Fox News star reveals “shot caller” behind Joe Biden

This is not a NEW bit of info –  Obama has been the man behind the curtain (Wizard of OZ) from day one and most folks have been well aware of it.  Placing BUY-DEM and HAIRA$$ in the places they are in should tell all that, together, they haven’t got the brain cells to light a match.  Obama buying that mansion so close to the White House – having Valerie Jarrett move into as well should tell the story that this was all WELL PLANNED after HILLARY lost to Trump.  The fraudulent elections – that Kerry was illegally negotiating with foreign governments during the Trump administration – this was all well planned out and set up to take CONTROL and turn America into a MARXIST/COMMUNIST – ANTI CHRISTIAN – nation.  What better hand puppets than BUY-DEM & HAIRA$$ for the VENTRILOQUIST OBAMA to talk thru? Quite honestly,  Charlie McCarthy had more brain cells than those two have. ~ Granny
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Everybody dreams; some just don’t remember their dreams upon awakening. I fall into that category; most of the time I can’t remember what I dreamt the night before. However, I just awoke from a dream that was so vivid that it is fresh in my mind; so I decided to write it all out before the memory of it fades. That’s why I’m here right now, at 3:47 a.m.; all so you too can share in my dreams.

As the dream begins, I’m sitting at the patio table in my back yard listening to some music. In front of me on the table sits a pellet rifle and a tin of pellets. The rifle is empty and the safety is on, and I have not yet fired it; no targets yet you might say. Suddenly I hear a crash at the front door and four heavily armed police officers, all wearing body armor, rush into my house with their weapons leveled at me. One of the officers says something I can’t hear over the music and the other officers head down the hallway towards the bedrooms while he approaches me; his weapon leveled at my chest. Continue reading

Granddad Ain’t Done By a Longshot: Maggie’s Trials and Tribulations

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera

The Devil’s Bargain had seemingly been sealed in the previous decade and the witch’s concoction that passed for a vaccine was seen as a Godsend, by the bulk of the poorly educated, ignorant masses that had bought the numerous fallacies and the propaganda surrounding the Covid-19 Vaccine hook, line and sinker, despite the significant deaths and all the bodies headed down the conveyor systems and into the furnaces. The government and its prostitutes in the boardrooms of the country’s media outlets and all the local newsrooms were touting its success and the final unbelievably low death rate of only ten percent among the vaccinated, although nobody could, or was even trying, to prove otherwise.

The government quack in chambers, Dr. Antonio Fauci, attributed the deaths to other ailments, and he noted that the deaths were primarily among the elderly. No matter that every single rational minded individual in every town across the country knew different and reason had many noting that too many people of all ages had already seemingly just vanished from the face of the earth. Continue reading

Weapons of Mass Stupidity!

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” ~ C. S. Lewis

The globalist ruling caste and their mass media want you to take COVID-19 shots. Right now! Don’t think—just do it. Unfortunately too many are robotically getting the jabs even though there have been many reports of the recipients dropping dead shortly thereafter. Continue reading

Guns, Race, and Culture

Democrats love to talk about “gun deaths,” but they hate to talk about the cultural conditions that cause them.

“Shootings never stopped during the pandemic,” blared the Washington Post headline. “2020 was the deadliest gun violence year in decades.”

The numbers bear it out: According to the article, there were 3,600 more shooting deaths in 2020 than in 2017, the next-deadliest recent year. This marks the highest one-year increase in homicides since such record-keeping began, and much of it occurred in our nation’s big cities, which saw a 30% spike. Continue reading

Deplorable Clinton Slams ‘Gun Worshipers

Hillary just can’t stop projecting her offenses onto her political opponents.

If there’s one thing the Clintons have always done well, it’s projection. They are masters of accusing their political opponents of doing the very thing they themselves are doing. Decrying the “politics of personal destruction,” for example, was a favorite refrain of the Clintons in the ’90s — all while they personally attacked and destroyed people.

Hillary Clinton made the latest entry in this wretched practice with her vitriol against gun owners and Second Amendment defenders.

In excerpts from a soon-to-be-released interview with her own former campaign spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton railed against Senator Ted Cruz and other Republicans who oppose restricting gun rights and banning guns. Continue reading

Gun Laws and Decentralization: Lessons from “Constitutional Carry

Few political movements can boast of success like the firearms movement in the United States. Often overlooked is how before the 1980s there was no concept of licensed, let alone unlicensed, concealed carry in the overwhelming majority of the country. The sole exception was Vermont, which through an idiosyncratic state supreme court decision in 1903 has had unlicensed carry for over a century. “Vermont Carry,” the concept of unlicensed concealed carry, would be the Holy Grail for Second Amendment advocates for up to a century.

