Welcome to Joestown…

Jonestown had a big sign hanging in their main pavilion. It read, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

We may be repeating the mass suicide that occurred there—only on a much grander scale. Too many people worship “Father Government” who resides at his statist Temple in Washington D.C. Father Government tells them to worship science – at least, his corporate version of it. Continue reading

Go Not Gently Into That Good Night

Marcelo Pinto – Irancartoon

Cable news was interrupted this afternoon [February 19th 2021], by our Dictator-in-Chief, Joe Biden and his statement regarding his administration’s plans for America and the need for all of us to do our “patriotic duty” and mindlessly don our masks and extend our arms for the new batch of experimental DNA altering vaccines, as he and his administration deny the real science and facts that exhibit a remarkable decline in COVID cases, of late, due to herd immunity.

Biden’s remarks were simply more fear-mongering as a justification to continue state controls on people’s behavior, to combat what is essentially a type A or B Flu, noting that he had mandated masks and social distancing for federal buildings by Executive Order; and from the demeanor of this Poser, one could tell he would do more, if he thought he could get away with it. Continue reading

Madness… MADNESS!

I walk around astounded at what seems to be limitless stupidity of the average person….I am sure most went to school and have some kind of “education”.. yet their behavior implies one of two things: they are either completely programmed zombies, following instructions like machines, OR, they really are plain DUMB. I don’t think a third option exists! ~ Danielle Mottale

Masks Can Be Detrimental to Babies’ Speech and Language Development

NOTE: It was STRONGLY recommended for the outset that NO child below the age of six should be wearing masks. ~ Ed.

The good news is that parents can take action to compensate

Credit: Getty Images

My daughter’s friend was recently alarmed when she was told that her two-year-old must wear a mask in preschool. Her little girl already struggles to make herself understood, and her mother worries that the mask will make it harder for her daughter to be understood and that she will have trouble telling what her masked peers and teachers are saying. Continue reading

the COVID-19 “vaccine”

“I’ve had my vaccine and I feel fine.”

The above quote is the uneducated and ignorant defense from anyone that has taken the vaccine and uses it as proof that the vaccine works, when confronting anyone who questions it. If that’s your defense, then you haven’t listened to a single word anyone has said, including science itself. Continue reading

Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election

Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne was deeply involved in the analysis of the 2020 U.S. general election, leading a team of ‘white hat’ hackers to delve into exactly what happened. Now he has preliminary results of where the foreign interference (cyber attacks, acts of war) came from. His preliminary data is below…you be the judge. Continue reading

A Next Migrant Caravan is Forming …

…and Biden Hopes to Crush It Without Leaving His Fingerprints

In January, international human rights groups pummeled the government of Guatemala for its use of batons, tear gas, and troops to break up a migrant caravan that had swelled to some 9,000 people mainly on incoming President Joe Biden’s promises that all who wished to cross the U.S. border would find a warm embrace inside the United States. Continue reading

Village of the Damned!

The following will be well worth EVERY parent and Grandparent’s time to review and READ. Once again – the children will – and DO suffer. ~ Ed.

Remote education is rife with threats to student privacy
An online “proctor” who can survey a student’s home and manipulate the mouse on their computer as the student takes an exam. A remote-learning platform that takes face scans and voiceprints of students. Virtual classrooms where strangers can pop up out of the blue and see who’s in class.

These three unnerving scenarios are not hypothetical. Rather, they stand as stark, real-life examples of how remote learning during the pandemic – both at the K-12 and college level – has become riddled with threats to students’ privacy … (Continue to full article)

Is Remote Learning Causing A Mental Health Crisis Among Teens And Children?
Depression, anxiety, weight gain and even loss of toilet training are on the rise in kids as the pandemic drags on.

At the beginning of the school year, Paige Gagerman was highly motivated. The Deerfield High School junior got dressed each day and set herself up for a day of school at her desk, or the kitchen. But now in second semester, Paige sits in bed with her sweatshirt hood over her head. Remote learning has worn her down … (Continue to full article)

Suffer the Little Children…

The Kids Aren’t All Right…
One year ago, Lena Carson was pulling straight A’s at the city’s Creative and Performing Arts Magnet school, located across the river from her parents’ home. She also swam at the local YMCA every day in preparation for the annual state competition and enjoyed the everyday social life of a teenager.

A bright student who skipped a grade, her straight A’s have dipped to D’s, and Lena says she struggles to complete assignments, not because she can’t but because of the lost will. “I have nothing to look forward to … (Continue to full article)

What’s at Stake in the Fight Over Reopening Schools
As tens of thousands of Americans continue to die of covid-19, a new debate has emerged over whether public-school students, their teachers, and all of the staff necessary to make schools function should return to school buildings. In the United States, forty-two per cent of students are exclusively attending “virtual” school, thirty-five per cent are attending in-person school, and twenty-two per cent have a combination of in-person and remote learning.

But, as schools began to open in early January, the numbers of students who actually showed up were even smaller … (Continue to full article)

I Just Wanted To Be Left Alone

…Kill them where they stand and leave their rotting carcasses along the roadsides and in the parking lots, stacked ten feet deep and ten feet high, all about one and in all directions for as far as the eye can see, even if I must fight ’til my own last dying gasp … so help me God!

Our American brethren failed to stand vigilant enough against the Leftist ideologies of the world that place no value on human lives, as made in God’s image and sacred. We allowed evil men who see humans as cogs in their machines, drones for the State. And they too are wont to inflict the same horrors the world lived through during the 20th century, the type of cruelty and carnage brought upon mankind through the fascist Nazis and the Marxist Soviets, because they too reject God in favor of their own hedonism that opens the door to every kind of evil one dare mention.

