exercise of power, which another hath a right to; so tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which no body can have a right to.” (Chapter XVIII, Section 199) If we are truly equal as sovereigns, then I have no right to infringe upon your rights or restrict your liberty; nor do you have any right to do the same to me. Not only that, but if government is indeed the agent of the people, established for the purpose of securing equal rights to all, then it cannot enact laws or ordinances that infringe upon the rights of a single person; let alone the minority; which is exactly what happens in a democracy.
However, man is a flawed creature, led more often by passion, greed, lust, and envy than it is for respect for the life, liberty and the property of others. If government were to serve its intended purpose, then the laws it enacted would serve to protect the rights of all citizens equally; without preference for certain groups or classes of men. Yet what is government if it is not men, and women, gathered together to act on behalf of those who hold the true political power in America; the people; which is what sovereignty means by the way. Is it too much a stretch of the imagination to say that since government consists of people, that it is subject to the same frailties, desires, and weaknesses that we are?
In arguing in favor of ratification of the proposed Constitution James Madison said something interesting, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” (Source: Federalist 51) Of course he then goes on to explain how his wonderful Constitution accomplishes that task – of controlling the government; which we all should know by now is utter nonsense, as it hasn’t stopped government from infringing upon our rights and restricting our liberty.
I can’t speak for any of you, but that brings up a question that I’d love to hear your answers to. If the Constitution is, as so many claim, such a great document, and if the government it established is, as others claim, the best in the world, how has it managed to do such a piss poor job of securing the rights and liberty of those it governs? Could it possibly be that this government, the document that established it and the men who wrote it weren’t so inspired? Maybe Spooner was absolutely correct when he said, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or it has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”
If we, or at least our ancestors, as sovereigns, came together and established this system of government, did they not also have the right to dismantle or abolish it if it proved detrimental to the purposes for which it was established? This government, as an entity created by the sovereign authority of the people, cannot dictate that those thus governed by it must submit to its authority for all time. In fact, early in its existence it sought to exercise powers beyond those delegated to it; causing Thomas Jefferson to write, “…that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force. . . . that the government created by this compact [the Constitution for the United States] was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; . . . . that this would be to surrender the form of government we have chosen, and live under one deriving its powers from its own will, and not from our authority.”
If you were to go back to the years leading up to the American Revolution and read what those men who led the charge for liberty and independence, you might learn that they felt that there were two categories of laws; there were the laws written by man and there were Natural Laws; laws that governed us as human beings regardless of what type government we might have. One of those, in fact the first of these laws is the right of self defense. In 1772 Samuel Adams explained that right as follows, “Among the Natural Rights of the Colonists are these First. a Right to Life; Secondly to Liberty; thirdly to Property; together with the Right to support and defend them in the best manner they can–Those are evident Branches of, rather than deductions from the Duty of Self Preservation, commonly called the first Law of Nature.”
Seventy Eight years later a Frenchman by the name of Frederic Bastiat would write, “What, then, is law? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense.
Each of us has a natural right—from God—to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. These are the three basic requirements of life, and the preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two. For what are our faculties but the extension of our individuality? And what is property but an extension of our faculties?
If every person has the right to defend—even by force—his person, his liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these rights constantly. Thus the principle of collective right—its reason for existing, it slawfulness—is based on individual right. And the common force that protects this collective right cannot logically have any other purpose or any other mission than that for which it acts as a substitute. Thus, since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force—for the same reason—cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups.”
This government was either created to secure the rights of the governed, or it wasn’t; and there is ample evidence to prove that it was the latter. Nevertheless, as the sovereign authority from which government derives its power, it is our right to resist laws that violate our rights, or to simply disregard them as if they had never been written. It is only by our willingness to obey them, or our fear of the consequences of not obeying them, that government derives its ability to tyrannize and oppress us; which is why I question why people still believe this is the land of the free and home of the brave – with emphasis on the brave part of that statement.
