E. Cantavero 1968

There are those in America today, who can look back so many years – and see the future. I was in Viet Nam, and you were still in school. I thank you for sharing this with me my friend. At some point – I will see you on the Other side! ~ Jeffrey Bennett

Roberts: How America Was Destroyed

Hardly anything is left!

Those who control the Democrat Party are concerned about Kamala’s election chances. Little wonder. She represents the most anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-white, anti-peace regime in US history. Top Democrats are concerned that Trump will not only take the swing states, despite the multiple theft mechanisms Democrats have in place, but also some blue states. Polls are revealing that a majority of men of color see Trump as a leader of America and Kamala as a destroyer of America. Those who control the Democrat party, most certainly not the people, are also disturbed by reports of the heavy early voting by Trump supporters. Continue reading

Bans on Smartphones in the Classroom Gain Favor Across Political Spectrum

The school year is over, and the results should leave parents and educators with more anxiety than relief. Achievement scores are near historical lows and student absenteeism is high. There is some bipartisan agreement, though, on classroom management that could help students begin to rebound in the fall: Prohibit smartphones in classrooms.

Earlier this year, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, a Republican, adopted a proposal that prohibits students from using phones in class. Last week, the Los Angeles Unified School District school board voted to prohibit smartphones in classrooms. Continue reading

The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

New Bombshell Report Reveals Biden, Harris Granted Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Aliens
A new report from the House Judiciary Committee found that the Biden-Harris Administration granted “quiet amnesty” to millions of illegal immigrants whose immigration court cases have been closed.

Throughout three and a half years, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have opened the floodgates of hell and allowed nearly eight million illegal aliens to enter the U.S.— and that number doesn’t include the ones who crossed the border undetected… (Continue to full article)

Texas’ Ted Cruz and Chip Roy Press DHS to Get Information on ‘Tren de Aragua”s Presence in the U.S.
An alleged ‘Tren de Aragua’ member was arrested in New Mexico on an outstanding warrant for homicide in Texas this week. The episode is the latest in a series of actions targeted at the Venezuelan-born gang which Texas governor Greg Abbott recently declared a “foreign terrorist organization.”

The gang’s presence has garnered significant attention in the political and media landscape, becoming a symbol for crimes committed by undocumented immigrants in the country as the elections approach and the issue dominates the political conversation… (Continue to full article)

Texas Border: Migrant Children & Large Groups Still Crossing
Unaccompanied migrant children, large groups of migrants, and migrants who possibly pose “national security risks” to the United States are continuing to cross the border from Mexico into South Texas. “Ground Zero” for these disturbing trends is Maverick County / Eagle Pass, Texas.

The most recent report comes from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The agency says Texas State Troopers apprehended a group of 204 illegal immigrants there on October 16, 2024. The U.S. Border Patrol and Texas DPS have been reporting large groups illegally crossing the Rio Grande into the state since late September….. (Continue to full article)

U.S. Repatriates Deported Chinese Nationals in Second Charter Flight This Year
The U.S. conducted its second charter removal flight of undocumented Chinese immigrants to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) this year. The first large charter removal flight since 2018 took place in June.

According to the University of Maryland, nearly 10 times as many Chinese migrants crossed the southern border in 2023 as in 2022. In December 2023 alone, U.S. Border Patrol officials reported encounters with about 6,000 Chinese migrants, compared to 900 in December 2022… (Continue to full article)

Over 100,000 Migrants Encountered at Southern Border in September
A total of 101,385 migrants were encountered at the southern border in September, bringing the total to more than 2 million reported for this fiscal year.

In the Del Rio, Texas, sector Friday, NewsNation crews saw two different groups of over 100 people cross the border into the Eagle Pass area, just outside of Shelby Park even though Gov. Greg Abbott has that area fortified.

The group was made up of people from Venezuela, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Among them were 17 unaccompanied children… (Continue to full article)

Immigration Court Backlog Crisis Could Make Mass Deportations Inevitable
At the Oct. 11 campaign rally in Aurora, Colo., former President Donald Trump announced that if he is elected again, he will use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to conduct mass deportations of undocumented immigrant criminals.

The act does not require individualized notice or a hearing, nor does it give an opportunity for the immigrant to appeal a decision. And it does not specify a burden of proof that the government must satisfy.

Are mass deportations under the Alien Enemies Act really necessary? Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an alternative… (Continue to full article)

Smith: A Hot Full Blown Civil War is Coming Our Way!

All America will be watching most intently on Election Night to see if another steal becomes all too obvious early on. It doesn’t speak well at all of our nation’s status as the so-called “leader of the Free World” that a supposedly free nation’s people have to worry if they can conduct a free and fair election under any administration, even if deep political divides exist. This simply highlights that integrity and honor is severely and sorely lacking in the people and the country’s leaders on the whole.

