S & R ~ Gun Control: Unacceptable, Unconstitutional and Morally Reprehensible

Life doesn’t simply stand still, even in the midst of unfolding catastrophes. During the Spanish Civil War, cows still need to be milked, milk-maidens still need a hug and children still needed to be shown they were loved, along with getting their bottoms soundly spanked every now and again.

H.R. 127 is the most ignoble, egregious, stinking pile of dictatorial trash, anyone has ever proposed on the floor of Congress. Essentially, they’ve revealed their hand, since they believe they cannot lose at the moment, and we can see exactly the end results of this reprehensible feces-laden legislation that will endanger all Free Born Americans, as these Communists try to throw people in prison and deprive them of their rights.

This is prima facie evidence of the so-called progressives’, the Democratic Party Communists’ intolerance and hatred for Americans’ Inalienable God-given Rights, the rule of law and the balance of power regarding the three branches of government, while it blatantly bares the lie of their calls for unity, inclusion, equality and the sanctity of human rights.

It’s just been referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, on March 1st, and I full well expect to see it pass in the House, whether it gains traction in the Senate or not.

They’re full of themselves at the moment and doing everything they think they can get by with and then some. Just because the power shift and momentum is on their side for the moment doesn’t mean we just lay down and die and let them roll over us.

“The right to bear arms has always been the distinctive privilege of freemen. Aside from any necessity of self-protection to the person, it represents among all nations power coupled with the exercise of a certain jurisdiction. … It was not necessary that the right to bear arms should be granted in the Constitution, for it had always existed.” ~ John Ordronaux, Constitutional Legislation in the United States [pages 241-242] (1891)

Americans’ lawful right to keep and bear arms for self-defense has been under attack, since 1963, when Senator Thomas Dodd’s push for gun control, culminated with the Gun Control Act of 1968, and in part, a prohibition of firearms “with no sporting purpose”, despite the clear language in the Second Amendment and the fact the Second Amendment was created to ensure the American people would always have a tool at their disposal, to fight any future tyrannical government, not for sporting use or hunting. The sad reality remains, that as long as we have communists gaining seats in the House and the Senate, our inalienable God-given right to keep arms, for any reason we wish, will be targeted for suppression, as seen under H.R. 127, a new bill recently proposed by Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), that is tantamount to the most tyrannical gun control bill ever proposed.

Democratic Communists such as Lee and Joe Biden seem not to understand the words “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, as a negative right that explains what the government cannot do to the American people, and while Biden has explained he views the Second Amendment as limited, in no way can he find any valid or legitimate justification for limiting our individual right, so described in Heller v. DC, to keep and bear arms; the U.S. Supreme Court noted in 2008, that this was an individual inalienable God-given right, that preexists the Constitution itself and government.

In other words, they could eradicate the Second Amendment tomorrow and our right to bear arms would be constant and intact, if only a bit less safe from their infringements and suppression; but nevertheless, nothing any so-called majority passes as “law” can ever eradicate any Inalienable God-given right such as this one. It does not represent an actual legitimate “law”, when it violates or attempts to eradicate an Inalienable God-given Right, since legitimate law must act righteously and proactively to preserve, safeguard and defend all people’s Inalienable God-given Rights, in a manner that prevents their suppression.

The Second Amendment is the only amendment without any qualifiers, that state one may bear arms “IF” they do one thing or another, like get a state or federal license or permission, precisely because the Founders had just experienced what happens under a brutal enemy and the aggressive confiscation of arms; and, they vowed such would never happen again in America.

Any federal or state legislation that intends to create a law that suppresses or abrogates our inalienable right to keep and bear arms, to wipe it from existence, is unacceptable, illegal, unconstitutional and morally reprehensible. By that same token, so too is any “law” that requires a tax, license or any other requirement that smacks of forcing honest, decent people to seek the Master’s permission to carry a firearm or any other weapon, for the legitimate and lawful purpose of one’s self-defense. This is our right as seen in nature and created by God.

And yet, this means nothing to them all, as they revisit this issue, time and time again, knowing it is the one major stumbling block between them and total power over all they see, the American people, America proper and all Her resources and wealth. They care nothing for what is righteous and true.

This bill would require all firearms owners to undergo a psychological exam and a list of firearm owners that would be open to public access, among other egregious illegal and unconstitutional dictates. Among its demands are included: A federal licensing system for firearms and ammunition must be created by the U.S. Attorney General, that is overseen by the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco; gunowners must provide the make, model and serial numbers of their firearms, their name and where the firearms will be stored; individuals must complete a training program and pay an $800 “fee” for liability insurance coverage as a firearm owner; and it would ban .50 caliber and larger size ammunition and magazines that hold more than ten rounds.