If enough people knew their own power we could nullify all the laws that violate our rights and restrict our liberty, by simply saying no, we will not obey those laws. There is also another way that our freedoms can be preserved; that through our power as jurors. If just one out of twelve jurors knew what rights were, what liberty was, they could prevent anyone from being convicted of violating a law, a law that violated the rights and liberty of the accused. A jurors vote in the jury box is more powerful than any decision rendered by the Supreme Court; and if people would just educate themselves, and exercise that power, we could effectively cage government within the confines of securing and preserving our rights and liberty.
These rights that I speak of existed, and were well understood by those living in 1776. They exist today as well; it’s just that you have not been taught about them. In 1791 Thomas Paine would write, “The rights of men in society, are neither devisable or transferable, nor annihilable, but are descendable only, and it is not in the power of any generation to intercept finally, and cut off the descent.” It is your ignorance that deprives you of the knowledge of these rights; and it is only through self-education that you can break free of the indoctrination that keeps you enslaved to a government that is far worse than the one or ancestors fought a revolution to free themselves from.
I graduated from the same public indoctrination centers, (school system), that everyone else did. The only reason I’m aware of the information I have just shared with you is because I made a conscious decision to seek out the truth. Were there times when the things I learned caused me to question my entire belief system? You bet your ass there were; but if you cannot handle the truth, then I think that means you’re weak and lack intellectual integrity.
So, as I sit by and watch what is currently happening in this country, how historical monuments are being torn down, I can’t but think that this is the inevitable outcome of generations of revisionist history and government sanctioned indoctrination. I don’t know that America can survive the coming storm, and quite honestly, with the attitude held by most people in this country today, I don’t honestly care; I think they deserve whatever is coming because they were too lazy and apathetic to seek out the truth, or listen to it when someone tried to share it with them.
What saddens me is that the history, the true history of this country will most likely be lost when it happens. In a letter to Hugh Taylor, dated 4 October 1823, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “It is the duty of every good citizen to use all the opportunities which occur to him, for preserving documents relating to the history of our country.”
Since the people of this country, aside from a small minority, are oblivious to the history of this country, I have decided that any further efforts on my part to educate and enlighten them is a complete and utter waste of time and effort on my part. Therefore, I have decided to do as Jefferson said, seek to preserve as much of that history as I can before I die, or before it vanishes and is re-written.
Hopefully, someone, sometime in the future might stumble across this information, and say, “Damn, there’s the answer, the pathway to freedom.” As for those living today, as far as I’m concerned most of y’all are a lost cause, and I’m done wasting my time on you.
NOTE: I’m so pissed off I can’t even write anymore. I will start something then just say to myself, what’s the use? I’ve got 5 or 6 unfinished articles just sitting there collecting dust. ~ NR
July 17, 2020
~ The Author ~
Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Send all comments to: [email protected].
If you liked Neal’s latest column, maybe you’ll like his latest booklet: The Civil War: (The Truth You Have Not Been Told). Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American history.
The Sacred Path of the Warrior meets Apocalypse Now……..Bravo and unfortunately true.
Thank you for your truth. I understand and share your dismay.
The Real Price of Freedom and Liberty
Americans know, when something bad is happening, and if anyone looks hard at this current debacle that has been building for years, it is obvious that there is this Huge Power holding America hostage, that’s incomprehensible to many of my countrymen. We see there isn’t any truly effective way in the halls of Congress and the state legislatures to properly influence it, let alone stop it and its destructive machinations. And, in the process of this fighting this fight, we keep in the forefront of our minds and our hearts that the only thing most Americans want is to just be free, to respect other people and have those individuals respect them; we want to be protected by the law, in order that we may do those things we most desire and to enjoy an abundance of Freedom and Liberty.
But most Americans can’t slog through all the nit-pick, nitty-gritty plethora of laws and regulations the govt has built over the centuries. Its a hard as anything to battle against the Monster — the Leviathan — that’s coming our way, as we fight to restore and preserve freedom and liberty.
