
I came across this writing some time ago and saved it (forgot to save the source where I found it). Thinking of the *time we are living in* and my memories of watching BRAVEHEART years back – I find a great connection from the William Wallace of Braveheart and todays activities in this world described in the following writing. I have no idea who really wrote this but it struck me as something to save. Perhaps some of you will find this worthy to read too. ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny)

Time is running out the American
terrorist force is Here, hoping you’ll
submit in Fear!!!

They come dressed in Black, eager to
shoot you in the Back!!!

They’re Bad to the Bone and Honed with a
fine edge to Kill!!!

Their choppers are Black, and they are as
serious as a Heart Attack!!!

Their tanks shoot flames of Fire, they will
flatten your house as if it were a Tire!!!

The new SS is here to take your freedom
and then your Soul, take my word for it,
that’s their Goal!!

They kill Christians because they Know for
Satan to appear, we must all Go!

We are at war you Know, they dump
germs and chemicals upon us and watch
us Glow!!!

They put the aids virus in their serums and say,
there’s an epidemic here, go get
immunized and have no Fear!!!

They give us a number in place of our
Soul, now you have no name that’s their

They come as a thief in the night with a
question for your Life. Will you make a
stand or give up your Land!!!?

Will you take the mark and join the New
World ORDER, or will you die for Christ
and become a Martyr!!!?

They came suddenly one Night, flashlights
shinning ever so Bright!!!

My dogs started barking as the black
silhouette’s ran forward, next thing I
know they shot them dead, what

Bullets crashing through my walls and
glass everywhere, I felt a sharp pain and
knew right then and there, that they were
here to kill me and I was Fair Game!!!

I had enough, grabbed my S.K.S., now
they’re in my sights, God Bless this Mess, as
warm blood ran down my foot, I squeezed
off a round and one silhouette went down

The odds where against me but God is on
my side, for the Bible says there’s a time
to kill and a time to die!!! ecc. 3.1-14

I fought on into the night each time I shot
I thought, one less to Fight!!!

For the Weavers and the Dividians my
aim was sure and clean, not once did I
miss, for I remembered what I’d Seen!

I counted one for Sams and one for Vickie,
too; and all the Dividians for me and You!

They cut the phone lines and electricity, so
I couldn’t call for help or necessities!!!

Next came the C.S. gas, how long could I
hold my breath before this too would Pass

I grabbed my gas mask out of my pack,
and ran out the Back!!!

Tears flowing, eyes on fire, skin burning,
lungs searing, and in the distance I could
hear them cheering!!!

The smoke was my escape, and now I had
on advantage to their Mistake!!!

I ran from tree to tree, each step would
make me free!!!

I could see the tanks moving in for the
Kill, as I made my way up the Hill!!!

Out of food, freezing temperatures and a
bullet lodged in my right foot, I saw my
cabin burn to the ground leaving only
black soot!!!

Now it began to snow and I would leave
a bloody trail everywhere I would go!!!

Soon, they would find me this I knew,

But, I had done all I could do.

I’d exhausted my supply of Ammo, and
now my rifle became a staff, my Camel!!!

Soon it became evident as the shells
exploded near me, spraying snow over my
head, that they had seen me, and soon I’d
be Dead!!!

For as the dawn grew nearer it became
clearer to me, that this was not another
Waco or Weaver that I could see!!!

It was much larger, it was our country,
just like RED DAWN , It’s real to me!!!

I felt alone, awaiting my death, never to
see our nation free, loosing faith, they
had divided us, could it be?.

Or had they. For as I looked about I heard
my Fellow Patriots shout! We’re With
You Brother, without a Doubt!!!

They came in trucks, jeeps and vans, most
on foot, but all with Gun in Hand!!!

We stood together and won that fight,
and helped each other keep our rights.

That Battle became known throughout the
land, that the people here made

REMEMBER FREEDOM ~ William Wallace

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