A Half Century of Miseducation

The New York Times reported December 4 that math and science test scores for U.S. fourth and eighth graders have been essentially stagnant since 1995. Nor have they have been stagnant near the top – lots of countries outrank us –  but rather in the middling middle. American elementary/middle school students perform behind Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, England, Ireland, and Poland.

“’This is alarming,’” opined a Department of Education commissioner. Continue reading

Time is UP!

It’s a common misconception that Benjamin Franklin first proposed daylight saving time. He did recommend that people rise early to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. He knew it was biologically natural for humans to wake up when the sun rises and sleep when it sets.

President Woodrow Wilson officially signed daylight saving time in to law in 1918, which was another bad decision on his part. (He also got us into WWI and helped create the Federal Reserve). Continue reading

Teachers Told to Stop Whining and DO THEIR JOBS

The founder of a Christian ministry that addresses cultural issues says the absent teachers demanding a 9% pay raise need to wake up.

As AFN previously reported, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is demanding the increase in pay, even as four in 10 teachers have been “chronically absent” this year and already enjoy a median salary of $95,000.

Now the teachers union is slamming The Chicago Tribune for calling them out and for posing the question, “How much more again does their union expect?”

“It’s time for the Tribune to reflect the facts,” the CTU argues. “Have they considered how often educators – especially the 75% of whom are women – are on the front lines of both their classrooms and their families? Does the Trib think workers don’t deserve sick days, FMLA and parental leave? Educators don’t just teach; they sacrifice, care, and persevere.”

Linda Harvey, President of Mission: America, says, “The union needs to wake up”!
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Smith: This Christmas, Pray for a Better World

Christmas 2024 brings many memories to mind, some fun and some poignant, that make me question where mankind goes from here and what will the future look like as a people here in America, long after I’m dead and gone. With decades of the “Christmas Spirit” behind me, it’s hard to see any real good in mankind, holistically speaking, and despite our ecstatic claims of being so civilized, most of my lifetime has revealed that the human race isn’t really much more that a steady, ebbing flow of beings constantly doing great harm to one another, no matter all the false pious “Christians” who too often profess they represent our better angels in the same breath they cheat, rob, bear false witness against or murder someone in cold blood for self-gain. Continue reading

December 16, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

1.4 Million Illegal Immigrants in US Have Been Ordered Deported, but Have Yet to Be Removed
There are around 1.4 million illegal immigrants in the United States who have been ordered deported by federal immigration judges, Fox News has learned.

Of those ordered to be brought back to their home countries, around 13,000 of them are being held in custody by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE), a U.S. official said.

With only a few thousand in custody, many more are in the U.S. illegally despite orders to have them removed. Figures on how many are being held in local or state custody were not available.

President-elect Trump has pledged to carry out a mass deportation program… (Continue to full article)

Biden Aiding and Abetting Illegals all the Way to the End
As if letting 10 million plus illegals waltz into our country weren’t enough, now the Biden Administration is quietly loosening migrant policies before Trump and his team take office.

Get this, the Biden admin plans to launch an ICE portal app starting early next month in New York City that will allow illegal immigrants to BYPASS in-person check-ins at local ICE offices. Oh great, now the unvetted illegal immigrants roaming our streets will have EVEN MORE anonymity and ability to skirt accountability!

Reports suggest up to 100,000 migrants will be enrolled in the first phase of the program… (Continue to full article)

Over One Million Migrants Given Temporary Protection Status From Biden
The Congressional Research Service, a public policy research institute of Congress, revealed that President Biden has shielded these foreign nationals from deportation thanks to TPS. There were less than 320,000 migrants in the U.S. with TPS when Biden took office in January 2021. That number has since tripled.

There are 17 countries with TPS designations: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Lebanon, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen

They wanted to claim that fewer were illegally crossing. They just rechanneled them over land bridges and by air so they couldn’t be counted as illegal crossings… (Continue to full article)

Illegal Migrant Crime Cost $166.5 Billion, Three Times the Price of Deportation
The cost of crime from 662,000 criminal illegal migrants sought for deportation has been pegged at three times the much-hyped price of President-elect Donald Trump’s “mass deportation” plan.