American freedom-loving conservatives, Christians and independents feel a resentment in their gut, that they are left defenseless, short of a great financial cost to filter through all the legalistic jargon, the terms and the reams of U.S. codes.
Our rights are rights — Inalienable and God-given — and we shouldn’t have to buy our rights again through one legal battle after the next, one major hassle after another. The American people shouldn’t be put in the position of being in a constant battle with Big Centralized Government — or any government — that has the expertise and the major finances behind it, in order to “win” our rights again in any court, or eventually on any battlefield again, when that day finally arrives.
Look at the number of times we hear of stories of regular citizens who fought the IRS or the ATF and beat them at a heavy cost to themselves. We hear them in the retelling saying, “I beat them, but it took me ten years [sometimes they may say 20 or 30 years] and it cost me twenty-thousand dollars”, and for many of us, we are left shaking our heads, because that sounds almost like a prison sentence. Twenty or thirty years and twenty-thousand dollars, or more, and one is left asking, “Who is the real winner here”, because they still get us anyway one looks at the situation.
One may have won, but they’re worn out and nearly physically and mentally broke by the fight, nearly literally “dead right”. It’s enough to sicken any real American patriot to their very core and their own righteous conscience.
Any American currently paying good attention full well understands the nation is on shaky ground these days in many respects and in many segments of our society. Americans are rightfully worried over government power growing exponentially towards tyranny and grabbing so much power that directly serves to negate, eradicate and trample on our freedom and individual liberty, to the point that U.S. citizens can be spied upon without any adherence to the 4th Amendment and people can be arrested and held for virtually any reason chosen by the arresting government agent.
Americans are told so many times, by so-called “conservatives” and establishment Republicans, that all you can do is beg the the Tyrant to change, to the point that they feel as though they’ve been kicked in the gut by the Government Boot again. We are told that we can commit our life to a long, slow trudge uphill in an attempt to reform the Leviathan and set the nation back on course to the Original Intent of the Founders and those traditions and principles upon which America was founded, and to hear so-called “leaders” take such a defeatist tact is disheartening and enough to give one a sinking feeling, one of drowning in an ocean’s tempest.
Is this really the price of freedom and liberty? Is this our only chance? Maybe to get elected and go to D,C., where we aren’t supposed to own a firearm according the many D.C. officials, in order to stop tyranny? It’s close to an overwhelming mission to consider for the average U.S. citizen.
There’s a miles long list of things we can do that have been suggested over the decades, by many politicians and pundits, that will serve to secure our rights more firmly in the future, but they all seem to pretty much amount to keep bowing and scraping, begging them and kissing their rings and maybe they will finally listen one day, if there’s enough of us confronting them. Well, here’s what is what in this matter. That doesn’t really resonate with me or any Free Born American’s spirit, our hearts and our minds, simply because however right they may be, their way goes against the grain of everything it means to be free, to be an individual able to live by way of an abundance of liberty and everything it means to be an American, in the truest sense of the name.
Many of us still hold knowledge that has seemingly been long forgotten by most of America, that may appear unconventional means to secure freedom but are means that have existed throughout all of human history.
There are many things for every American to consider, in regards to our massive government, this massive Beast we’re attempting to reform and draw back in line with the principles of freedom. One must understand one’s enemy, in order to understand their mechanisms and machinations and how we arrived to this point that we are virtually at the mercy of an out-of-control government, that acts as though we are here to serve the State, rather than acknowledge the fact that the government bureaucrats and elected officials are here to serve us, the American people.
Anyone who would attempt to take away the rights that are granted to us all by God is an enemy to us all. Anybody issuing executive orders without any basis in statute and U.S. code, or a state code, and creates “law” from whole cloth, from nothing at all, on their arbitrary words and diktats alone, is an enemy of the American people. Anybody, who stands on their own authority to deny us our rights and demands we obey because they said so, are tyrants advancing tyranny in our country, and they are the enemy from within and the enemy of good, decent, righteous American patriots, the U.S. Constitution and this America we love so well.
