The Obsolete Man

You might think this episode is futuristic. It is actually constructed from history, warning us that our future may be doomed to look like this if we fail to learn from history. I can see the latency of its arrival. Serling’s words here are incredibly prophetic and wise… as we have learned NOTHING!

The Silence is Deafening

What many believed was impossible has already happened: Overnight the mighty and noble United States of America was passed over to Communist rule – with nary a peep about it from any of the major news outlets who dominate the thinking of our day.

A tsunami came raging through the Fruited Plains yesterday leaving America in a trillion blown-away pieces on the ground. In this morning’s aftermath, the only piece worth picking up from the debris is courage.

Many, already distancing themselves from President Donald Trump, will leave courage lying on the ground, including some who file columns to this very news site. Continue reading

Baldwin: What We Learned In 2020

We learned much in 2020. I’ll get right to it.

1. In 2020, we learned that the establishment church is happy to render to Caesar the things that are God’s.
I’ll say it straight out: Those pastors and churches that refused to resist the Covid lockdowns, closures and restrictions during 2020 surrendered to the spirit of antichrist and became part of the Babylonish beastly system of Revelation 18.

Truly, the salt has lost its savour, and as Jesus told us, “it is thenceforth good for nothing.” (Matthew 5:13) Continue reading

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty

Part One: Betrayal of the Golden Venture

One of the key arguments used by proponents of open borders is that America has always welcomed the downtrodden of the world to join us. Americans are a compassionate people with a strong sense of right and wrong. We believe it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s how we celebrate our own birthright of freedom.

However, while Americans are happy to extend a helping hand they also don’t want to be taken for suckers. We are a nation – a proud one – with our own culture combined with a rule of law that has made us the envy of the world. It’s the very reason many want to come here. Our arms are open to share what we have – but we must also reserve the right to insist that we share on our terms. Continue reading

A Thirsty Tree

The tree of liberty has been waiting a long time, too long, for refreshment. And it is thirsty

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence

As I write this, We the People have stormed the US Capitol building and are inside it. The lame stream media is reacting with a pearl clutching swoon, and spineless Republican leaders are claiming “This is not who we are.”

Pissed off American patriots who have had enough of feckless Republican dithering and cowardice

Well guess what? THIS IS EXACTLY WHO WE ARE. Pissed off American patriots who have had enough of feckless Republican dithering and cowardice, insane Democrat agendas, and watching our Constitution burn. Patriotic Americans who refuse to surrender our country without firing a single shot. Continue reading

Juntti: Samson and America – the similarities

Time changes NOTHING. NO matter the date of the original publication of that which follows – as with many of Granny’s posts – nothing really changes. Hopefully you are reading this for the first – or 50th time – and it finally sinks in.

I’ll see you at Sundown ~ Jeffrey Bennett

Samson and Delilah, by Rubens

August 1, 2012 ~ America was a very strong country – similar to the strength of Samson in the Bible. Samson was the strongest person on earth – all due to his God given strength.

America, like Samson, allowed Delilah (the ENEMY WITHIN) to beguile and to rob that strength by deceiving Samson with things that are against God’s Word. Continue reading

No one to Blame Except YOURSELVES!

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Do you want to know the one question no one really wants to hear the answer to? Too bad, I’m going to tell you anyway. The one question people may ask, but nobody wants to know the answer to is, “Who is to blame for all the problems in this country? The reason I say no one wants to hear the answer to that is because the answer is like holding a great big mirror up and telling them to gaze deeply into it – those gazing into it are the problem.

People will say that the Republicans, or the Democrats, are the problem; but aren’t they just other people with different ideas as to what purpose their government should serve? People love to point fingers at others, but they hate having to turn their gaze inward and ask themselves if they may be part of the problem as well. Continue reading

Nothing Will Stop the Socialist Short Of A Massive Conservative Uprising…


Socialism and Capitalism – In Contrast

“To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It’s asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education. It’s one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live.” ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Congresswoman Continue reading

However Dark the Future ~ NEVER Give Up

I have some little hope that this all shakes out in Trumps favor on January 6th, but even if it does, it will still only serve as a temporary stop gap to what is coming down the road for all Americans.

If America is to truly be saved and restored, it will one day require good and decent Americans to cut the Constitution all the way back to its founding days and start anew, with a great deal more attention paid to securing freedom and liberty over commercial and business interests and the “general well being” of all to the detriment of the individual. Continue reading

A Letter to the Warden of the Prison for the Elderly

My 84-year-old mother has been imprisoned for the past nine months. Not even family is allowed to visit – a cruelty not visited on death-row inmates. My mother didn’t kill anyone or even hold up a 7-11.

Her crime? Dementia.

She is imprisoned on account of this in a “care” facility which operates under the Gesundheitsbefiehls – health decrees – of Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam. He has decreed that visitors are verboten, no matter the extenuating circumstances – including even no possibility of transmitting the ‘Rona to the imprisoned elderly person. Continue reading

The COVID Con – Beyond Absurd

December 30, 2020 ~ COVID-19 is a truly amazing virus – one which has apparently cured seasonal influenza, measles, heart disease, tuberculosis, cancer and most other diseases and also abolished death from natural causes and even accidents. It appears to be highly intelligent and very selective – extremely virulent in churches, schools, restaurants, gyms, bars/clubs, and at social gatherings in private homes, yet seemingly has no effect on the thousands of employees who work at Walmart, Target, K-mart, Home Depot, Amazon Warehouses, etc… and especially liquor stores. Continue reading