In the intervening decades, in large part motivated by notable transgressions on the right to bear arms during the 1930s and 1960s, activists took to using gradualist methods in their efforts to relax gun control laws at the state level. Starting in the late 1970s, Georgia kicked off the modern licensed carry movement after it joined states like Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Washington in enacting some form of licensed concealed carry. Soon thereafter, states began adopting licensed carry one by one, and by the twenty-first century, most of the nation had some form of licensed concealed carry. Continue reading

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows

How many lives are actually saved by gun ownership?

It never fails. A split-second after a mass shooting occurs, grandstanders and ideologues issue statements demanding new gun controls – even if the laws already on the books failed or the laws they want would have made no difference. Case in point: the tragic incidents in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, in early August 2019.

The message is clear: Guns cause violence. Tax them, take them, ban them, regulate them. Do something, maybe anything! Such knee-jerk, emotional responses are dangerous, writes Charles W. Cooke in National Review, “for when a nation sets up a direct pipeline between its emotions and its laws, it does not keep its liberty for long.” Continue reading

Are Illegal Aliens Receiving COVID-19 Relief Checks?


During the debate over the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Senator Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) claimed that “undocumented immigrants do not have Social Security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks, period.” He was wrong on both counts.

Millions of illegal immigrants do have Social Security numbers (SSNs), and they will receive billions of dollars in stimulus money. But leave the money aside for now and consider the more basic problem: The U.S. government has chosen to issue SSNs to millions of people who are not even supposed to be in the country. It’s a clear indication that America is simply not serious about enforcing its immigration laws. Continue reading

Losing the Language, Losing the Argument

There’s an old saying in a debate that those who define the terms usually win the argument. That truism has been playing out on the political stage now for at least half a century, as the Right consistently concedes the language to the Left. If it seems like we’re always losing the argument, perhaps that’s because we’re always playing on their home field.

Of course, it’s true that language evolves naturally over time. Think of the word “hood,” which once referred only to a head covering. Now it’s also applied to the front of a car – the part that covers the engine. That’s a natural and logical evolution.

It’s when such shifts in meaning don’t occur naturally and aren’t logical that problems arise – when words are manipulated intentionally to make them mean things they didn’t mean before or aren’t supposed to mean. And this manipulation of language, otherwise known as propaganda, is something the Left is quite good at. In fact, rhetorically speaking, it might be the only thing they’re really good at – their entire game plan – since their arguments are rarely based on logic or fact. Continue reading

Conservatives Are Splintered, Fractured, Divided and Ineffective

“It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air – there’s the rub, there’s the task.” ~ Virgil, an ancient Roman poet

Never have so many tried so hard with such little effect. Conservatives have had all the impact of bumper cars at an amusement park. They keep bumping into each other with their own individual ideas, concepts and solutions on how to defeat the socialist Democrat horde but can’t seem to come together on one solution they can all rally around. Continue reading

Oregon Pushes Idea That Math Is Racist, Encourages Teachers to Dismantle White Supremacy

The Oregon Department of Education is promoting a course for teachers that links math lessons to racism and a culture of “white supremacy.”

The department last week sent out an online pamphlet for a course called “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction,” which includes a section on “Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.” The pamphlet includes materials that are essentially a course for spreading wokeness inside of classrooms. Continue reading

An Endopathic Metastasizing Cancer is Invading America

… and Bringing the Demise of our Country as We Know It.

The United States is very sick. The six tentacles of ENDOPATHIC DISEASE (endo, meaning within) and (pathic, meaning pathology) are now affecting every citizen in the United States. It involves SIX deep-rooted invasive tentacles, greed, money, power, control, lies, and deception. It has metastasized into the media, government, laws, medicine, drug companies, FDA, religion, law agencies, big tech corporations, many government politicians, mayors, and even has crept up to the steps of the white house.

Only intense surgical measures, with truth, knowledge, logic, honesty, love, faith in God, keeping our constitution and amendments, plus many changes in bad judges and bad laws will keep our freedom, and the current constitutional government free from disaster, and possible demise. Continue reading

Blood Money: Experimentation For Profit

The concentration camps were a laboratory for the Nazis. They put the minorities and intellectuals in there because the general population wouldn’t mind losing those people. The Nazi leaders knew people needed targets for their own self-hatred. ~ Wendy Hoffman, Survivor of Criminal Abuse

We slow the progress of science today for all sorts of ethical reasons. Biomedicine could advance much faster if we abolished our rules on human experimentation in clinical trials, as Nazi researchers did. ~ Paul Nitze, served under Truman, Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson

The above quote by Nitze is the reality of how the government and medical scientists think of American citizens…we are cash cows to be used and disposed of for their own experiments. Joseph Mengele, the Angel of Death, would be proud. Continue reading