And this places a large number of people in our “enemies” category, but that’s alright, because the truth is the truth and it must be recognized, if we are to right this nation and restore America.
Let’s look at the money situation, since this is the main tool of tyranny. The manipulation of our economic system and our currency was the start of getting America so far off base and far removed from Her Original Principles. And it all comes down to legal theory and what Americans allowed to be presented as “law” and enforced as such, by way of illegitimate means.
The Federal Reserve is neither “federal” or a “reserve” in any true or legitimate legal sense of the words, since it is actually a cooperative of private banks that are named after their best customer. They are allowed to print up money out of thin air — to essentially print trillions of dollars from thin air — and then turn around and loan it to the federal government with interest. That’s a damn great deal for them, and it’s how they acquire so much of their own wealth, in large part; the Income Tax Act was passed in 1913, at the same time the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and it serves to pay them to some significant degree, too.
On Christmas Eve 1913 there wasn’t even a proper quorum of legislators on hand to legitimately pass these malignant, malevolent mechanisms of the Communists and Fascists into law. The entire affair was criminal as all hell, but to be expected from the fascist in the White House at the time, Woodrow Wilson, who was a strong proponent for Marxist and globalist machinations of the day.
An unimaginable harm to America was set in motion that year that would play out over the next century.
Printing up money from nothing is a terrible idea from a multitude of lines of reason, starting with the fact that dollars react to supply and demand, just like any commodity item or retail item in the market. When the number of dollars in circulation is increased, the value of each one of those dollar bills decreases. The value lost in those bills, or the retirement account many Americans rely upon, is value transferred to whoever printed those dollars, whether it’s the U.S. Treasury — as it once was — a counterfeiter, or the Federal Reserve Bank, as it stands today.
This is the primary reason that our Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom, wrote in the U.S. Constitution that no state shall make anything other than gold or silver coin a payment in tender for their debts. This is brilliant, because gold and silver coins can’t be churned out on a printing press; America would be better off, if these criminals were actually printing our currency today, but they are simply holding down the zero key on their computers until they have enough of them to suit their spending projections and agenda, and they simply send them out in an email.
The end result is enough hard-earned dollars and enough value has to be stolen from the American people in a significant quantity to make that email balance, to make it worth something, to authorize people to spend those new dollars they’ve just injected into the economy. Once these new dollars enter the economy, they cause prices to rise.
Once one examines the national debt as something one’s children and grandchildren are going to be stuck paying off for many long years, it is more than enough to make anyone angry. But there’s also another angle and dynamic in action with the national debt. In recent years, the government simply prints a massive new batch of money, destroying the current value of the dollar, while making more dollars necessary to do the same amount of work in the economy, due to supply and demand, and prices rise accordingly. And so, in a few years, when a Big Mac is $29.99, it’s just one sign of how we all end up paying the national debt, one way or another, in the here and now or on down the road where its effects are much more significant, dire and destructive to the nation on the whole.
It’s all pretty much an underhanded way to generate funds for Big Centralized Government and the Big Banks, because If the federal government had attempted to raise taxes to match their spending, they would have had a rebellion on their hands many years ago. This is essentially a backdoor method of taxation.
For example, say one had a hundred thousand dollars in real capital and assets and the government sent them a tax bill for 30 percent. One might get pretty hot over seeing such a bill. So, rather than try to collect extra taxes in so obvious a fashion, our federal government, through the Federal Reserve Bank, simply prints a bunch of money, expanding the amount of money in circulation to meet their target, and it reduces the purchasing power of one’s dollars by the thirty percent they sought.
Whether the government bills one $30,000 on a $100,000 or drives down the purchasing power of the dollar by thirty percent, it still robs the American people of the ability to redeem their currency for the full, proper and real asset value of the currency for a valuable commodity item or service that one may want. They basically tax us in a manner that doesn’t so readily hit us right between the eyes.