In an analysis from the Crime Prevention Research Center, the costs of crime from the top targets of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations was set at $166.5 billion. That number is based on the cost to victims, a price list developed by the National Institute of Justice.

Murders account for almost $153.8 billion of the $166.5 billion in estimated criminal victimization costs. Another $6 billion involves sexual assaults/offenses, and an additional $5.2 billion comes from sexual assaults and sexual offenses… (Continue to full article)

Dickens: And In Conclusion… Is this the End?

This is my final post for 2024. This year has been a real ballbuster in every respect. The only positive takeaway is, I’m still on this side of the grass. Any positive aspects of the presidential election remain to be seen. I can’t imagine the pressure on Mr. Trump to perform, especially considering that a percentage of Merka want him to fail. I don’t understand this level of hatred or the depths of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) in the Democrat party. I suppose it makes sense in light of their historic hatred, divisiveness, and racism, but to destroy the republic in retribution is unconscionable. Continue reading

Whitehead: When Rights Become Privileges ~ Is the Constitution Becoming Optional?

“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country is a ‘Bill of Temporary Privileges.’ And if you read the news, even badly, you know that the list gets shorter and shorter.” ~ George Carlin

Disguising its power grabs in the self-righteous fervor of national security, the Deep State has mastered the art of the bait-and-switch.

It works like this: first, the government foments fear about some crisis or threat to national security, then they capitalize on it by seizing greater power and using those powers against the American people. Continue reading

Smith: America’s War for True Freedom Has Just Begun

Looking through the past decades and the prism of history, it is crystal clear that the danger for all Americans emanating from the expansion and growth of the various DC federal agencies has been growing for an extremely long time. We see the proof of the danger by way of traitors like General Mark Milley, who refused to carry out direct orders from President Trump and even went so far as to say he would warn the Chinese Communists if America were to ever mount an imminent attack against them. And so too, we saw Lt Colonel Alexander Vindman, not only spy on Trump but deliver false and purposefully misleading testimony during Trump’s impeachment hearing.

And then enter Biden. No enemy of America’s could have a better friend and agent acting on their behalf than Traitor Joe, who had it rough fighting Corn Pop at the local pool when he was just a young teen growing up in Little China, Massachusetts … Hahaha. Continue reading

As a Teacher for 26 Years, I’ve Seen How We Dumbed Down Education — and How Kids Suffer

An American flag hangs in a classroom as students work on laptops in Newlon Elementary School, Aug. 25, 2020, in Denver. – AP

Recently, writing in the Acton Institute’s Religion and Liberty Online, a Texas high-school teacher, Auguste Meyrat, brilliantly formulated the most precise description of education in post-COVID America: vegetative education.

As he writes, “Teachers in past decades have been faced with two choices: educating students with challenging material and frequent grading or engaging them with fun projects and participation grades.”

What is he talking about?

What does modern classroom instruction look like these days?

To put it mildly: A lot of it is not very good.
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How the Department of Education’s “Bureaucracy” Failed my Daughters

A Rhode Island mother has slammed the Department of Education (ED) for failing the nation’s children, especially her two daughters who were diagnosed with dyslexia.

Jody Baldwin Stone told DailyMail.com that she struggled for years to get her daughters into special education programs, even though federal benchmark assessments indicated they were in need of ‘urgent intervention.’

I do think the level of bureaucracy in the Department of Education right now is so outrageous that you can’t imagine the hoops they make families go through to receive special education,’ Baldwin Stone said. Continue reading

Metzger: The Erosion Continues!

Americans’ trust in institutions was further eroded this week. I’m referring to President Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter. This one’s different.

Presidential pardons have been around since George Washington. But no president ever promised to not pardon someone – and then went back on his word and pardoned that individual. And no president ever gave such a blanket pardon as Joe Biden gave his son Hunter, one covering the 10 years that Hunter has either been convicted of crimes or that the Justice Department didn’t fully investigate. It’s unprecedented.