This makes it all the more chilling, as we see so many of our youth embracing this sick, twisted and evil ideology and it is placed throughout our institutions and a multitude of government programs. How despicable it is to hear so many in the Commie ranks deem it so extremist and radical to bring their agenda into the light of day, that our voices must be cancelled and silenced for daring to do so. This silencing of dissent exhibits the distance we have fallen away from America’s core values of “free speech”, not to mention all the other rights enumerated within our Bill of Rights. This marked intolerance for America’s Founding principles shows us all in no uncertain terms precisely where this path leads, in the end. Continue reading

The Last “Next Step”

” … Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace! Peace! — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” ~ Patrick Henry

The note of the day coming from all corners of Conservative punditry is “Don’t give them an excuse to take it [Liberty], don’t give them an excuse”, as they admonish conservatives across America to be careful about speaking out on their rights to keep and bear arms as a right fundamental to maintaining all of our other rights. They add that everybody must refrain from speaking on the right to act violently in kind in self-defense when violently attacked. Continue reading

Supreme Court Justices

Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

Dear Supreme Court Justices,

You are scheduled on February 19th, this year, to make a decision on whether to hear, consider and make a ruling on the lawsuits before you pertaining to the presidential election of 2020. In the Texas case, both justices, Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas, agreed to hear the case. They are due the respect and appreciation that the other seven of you frittered away. Continue reading

F*ck The Law!

“In times of tyranny and injustice, when law oppresses the people, the outlaw takes his place in history.” ~ Robin Hood (Ridley Scott version)

If you want my honest opinion on the matter, nothing in the world would be more ridiculous than to believe that a people who had just fought a long and costly war for their freedom would then turn around and establish a system of government which was designed to take that freedom right back from them.

Yet then again, some criminals often gain their freedom after serving time for their crime, only to turn around and get caught committing another crime, which lands them right back to prison; which proves that maybe, just maybe, people become accustomed to a way of life, and when offered a chance at something different, something better, they reject it and go back to what they’ve become comfortable with.

What is it in human nature that causes man to abandon liberty for bondage; to forsake the blessings of being able to live their lives according to the dictates of their hearts, for the cold comfort of being told what others think is in their best interests? Continue reading

Joey’s America: COVID Restrictions for Americans, but NOT Illegal Invaders

The issues on our southwest border are complicated, heartbreaking, and in need of more attention than Washington, D.C. has been willing to give.

My recent trip to the southwest border took me across three states, California, Arizona, and Texas, and each of the areas had varying degrees of COVID-19 restrictions. You can’t eat indoors in a restaurant in California, but you can in Arizona and Texas. Mask wearing in many public places is mandatory and there were testing sites in the airports in which I landed. Continue reading

Don’t You Get It? America Is A Socialist Democrat Monarchy!

“We have allowed an unholy alliance of government – the new monarchy – and corporate influence – the new aristocracy – to take control of events in a way that would have made our Founders shudder.” ~ Marianne Williamson a contemporary American author, spiritual leader, political candidate, and activist

Conservatives must know by now that it is over. By the time Biden finishes his first term in office, if he lasts that long, the damage he and the Democrats will inflict upon America’s culture, the economy, our energy, our sovereignty and our institutions will be irreversibly permanent. There will be no way to undo it through the executive, legislative, bureaucratic, or judicial processes. As proof, conservatives have tried for 10 years to repeal Obama Care, passed when the Democrats controlled Congress and the White House, but have failed in every attempt. Continue reading

Killing the American Dream: Biden Places America Last

Biden constantly asserts he has “the science” on his side, regarding his policies, and yet, he offers absolutely no concrete evidence in support of his contention, that America is in a global crisis, to such a dire degree it demands the closure of the Keystone Pipeline, maybe even the currently active Dakota Pipeline, as a part of the solution. His Party’s overwrought claims has him and his cronies delivering every fallacious justification under the sun, in order to lull the masses into conferring their blessings upon his madness of leaving a known quantity and energy independence, for unreliable wind and solar energy; his cronies are pressing his opposition hard, as this battle unfolds, as they now are making it ever more difficult to ship oil and natural gas to refineries and consumers. Continue reading

What is a Patriot?

In 2003, performing at a concert in London, Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks famously criticized the Iraq war and said, “We’re ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.” [1] As the country reacted, I remember comments about patriotism and questions about why it was a big deal anyway.

What does it mean to be a Patriot and does it really matter? Continue reading

Border Crossings Reported Up as Migrants Head Toward U.S.

A Customs and Border Protection vehicle patrols along a new section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in El Paso, Texas, August 27, 2020. (Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuter)

Border crossings from Mexico into the U.S. have begun to climb in recent weeks as thousands of migrant families have made their way to the area, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Continue reading

None of Us Are Perfect: A Betrayal Most Foul

There currently isn’t any group, any people, more vile and evil than the Democratic Party Communists who hate God, hate life and hate all freedom and liberty, except their own. ~ J.O.S.

“I think it’s important for all of us to remember, none of us are perfect.” ~ Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Not one to normally defend others. especially politicians, when their own words come back to haunt them, it seems someone needs to stand in defense of Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG). She has held up in a commendable manner, strong, true and righteous in her own recent statements, under a blistering attack from the Democratic Party communists, who have done considerably worse things in their past, than what they’ve accused her of doing; however, even worse, eleven Republican Congressmen actually joined the Democrats on February 4th 2021 to remove MTG from her committee positions, in a betrayal most foul. Continue reading