Not only does this system weaken the individual in order to strengthen the government, but then they take the money they’ve stolen from us all and give it back to the states, with strings attached. The Feds dangle this money in front of the State, basically telling them, we will give you this money, if you will do this one thing and another to the people of your state; we are all currently witnessing this in the Education Department and the Biden administration’s advocacy of the racist Critical Race Theory and an agenda to target all conservative and Christian white people, standing in opposition to his Marxist/Maoist policies.
Once the State signs on with the program, it is essentially working for whatever agenda the money is tied to funding and implementing. This is the precise manner that the federal government has acted as an empire, under which all people serve it, rather than a republic in the service of a Free people with actual and very real rights by way of the Bill of Rights and as seen in Nature and under Natural Law created by God.
God gave every human being a right to life, liberty and property and a corresponding obligation to defend those rights, as an individual and through the establishment of governments to do the same.
Today, as our government and the elitist oligarchs in control of it have become greatly distanced from the real everyday Americans on the streets, and under normal circumstances, if our republic were functioning as envisioned by the Founders, their power should have been diminished by the people themselves, as any part of sound reasoning and under the rule of law. However, with the manipulation of the flow of money, where the Federal Reserve can just snatch the money away from the people and give it straight to the federal Government, the republic itself is severely damaged and ceases to function as a republic.
This has made America more closely resemble an empire, where the chain of command follows the flow of money, and suddenly, all Americans find that the most far away, the most distant, the most inaccessible to ‘We the People’ of the federal and state governments, or even the international concerns and interests some of them, such as John Kerry, the Climate Czar, serve are telling us what our rights are and aren’t, in the manner of one granting privilege rather than administering actual codes created for and by the people themselves.
Basically, the federal government is robbing the American people blind and giving the states a cut, to cooperate with them, too often against the best interests of the American people, just as we’ve all seen unfold via the COVID hoax and the exponential growth of power as it manifested itself on all levels of government, through mask mandates and mandatory statewide and nationwide lockdowns, along with the current push that is leaning towards mandatory Covid vaccinations. The powers-that-be don’t dictate the terms of how and when the American people are to be subjugated — no — they just buy our supposed “representatives” and have them do the dirty work of betraying the American people.
As an aside, one should note they do this in all the Western nations and any nation that utilizes Big Centralized Banking, fiat currency and currency manipulation to control its economy.
They bribe our states away from us and make our states betray us. They give our sheriffs’ departments a bunch of federal money; and when we go there to tell the sheriff we elected that we demand protection from those who would trample on our rights, no matter what they call themselves or how they are organized, i.e. the domestic terrorists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa and the foot soldiers of the Democratic Party — since the sheriffs’ department is the one closest to the people of each community — too often a reluctant sheriff is found, because the very people we seek protection from are the people providing a large amount of that sheriff’s funding.
No better examples of this dynamic are seen than through the events that surrounded the stand off at the Bundy Ranch and the stand off at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, where LaVoy Finicum met his death by murder at the hands of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol, in his fight to secure states’ rights and stop the illegal seizure of states’ lands by the federal government; one local county’s sheriff was opposed to Finicum and the group of men he represented, while another nearby sheriff was very sympathetic and was going to meet with Finicum the day he was shot and killed.
Now, many communities find themselves faced with a sheriff with split loyalties, because we’re no longer a free republic; we’re a monetized, inflationary empire.
Many 1950s socialists, like John Maynard Keynes, were the drivers behind this current insane monetary and economic theory and the inflation associated with it. Keynes even acknowledged that robbing this money form people hurts them, but he justified it as a necessary means to an end, saying that the government’s use of that money in the economy actually boosted the economy and served the people better, in the long run.
This is what has been taught in American business schools for decades, and the greatest percentage of those schools have been subsidized and funded for decades by those same fiat dollars that are creating America’s woes. Naturally, these schools are toeing the line to keep the money spigot open and flowing.