Any provable mass voter fraud should immediately result in a hold on that state’s electoral college votes. And if the voter fraud rises to a demonstrable level that it can be proven to have swayed the influence to Kamala, let’s hope and pray to God that America’s patriots don’t just sit behind their keyboards expressing their outrage and pumping out memes like a flowing river of fine wine at a billionaire’s third wedding. Rather than mounting more rallies of protest, chanting slogans and making more predictions about a coming civil war, any rally after the election should be one comprised of armed American patriots with one purpose in mind – to immediately depose and oust Kamala, whether she’s won legitimately or not, in my humble opinion.

Civil war? Good. It’s past time for another one, and far past time to water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Continue reading

The Danger Is Real: The Deep State’s Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out … without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” ~ H. L. Mencken

If the three-ring circus that is the looming presidential election proves anything, it is that the Deep State’s plot to destabilize the nation is working.

The danger is real!

Caught up in the heavily dramatized electoral showdown between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Americans have become oblivious to the multitude of ways in which the government is goosestepping all over our freedoms on a daily basis. Continue reading

Dickens: Mis-Information and The Political Triplets

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” ~ William Shenstone

No. it’s not another beauty-pageant for the “Information Princess” or the White House Communication Director, or the heir for Cringe Jean-Pierre’s job.

This articles’ title gives the impression that there is a contest like Miss America.

It’s an intentional misdirection; a play on words. It’s called a homophone, which is not the same as homophobe, and is not a gay telephone. Welcome to the world of Mis, Dis, and Mal information, where the message depends on how words are used, and how you are coached to interpret them.

We’re in the 47th contest for the leadership of our republic, where words and their interpretation are crucial. The goal of the speaker, the seller, is to sway your opinion toward their partisan political party’s candidate. Continue reading

Brave Kid EXPOSES Shocking Truth Behind Woke Culture In Schools… Then His Dad Shows Up

The 11 year old kid has a bigger pair than most adults. I hope that the following awakes you! ~ Editor

I am a 74 year old woman and hearing this young man read from the book from his school library made me sick. The school board in this school and other schools like this should all be fired and put in jail for child pornography. It is downright disgusting to have books of this nature in a school library and then have the librarian ask him if he wants more books on the same subject. Despicable! These school boards have no morals. Not only that but the authors of these books just make my skin crawl for targeting young children. ~ Phyllis Stone

Juntti: How to Drain the Septic Tank Called VOTING

There are times that we find the need to go back into the history of posts that we have shared with our readers in years gone by. What follows MUST be re-read and shared with our readers and audience right NOW! ~ Editor

enemaNovember 5, 2016 ~ How to reduce the number of dead and ILLEGAL voters. I don’t believe that we can eliminate them all as those who intend to lie and cheat will always find a way to do so but we CAN greatly reduce the number.

The evidence of so many dead people still being on the voter registration rolls proves that the voter registration rolls need to be PURGED. The number of ILLEGALS who are registering to vote is a CRIME!! Continue reading

Perspectives on the Ant or the Grasshopper


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.


Be responsible for yourself!

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Lewis: The “Useful Idiots” aka The Mindless Bureaucrats Destroying America

lenin_reward_web_01March 10, 2014 ~ There are times when I cannot determine who is more stupid – politicians and their enforcers of unconstitutional acts, or the people that allow them to deny us our God-given right of free will; our inherent, inalienable rights of freedom – seemingly a forgotten concept.

In regard to politicians, Lenin called these wannabes within towns, cities, and states “useful idiots”. Why such a description? Well, it is because that is exactly what officials and their enforcers are. Continue reading

Whitehead: Brace Yourselves… A Tsunami Approaches

“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security… And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.” ~ Historian Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45

Brace yourself: a tsunami approaches.

While we squabble over which side is winning this losing battle to lead the country, there is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Continue reading

FEMA Still Paying $9,000 for Covid Funerals, Billions on Pandemic Payouts

Uncle Sam infected by a different strain of “long Covid

As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) carries out widely-criticized responses to Hurricanes Helene and Milton, officials say the agency’s Disaster Recovery Fund is incapable of handling a third major storm.

While some are circulating false accusations that disaster funds have been diverted to immigrants or poured into the proxy war in Ukraine, a review of the agency’s 2024 outlays reveals a different, ongoing drain on FEMA’s coffers: Long after the end of the declared Covid-19 emergency, FEMA is still pumping out billions of dollars to pay for pandemic expenses — including, believe it or not, up to $9,000 each for funerals.

As previously detailed at Stark Realities, governments’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic was disastrous on many fronts. While the Pandora’s box of collateral damage included widespread harm to the physical and mental health of individuals, it also dealt a blow to the nation’s fiscal well-being, as the federal government recklessly showered trillions of dollars it didn’t have on people, businesses and state and local governments — with much of that money intended to offset the effects of government’s own tyrannical and counterproductive policies. Continue reading

La Vie en Rose

“Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good.” ~ Václav Havel

Now might be a good time to find something that you can firmly believe in, something that is greater and better than yourself, and then hang on to it and faithfully serve it, with all your strength and hope.

Have a pleasant evening.

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