This comes after Biden framed his presidency around restoring trust in institutions after Trump spent four years sowing mistrust in them, including accusing the Justice Department of being “weaponized” against him. Biden echoed similar sentiments in pardoning Hunter. “Here’s the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice.” Continue reading

DeWeese: Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally

              “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
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Dickens: “Vengeance is Mine” sayeth the Lord!

“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” ~ Romans 12:17-19

“Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.”
~ Deuteronomy 32:35

I don’t usually open articles with biblical quotes. I’ve interspersed them in my writings to make points or to highlight a bit of ancient wisdom, but the idea of retribution struck me as I read the news this morning. This collection of wisdom, we call the Bible, is thousands of years old, but it still speaks volumes to anyone that reads, or even remembers its teachings. When you overlook the misnomer that it’s only about religion, you’ll appreciate the truth of the wisdom. If you believe the myth and the lies attempting to distract you, you miss the sound judgement it’s trying to teach. Continue reading

Smith: I Was Born This Way: Queer Is As Queer Does

Bend Over – They’ll Drive: Originally published on the Federal Observer on September 13, 2019. As of this date, the author has done some minor updating. Over FIVE years have gone by, and what the author wrote about back in the day – has only com-POUNDED up the nation’s backside. What this nation has turned into has become absolutely sickening. ~ Editor

Pedo Satan

Author’s Note: In light of the recent oral arguments for the U.S. vs Skrmetti case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought many of You, the readers, and concerned Americans would find this old piece of some interest. It was written in September of 2019 for ‘The Federal Observer, but it’s as true now as it ever was, maybe more so given the unhinged, delusional minds and character of so many within the LGBTQ “community and more specifically the Transsexual / Transhumanist Movement that pushes our society closer to some Frankenstein androgynous “creation” and the end of humanity as we know it and as God intended for us to be.

Every man and woman, regardless of their sexual preferences or deviancies and perversions or pronouns, has the exact same rights as one another under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as other Inalienable God-given Rights that were not enumerated in our Bill of Rights, as seen in Nature and under Natural Law as created by the Lord our God. But this has never been good enough for the LGBTQ folks, who have militantly fought for not any “civil right” or “equal rights”, but rather they have fought for the “right” to have their lifestyle validated, since the 1970s right through their win on same sex homosexual “marriage and to the present fights on Trans Title IX “protections”; and more than this, they have been and currently are demanding privilege above and beyond every single straight, heterosexual man and women who hold tight to traditional American norms and values and the virtues and Christian principles that built America.

Now more than ever, stopping this mad Trans and Queer movement and cult following is one of the most important things we can do for the health and restoration of America and the future of our children and their children’s children and generations beyond.

December 6th 2024

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Smith: A Critical Time for America

Nearly half of America is jubilant with thoughts that their political savior has arrived and nearly another half of America is gnawing, spitting and gnashing their teeth in violent, spasmodic angst in their certainty that a new Hitler has risen in the country to make their lives a living hell, while the rest of us are simply watching and waiting to see what the next shoe to drop will be and just how much of our liberty will be trashed and violated under President Trump, no matter how much the economy may or may not improve.

Americans should stop deluding themselves to believe that their Inalienable God-given Rights are safe, now that Trump is poised to enter the White House again.

Every American that’s still worth a damn should be done with being told they are racist, sexist or a fascist, and more than that, they should be done with politicians lying to them, forcing a hard accounting upon every offender. No real patriot will ever easily allow their own common sense to be scoffed and ridiculed as unsophisticated or dangerous, and they certainly will never be a pawn in someone else’s game, especially since this last election seems to suggest that we really are the majority in America.

Now it is up to us to hold the Trump administration to its promises and help every incoming Cabinet member to regain control of our captured institutions. There is a long, well-deserving list of people who acted as the enemy-from-within who must be brought to account and their day of reckoning, however it should arrive. And, at the end of the day, the American people must regain control of themselves, in order to become better informed on all matters and to rise above any fear to speak their minds immediately even though it would be easier to remain silent whenever they are surrounded by fierce, unpredictable opposition.

The American people need to learn to hold tightly to the mast, even as the maelstrom blows around us and…

Embrace the Value of the Individual

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