However, the reality of this Keynesian monetary theory reveals that when the federal government robs the American people of their real capital, this action in no way creates investment, as suggested by socialist economists. It creates mal-investment, because it is an investment that has grown around artificial government dollars rather than a natural demand in the market. And so businesses grow around this stolen money that is unstable, traveling from place to place, and it creates a bubble — a stock bubble, a housing bubble, a tech bubble.
All of these bubbles that America has seen burst over the past three decades have had their origins in this injected stolen money. Now why is this good for politicians? This is good for politicians, because they can inject this money where their friends, their cronies, need it; they can inject it where they need votes and where they need cash donors for their campaigns. And this is the reason politicians love this system.
However, the bubbles also place politicians between a rock and a hard spot very often, as they also catch grief from foreign holders of U.S. dollars, because now they’re losing money. This prompts the halt to the cash injections and brings about the bursting of the bubble and the recession that follows.
But if one looks at a high school textbook today, students are being taught that “depressions are causeless anomalies”. That’s FDR era bullshit. This is the state of our monetary system.
And, regardless of any policy or law one wishes to analyze, America will also find that our Senators and Representatives aren’t nearly as powerful, as many of us would like to think that they are. Whenever one attempts to talk to any of these elected officials to get down to the hard brass tacks of why it seems to be such an ordeal for Americans to retain their freedoms and liberties, it becomes apparent that many of them are afraid of the Alphabet Agencies — the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the ECA, the DEA and any others I may have missed. Taken together, these agencies very nearly act as little governments unto themselves, and very often, they make their own rules and regulations that have the full weight of “law”, effectively circumventing the normal three branches of government, through what many of us recognize as administrative tyranny.
Ask any federal employee of an agency or a bureau, what an agency or a bureau is and what is its real purpose and many times one will be met by blank silence, or a flatly stated “I don’t know”. It is a difficult thing to understand just what “service” the Internal Revenue Service provides to the American people, since it would actually seem to have been created purely to serve the interests of the centralized federal government. So many federal employees haven’t any real clue as to the real mission behind their respective agencies. But it would be most interesting to find who they are actually accountable to, since we saw several of them flatly refuse to obey legal and lawful orders from President Donald J. Trump during his tenure as President of the United States of America.
How is this even possible in America today, in the 21st century?
These bureaus, agencies and unconstitutional species of government, they consolidate all three functions of the three branches of government into one. They create regulations that have the force of “law”. They have their own enforcers who will come out and knock a citizen’s door to the floor, if one isn’t following their rules, regulations and edicts. So right there we see the legislative and executive functions in action. Then, once a person is dragged out in zip-ties, that person goes before them for a review, before it actually goes to the actual judiciary and a “real” court, and in essence, this is how they circumvent the checks and balances of our government.
This is a consolidation of all government powers and a parallel government and its administrative tyrannical controls, that are so entrenched and so powerful in our federal government and state governments too, our Congressmen and Senators are very often afraid of it too. What more proof does anyone need than what we witnessed from the FBI and DOJ, weaponized under Obama, that engaged in an outright counterintelligence operation and sedition, espionage and treason against a duly-elected sitting U.S. President. Even the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is so afraid that he crapped his pants at the thought of hearing anything remotely related to the Theft of the 2020 Election, so afraid that he wouldn’t even do his absolute Constitutional duty to hear Texas’s grievance over the election results and that massive fraud that occurred in states, such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Minnesota and Arizona.
Congress is very nearly held neutered and impotent these days as real legislators. They even went so far as to certify an illegitimate election result founded on illegally acquired Electoral College Votes, on the false premise that President Trump’s supporters were trying to halt the results on January 6th 2021, when the civil unrest broke out and the Capitol Building was breached. Several Senators had already stated the election was stolen, but then backed away from that position after the Capitol unrest; that had nothing to do with the validity of the election results and those Senators’ actions were from fear of reprisals. If the election was considered stolen prior to January 6th, a group of people’s disruptive actions didn’t make that any less true that day or the next day, or a four months later. This is making the role of Congress very nearly ceremonial, reducing them to a sideshow at the local carnival.
