Hirschhorn: Occupy Revolution

Was the Occupy Movement of 2011 a precursor to what we are now witnessing with ANTIFA and BLM?

What you are about to read was written and published on November 22, 2011. We are now in the early days of March 2021 and the writings of Joel S. Hirschhorn were as prophetic as could have been. We are bringing it back to the front once more. ~ Ed.

November 22, 2011 ~ History tells us that it is nearly impossible to know in real time whether some kind of national, grassroots public protest ends up being the beginning of a true revolution against a ruling government system. This is true for the earliest beginnings of the revolt against the British that produced the successful American Revolution and the creation of the US. The British at the time surely thought that they could retain power and control. More recently, the revolts in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya certainly could not be accurately perceived in their earliest stages as likely to topple well established dictatorships wielding incredible and cruel power. Even now, the rebellious actions in Syria are not widely seen as surely resulting in successful revolution. Continue reading

Interview of Illegal Mexican Immigrant

August 8, 2010 ~ Here is a REAL INTERVIEW with an illegal Mexican at a protest march in Texas, which provides  a good example of a discussion with a master of circular logic. Don’t be logical, don’t respect the truth or your adversary, just say what you think makes a new case, when the previous case gets too difficult to defend.

Jim Moore reporting for a Houston TV station on the streets of downtown Houston. Continue reading

I’ll let you all know…

NOTE: Be patient… I am working on it. It will be slow, but I just cannot walk away ’til the Good Lord decides that he has need for me elsewhere. Thank you to all of our readers who have sent emails and left comments below. ~ J.B.

As of this moment – on this day – I have had enough.

Am I giving up? I do not know at this point. I am fed up with it all. 26 years on the air – and for WHAT?

Nearly 20 years with this website – and for WHAT? Apparently – not one damned thing!

All posts are still in my possession – and may pop up again in a day or so – or maybe a bit longer. But I need a break from ALL of this.

I am leaving a few posts on this site for now, one written by my dear friend and mentor – Granny. READ her words – and answer the same questions for and about yourself.

Without Apology,


Medical Doctors: “You Are Being Played! The SARS-C0v2 Virus Does Not Exist.”

From Dr. Scott Jensen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman to Dr. Thomas Cowan and our own health and wellness expert and nurse Kate Shemirani, another round of doctors are calling out the propaganda concerning COVID and the mainstream media’s smear campaigns against those who tell the truth about COVID and vaccines.

“None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.” Continue reading

We seem to keep coming down this road!: It’s Not The Virus … It’s The Vaccine

‘Get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot …’

July 21, 2009 ~ These are challenging times and we need to stay calm and think things through – not just panic and react. Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess and it is certainly not going to get us out of it.

We also need to realize – here, now – that we have long crossed the line into a fully-fledged fascist dictatorship. It has hidden itself to most people this far, but it is about to lift the veil.

It is no longer an option to do nothing or passively acquiesce to authority out of fear or apathy. Or, at least, it’s not if we care about our freedoms and, most importantly, those of our children and grandchildren who will have to live almost their entire lives under a global jackboot of sheer, undiluted evil. (Continue reading…)

Covid-19 vaccine Update: Employers Cannot Legally Mandate An Experimental Medical Product

The Food and Drug Administration in December granted emergency use authorization for two vaccines — produced by Pfizer and Moderna. They are said to be 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19, but they are in many ways experimental, unlicensed vaccines.

They have not been fully approved by the FDA. Much remains unknown about the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccines, which, by drug approval standards, were developed at lightening speeds.

ALSO: Pentagon officials said as long as the COVID-19 vaccines are classified as EUA by the FDA and not fully licensed, the DoD cannot mandate service members to take the vaccine… Read complete story…

Smith: End of the Road

Back when the United States Mexico Canada Agreement was being advocated by President Trump, I was screaming at the top of my lungs that it was a terrible deal. Among other things, it diminished our U.S. sovereignty, it ratified treaties, like the Law of the Sea that had been rejected by several U.S. administrations, it facilitated illegal immigration and many more detrimental mandates and measures, simply because Pres. Trump did not place the best people on it or give it the proper oversight, as it was being negotiated. It was negotiated by a team that was largely comprised of Obama administration holdovers in the State Department. Continue reading

America the Illiterate

We live in two Americas. One America, now the minority, functions in a print-based, literate world. It can cope with complexity and has the intellectual tools to separate illusion from truth. The other America, which constitutes the majority, exists in a non-reality-based belief system. This America, dependent on skillfully manipulated images for information, has severed itself from the literate, print-based culture. Continue reading

Science is clear: Each new human life begins at fertilization

It is the central question in the abortion debate: when does life begin?

Science teaches without reservation that life begins at fertilization (conception). It is a scientific fact that an organism exists after fertilization that did not exist before. This new organism has its own DNA distinct from the mother and father, meaning that it is a unique person. As the embryo grows, it develops a heartbeat (22 days after fertilization), its own circulatory system, and its own organs. From fertilization, it is a new organism that is alive and will continue to grow and develop as long as nutrition is provided and its life is not ended through violence or illness.

It is indisputably human, as it has human DNA. Continue reading

We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April

Covid cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public about the good news.

Amid the dire Covid warnings, one crucial fact has been largely ignored: Cases are down 77% over the past six weeks. If a medication slashed cases by 77%, we’d call it a miracle pill. Why is the number of cases plummeting much faster than experts predicted? Continue reading

When Over-Educated Idiots and the Racially Insane Govern America

Abraham Lincoln once wrote: “You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.” Likewise, you cannot elevate one race by tearing down another race. But that is exactly what the Democrats are attempting to do with social justice, social equity, critical race theory, systemic racism and white privilege.

Race and racism have exploded everywhere. The airways and newsprint are filled with race. Corporations and unions spout racism and equal justice all the time. Nationwide education has become racist indoctrination, blaming little white kids for the color of their skin, which is classic racism in itself. Continue reading

Benson: We May Lose Because We Don’t Care About Our History

Over the past week or so I have posted a couple articles about terrorist John Brown and some of his leftist connections (yes, he had some leftist connections).

Some of the comments I got back from various places my articles were posted were, how shall I say it, downright abusive. Everything from “who cares about all this crap?” to comments that used profanity that I won’t go into.

Some of this made me reflect a little and I came up with the possibility that, at least in our day, we may well lose the struggle for our freedom because many on our side of the political and theological fence not only do not comprehend or grasp the importance of our history, they just don’t care. They are not interested. Continue reading