Failure to comply with this bill would hold up to a $150,000 fine, with a $75,000 minimum fine, and/or a fifteen years minimum prison sentence. Just violating the ten round minimum for magazines and the ban on .50 caliber or larger ammunition alone comes with a $50,000 minimum fine and/or a ten year prison sentence.

More deaths have been caused by the books Mein Kampf and Das Kapital than by firearms here in America. Are we going to start licensing and confiscating books too? Oh … wait … Dr Seuss, where are you?

Many pundits have suggested H.R. 127 stands little chance of passing in the Senate, due to the 60 vote threshold to get out of committee, but these are the same people who said Hillary would win in 2016 and Trump would win in 2020, so excuse me if I’m not relieved by their assurances and prognostications, especially with so many current Republicans-In-Name-Only, such as Senator Mitt Romney, prancing about like a loose legislative cannon. Too many Republicans have shown far too much willingness to cross party lines, even on issues critical for the country, ala John McCain-style.

This is just for starters, since it’s not a secret that Biden and his Communist minions long for total gun confiscation. If they keep getting their way, through the slim margin in the Senate, with the phony “vp” Kamala as the tie-breaker for any 50 to 50 split, that attempt won’t be too far off in the future. And God help America should they ever succeed.

Given their natural proclivity for authoritarian government and tyranny, it wouldn’t be too far removed from the realm of reality to see the Democratic Party Communists and the Usurper-In-Chief Joe Biden use the psychological evaluation section of this legislation, should it pass, in conjunction with Leftist calls for de-programming Conservatives and “right wing extremists” and “white supremacists”, to target any dissent against their own anti-Second Amendment extremism. They could even use these “evaluations” to confiscate the firearms of people who oppose them on other issues or are identified as supporters of President Trump. After all, it isn’t like the Democrats aren’t already well-known for abusing power, whenever it’s in their hands, and far too many of them already disingenuously suggest that any firm advocacy and defense of our rights to keep and bear arms is in and of itself, domestic terrorism, by way of their imbecilic, irrational reasoning.

Biden and his Commie Crew want a world where thoughts and known political views are made into crimes. They advance and promote themselves and their hack “experts” as being able to determine if someone is predisposed to commit a crime, while they move to remodel America after the Minority Report, a fictional story that presents us with a police state that can foretell whenever someone is about to commit a crime.

And, now that Big Box Stores, Corporate America and Big Tech are out in force for the Biden Marxist agenda, we would also see an intense program of cooperation between these entities and the Biden Regime, as the registration data would be made available to the public. Yes, one would still see the occasional 3 a.m. SWAT raid on some poor, unsuspecting citizen whose only crime was not accounting for every single firearm or submitting an ammo count that was shorter than records indicated. But, for the most part, this new hysterical Cancel Culture Mob would use this data to target Conservatives and Christians, and anyone else who draws their ire, to be blacklisted, banned, fired from jobs, and even have your credit and utilities cut-off.

These Democratic Party Communists are prepping right this minute to ensure that people who love America and hold Her Founding Principles as dear and righteous will be unable to pay their mortgages, send their children to universities or by new appliances and pay a car note, or essentially care for their families in any normal and traditional sense. And, as the Department of Homeland Security is flagging people such as Us as “domestic terrorists” for the moment, no one should expect too much help from their local television station, as they will have been warned off.

America, as a society, has allowed the “progressive” Communist Democrats within the U.S. government to repeat so many false narratives concerning our rights and firearms over the decades, that a cloud of wrongdoing hangs over all society regarding the right to keep and bear arms. The false Democrat assumption and premise presumes that anyone carrying a firearm must be a bad individual looking to commit a crime or an incompetent individual not to be trusted with his personal firearm, unless he has a little card issued by the State saying otherwise. Gun laws preclude “innocent until proven guilty” and make honest, decent Americans into criminals, no matter the reason they have chosen not to get a “permit”.

As I wrote in a September 2019 article:

“Those men who go against their oaths to uphold the Constitution, in favor of illegitimate and illegal orders from the new rising despots and tyrants will create a collision juncture between the forces of tyranny and the immovable forces of freedom and liberty. And for those law enforcement who do understand the full import of their oaths, they will stand with freedom and liberty first.”

Although Biden is also suggesting that gun violence has become a “health crisis” for our country, let me simply state that anybody around me doesn’t have to worry about their health, life, money or anything else, so long as they treat me with proper respect and don’t try to rob or harm me and mine in any way. I’ll not infringe on any of their rights. And my firearms ensure they sure in the hell aren’t going to infringe on mine, should all other legal mechanisms fail Us.