Americans must realize now more than ever that a greater hidden power within our government, whether it’s being directed by the military industrial complex, the CIA or whatever this entity called “the Deep State” may be, is something that was never behind the intentions of America’s Founders. Americans must face this and reckon with it now, soon,
How many times have we witnessed Americans going up against the federal government, or even a state government, with everything researched and documented and all their Constitutional arguments more than sound and in full order, only to be denied relief or the victory based on the logic and substance of their accurate legal brief and presentation of their case?
Americans often appeal to the government based on the rule of law, calling them on the carpet and before a court, based on logic and the Constitution, all ironed out and perfect — appealing to them — on the merits of law, and they still remain unheard and without satisfactory redress of their grievances or any real satisfactory resolution, that gives any of us the real sense that our government could give two hoots and a red cent about our Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-given Rights.
We see people appear before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, desiring to go all the way to the Supreme Court, only to hear some leftist activist judge say “We’re not going to hear your case”, and upon questioning them with “Why not”, one hears, “because you don’t have standing” or some other disingenuous lying-ass, two-faced arbitrary tyrannically motivated reason, much as the Supreme Court had the audacity to tell Texas it didn’t have standing in its case against the State of Pennsylvania.
This isn’t an oversimplification or an exaggeration. This is what they do and then it’s simply “next please” for them.
One can have the entire case laid out perfectly from a Constitutional standpoint, for instance in the case of the 16th Amendment and the IRS being and unconstitutional entity and illegally “passed” piece of legislation. One can show how the Income Tax was never properly ratified and it’s an unconstitutional act that came about through a temporary war measure and place all the pertinent laws before the Court, laid out in perfect fashion, via U.S. code and “the rule of law”, and still one can lose, depending on one’s legal team and the judge on any given day.
And there’s quite a few people who have actually fought paying Income tax based on these laws, with seventeen prevailing, but there are many more people who haven’t fought this or any other unconstitutional edict based on our laws, because — and here’s the secret — our government no longer operates under “the rule of law”.
Our government operates under the rule of force. It’s not the rule of law but rather the threat of force that guides our domestic legal codes and their application and resolution these days.
Look at the Oxford Dictionary and one finds the meaning of “terrorism” to be “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Wow … if that doesn’t describe the Biden administration perfectly, I don’t know what does, especially now that they are targeting white conservatives, Christians and independents across the board as “radical extremists” and having Gen. Austin combing through the U.S. Military for “white supremacists”.
Too many Americans submit to the government out of the fear of the possible consequences, while many others submit, because they believe if it’s “the law” they must do so, and if there is any discrepancy later found, it will be corrected in short order. And that’s exactly where we’ve arrived — the rule of force supplanting the rule of law. And that’s a terrible realization for any American to awaken to understand.
Fear it or welcome it, but our government is not going to hear us until we speak in their language, the language of force. And while this doesn’t necessarily mean violence, make no mistake that I will kill in order to remain a free man and defend freedom and liberty for America’s children and their children’s children.
We often hear many pundits ask someone “would you die for liberty”, when the right question to ask is “would you kill for liberty.” If one will kill for liberty, it goes without saying that they are prepared to die for liberty.
However, force doesn’t necessarily have to be violence. It can be as simple as directing and pushing the government into submission to the law, through non-violent means, such as hassling it in between such a rock and a hard spot that it has to respond in the affirmative to one’s demands.
One may not even have to do such a thing.
But we certainly won’t beat them at the polls, because the people cannot overcome such an overwhelming force and votes that were bought and purchased through money that was stolen from us, in the first place.
And the powers-that-be know this. They know that all they have to do is to steal enough money from a broad enough base — or just mail out ballots everywhere without any names associated with them for verification purposes — and give it to a big enough base to secure their re-election. They’ve figured it out and refined it over the decades, and they just keep sending the American populace back through those same turnstiles repeatedly, like a tired re-run of an old B movie, telling us to “vote ’em out of you’re angry”; and in the meantime, they laugh behind closed doors knowing they have an army of corrupt individuals awaiting their backing and payoffs to set them up to be “elected” (read “installed”) next.
As long as they keep the people focused on this single recourse of “vote ’em out”, they know they can keep the scam going for years. And if anyone in the right circle to see this as a fact speaks up to say “this isn’t right”, they soon find themselves back on the outside looking in.
This is the reason so many Americans feel that dull aching pain in their heart and a sinking feeling in their gut. They see the overwhelming nature of the Leviathan than confronts them and threatens everything in their lives that they hold dear. It’s as if they are tasked with throwing themselves in front of a speeding locomotive in order to try to stop it, knowing it’s not going to work, before they ever do it.
Americans have sensed this for many long years, even if they never heard anyone speak of it before today.
Without a doubt, America is in dire straights and a more than difficult situation, as the calls are going out across the land for Her patriots to rush to Her aid and Her defense. She needs Her heroes, wherever they are to be found.
Americans have gone through an exhausting process since 2000, and today many of us find ourselves hating the situation we find ourselves living in the here and now, for whatever the reason. We’ve been handed one insurmountable challenge after another, feeling somewhat defeated at times, as we try to fight our way out of the dark hard place we are at this time in history. It’s time for us to rise up and be all that history demands us to be for the sake of our children and their children’s children and all generations left to come.
American patriots are facing the most important mission of their lives, in stopping the current onslaught of the Democratic Party Communists under Joe Biden and the tyranny that is associated with him and his people. Bonds are being formed, as we see this is a fight that may actually require many of us to place our lives on the line, and there’s a good chance many of us won’t live to see the final days of this battle for freedom in America. It’s a fight that will require leaders who can galvanize conservatives, seize the day and bring them together in order to overcome the growing tyranny in our country and press on to ensure that the forces of Truth, Life, Liberty and God emerge victorious on the other side of this war, in which failure is not any option whatsoever, not for a people resolved to accept nothing less than complete and total freedom and liberty for themselves, their families and all those whom they love.
Anyone who fears dying in the defense of Americans’ freedom will be useless in this fight. For this to succeed, each of us must accept, that as much as any of us want to live to see a free America once again, some of us may die in the coming fight, that is certain to turn into a full-blown hot civil war in the not too distant future. Fight to live another day, fight for freedom and liberty, but fear not stepping on across that narrow divide between life and death with the stakes set so high for all who love this America so dearly.
by Justin O Smith
We are back to square one, right? Where is Patrick Henry to give his speech again? Give me liberty or give me death speech! Some people are already losing their minds and the real battle hasn’t even begun yet! As a baseball player named Yogi Berra supposedly said once ” It ain’t over till its over”. Don’t leave the field in the 3rd inning because you are behind. Adapt, improvise, etc. Remember, we are still armed as a nation, people. Heck, even George Washington had trouble in the beginning beating the British, but he liked the ending, right? Identifying the enemies within our government is the important thing right now. They need to be dealt with first. People like the Council on Foreign Relation, the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, etc. Know your enemies is the key. I would suggest to you that the reason why the government traitors are showing their cards now is not because they think they have won, but because they are afraid they are losing. They are desperate to keep the hang man’s noose from around their neck. This was bound to happen when they were being exposed. Just like the Rocky movie scene where the guy said Rocky was getting creamed and Rockies’ guy said no he is getting mad fits the events now. The fight has not really even started yet, people. You are doing a good job of exposing the corruption in our government right now. Keep getting the word out to the naive people. Waking up the most people possible before the shooting really starts is the key to saving the country. If we can wake up enough of the people before war breaks out, we may be able to save our Republic without much bloodshed. Heck, the establishment had to steal the last election in order to stay in power. That is not a sign of being in charge. The investigations showing they stoled the election is the reason why they are panicking now. Sometimes people can’t see that all of the chaos is because the good guys are starting to win, not lose.
This is everything my family and I believe. It’s time to Surge sursus