Reject this proposed H.R. 127 piece of trash tyranny and Biden’s push towards exponentially more authoritarian government.

Those Americans who love freedom and liberty will refuse to obey or comply with the diktats and demands of this legislation, if it actually passes Congress, and most of Us will take a hard stand together, en masse and armed, to place an exclamation point on the fact that we are unwilling, as Free Born Americans, to be subjugated by this emerging hardline Marxist Regime under Dictator Joe. We know this is not a time for weak responses and compromises, in the face of so egregious an act against our rights, for if they are allowed to succeed in the abrogation and suppression of our right to keep and bear arms, none of our other rights will survive and their path to ending the Republic will be wide-open, for them to do as they will.

Nobody wants to hurt anybody, not unless they are criminally inclined, and most people never do, since they simply desire to get on with their lives and provide for their family. However, the Biden administration’s consistent advance on this path will make him responsible for causing a situation primed for violence and many forthcoming deaths, as the result. Speaking only for myself, I won’t hesitate to shoot any federal agent coming to illegally confiscate my firearms, especially if he even looks like he’s thinking about drawing his firearm from its holster, while on my property.

I’d Rather be Dead…

I’d rather be dead, with lead in my head
Than live under the Yoke of the Woke
Better dead than be red are words that were said
Long before we were “Rockin’ The Vote”
After all of that rockin’
Swamp creatures have locked in
The term of a toddering goat
I’d rather be dead, with lead in my head
Than live under the Yoke of the Woke

Now this cancel culture nurtures the vultures
That prey on the meek and the weak
The meek such as RINOs, the weak such as winos
And those who inhabit the streets
Some who deceive us would just as soon see us
All swing at the end of a rope
I’d rather be dead, with lead in my head
Than live under the Yoke of the Woke

We’ll get through this mess, which was nothing less
Than a well-mapped out Communist Coup
Lie, cheat and steal, make some people feel
An eye for an eye’s overdue.
So no stacking of ballots on pallets and pallets
We all have to show up to vote
One day we’ll forgive, but we will not live
Under the Yoke of the Woke

The culture that cancels is soon to be cancelled
Here in the home of the brave
They tore us all down they burned up our towns
For many there was nothing to save
The swamp of DC left unchecked will be
More like sharks infesting the moat
I’d rather be dead, with lead in my head
Than live under the Yoke of the Woke

~ James Reeves

Should anyone try to separate me and my firearms, they’d better pack a lunch, ’cause I aim to make it an all day job … and then some.

I aim to stay armed and free. You should too.

In the meantime … Carry On … pun intended.

March 3, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

2 thoughts on “S & R ~ Gun Control: Unacceptable, Unconstitutional and Morally Reprehensible

  1. veteran

    outstanding article.
    there is a reason for the fence around the capital. they fear an armed populace.
    the laws and restrictions that the left wants to pass cannot go much further without disarming the people.
    the new world order as dictated by the world economic council said “you will own nothing and be happy”
    that is their ultimate goal for the world. they call it sustainable development.
    i for one will never surrender my firearms. i hope the people feel the same.

  2. A Patriot

    I would like to make a point here. Our “rights” come from “our Creator” (aka. GOD FOR RELIGOUS PEOPLE), not government. Government is suppose to protect these rights. The 14th Amendment was created by Government to give former slaves “privileges” because they were not considered human by some people WHO HAVE GODGIVEN RIGHTS (misnamed CIVIL RIGHTS instead of government privileges), BUT OUR CREATOR GAVE US RIGHTS. GOVERNMENT HAS NO AUTHORITY TO TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS! EVER! Leaving the question, are you willing to die for your rights like our founding fathers were? The way this is going NOW, you may have to answer that question whether you want to or not!

    P.S. I have an article containing pages of quotes from our founding fathers and others PROVING THE 2ND AMENDMENT IS OUR RIGHT AND GOVERNMENT HAS NO AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE IT. I POSTED THOSE QUOTES MANY YEARS AGO ON THE INTERNET FOR PEOPLE TO READ, BUT SOMEONE HAS TAKING THEM DOWN! The people in our government today don’t want the people to know their rights. That is all you need to know about who is running our country today! The enemies of this Republic are after all our rights as well. Just look at what Facebook, Twitter, Google are doing to censor information along with their government buddies. Look at government trying unlawfully to mandate we all take a shot. (If someone tries to vaccinate you against your will, REMEMBER THAT YOU DO HAVE A RIGHT OF SELF-DEFENSE,)

    P.S. We are not in Kansas any more. It is time to pay attention to the men behind the curtain!!!!!

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